
maximum size of ORALCE_SID

The maximum length of ORACLE_SID environment variable seems to be a mystery in many places.
Recently I reviews a document where the max length was defined as 8 characters. I was quite sure this was not right, but I didn't know the correct value. A short ressearch did not find anythign useful in the docs - the Best available there was RAC installation guide for Linux & UNIX:
The Oracle Service Identifier (SID) prefix is the first 8 characters of the database name. The SID prefix can contain only the characters a-z, A-Z, and 0-9. The SID prefix cannot contain operating system special characters, so if you use special characters in the first 8 characters of the database name, then these special characters are omitted in the SID prefix. There is a single SID prefix for every database. The SID prefix for a database must be unique within the cluster.
For an Oracle RAC database, each instance has a unique identifier, ORACLE_SID, which consists of the SID prefix and an instance number. The ORACLE_SID prefix can contain up to 12 characters. 
It always refers to a ORACLE_SID prefix - but never explains the total length. As it's the RAC documentation, I assume it's more about RAC capabilities (some internals in srvctl and supporting binaries / structures).

Some other trustworthy sources at Oracle are very vague in this area:

Tom Kyte (2002):
its really 4 characters as the convention (ORCL for example).
The reason is in support of 8.3 filenames. ALRTORCL.LOG, INITORCL.ORA, etc. We use 4, you use 4 and we can get 8 character filenames.

and later there (2007):
I would stick with 8 or less - better safe than sorry.

Connor McDonald (2017):
So even if you find a platform that does more than 8, I would never go more than that.

Another approach can be to identify Data Dictionary views which report the Oracle System ID.
One is v$instance.INSTANCE_NAME with Datatype VARCHAR2(16).
Another is v$thread.INSTANCE with Datatype VARCHAR2(80).
Oracle is really consequent in it's ambiguity!

So it's worth to do some tests!

My lab is 18c & 19c on Linux. Maybe other OS might show other limits!

The longest ORACLE_SID I could set and use to start an instance was
30 characters 
(In my case I used QWERTZUIOP1234567890ASDFGHJKLY)

With this ORACLE_SID set, a proper value is returned by v$thread

SQL> select instance from v$thread;


but v$instance does not show anything:

select  instance_name  from v$instance;



With an ORACLE_SID of 16 characters (QWERTZUIOP123456) v$instance is fine:
select  instance_name  from v$instance;



With any ORACLE_SID of 31 characters or more I got
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [OSDEP_INTERNAL], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-27302: failure occurred at: slsid1
ORA-27303: additional information: Unable to get environment variable ORACLE_SID

Now I at least tested a possible max. length of ORACE_SID (18c & 19c on Linux) of 30 characters.
Whenever I use the System ID in scripts, I should query v$thread, NOT v$instance.
I recommend to use not more than 16 characters so it's still visible in v$instance also.


glitches on runInstaller attachHome

Cloning ORACLE_HOMEs should be quite well known by now.

Still sometimes there are some glitchs to take care of.
In this case I cloned an existing ORACLE_HOME (dbhome_1) to a new one (dbhome_2) so I can apply a patch and reduce the downtime to <switching ORACLE_HOME> plus <running datapatch>.

Running the runInstaller was straight forward:
./runInstaller -silent -attachHome -invPtrLoc /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc \
 ORACLE_HOME="/path_to/oracle/product/18.0.0/dbhome_2" \

But when I tried to start the instance (in an Oracle Restart configuration) a strange error occured:

srvctl start database -db MY_DATABASE

PRCR-1079 : Failed to start resource ora.MY_DATABASE.db
CRS-5017: The resource action "ora.MY_DATABASE.db start" encountered the following error:
ORA-12777: A non-continuable error encountered.  Check the error stack for additional information [ksm_check_ob_paths:1], [ORACLE_BASE], [], [].
ORA-08275: Environment variable unset
. For details refer to "(:CLSN00107:)" in "/ORACLE_BASE/diag/crs/MY_NODE/crs/trace/ohasd_oraagent_oracle.trc".

CRS-2674: Start of 'ora.MY_DATABASE.db' on 'rznjvh175' failed

and the tracefile only contains lines of limited help:
2019-12-03 10:37:17.014 : USRTHRD:748464: {0:6:2} Thread:ASM DedicatedThread AsmCommonAgent::DedicatedThread::run  220 isRemoteListenSet=0
2019-12-03 10:37:17.651 :CLSDYNAM:51523: [ora.MYDATABASE.db]{0:0:36611} [start] ORA-12777: A non-continuable error encountered.  Check the error stack for additional information [ksm_check_ob_paths:1], [ORACLE_BASE], [], [].
ORA-08275: Environment variable unset

With no real luck at googling or searching MOS I had a lucky punch on
orabase command returns no value instead of ORACLE_BASE value. (Doc ID 2225573.1)

So I decided to edit the file /path_to/oracle/product/18.0.0/dbhome_2/install/orabasetab

That made the trick and HAS can start the instance with new ORACLE_HOME.

I would assume runInstaller should to this task, and I have no idea why it was not done.
Just one more line on my list of post-activities.


Oracle Datapatch - out of place patches simplified

datapatch was introduced with Oracle 12.1 to simplify management of post-patching steps when a patch (or patchset) is applied.
As most software, it was written with best intentions but little knowledge how customers would use it.
One of these unforseen used case was parallel patching of multiple DBs in the same ORACLE_HOME at the same time.
Another problem was missing rollback files due to out of place patching.

Oracle addressed this in Bug 23170620.
The solution there is interesting:
the table sys.registry$sqlpatch is extended by a column patch_directory. It is a BLOB which contains the Zipped contents of patch directory.
By this patch, each database contains the sql files required to rollback a change done in the database. If datapatch does not find the proper rollback files in ORACLE_HOME/sqlpatch, it unzips the content of registry$sqlpatch.patch_directory into ORACLE_HGOME/sqlpatch and executes the scripts. For every new patch, a zip file is loaded into the table by datapatch.
With 18c an equal mechanism was introduced in sys.registry$sqlpatch_ru_info respectively DBA_REGISTRY_SQLPATCH_RU_INFO.

By it's own this feature is very nice. But it shows the importance of serious security settings.
Only SYS can write to these tables by default, and that should be limited for some good reasons:
If anyone can write to this table with evil intentions, he can create a zipfile with a content like
├── 1234.xml
├── 1234_apply.sql
├── 1234_rollback.sql
└── rollback_files
    └── rdbms
        └── admin
            ├── berx_bug1234_apply.sql
            └── berx_bug1234_rollback.sql

The XML contains some basic content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<sqlPatch ID="1234" uniquePatchID="5678" applicationPatch="NO" bundle="NO" jvm="NO" bundleSeries="NONE" bundleID="0"   startupMode="normal" estimatedTime="5">
  <patchDescription>berx' datapatch-escape</patchDescription>
    <file mode="rollback" new="yes" estimatedTime="5" component="CATALOG">rdbms/admin/berx_bug1234_rollback.sql</file>
    <file mode="apply" new="yes" estimatedTime="5" component="CATALOG">rdbms/admin/berx_bug1234_apply.sql</file>

and the 1234_rollback.sql file can contain:

REM Apply script for patch 1234/5678
DEFINE description = &1
DEFINE logfiledir = &2
DEFINE flags = &3
DEFINE bundle_series = &4

COLUMN sqlpatch_logfile NEW_VALUE full_logfile

SELECT '&logfiledir' || '1234_apply_' ||
       CASE WHEN (sys_context('userenv', 'cdb_name') IS NULL) 
            THEN name
            ELSE name || '_' || replace(sys_context('userenv', 'con_name'), '$')
             END || TO_CHAR(systimestamp, '_YYYYMonDD_HH24_MI_SS') ||
                    '.log' AS sqlpatch_logfile
  FROM v$database;

SPOOL &full_logfile

SELECT 'Starting rollback for patch 1234/5678 on ' ||

    dbms_sqlpatch.patch_initialize(p_patch_id      => 1234,
                                   p_patch_uid     => 5678,
                                   p_flags         => '&flags',
                                   p_description   => '&description',
                                   p_action        => 'APPLY',
                                   p_logfile       => '&full_logfile',
                                   p_bundle_series => '&bundle_series');

COLUMN install_file NEW_VALUE sql_script


SELECT 'Calling rdbms/admin/berx_bug1234_apply.sql on ' || SYSTIMESTAMP FROM dual;

select "berx_was_here!" from dual;
create table berx_was_here as select  * from dual;

! touch /tmp/berx_was_here

BEGIN dbms_sqlpatch.patch_finalize; END;

SELECT 'Finished apply for patch 1234/5678 on' ||


This specific script creates only one table and a file in /tmp but it could do worse.

At the next run of datapatch (might it be due to a regular patch session or an one-off patch with post-patching steps), will execute this script. And as the script then is located in ORACLE_HOME/sqlpatch, all other databases which instances use this ORACLE_HOME and get patched will be affected also (and get the zip-file added to their sys.registry$sqlpatch).


Oracle patches - a patchfiles anatomy

In my previous post I explained some basics about IDs of platforms, products and similar and where these patches can be obtained.

Today my focus is on the content of some patchfiles.

As I'm basically a DBA, my patchfiles are regarding database binaries. Patchfiles for other software products might differ, but I hope their main structure is similar.

A very simple patch is p26007010_12102180417ProactiveBP_Linux-x86-64.zip
it contains these files:
├── 26007010
│   ├── etc
│   │   └── config
│   │       ├── actions.xml
│   │       └── inventory.xml
│   ├── files
│   │   └── lib
│   │       └── libserver12.a
│   │           ├── ktsla.o
│   │           └── ktsld.o
│   └── README.txt
└── PatchSearch.xml

Let's start with PatchSearch.xml. This file is outside of the directory with patch number.

<!-- This file contain patch Metadata -->
<results md5_sum="911913c83e833a5b6cd893365066141c">
  <generated_date in_epoch_ms="1538413221000">2018-10-01 17:00:21</generated_date>
  <patch has_prereqs="n" has_postreqs="n" is_system_patch="n"> 
    <access id="m">Open access</access> 
      <patch_readme host="https://updates.oracle.com"><![CDATA[/Orion/Services/download?type=readme&aru=22425588]]></patch_readme> 
    <product id="9480" bugdb_id="5"><![CDATA[Oracle Database Family]]></product> 
    <release id="6000000000093018041701" name="" platform_patch_not_required="Y" psu="Y" cc="Y"><![CDATA[Oracle Proactive BP]]></release> 
    <platform id="226" bugdb_id="226"><![CDATA[Linux x86-64]]></platform> 
    <language id="0" iso_code="EN"><![CDATA[American English]]></language> 
    <classification id="174">General</classification> 
    <patch_classification id="174">General</patch_classification> 
    <support_level id="G">General Support</support_level> 
      <entitlement code="SW"/> 
          <abstract><![CDATA[DATABASE BUNDLE PATCH]]></abstract>
    <fixes_bugs truncated="no"> 
        <download_url host="https://updates.oracle.com"><![CDATA[/Orion/Services/download/p26007010_12102180417ProactiveBP_Linux-x86-64.zip?aru=22425588&patch_file=p26007010_12102180417ProactiveBP_Linux-x86-64.zip]]></download_url> 
        <digest type="SHA-256">ED9AE319DD9A6B149BFA66842C8AF03F853908B16B694781F78D0BC1D0E8071E</digest> 
        <digest type="SHA-1">F91E6F7525A09E8AEAC93FED6DC39DDA4382648B</digest> 
    <updated_date in_epoch_ms="1538413182000">2018-10-01 16:59:42</updated_date> 
    <released_date in_epoch_ms="1521586681000">2018-03-20 22:58:01</released_date> 

At the beginning this xml shows some generic information about the patch like it's product, release, platform. It also contains the bug it fixes and download filename. With previous post most of it's content should be easily readable.

The README.txt (and sometimes README.html) is this particular file admins should read, understand and follow. It contains directives how to check, if the patch is applicable, and how to apply it.

The next part bottom up is a directory structure files - lib - libserver12.a - ktsl*.o
As a rule of thumb these files will be somehow merged into the respective directories in the binaries home directory (ORACLE_HOME in the case of RDBMS).

More details can be found in etc - config directory:

the inventory.xml again contains some additional details about the patch:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <opack_version version=""/>
    <patch_id number="26007010"/>
    <date_of_patch day="1" month="Oct" time="09:59:37 hrs" year="2018" zone="PST8PDT"/>
        <bug description="DATABASE GREW EVEN THOUGH RESOURCES DELETED" number="26007010"/>
        <component internal_name="oracle.rdbms" opt_req="O" version=""/>
        <platform id="226" name="Linux x86-64"/>
        <executable path="%ORACLE_HOME%/bin/oracle"/>
        <prereq oneoff_id="27338029"/>
        <overlay oneoff_id="27338029"/>
    <patch_type sub_type="update" value="singleton"/>
    <patch_language value="en"/>
    <product_family value="db"/>
    <patching_model value="one-off"/>
        <content_type value="generic"/>

whereas actions.xml describes what to do with the content of the patch:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <oracle.rdbms opt_req="O" version="">
        <archive backup_in_zip="false" name="libserver12.a" object_name="lib/libserver12.a/ktsla.o" path="%ORACLE_HOME%/lib" shaolue="6D6BA5355DB887694E210E53856F2CE8F779BB9E"/>
        <archive backup_in_zip="false" name="libserver12.a" object_name="lib/libserver12.a/ktsld.o" path="%ORACLE_HOME%/lib" shaolue="842C83B27C0517C0D938865C819F2090163A926F"/>
        <make change_dir="%ORACLE_HOME%/rdbms/lib" make_file="ins_rdbms.mk" make_target="ioracle"/>

In this case the 2 files in lib/libserver12.a  are copied to %ORACLE_HOME%/lib and a new libserver12.a (and the oracle binary) is newly generated by make -f ins_rdbms.mk ioracle.

Of course other patches can contain other actions. Their basic meaning should be guessable with some common sense.

When comparing previous patch to p26439748_12102180116ProactiveBP_Linux-x86-64.zip , we can see some important details:
├── 26439748
│   ├── etc
│   │   └── config
│   │       ├── actions.xml
│   │       └── inventory.xml
│   ├── files
│   │   └── lib
│   │       └── libserver12.a
│   │           └── ktsla.o
│   └── README.txt
└── PatchSearch.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <oracle.rdbms opt_req="O" version="">
        <archive name="libserver12.a" object_name="lib/libserver12.a/ktsla.o" path="%ORACLE_HOME%/lib"/>
        <make change_dir="%ORACLE_HOME%/rdbms/lib" make_file="ins_rdbms.mk" make_target="ioracle"/>

We can easily see both patches touch ktsla.o. That's where they conflict and
opatch prereq CheckConflictAgainstOHWithDetail -ph ./
Following patches have conflicts. Please contact Oracle Support and get the merged patch of the patches :

To fix this conflict, let's have a look at p27860850_12102180417ProactiveBP_Linux-x86-64.zip:
├── 27860850
│   ├── etc
│   │   └── config
│   │       ├── actions.xml
│   │       └── inventory.xml
│   ├── files
│   │   └── lib
│   │       └── libserver12.a
│   │           ├── ktsla.o
│   │           └── ktsld.o
│   └── README.txt
└── PatchSearch.xml

PatchSearch.xml now contains
      <abstract><![CDATA[MERGE REQUEST ON TOP OF DATABASE BP FOR BUGS 26007010 26439748]]></abstract>
    <fixes_bugs truncated="no"> 

This particular merge patch contains fixes for 26007010 and 26439748 (and some others).

There are also bigger patches like p27486326_121020_Linux-x86-64.zip:
├── 27486326
│   ├── 26983807
│   │   ├── README.txt
│   │   ├── etc
│   │   │   ├── config
│   │   │   │   ├── actions.xml
│   │   │   │   └── inventory.xml
│   │   │   └── xml
│   │   │       ├── GenericActions.xml
│   │   │       └── ShiphomeDirectoryStructure.xml
│   │   └── files
│   │       ├── oc4j
│   │       │   └── ...
│   │       └── wlm
│   │           └── ...
│   ├── 27338013
│   │   ├── README.html
│   │   ├── README.txt
│   │   ├── automation
│   │   │   ├── ...
│   │   ├── custom
│   │   │   └── scripts
│   │   │       ├── post.txt
│   │   │       ├── pre.txt
│   │   │       └── prepatchverify.sh
│   │   ├── etc
│   │   │   ├── config
│   │   │   │   ├── actions.xml
│   │   │   │   └── inventory.xml
│   │   │   └── xml
│   │   │       ├── GenericActions.xml
│   │   │       └── ShiphomeDirectoryStructure.xml
│   │   └── files
│   │       ├── ...
│   ├── 27338020
│   │   ├── README.html
│   │   ├── README.txt
│   │   ├── automation
│   │   │   ├── bp1-auto-inplace-non-rolling-automation.xml
│   │   │   ├── bp1-auto-inplace-rolling-automation.xml
│   │   │   ├── bp1-auto-rollback-inplace-automation.xml
│   │   │   ├── bp1-auto-rollback-inplace-non-rolling-automation.xml
│   │   │   ├── bp1-inplace-automation.xml
│   │   │   ├── bp1-inplace-non-rolling-automation.xml
│   │   │   ├── bp1-out-of-place-automation.xml
│   │   │   ├── bp1-out-of-place-non-rolling-automation.xml
│   │   │   ├── bp1-out-of-place-non-rolling-switchback.xml
│   │   │   ├── bp1-out-of-place-switchback.xml
│   │   │   ├── bp1-rollback-inplace-automation.xml
│   │   │   ├── bp1-rollback-inplace-non-rolling-automation.xml
│   │   │   └── messages.properties
│   │   ├── custom
│   │   │   └── scripts
│   │   │       ├── postpatch.sh
│   │   │       └── prepatch.sh
│   │   ├── etc
│   │   │   ├── config
│   │   │   │   ├── actions.xml
│   │   │   │   └── inventory.xml
│   │   │   └── xml
│   │   │       ├── GenericActions.xml
│   │   │       └── ShiphomeDirectoryStructure.xml
│   │   └── files
│   │       ├── ...
│   ├── 27338029
│   │   ├── 20243804
│   │   │   ├── etc
│   │   │   │   └── config
│   │   │   │       ├── actions.xml
│   │   │   │       └── inventory.xml
│   │   │   └── files
│   │   │       ├── ...
│   │   ├── 20415006
│   │   │   ├── etc
│   │   │   │   └── config
│   │   │   │       ├── actions.xml
│   │   │   │       └── inventory.xml
│   │   │   └── files
│   │           ├── ...
│   ├── 20594149
│   │   │   ├── etc
│   │   │   │   └── config
│   │   │   │       ├── actions.xml
│   │   │   │       └── inventory.xml
│   │   │   └── files
│   │   │       ├── ...
│   │   ├── README.html
│   │   └── README.txt
│   │   ├── 27338029
│   │   │   ├── etc
│   │   │   │   └── config
│   │   │   │       ├── actions.xml
│   │   │   │       ├── composite.xml
│   │   │   │       └── inventory.xml
│   │   │   └── files
│   │   │       ├── ...
│   ├── README.html
│   ├── README.txt
│   ├── automation
│   │   ├── bp1-auto-inplace-non-rolling-automation.xml
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── messages.properties
│   └── bundle.xml
└── PatchSearch.xml

979 directories, 7578 files

The first obvious diference are the patch numbers inside of 27486326, and these patch number contain their own well known directory structure. And 27338029 again has it's sub patches.
But let's start with known PatchSearch.xml:

<!-- This file contain patch Metadata -->
<results md5_sum="0e8f74b3cdd19ff9af42650d53fbfafd">
  <generated_date in_epoch_ms="1523969284000">2018-04-17 12:48:04</generated_date>
  <patch has_prereqs="n" has_postreqs="n" is_system_patch="y"> 
      <abstract><![CDATA[DATABASE PROACTIVE BUNDLE PATCH]]></abstract>
    <access id="m">Open access</access> 
      <patch_readme host="https://updates.oracle.com"><![CDATA[/Orion/Services/download?type=readme&aru=22118389]]></patch_readme> 
    <product id="9480" bugdb_id="5"><![CDATA[Oracle Database Family]]></product> 
    <release id="600000000009300" name="" platform_patch_not_required="Y" cc="Y"><![CDATA[Oracle]]></release> 
    <platform id="226" bugdb_id="226"><![CDATA[Linux x86-64]]></platform> 
    <language id="0" iso_code="EN"><![CDATA[American English]]></language> 
    <classification id="174">General</classification> 
    <patch_classification id="174">General</patch_classification> 
    <support_level id="G">General Support</support_level> 
      <entitlement code="SW"/> 
    <fixes_bugs truncated="no"> 
        <abstract><![CDATA[CALCULATE AVAILABLE SCN HEADROOM]]></abstract>
        <download_url host="https://updates.oracle.com"><![CDATA[/Orion/Services/download/p27486326_121020_Linux-x86-64.zip?aru=22118389&patch_file=p27486326_121020_Linux-x86-64.zip]]></download_url> 
        <digest type="MD5">86424FF991F46750CBFA9DBBDC27E208</digest> 
        <digest type="SHA-256">F16D2BEF1B02E0132C75ADB3EF176D3DD30C32FBC8D40F35EA68457E918648B7</digest> 
        <digest type="SHA-1">7DD310BA943EED216E905D44FF49F5FD9C952DBF</digest> 
    <updated_date in_epoch_ms="1523969071000">2018-04-17 12:44:31</updated_date> 
    <released_date in_epoch_ms="1518611278000">2018-02-14 12:27:58</released_date> 

So it looks exactly the same and shows no evidence of the more complex structure inside of 27486326.

The next file is 27486326/bundle.xml:
<system_patch_bundle_xml type_version="2.0" bundle_type="ENGSYSTEM" patch_abstract="sample EsysPatch description" patch_id="27486326" unique_patch_id="22118389">
    <system urm_id="9999" type="oracle_exadata_dbsys">
        <product qpart_id="5" aru_id="9480">Oracle Database</product>
        <release urm_id="18073" aru_id="600000000009300">Oracle</release>
        <subpatch patch_type="SINGLETON" patching_tool="OPATCH" location="26983807" platform="226" patch_id="26983807" unique_patch_id="21704746">
                <target_type version="" type="has">
                    <product qpart_id="5" aru_id="9480">Oracle Database</product>
                    <release urm_id="18086" aru_id="600000000009300">Oracle</release>
                <target_type version="" type="cluster">
                    <product qpart_id="5" aru_id="9480">Oracle Database</product>
                    <release urm_id="21227" aru_id="600000000009300">Oracle</release>
        <subpatch patch_type="SINGLETON" patching_tool="OPATCH" location="27338020" platform="226" patch_id="27338020" unique_patch_id="21965858">
                <target_type version="" type="has">
                    <product qpart_id="5" aru_id="9480">Oracle Database</product>
                    <release urm_id="18086" aru_id="600000000009300">Oracle</release>
                <target_type version="" type="oracle_database">
                    <product qpart_id="5" aru_id="9480">Oracle Database</product>
                    <release urm_id="18073" aru_id="600000000009300">Oracle</release>
                <target_type version="" type="rac_database">
                    <product qpart_id="5" aru_id="9480">Oracle Database</product>
                    <release urm_id="18083" aru_id="600000000009300">Oracle</release>
                <target_type version="" type="cluster">
                    <product qpart_id="5" aru_id="9480">Oracle Database</product>
                    <release urm_id="21227" aru_id="600000000009300">Oracle</release>

It explains the subpatches and their targets.

While 26983807 has only 2 targets has and cluster, 27338020 also has targets oracle_database and rac_database. In comparison the screenshot from corresponding README.html.

The directory 27486326/27338029 is slightly different from others: It contains additional patches, but the directory structure etc/config is missing.
Instead there is a sub-patch with the same name and this one has a little gem in 27338029.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <patch id="20243804"/>
        <patch id="20415006"/>
        <patch id="20594149"/>
        <patch id="20788771"/>
        <patch id="20950328"/>
        <patch id="21125181"/>
        <patch id="21359749"/>
        <patch id="21527488"/>
        <patch id="21694919"/>
        <patch id="21949015"/>
        <patch id="22806133"/>
        <patch id="23144544"/>
        <patch id="24340679"/>
        <patch id="24732088"/>
        <patch id="25397136"/>
        <patch id="25869760"/>
        <patch id="26609798"/>
        <patch id="26717470"/>
        <patch id="26925263"/>
        <patch id="27338029"/>
    <bundle series="DBBP" id="180417"/>
    <replaces_bundle series="PSU" id="180417"/>

The Patch IDs mentioned here are all the other directories in 27486326/27338029, with their own well known structure. The upi (Unique Patch ID) is identical to aru from previous post and
by using one of this arus to get the corresponding readme ( https://updates.oracle.com/Orion/Services/download?type=readme&aru=18350083 ) this uip/aru leads to Patch 19769480 - Database Patch Set Update (Includes CPUJan2015).
As so often, when the details are clear, most things are obvious: this Bundle Patch replaces all previous BPs.

That should be sufficient information for one post, for some additional information please read Frits Hooglands opatch investigations.


Oracle patches - some basics and good-to-know information

Oracle Patches can occur very complicated and confusing. Most of the time they are zip files with strange and sometimes inconsistent naming convention.
As these patches are processed by a program called opatch (which also can be obtained as a patch - but it does not follow the same structure as regular patches).

Back to basics: In patches words like product, platform or language are used. They are all IDs and their "data dictionary" can easily be obtained. There are these links:
products https://updates.oracle.com/Orion/Services/metadata?table=aru_products
releases https://updates.oracle.com/Orion/Services/metadata?table=aru_releases
platforms https://updates.oracle.com/Orion/Services/metadata?table=aru_platforms
languages https://updates.oracle.com/Orion/Services/metadata?table=aru_languages
product_groups https://updates.oracle.com/Orion/Services/metadata?table=aru_product_groups
product_releases https://updates.oracle.com/Orion/Services/metadata?table=aru_product_releases
component_releases https://updates.oracle.com/Orion/Services/metadata?table=aru_component_releases
aru targets https://updates.oracle.com/Orion/Services/metadata?table=aru_targets
components https://updates.oracle.com/Orion/Services/components?ctype=product,release,platform,platform_version,wildcard-release,config-group,release-component,code_list
certifications https://updates.oracle.com/Orion/Services/components?ctype=certification
patch recommendationshttps://updates.oracle.com/Orion/Services/recommended_patches
ARU stands for Automated Release Update.

All these files can also obtained in a single zip file: https://updates.oracle.com/download/em_catalog.zip
The name of the zip file also shows it's origin purpose: provide Enterprise Managers recommended patches, download etc. with sufficient information. Some parts like platforms and languages are quite stable, others like releases and  recommendations, change regularly.

recommendations brings uns closer to real patches. it starts with
<results md5_sum="212e2bc3336d1aa3e41074e796201aa9">
  <generated_date in_epoch_ms="1571568490000">2019-10-20 10:48:10</generated_date>
  <patches md5_sum="d58c2ef61a596dd7bdef85b61cd06861">

followed by entries for each patch like
<patch uid="3d4a1929407b7e05430e2fd5bbc18481" has_prereqs="n" has_postreqs="n" is_system_patch="n">
        <abstract><![CDATA[WINDOWS DB BUNDLE PATCH]]></abstract>
      <psu_bundle>Oracle for Windows</psu_bundle>
      <access id="m">Open access</access>
        <patch_readme host="https://updates.oracle.com"><![CDATA[/Orion/Services/download?type=readme&aru=23166562]]></patch_readme>
        <qparts ctype_id="201">
          <qpart cid="32615" version="Q5"><![CDATA[Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition]]></qpart>
          <qpart cid="42353" version="Q790"><![CDATA[Oracle Server - Standard Edition]]></qpart>
        <urm_releases ctype_id="5">
          <urm_release cid="86176" version=""><![CDATA[Oracle Database]]></urm_release>
      <product id="9480" bugdb_id="5"><![CDATA[Oracle Database Family]]></product>
      <release id="600000000009300" name="" platform_patch_not_required="Y" cc="Y"><![CDATA[Oracle]]></release>
      <platform id="912" bugdb_id="912"><![CDATA[Microsoft Windows (32-bit)]]></platform>
      <language id="0" iso_code="EN"><![CDATA[American English]]></language>
      <classification id="185">Security</classification>
      <patch_classification id="185">Security</patch_classification>
      <life_cycle id="175">Recommended</life_cycle>
      <support_level id="E">Extended Support</support_level>
        <entitlement code="EXS"/>
          <aru_target><![CDATA[All Database]]></aru_target>
      <fixes_bugs truncated="no">
          <abstract><![CDATA[UPDATE STATEMENT  FAILED - ORA7445 [KGGSLDESTROY] ERROR]]></abstract>
          <abstract><![CDATA[LOCK TABLE FOR INDEX FAILS WITH ORA-600 [KKBKAUXBLL0]]]></abstract>
... many more
          <download_url host="https://updates.oracle.com"><![CDATA[/Orion/Services/download/p30049606_121020_WINNT.zip?aru=23166562&patch_file=p30049606_121020_WINNT.zip]]></download_url>
          <digest type="SHA-1">784196EE41085E633F1C10C5F12B47717232C3C5</digest>
          <digest type="SHA-256">849D03DCBB4EDCD2F08474371309470E9D3AE172E4BD7296453F31AEAE40E9D7</digest>
      <updated_date in_epoch_ms="1571299461000">2019-10-17 08:04:21</updated_date>
      <released_date in_epoch_ms="1570628127000">2019-10-09 13:35:27</released_date>

Many entries in this XML can be interpreted by the information provided in em_catalog.zip. For each patch there is a download link: https://updates.oracle.com/Orion/Services/download/p30049606_121020_WINNT.zip?aru=23166562&patch_file=p30049606_121020_WINNT.zip

As there are many patches which are not mentioned in recommendations, and also for them there is a link to get an equal XML regarding this patch:

Even the URL suggests it is a search for a BUG, it's a search for a PATCH (as a PATCH can contain fixes for multiple BUGs).

If the same information is required in a HTML form, the URL is


OGB Appreciation Day : manipulating execution plans

Tims call for OGB Appreciation Day 2019 (#ThanksOGB) comes in time this year.

Even unemployed at the moment, I had a chance to help a friend with some problematic SQL statements.

The statements are not that important at all but he possibilities we had to address the problems were great!

First of all an existing execution plan, together with session stats, ASH/AWR and in one case SQLTRACE. None of these sources of information shows all details we required, but all together provided sufficient information to understand the problem.
The probably most comprehensive way to get all these information (except tracing) is sqld360.

Next of course is the system of hints.
There are many discussions if hints are a good and bad thing. It's not me to argue it here.
I appreciate hints exist in Oracle RDBMS as they can be used if arguments in their favor are strong.

Third the possibilities to apply hints to a SQL are huge. Even the statement itself can not be changed, there are stored outlines, SQL Profile, SQL Plan Baselines in SQL Plan Management, SQL Patch, and if some really dirty tricks are required, SQL Translation Framework and other mean tools can be used.

So there are sufficient tools available to improve a statements execution.

The sheer amount of possibilities might be overwhelming or even deterrent. In fact it's not that complicated and results can be achieved in short time.
Writing this, it's always easy to deliver shiny fancy solutions when standing on giants shoulders.
To give some examples, here is a random selection of articles I used during the latest investigations:

Occurence - Jonathan Lewis
Fixing SQL Plans: The hard way – Part 1 - Advait Deo
SQL Profiles - Kerry Osborne
buffer sorts - Jonathan Lewis
Oracle’s OPT_ESTIMATE Hint: Usage Guide - Christo Kutrovsky
Visual SQL Tuning (VST) - Kyle Hailey

I'm grateful for the possibilities we have to fix SQL executions, and I'm also grateful for all those people who share their knowledge, so I can learn from them!


Simple getTracefile

Tracefiles are a very valuable source of information in Oracle databases.
In Versions prior to 12.2 quite complicated objects (with java dependency) were required.
Fortunately, in 12.2 Oracle introduced (& documented) the View V$DIAG_TRACE_FILE_CONTENTS. Unfortunately for some (only good from an internal technical perspective) reasons it does not contain the file itself, or a LOB locator, but several chunks as VARCHAR2. So it's still worth to write some code for a simple interface to access the tracefiles.

Again it's a SQLDeveloper report. But the structure is so simple, it can be implemented in any preferred tool.

There is a simple list of tracefiles and their MODIFY_TIME as FILEDATE - based on V$DIAG_TRACE_FILE.

When a specific tracefile name is selected, the file is presented as text and BLOB. The content is identical, just BLOBs can be downloaded which is useful for huge tracefiles, whereas the CLOB representation is simple to directly read small tracefiles.

Fortunately no objects are required in the database, only proper grants on V$DIAG_TRACE_FILE and V$DIAG_TRACE_FILE_CONTENTS. These can be roles also.

As I have limited access to databases right now, I could not test a lot of settings, e.g. RAC or different character sets.

Just import this Report as an User Defined Report:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<display id="04e5e018-014a-1000-8001-ac193119805c" type="" style="Table" enable="true">
<name><![CDATA[get tracefiles]]></name>
<description><![CDATA[create a list of tracefiles as listed in V$DIAG_TRACE_FILE and makes specific files available]]></description>
<tooltip><![CDATA[create a list of tracefiles in DIAG directory and makes specific files available ]]></tooltip>
Order By MODIFY_TIME desc]]></sql>
<pdf version="VERSION_1_7" compression="CONTENT">
<docproperty title="-" author="berx" subject="-" keywords="-" />
<cell toppadding="2" bottompadding="2" leftpadding="2" rightpadding="2" horizontalalign="LEFT" verticalalign="TOP" wrap="true" />
<heading font="null" size="10" style="NORMAL" color="-16777216" rowshading="-1" labeling="FIRST_PAGE" />
<footing font="null" size="10" style="NORMAL" color="-16777216" rowshading="-1" labeling="NONE" />
<blob blob="EMBED" zip="false" />
<table font="Agency FB" size="10" style="NORMAL" color="-16777216" userowshading="false" oddrowshading="-1" evenrowshading="-1" showborders="true" spacingbefore="12" spacingafter="12" horizontalalign="LEFT" />
<header enable="false" generatedate="false">
null                                                               </data>
<footer enable="false" generatedate="false">
<data value="null" />
<security enable="false" useopenpassword="false" openpassword="null" encryption="EXCLUDE_METADATA">
<permission enable="false" permissionpassword="null" allowcopying="true" allowprinting="true" allowupdating="false" allowaccessdevices="true" />
<pagesetup papersize="LETTER" orientation="1" measurement="in" margintop="1.0" marginbottom="1.0" marginleft="1.0" marginright="1.0" />
<display id="null" type="" style="Table" enable="true">
<name><![CDATA[get tracefile]]></name>
<description><![CDATA[access the specific tracefile ]]></description>
<tooltip><![CDATA[Specific tracefile from list above ]]></tooltip>
<sql><![CDATA[with function get_tracefile (filename varchar2) return CLOB IS
-- to avoid ORA-14553: cannot perform a lob write operation inside a query 
-- only required in dedicated function
-- in a dedicated function, this grant is required:
-- grant select on sys.V_$DIAG_TRACE_FILE_CONTENTS to xxx;
  l_out CLOB := EMPTY_CLOB;
  CURSOR all_payload (fn varchar2)
  Select Payload
  where trace_filename=fn
    and payload is not null
  order by line_number asc;

  for r_payload in all_payload(filename)
    DBMS_lob.append(l_out, r_payload.payload);
  end loop;
  return l_out;
end get_tracefile;
function get_tracefile_blob (filename varchar2) return BLOB IS
-- to avoid ORA-14553: cannot perform a lob write operation inside a query 
-- only required in dedicated function
-- in a dedicated function, this grant is required:
-- grant select on sys.V_$DIAG_TRACE_FILE_CONTENTS to xxx;
  l_out BLOB := EMPTY_BLOB;
  CURSOR all_payload (fn varchar2)
  Select Payload
  where trace_filename=fn
    and payload is not null
  order by line_number asc;
  for r_payload in all_payload(filename)
    DBMS_lob.append(l_out, utl_raw.cast_to_raw(r_payload.payload));
  end loop;
  return l_out;
end get_tracefile_blob ;
select get_tracefile(:TRACE_NAME) as " Tracefile", get_tracefile_blob(:TRACE_NAME) as " Binary Tracefile " from dual]]></sql>
<bind id="TRACE_NAME">
<pdf version="VERSION_1_7" compression="CONTENT">
<docproperty title="-" author="-" subject="-" keywords="-" />
<cell toppadding="2" bottompadding="2" leftpadding="2" rightpadding="2" horizontalalign="LEFT" verticalalign="TOP" wrap="true" />
<heading font="null" size="10" style="NORMAL" color="-16777216" rowshading="-1" labeling="FIRST_PAGE" />
<footing font="null" size="10" style="NORMAL" color="-16777216" rowshading="-1" labeling="NONE" />
<blob blob="EMBED" zip="false" />
<table font="null" size="10" style="NORMAL" color="-16777216" userowshading="false" oddrowshading="-1" evenrowshading="-1" showborders="true" spacingbefore="12" spacingafter="12" horizontalalign="LEFT" />
<header enable="false" generatedate="false">
null          </data>
<footer enable="false" generatedate="false">
<data value="null" />
<security enable="false" useopenpassword="false" openpassword="null" encryption="EXCLUDE_METADATA">
<permission enable="false" permissionpassword="null" allowcopying="true" allowprinting="true" allowupdating="false" allowaccessdevices="false" />
<pagesetup papersize="LETTER" orientation="1" measurement="in" margintop="1.0" marginbottom="1.0" marginleft="1.0" marginright="1.0" />

Any comments, hints or recommendations are highly welcome!


possible changes in Oracle 20

As this post is written in July 2019, it's highly speculative writing about changes in Oracle version 20.
But at least it's based on some information available from Oracle.

A new autoupgrade.jar version is available at AutoUpgrade Tool (Doc ID 2485457.1). In this Note, there is also a BUGS_20190715.txt which contains (among others):
AUPG-955 Disable NONCDB validation when upgrading a DB to 20c
AUPG-975 upgrade from to 20 is not supported

Based on that I assume, noncdb will not be officially supported anymore, but maybe it's not supported in the autoupgrade.jar, but manual steps are still allowed & supported - we will se.
Also a direct upgrade from 12.1 to 20 is out of scope of this tool.

But there is more information available.
in the autoupgrade.jar in directory resources/preupgrade/config/ there is a file parameters20.properties. It contains information about deprecated/obsolete/removed parameters.

The changes in comparison to 19 I found:

from deprecated to removed:

from deprecated to obsolete:

new parameters and their status:

_arch_sim_mode removed
_gc_async_receive removed
_hcs_disable_sp_jback_opt removed
_autonomous_performance_features_index removed
_cgs_os_level_connection_reqno deprecated
_autonomous_performance_features_stats removed
_px_monitor_load obsolete
_hcs_disable_level_prune_vis_lvs removed
_hcs_disable_level_prune_gby removed
_asm_enable_parity_datafile_creation removed
_part_access_version_by_number obsolete
_tablespace_encryption_default_algorithm removed
_hcs_disable_cell_qry_meas_prune_opt removed
_unified_audit_flush_threshold removed
_optimizer_stats_on_conventional_dml_config removed
_reset_maxcap_history removed
_ldr_io_size2 obsolete
_hang_long_wait_time_threshold removed
_read_mostly_instance deprecated
_cgs_os_level_connection_pthreadno removed
_max_cr_rollbacks deprecated
_hcs_enable_multi_parent_gen removed
_disable_thread_snapshot removed
_hcs_disable_tgt_depths_opt removed
_enable_imc_mira removed
_log_archive_avoid_memcpy removed
_gcs_min_slaves deprecated
_hcs_enable_dynamic_cache removed
_unified_audit_flush_interval removed
_hcs_disable_hord_in_oby_prune removed
_ta_lns_wait_for_arch_log removed
_hcs_disable_jback_opt_for_hord_in_oby removed
_show_mgd_recovery_state removed
_hcs_disable_pushed_preds_in_gen_sql removed
_hcs_disable_cell_qry_tmpls removed
_test_param_5 deprecated
_autonomous_performance_features removed
_session_percent_threshold removed
_ash_compression_enable deprecated
_kebm_max_parallel_intensive_autotasks removed

let's see if this will change in next iterations.

The biggest value of such sources (for me) is the reliability. It's not something a vendor wants the customers to know/act on (like a "what changed" document would be); it's the information required by tools, so no political filters are there.


ORA-21700 in data dictionary

This whole story started with a nice little ticket:

When I try to edit a scheduler job in <DB>  with user <USER> I am getting error:
ORA-21700: object does not exist or is marked for delete
even I can see the object and the object is not deleted or marked as delete.

At first I could not reproduce the error, so I asked for something more specific, and I got 2 screenshots. (one shown here)
Unfortunately (for me) the screenshots were from Toad and PL/SQL Developer - 2 tools I don't have install or licensed or know anything about.

So, to give it a try I connected to the DB with SQL Developer and randomly clicked around several scheduler related tabs. I was lucky to generate ORA-21700 there also. And the big value of SQL Developer in this case is the log it has for all SQLs it's sending to the DB.

It shows the statement which failed - together with it's arguments.

select job_name, argument_name, argument_position, argument_type, value, out_argument 
order by argument_position

With this query it's much easier to analyse the problem. Executing the quera ys the specific user really created an ORA-21700. But where does it come from? DBMS_UTILITY.EXPAND_SQL_TEXT is very handy to get the "real" sql for a query with views. Of course it's possible to see the views text, but if it's using views again, this can be real work (which I try to avoid).

Trying all the tables in the expanded query the culprit was found easily: sys.SCHEDULER$_JOB_ARGUMENT
The table is not complicated:
NAME            DATA TYPE            NULL  DEFAULT    COMMENTS
*OID            NUMBER               No               
*POSITION       NUMBER               No               
 NAME           VARCHAR2(128 BYTE)   Yes              
 TYPE_NUMBER    NUMBER               Yes              
 USER_TYPE_NUM  NUMBER               Yes              
 VALUE          ANYDATA              Yes              
 FLAGS          NUMBER               Yes              

And with some more trying the problem was tracked down to 1 column in 1 row:
select VALUE from sys.SCHEDULER$_JOB_ARGUMENT where oid=2736824 

This shows a little misunderstanding in the first request, the error code and the problem. The full error description is
ORA-21700: object does not exist or is marked for delete
21700. 00000 -  "object does not exist or is marked for delete"
*Cause:    User attempted to perform an inappropriate operation to
           an object that is non-existent or marked for delete.
           Operations such as pinning, deleting and updating cannot be
           applied to an object that is non-existent or marked for delete.
*Action:   User needs to re-initialize the reference to reference an
           existent object or the user needs to unmark the object.

The objects it is referring to are things like a TYPE, whereas in the original content it was interpreted as a SCHEDULER JOB.

But why is there a problem with an anydata column at all? couldn't it hold simply ANY data?
there is a Note at MOS which describes the situation quite good: Used Type Can Be Dropped Causing ORA-21700 When Querying A Table With SYS.ANYDATA Column ( Doc ID 1503628.1 )
When selecting an anydata column which contains atype, the given TYPE must be known. If the TYPE was deleted in the meantime, the column (and related functions like anydata.gettypename) will fail.
The block or row itself is not corrupted and it can be queried with dump().
Typ=58 Len=630: 0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,5,189,61,90,2,96,9,0,0,0,0,0,2,80,0,0,0,0,0,...
Unfortunately I don't know the internal structure of this Type. Datatype 58 is opaque (DTYOPQ) which can hold ANYDATA, ANYTYPE, XMLTYPE, ANYDATASET (and maybe others). But how to distinguish which exactly, or how to interpred the bytes I got from dump() I couldn't find somewhere.

The problem in this particular database is this one row in sys.SCHEDULER$_JOB_ARGUMENT. To be visible in Dba_SCHEDULER_JOB_ARGS, there is a join of SCHEDULER$_JOB_ARGUMENT and SCHEDULER$_JOB on OID = OBJ#.
In my particular case there is no row anymore on SCHEDULER$_JOB. So no row is visible and there is nothing which can be dropped with DBMS_SCHEDULER.DROP_JOB. I have no idea how this happened. But it's there.

That's the situation to create a SR at MOS and ask for assistance.

Even a testcase is simply done:
    n NUMBER

    param1 IN random_type
) AS
END do_nothing;

    t random_type;
    t := random_type(NULL);
    t.n := 1;

    dbms_scheduler.create_job(job_name => 'TEST_NOTHING', job_type => 'STORED_PROCEDURE', job_action => 'DO_NOTHING', number_of_arguments
    => 1, start_date => SYSDATE + 1, repeat_interval => NULL, end_date => NULL, enabled => false, 
auto_drop => true, 
comments => 'job to test parameter of ANYDATA'

    t random_type;
    t := random_type(NULL);
    t.n := 1;
    dbms_scheduler.set_job_anydata_value(job_name => 'TEST_NOTHING', argument_position => 1, argument_value => SYS.anydata.convertobject
    (t) );


    sys.anydata.gettypename(value) d

DROP TYPE random_type;

    sys.anydata.gettypename(value) d

That's exactly where the ORA-21700 occurs.
In the testcase, a simple cleanup can be done by (trying to) execute this job, so it's cleared:

PAUSE "let's initiate some cleanup" 

    dbms_scheduler.set_attribute(name => '"BERX"."TEST_NOTHING"', attribute => 'logging_level', value => dbms_scheduler.logging_full);
    dbms_scheduler.set_attribute_null(name => '"BERX"."TEST_NOTHING"', attribute => 'start_date');
    dbms_scheduler.enable(name => '"BERX"."TEST_NOTHING"');

PAUSE "sleep for some time until the job is executed"

    sys.anydata.gettypename(value) d

    owner = user;

All I can do now is to convince an MOS to approve me deleting the problematic row.
Update: 2019-06-13
Oracle Support approved to fix this situation by running
So my issue is fixed.

I do NOT recommend anyone to delete rows in data dictionary without asking Oracle Support for approval first!



this is the output of ORADEBUG DOC for Version 19c.

SQL> oradebug doc

Internal Documentation

  EVENT                           Help on events (syntax, event list, ...)
  COMPONENT       [<comp_name>]   List all components or describe <comp_name>

oradebug doc event

SQL> oradebug doc event

Event Help:

  Formal Event Syntax
    <event_spec>   ::= '<event_id> [<event_scope>]

    <event_id>     ::= <event_name | number>[<target_parameters>]

    <event_scope>  ::= [<scope_name>: scope_parameters]

    <event_filter> ::= {<filter_name>: filter_parameters}

    <action>       ::= <action_name>(action_parameters)

    <action_parameters> ::= <parameter_name> = [<value>|<action>][, ]

    <*_parameters> ::= <parameter_name> = <value>[, ]

  Some Examples
    * Set event 10235 level 1:
      alter session set events '10235';

    * Set events SQL_TRACE (a.k.a. 10046) level 1:
      alter session set events 'sql_trace';

    * Turn off event SQL_TRACE:
      alter session set events 'sql_trace off';

    * Set events SQL_TRACE with parameter <plan_stat> set to 'never'
      and parameter <wait> set to 'true':
      alter session set events 'sql_trace wait=true, plan_stat=never';

    * Trace in-memory the SQL_MONITOR component (the target) and all its
      sub-components at level high. Get high resolution time for each
      alter session set events 'trace[sql_mon.*] memory=high,

    * On-disk trace PX servers p000 and p005 for components 'sql_mon'
      and 'sql_optimizer' (including sub-components) at level highest:
      alter system set events 'trace[sql_mon | sql_optimizer.*]
                            {process: pname = p000 | process: pname=p005}';

    * Same as above but only when SQL id '7ujay4u33g337' is executed:
      alter system set events 'trace[sql_mon | sql_optimizer.*]
                                    [sql: 7ujay4u33g337]
                            {process: pname = p000 | process: pname=p005}';

    * Execute an action immediatly by using 'immediate' for the event
      alter session set events 'immediate eventdump(system)'

    * Create an incident labeled 'table_missing' when external error
      942 is signaled by process id 14534:
      alter session set events '942 {process: 14534}

    * Implicit parameter level is 1 by default
      e.g. '10053' is same as '10053 level 1'

    * Event target (see [<target_parameters>] construct) is only
      supported by specific events like the TRACE[] event

    * <event_scope> and/or <event_filter> are constructs
      that can be used for any event

    * Same event can be set simultaneously for a different scope or
      target but not for different filters.

    * '|' character can be used to select multiple targets, scope or

      E.g. 'sql_trace [sql: sql_id=g3yc1js3g2689 | sql_id=7ujay4u33g337]'

    * '=' sign is optional in <*_parameters>

      E.g. 'sql_trace level 12';

    * Like PL/SQL, no need to specify the parameter name for target,
      scope, filters and action. Resolution is done by position in
      that case:

      E.g. 'sql_trace [sql: g3yc1js3g2689 | 7ujay4u33g337]'

  Help sub-topics

    NAME    [<event_name>]      List all events or describe <event_name>
    SCOPE   [<scope_name>]      List all scopes or describe <scope_name>
    FILTER  [<filter_name>]     List all filters or describe <filter_name>
    ACTION  [<action_name>]     List all actions or describe <action_name>


oradebug doc event name

SQL> oradebug doc event name

Events in library DIAG:
trace[]              Main event to control UTS tracing
disable_dde_action[] Event used by DDE to disable actions
ams_trace[]          Event to dump ams performance trace records
ams_rowsrc_trace[]   Event to dump ams row source tracing
sweep_verification   Event to enable sweep file verification
enable_xml_inc_staging Event to enable xml incident staging format
dbg[]                Event to hook dbgtDbg logging statements

Events in library RDBMS:
wait_event[]         event to control wait event post-wakeup actions
alert_text           event for textual alerts
trace_recursive      event to force tracing recursive SQL statements
clientid_overwrite   event to overwrite client_identifier when client_info is set
sql_monitor          event to force monitoring SQL statements
sql_monitor_test     event to test SQL monitoring
eventsync_tac        Event posted from events syncing tac
sql_trace            event for sql trace
pmon_startup         startup of pmon process
background_startup   startup of background processes
db_open_begin        start of db open operation
test_gvtf            test GV$() Table Tunction
fault                Event used to inject fault in RDBMS kernel
gcr_systest          gcr_systest
em_express           EM Express debug event
emx_control          event to control em express
emx_test_control     event to control em express testing
awrdiag[]            AWR Diagnostic Event
msgq_trace           event to control msgq tracing
ipclw_trace          event to control ipclw tracing
kbc_fault            event to control container fault injection
asm_corruption_trace event to control ASM corruption tracing
kxdrs_sim            debug event to simulate certain conditions in kxdrs layer

kcfio_debug          debug event to debug kcfio based on event level

krbabrstat_fault     event to control krbabrstat fault injection
periodic_dump[]      event for periodically dumping
kxdrs_log_for_wbfc   debug event to log skipped extents for wbfc resilvering

clean_plsql_error_stack Event to clear ORA-06512s from the error stack
plsql_coverage_flag  Event to set plsql coverage flag

Events in library GENERIC:
kg_event[]           Support old error number events (use err# for short)

Events in library CLIENT:
oci_trace            event for oci trace

Events in library LIBCELL:
libcell_stat         libcell statistics level specification
cellclnt_skgxp_trc_ops Controls to trace SKGXP operations
cellclnt_ossnet_trc  Controls to trace IP affinity in ossnet
cellclnt_high_lat_ops Control to trace High-latency I/O operations
diskmon_sim_ops[]    Diskmon simulation events
cellclnt_read_outlier_limit Control to trace read I/O outliers
cellclnt_write_outlier_limit Control to trace write I/O outliers
cellclnt_lgwrite_outlier_limit Control to trace log write I/O outliers
cellclnt_sparse_mode Mode of how to handle sparse buffers
cellclnt_submission_recon Simulation period for forcing submission reconnect

Events in library FPLIB:
fgq_control          fine grain quarantine control

Events in library ADVCMP:
arch_comp_level[]    arch_comp_level[<ulevel, 1-7>]
ccmp_debug           columnar compression debug event
inmemory_nobasic     disable KDZCF_IMC_BASIC implementation
inmemory_nohybrid    disable KDZCF_IMC_HYBRID implementation
ccmp_align           columnar compression enable alignment
ccmp_countstar       columnar compression enable count(*) optimization
ccmp_dumpunaligned   columnar compression dump dbas of unaligned CUs
ccmp_rbtree          columnar compression switch back to rb tree
inmemory_force_ccl   inmemory force column compression levels
columnar_cache_config flash cash configuration event
inmemory_imcu[]      inmemory_imcu[<ulevel=  nocomp|dml|query_low|query_high|capacity_low|capacity_high>]
inmemory_nobitpacked_gd disable bit-packed GD codes in CU. Use ub4 instead
inmemory_dicthash    enable storage of dictionary hash values in IMCU
inmemory_cache_joinopt inmemory cache join optimizations
inmemory_scan_joinopt join optimizations to use during scan
inmemory_compute_cachehash compute a hash vector when there is no cached hash
ifc_dump_block       block rdba to dump in IFC
ifc_disable_scan_rid disable CC2 type scan when rowid is required
ifc_sim_version_mismatch simulate IFC version mismatch error
ifc_disable_col_crypto disable column level encryption/decryption
ifc_ulevel[]         ifc_ulevel
inmemory_prefixdict  enable prefix compression on dictionary encoded IMCU
inmemory_disable_dsb usage of stored DSB dictionary during scans
disable_skip_pdo     Disable skipping KAFPDO columns during projection
inmemory_noime       disable usage of IME in queries

Events in library PLSQL:
plsql_event[]        Support PL/SQL error number events

Events in library VPLIB:
key_vector_debug     key vector debug parameters
key_vector_diag      key vector diagnostics parameters
key_vector_test      key vector testing parameters
vector_groupby_test  vector group by testing parameters
vector_groupby_debug vector group by debugging parameters

SQL> spool off;

Events in library DIAG:

SQL> oradebug doc event name trace

trace: Main event to control UTS tracing

trace [ component       <string>[0] ]
   disk            < default | lowest | low | medium | high | highest | disable >,
   memory          < default | lowest | low | medium | high | highest | disable >,
   get_time        < disable | default | seq | highres | seq_highres >,
   get_stack       < disable | default | force >,
   operation       <string>[32],
   function        <string>[32],
   file            <string>[32],
   line            <ub4>,
   conuid          <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name disable_dde_action

disable_dde_action: Event used by DDE to disable actions

disable_dde_action [ action_name     <string>[100] ]
   facility        <string>[20],
   error           <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name ams_trace

ams_trace: Event to dump ams performance trace records

ams_trace [ relation        <string>[30] ]

SQL> oradebug doc event name ams_rowsrc_trace

ams_rowsrc_trace: Event to dump ams row source tracing

ams_rowsrc_trace [ relation        <string>[30] ]
   level           <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name sweep_verification

sweep_verification: Event to enable sweep file verification

   level           <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name enable_xml_inc_staging

enable_xml_inc_staging: Event to enable xml incident staging format

   level           <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name dbg

dbg: Event to hook dbgtDbg logging statements

dbg [ component       <string>[0] ]
   operation       <string>[32],
   function        <string>[32],
   file            <string>[32],
   line            <ub4>

Events in library RDBMS:

SQL> oradebug doc event name wait_event

wait_event: event to control wait event post-wakeup actions

wait_event [ name            <string>[64] ]

SQL> oradebug doc event name alert_text

alert_text: event for textual alerts

   ksd_fixed_table < disable | enable >

SQL> oradebug doc event name trace_recursive

trace_recursive: event to force tracing recursive SQL statements


SQL> oradebug doc event name clientid_overwrite

clientid_overwrite: event to overwrite client_identifier when client_info is set


SQL> oradebug doc event name sql_monitor

sql_monitor: event to force monitoring SQL statements

   recursive       < false | true >,
   force           < false | true >

SQL> oradebug doc event name sql_monitor_test

sql_monitor_test: event to test SQL monitoring

   level           <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name eventsync_tac

eventsync_tac: Event posted from events syncing tac


SQL> oradebug doc event name sql_trace

sql_trace: event for sql trace

   wait            < false | true >,
   bind            < false | true >,
   plan_stat       < never | first_execution | all_executions | adaptive >,
   level           <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name pmon_startup

pmon_startup: startup of pmon process

   delay           <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name background_startup

background_startup: startup of background processes

   delay           <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name db_open_begin

db_open_begin: start of db open operation

   delay           <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name test_gvtf

test_gvtf: test GV$() Table Tunction


SQL> oradebug doc event name fault

fault: Event used to inject fault in RDBMS kernel


SQL> oradebug doc event name gcr_systest

gcr_systest: gcr_systest

   action_type     <string>[32],
   total_memory    <ub8>,
   free_memory     <ub8>,
   inactive_memory <ub8>,
   swap_space      <ub8>,
   total_swap_space <ub8>

SQL> oradebug doc event name em_express

em_express: EM Express debug event

   level           <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name emx_control

emx_control: event to control em express

   web_caching     < false | true >,
   compress_xml    < none | deflate | gzip | zlib2base64 >

SQL> oradebug doc event name emx_test_control

emx_test_control: event to control em express testing

   capture_xml     < stop | start >

SQL> oradebug doc event name awrdiag

awrdiag: AWR Diagnostic Event

awrdiag [ name            <string>[64] ]
   level           <ub4>,
   str1            <string>[256],
   str2            <string>[256],
   num1            <ub8>,
   num2            <ub8>

SQL> oradebug doc event name msgq_trace

msgq_trace: event to control msgq tracing

   level           <ub4>,
   flag            <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name ipclw_trace

ipclw_trace: event to control ipclw tracing

   level           <ub4>,
   flag            <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name kbc_fault

kbc_fault: event to control container fault injection

   location        < create_end | commit_end >,
   error           < external | internal | segv | instance >

SQL> oradebug doc event name asm_corruption_trace

asm_corruption_trace: event to control ASM corruption tracing

   level           <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name kxdrs_sim

kxdrs_sim: debug event to simulate certain conditions in kxdrs layer

   level           <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name kcfio_debug

kcfio_debug: debug event to debug kcfio based on event level

   level           <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name krbabrstat_fault

krbabrstat_fault: event to control krbabrstat fault injection

   location        < allocation | chaina | modify | unchain | chainb >

SQL> oradebug doc event name periodic_dump

periodic_dump: event for periodically dumping

periodic_dump [ name            <string>[64] ]
   level           <ub4>,
   seconds         <ub4>,
   lifetime        <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name kxdrs_log_for_wbfc

kxdrs_log_for_wbfc: debug event to log skipped extents for wbfc resilvering

   level           <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name clean_plsql_error_stack

clean_plsql_error_stack: Event to clear ORA-06512s from the error stack

   level           <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name plsql_coverage_flag

plsql_coverage_flag: Event to set plsql coverage flag

   level           <ub4>,
   directory       <string>[4096]

Events in library GENERIC:

SQL> oradebug doc event name kg_event

kg_event: Support old error number events (use err# for short)

kg_event [ errno           <ub4> ]
   level           <ub4>,
   lifetime        <ub4>,
   armcount        <ub4>,
   traceinc        <ub4>,
   forever         <ub4>

Events in library CLIENT:

SQL> oradebug doc event name oci_trace

oci_trace: event for oci trace

   level           < default | lowest | low | medium | high | highest | disable >

Events in library LIBCELL:

oradebug doc event name <libcell_events> doesn't show any documentaion.

Events in library FPLIB:

SQL> oradebug doc event name fgq_control
Error: "fgq_control" not a known event/library name
Use <event_name>, <library_name> or <library_name>.<event_name>

Events in library ADVCMP:

SQL> oradebug doc event name arch_comp_level

arch_comp_level: arch_comp_level[<ulevel, 1-7>]

arch_comp_level [ ulevel          <ub4> ]
   ilevel          <ub8>,
   sortcols        <ub4>,
   cusize          <ub4>,
   analyze_amt     <ub4>,
   analyze_rows    <ub4>,
   analyze_minrows <ub4>,
   mincusize       <ub4>,
   maxcusize       <ub4>,
   mincurows       <ub4>,
   align           <ub4>,
   rowlocks        <ub4>,
   maxcuhpctfree   <ub4>,
   guarantee_rll   <ub4>,
   cla_stride      <ub4>,
   dict_cla_stride <ub4>,
   wt_factor       <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name ccmp_debug

ccmp_debug: columnar compression debug event

   memcheck        <ub4>,
   dmlclose        <ub4>,
   lobupdates      <ub4>,
   diaglevel       <ub4>,
   projectonly     <ub4>,
   colcheck        <ub4>,
   minmaxcheck     <ub4>,
   debug_hpk       <ub4>,
   debug_ozip      <ub4>,
   subcu_pmethod   <ub4>,
   subcu_mmarr_ppct <ub4>,
   subcu_hist_ppct <ub4>,
   subcu_indenc_cpct <ub4>,
   subcu_loop      <ub4>,
   debug_pcode     <ub4>,
   imc_row_buffer_off <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name inmemory_nobasic

inmemory_nobasic: disable KDZCF_IMC_BASIC implementation


SQL> oradebug doc event name inmemory_nohybrid

inmemory_nohybrid: disable KDZCF_IMC_HYBRID implementation


SQL> oradebug doc event name ccmp_align

ccmp_align: columnar compression enable alignment


SQL> oradebug doc event name ccmp_countstar

ccmp_countstar: columnar compression enable count(*) optimization


SQL> oradebug doc event name ccmp_dumpunaligned

ccmp_dumpunaligned: columnar compression dump dbas of unaligned CUs


SQL> oradebug doc event name ccmp_rbtree

ccmp_rbtree: columnar compression switch back to rb tree


SQL> oradebug doc event name inmemory_force_ccl

inmemory_force_ccl: inmemory force column compression levels

   maxulevel       <ub4>,
   pctcols         <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name columnar_cache_config

columnar_cache_config: flash cash configuration event

   dict_reuse_threshold <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name inmemory_imcu

inmemory_imcu: inmemory_imcu[<ulevel=  nocomp|dml|query_low|query_high|capacity_low|capacity_high>]

inmemory_imcu [ ulevel          < invalid | nocomp | dml | query_low | query_high | capacity_low | capacity_high > ]
   target_rows     <ub4>,
   source_maxbytes <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name inmemory_nobitpacked_gd

inmemory_nobitpacked_gd: disable bit-packed GD codes in CU. Use ub4 instead


SQL> oradebug doc event name inmemory_dicthash

inmemory_dicthash: enable storage of dictionary hash values in IMCU


SQL> oradebug doc event name inmemory_cache_joinopt

inmemory_cache_joinopt: inmemory cache join optimizations

   cache_hash      <ub4>,
   cache_numbin    <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name inmemory_scan_joinopt

inmemory_scan_joinopt: join optimizations to use during scan

   disable_cache_hash <ub4>,
   disable_cache_numbin <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name inmemory_compute_cachehash

inmemory_compute_cachehash: compute a hash vector when there is no cached hash


SQL> oradebug doc event name ifc_dump_block

ifc_dump_block: block rdba to dump in IFC

   ifc_dump_rdba   <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name ifc_disable_scan_rid

ifc_disable_scan_rid: disable CC2 type scan when rowid is required


SQL> oradebug doc event name ifc_sim_version_mismatch

ifc_sim_version_mismatch: simulate IFC version mismatch error


SQL> oradebug doc event name ifc_disable_col_crypto

ifc_disable_col_crypto: disable column level encryption/decryption


SQL> oradebug doc event name ifc_ulevel

ifc_ulevel: ifc_ulevel

ifc_ulevel [ ifc ulevel      <ub4> ]
   ifc_analyzer_sample <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name inmemory_prefixdict

inmemory_prefixdict: enable prefix compression on dictionary encoded IMCU

   prefixdict_enable <ub4>,
   prefixdict_savings <ub4>,
   dict_ratio      <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name inmemory_disable_dsb

inmemory_disable_dsb: usage of stored DSB dictionary during scans

   disable_predicate <ub4>,
   disable_projection <ub4>,
   disable_aggregation <ub4>,
   disable_adaptivity <ub4>

SQL> oradebug doc event name disable_skip_pdo

disable_skip_pdo: Disable skipping KAFPDO columns during projection


SQL> oradebug doc event name inmemory_noime

inmemory_noime: disable usage of IME in queries


Events in library PLSQL:

SQL> oradebug doc event name  plsql_event

plsql_event: Support PL/SQL error number events

plsql_event [ errno           <ub4> ]

Events in library VPLIB:

oradebug doc event name does not show any documentation.

oradebug doc event scope

Event scopes in library RDBMS:

SQL[]                sql scope for RDBMS
QUEUE[]              queue scope AQ

SQL> oradebug doc event scope sql

SQL: sql scope for RDBMS

[SQL:  sql_id          <string>[20] ]

SQL> oradebug doc event scope queue

QUEUE: queue scope AQ

[QUEUE:  queue_name      <string>[0] ]

oradebug doc event filter

Event filters in library DIAG:
occurence            filter to implement counting for event checks
callstack            filter to only fire an event when a function is on the stack.If the nofname option is used, then the event is fired only when the function is not on the stack
eq                   filter to only fire an event when a == b
ne                   filter to only fire an event when a != b
gt                   filter to only fire an event when a > b
lt                   filter to only fire an event when a < b
ge                   filter to only fire an event when a >= b
le                   filter to only fire an event when a <= b
anybit               filter to only fire an event when (a & b) != 0
allbit               filter to only fire an event when (a & b) == b
nobit                filter to only fire an event when (a & b) == 0
bet                  filter to only fire an event when b <= a <= c
nbet                 filter to only fire an event when a < b or a > c
in                   filter to only fire an event when a is equal to any b .. p
nin                  filter to only fire an event when a is not equal to any b .. p
streq                filter to only fire an event when string s1 = s2 (up to <len> characters)
strne                filter to only fire an event when string s1 != s2 (up to <len> characters)
tag                  filter to only fire an event when a tag is set

Event filters in library RDBMS:
wait                 filter for specific wait parameters and wait duration
process              filter to set events only for a specific process
px                   filter to check identity of the process for fault injection

Event filters in library GENERIC:
errarg               filter to set error events only for a specific error argument

Event filters in library DIAG:

SQL> oradebug doc event filter occurence

occurence: filter to implement counting for event checks

{occurence:  start_after     <ub4>,
end_after       <ub4> }

SQL> oradebug doc event filter callstack

callstack: filter to only fire an event when a function is on the stack.If the nofname option is used, then the event is fired only when the function is not on the stack

{callstack:  fname           <string>[64],
fprefix         <string>[64],
maxdepth        <ub4>,
nofname         <string>[64] }

SQL> oradebug doc event filter eq

eq: filter to only fire an event when a == b

{eq:  a               <ub8>,
b               <ub8> }

SQL> oradebug doc event filter ne

ne: filter to only fire an event when a != b

{ne:  a               <ub8>,
b               <ub8> }

SQL> oradebug doc event filter gt

gt: filter to only fire an event when a > b

{gt:  a               <ub8>,
b               <ub8> }

SQL> oradebug doc event filter lt

lt: filter to only fire an event when a < b

{lt:  a               <ub8>,
b               <ub8> }

SQL> oradebug doc event filter ge

ge: filter to only fire an event when a >= b

{ge:  a               <ub8>,
b               <ub8> }

SQL> oradebug doc event filter le

le: filter to only fire an event when a <= b

{le:  a               <ub8>,
b               <ub8> }

SQL> oradebug doc event filter anybit

anybit: filter to only fire an event when (a & b) != 0

{anybit:  a               <ub8>,
b               <ub8> }

SQL> oradebug doc event filter allbit

allbit: filter to only fire an event when (a & b) == b

{allbit:  a               <ub8>,
b               <ub8> }

SQL> oradebug doc event filter nobit

nobit: filter to only fire an event when (a & b) == 0

{nobit:  a               <ub8>,
b               <ub8> }

SQL> oradebug doc event filter bet

bet: filter to only fire an event when b <= a <= c

{bet:  a               <ub8>,
b               <ub8>,
c               <ub8> }

SQL> oradebug doc event filter nbet

nbet: filter to only fire an event when a < b or a > c

{nbet:  a               <ub8>,
b               <ub8>,
c               <ub8> }

SQL> oradebug doc event filter in

in: filter to only fire an event when a is equal to any b .. p

{in:  a               <ub8>,
b               <ub8>,
c               <ub8>,
d               <ub8>,
e               <ub8>,
f               <ub8>,
g               <ub8>,
h               <ub8>,
i               <ub8>,
j               <ub8>,
k               <ub8>,
l               <ub8>,
m               <ub8>,
n               <ub8>,
o               <ub8>,
p               <ub8> }

SQL> oradebug doc event filter nin

nin: filter to only fire an event when a is not equal to any b .. p

{nin:  a               <ub8>,
b               <ub8>,
c               <ub8>,
d               <ub8>,
e               <ub8>,
f               <ub8>,
g               <ub8>,
h               <ub8>,
i               <ub8>,
j               <ub8>,
k               <ub8>,
l               <ub8>,
m               <ub8>,
n               <ub8>,
o               <ub8>,
p               <ub8> }

SQL> oradebug doc event filter streq

streq: filter to only fire an event when string s1 = s2 (up to <len> characters)

{streq:  s1              <string>[256],
s2              <string>[256],
len             <ub4> }

SQL> oradebug doc event filter strne

strne: filter to only fire an event when string s1 != s2 (up to <len> characters)

{strne:  s1              <string>[256],
s2              <string>[256],
len             <ub4> }

SQL> oradebug doc event filter tag

tag: filter to only fire an event when a tag is set

{tag:  tname           <string>[64] }

Event filters in library RDBMS:

SQL> oradebug doc event filter wait

wait: filter for specific wait parameters and wait duration

{wait:  minwait         <ub8>,
p1              <ub8>,
p2              <ub8>,
p3              <ub8>,
_actual_wait_time <ub8> default 'evargn(pos=1)',
_actual_wait_p1 <ub8> default 'evargn(pos=2)',
_actual_wait_p2 <ub8> default 'evargn(pos=3)',
_actual_wait_p3 <ub8> default 'evargn(pos=4)' }

SQL> oradebug doc event filter process

process: filter to set events only for a specific process

{process:  ospid           <string>[20],
orapid          <ub4>,
pname           <string>[20],
con_id          <ub8> }

SQL> oradebug doc event filter px

px: filter to check identity of the process for fault injection

{px:  slave_set       <ub4>,
slave_num       <ub4>,
local_slave_num <ub4>,
instance_id     <ub4>,
dfo_number      <ub4>,
oct             <ub4>,
pxid            <ub4> }

Event filters in library GENERIC:

SQL> oradebug doc event filter errarg

errarg: filter to set error events only for a specific error argument

{errarg:  arg1            <string>[50],
arg2            <string>[50],
arg3            <string>[50],
arg4            <string>[50],
arg5            <string>[50],
arg6            <string>[50],
arg7            <string>[50],
arg8            <string>[50] } 


Actions in library DIAG:

evfunc                - Get posting function name
evfile                - Get posting file name
evline                - Get posting file line number as ub8
evfmt                 - Get trace / log format string
evargc                - Get count of event check arguments as a ub8
evargn                - Get event check argument value as ub8
evargp                - Get event check argument value as void *
  - Get event check argument as string, with optional format
errargs               - Get error argument as string
errargn               - Get error argument as ub8
errargp               - Get error argument as pointer
errargc               - Get count of error arguments as a ub8
  - Compute a1 + a2 + ... + a15 as ub8 (zero if all NULL)
  - trace to disk; apply format to string arguments
 % is an argument placeholder
 \n and \t are supported. Use double \ as escape
sub                   - Compute a1 - a2 as ub8
add                   - Compute a1 + a2 as ub8
mod                   - Compute a1 modulo a2 as ub8
div                   - Compute a1 / a2 as ub8
mul                   - Compute a1 * a2 as ub8
incr                  - Increment ptr by offset
decr                  - Decrement ptr by offset
  - Dereference ptr-to-number: *(ub<numsize>*)(((ub1*)<ptr>)) + <offset>)
  - Dereference ptr-to-ptr: *(ub1**)(((ub1*)<ptr>)) + <offset>)
  - Dereference ptr-to-string: *(oratext **)(((ub1*)<ptr>) + <offset>)
 Length is optional; NULL-terminated string is assumed
  - Dereference ptr-to-string: *(oratext **)(((ub1*)<ptr>) + <offset>)
 with ptr-to-length: *(ub<lensize>*)(((ub1*)<ptr>) + <lenoffset>)
dumpFrameContext      - Dump Frame Context contents
  - get short stack (up to 256 characters)
showoffsets controls display of code offsets
skipframes can be used to overcome 256 char limit

Actions in library RDBMS:

incident              - Create an Incident
sqlmon_dump           - SQL Monitor Dump SGA Action
varaddr               - Return address of a fixed PGA/SGA/UGA variable
username              - Return user log-in name
sqlid                 - Return current SQL Id in character format
oradebug              - debug process using ORADEBUG
debugger              - debug process using System Debugger
  - alias for 'debugger' - debug process using System Debugger
crash                 - crash process
kill_instance         - killing RDBMS instance
controlc_signal       - received 1013 signal
eventdump             - list events that are set in the group
HMCHECK              (async)
SQL_TESTCASE_REC     (async)
  - dump summary of PGA memory usage, largest allocations
ORA_4036_DUMP         - dump summary of PGA memory usage
HNGDET_MEM_USAGE_DUMP_NOARGS  - dump hang detection memory usage
kcfis_action          - kcfis actions
exadata_dump_modvers  - Exadata dump module versions
QUERY_BLOCK_DUMP      - Debug action for dumping a qbcdef tree
dumpADVMState         - Dump contents of ADVM state
dumpASMState          - Dump contents of ASM state
ASM_CHECK_DG         (async) - Run check diskgroup
ASM_DUMP_KSTSS        - Dump KST Trace and System State
KSI_GET_TRACE         - Get lmd0 traces for ksi issues
TRACE_BUFFER_ON       - Allocate trace output buffer for ksdwrf()
  - Flush and deallocate trace output buffer for ksdwrf()
LATCHES               - Dump Latches
XS_SESSION_STATE      - Dump XS session state
PROCESSSTATE          - Dump process state
SYSTEMSTATE           - Dump system state
INSTANTIATIONSTATE    - Dump instantiation state
CONTEXTAREA           - Dump cursor context area
  - Dump memory heap (1-PGA, 2-SGA, 4-UGA, +1024-Content)
  - Dump SGA Summary(<=1-SGA, 2-Large Pool, 4-Streams, 8-Java, 16-Extents)
POKE_LENGTH           - Set length before poking value
POKE_VALUE            - Poke a value into memory
POKE_VALUE0           - Poke 0 value into memory
  - Dump fixed global area(s) (1=PGA/2=SGA/3=UGA, add +8 for pointer content)
REALFREEDUMP          - Dump PGA real free memory allocator state
FLUSH_JAVA_POOL       - Flush Java pool
  - Ask process to publish PGA detail info (level is pid)
  - Dump PGA detail information for process (level is pid) 
PGA_DETAIL_CANCEL     - Free PGA detail request (level is pid)
PGA_SUMMARY           - Summary of PGA memory usage, largest allocations
MODIFIED_PARAMETERS   - Dump parameters modifed by session (level unused)
  - Dump state (ksedmp). Use INCIDENT action to create incident 
CALLSTACK             - Dump call stack (level > 1 to dump args)
  - Record or dump call stack, level = #frames (level += 1000000 go to trc)
BG_MESSAGES           - Dump routine for background messages
  - Dump enqueues (level >=2 adds resources, >= 3 adds locks)
  - Dump current process trace buffer (1 for all events)
  - Dump all processes trace buffers (1 for all events)
  - Dump all processes (cluster wide) trace buffers (1 for all events)
KSKDUMPTRACE          - Dumping KSK KST tracing (no level)
DBSCHEDULER           - Dump ressource manager state
LDAP_USER_DUMP        - Dump LDAP user mode
LDAP_KERNEL_DUMP      - Dump LDAP kernel mode
DUMP_ALL_OBJSTATS     - Dump database objects statistics
DUMPGLOBALDATA        - Rolling migration DUMP GLOBAL DATA
HANGANALYZE           - Hang analyze
HANGANALYZE_PROC      - Hang analyze current process
HANGANALYZE_GLOBAL    - Hang analyze system
HNGDET_MEM_USAGE_DUMP  - dump hang detection memory usage
GES_STATE             - Dump DML state
RACDUMP               - Dump RAC state
OCR                   - OCR client side tracing
CSS                   - CSS client side tracing
CRS                   - CRS client side tracing
SYSTEMSTATE_GLOBAL    - Perform cluster wide system state dump (via DIAG)
  - MMAN dump all granule addresses of all components (no level)
  - MMAN dump all granules of all components (1 for partial list)
  - MMAN dump all pending memory requests to alert log
DUMP_TRANSFER_OPS     - MMAN dump transfer and resize operations history
  - MMAN dump all snapshots of advisories (level unused)
CONTROLF              - DuMP control file info
  - Flush buffer cache without shuting down the instance
SET_AFN               - Set afn # for buffer flush (level = afn# )
  - Set istempfile for buffer flush (level = istempfile )
FLUSH_BUFFER          - Reuse block range without flushing entire cache
BUFFERS               - Dump all buffers in the buffer cache at level l
  - Set tablespace # for buffer dump (level = ts# + 1)
  - Dump all buffers for full relative dba <level> at lvl 10
  - Run buffer cache sanity check (level = 0xFF for full)
SET_NBLOCKS           - Set number of blocks for range reuse checks
CHECK_ROREUSE_SANITY  - Check range/object reuse sanity (level = ts#)
  - kcb Dump pinned buffers history (level = # buffers)
REDOLOGS              - Dump all online logs according to the level
  - Dump the log history (1: dump earliest/latest entries, >1: dump most recent 2**level entries)
REDOHDR               - Dump redo log headers
LOCKS                 - Dump every lock element to the trace file
GC_ELEMENTS           - Dump every lock element to the trace file
FILE_HDRS             - Dump database file headers
  - Dump flashback logs of the current incarnation and all its ancestors.
FBHDR                 - Dump all the flashback logfile headers
FLASHBACK_GEN         - Dump flashback generation state
  - Parallel txn recovery (1: cleanup check, 2: dump ptr reco ctx, 3: dump recent smon runs)
DUMP_TEMP             - Dump temp space management state (no level)
DROP_SEGMENTS         - Drop unused temporary segments
  - Dump an index tree rooted at dba BLOCKDBA (<level>)
KDLIDMP               - Dump 11glob inodes states (level = what to dump)
ROW_CACHE             - Dump all cache objects
  - Dump the library cache (level > 65535 => level = obj @)
CURSORDUMP            - Dump session cursors
CURSOR_STATS          - Dump all statistics information for cursors
SHARED_SERVER_STATE   - Dump shared server state
LREG_STATE            - Dump listener registration state
JAVAINFO              - Dump Oracle Java VM
KXFPCLEARSTATS        - Clear all Parallel Query messaging statistics
KXFPDUMPTRACE         - Dump Parallel Query in-memory traces
  - Dump PX slave state (1: uga; 2: current cursor state; 3: all cursors)
KXFXCURSORSTATE       - Dump PX slave cursor state
WORKAREATAB_DUMP      - Dump SQL Memory Manager workarea table
OBJECT_CACHE          - Dump the object cache
SAVEPOINTS            - Dump savepoints
RULESETDUMP           - Dump rule set
FAILOVER              - Set condition failover immediate
OLAP_DUMP             - Dump OLAP state
  - Enable flush of table id <level> (ids in X$KEWRTB)
  - Disable flush of table id <level> (ids in X$KEWRTB)
  - Enable debug of flushing the table with id <level> (ids in X$KEWRTB)
  - Disable debug of flushing the table with id <level> (ids in X$KEWRTB)
ASHDUMP               - Dump ASH data (level = # of minutes)
ASHDUMPSECONDS        - Dump ASH data (level = # of seconds)
HM_FW_TRACE           - DIAG health monitor set tracing level
IR_FW_TRACE           - DIAG intelligent repair set/clear trace
GWM_TRACE             - Global Services Management set/clear trace
GWM_TEST              - Global Services Management set/clear GDS test
GLOBAL_BUFFER_DUMP    - Request global buffer dump (level 1 = TRUE)
KDFSDMP               - Dump dbfs c-api states (level = what to dump)
DEAD_CLEANUP_STATE    - Dump dead processes and killed sessions
  - Dump IMDB pinned buffer history (level = (dump_level << 16 | num_buffers))
SLOCK_DUMP            - Dump s-lock resources globally
STATE_OBJECT_DELETION_TIME  - Dump state object deletion times
  - Heap dump by address routine (level > 1 dump content)
POKE_ADDRESS          - Poke specified address (level = value)
  - Trace cursor by hash value (hash value is address)
RULESETDUMP_ADDR      - Dump rule set by address
kewmdump              - Dump Metrics Metadata and Memory
con_id                - Return Container Id as UB8
DUMP_SWAP             - dump system memory and swap information
ALERT_SWAP            - issue alert message about system swap percentage
DUMP_PATCH            - dump patch information
dumpKSIPCState        - Dump KSIPC State
dumpKSTBuffers        - Dump KST Buffers
rfrdm_dump_state      - Dump DG Broker State
FLUSH_DBREPLAY_CAPTURE_BUFFER  - Flush Database Replay capture buffer

Actions in library GENERIC:

dumpKGERing           - Dump contents of KGE ring buffer
dumpKGEIEParms        - Dump memory around internal error parameters
dumpKGEState          - Dump KGE state information for debugging

Actions in library CLIENT:

kpuActionDefault      - dump OCI data
  - crash and produce a core dump (if supported and possible)
kpudpaActionDpapi     - DataPump dump action 

oradebug doc component

Components in library DIAG:

  diag_uts                     Unified Tracing Service (dbgt, dbga)
    uts_vw                     UTS viewer toolkit (dbgtp, dbgtn)
  diag_adr                     Automatic Diagnostic Repository (dbgr)
    ams_comp                   ADR Meta-data Repository (dbgrm)
    ame_comp                   ADR Export/Import Services (dbgre)
    ami_comp                   ADR Incident Meta-data Services (dbgri)
    diag_ads                   Diagnostic Directory and File Services (dbgrf, sdbgrf, sdbgrfu, sdbgrfb)
  diag_hm                      Diagnostic Health Monitor ((null))
  diag_ips                     Diagnostic Incident Packaging System ((null))
  diag_dde                     Diagnostic Data Extractor (dbge)
  diag_fmwk                    Diagnostic Framework (dbgc)
    diag_ilcts                 Diagnostic Inter-Library Compile-time Service (dbgf)
    diag_attr                  Diagnostic Attributes Management ((null))
    diag_comp                  Diagnostic Components Management ((null))
  diag_testp                   Diagnostic component test parent (dbgt)
    diag_testc1                Diagnostic component test child 1 ((null))
    diag_testc2                Diagnostic component test child 2 ((null))
  KGSD                         Kernel Generic Service Debugging (kgsd)
  diag_events                  Diagnostic Events (dbgd)
  diag_adl                     Diagnostic ARB Alert Log (dbgrl, dbgrlr)
  diag_vwk                     Diagnostic viewer toolkit (dbgv)
    diag_vwk_parser            Diagnostic viewer parser (dbgvp, dbgvl)
    diag_vwk_uts               Diagnostic viewer for UTS traces and files (dbgvf)
    diag_vwk_ams               Diagnostic viewer for AMS metadata (dbgvm)
    diag_vwk_ci                Diagnostic viewer for command line (dbgvci)
  kghsc                        KGHSC Compact Stream (kghsc)
  dbgxtk                       DBGXTK xml toolkit (dbgxtk)
  KDIZOLTP                     ADV HIGH Index (kdizoltp)
Components in library RDBMS:
  SQL_Compiler                 SQL Compiler ((null))
    SQL_Parser                 SQL Parser (qcs)
    SQL_Semantic               SQL Semantic Analysis (kkm)
    SQL_Optimizer              SQL Optimizer ((null))
      SQL_Transform            SQL Transformation (kkq, vop, nso)
        SQL_MVRW               SQL Materialized View Rewrite ((null))
        SQL_VMerge             SQL View Merging (kkqvm)
        SQL_Virtual            SQL Virtual Column (qksvc, kkfi)
      SQL_APA                  SQL Access Path Analysis (apa)
      SQL_Costing              SQL Cost-based Analysis (kko, kke)
        SQL_Parallel_Optimization SQL Parallel Optimization (kkopq)
        Vector_Processing      Vector Processing (kkevp)
      SQL_Plan_Management      SQL Plan Managment (kkopm)
      SQL_Plan_Directive       SQL Plan Directive (qosd)
      SQL_Optimizer_Stats      SQL Optimizer Statistics (qos)
        SQL_Optimizer_Stats_Advisor SQL Optimizer Statistics Advisor (qosadv)
      SQL_Quarantine           SQL Quarantine (qsfc)
    SQL_Code_Generator         SQL Code Generator (qka, qkn, qke, kkfd, qkx)
      SQL_Parallel_Compilation SQL Parallel Compilation (kkfd)
      SQL_Expression_Analysis  SQL Expression Analysis (qke)
      SQL_Rowsets_Setup        SQL Rowsets Setup (qknr)
    MPGE                       MPGE (qksctx)
    ADS                        ADS (kkoads)
    ICDT_Compile               In Memory CDT Compilation (qks3t)
    Shard_Sql                  Shard Sql (kkoshd)
    AQP                        AQP (kkodp, qesdp, qersc)
    PTF_Comp                   Polymorphic Table Functions Compilation (qksptf)
  SQL_Execution                SQL Execution (qer, qes, kx, qee)
    Parallel_Execution         Parallel Execution (qerpx, qertq, kxfr, kxfx, kxfq, kxfp)
      PX_Messaging             Parallel Execution Messaging (kxfp)
      PX_Group                 Parallel Execution Slave Group (kxfp)
      PX_Affinity              Parallel Affinity (ksxa)
      PX_Buffer                Parallel Execution Buffers (kxfpb)
      PX_Granule               Parallel Execution Granules (kxfr)
      PX_Control               Parallel Execution Control (kxfx)
      PX_Table_Queue           Parallel Execution Table Queues (kxfq)
      PX_Scheduler             Parallel Execution Scheduler (qerpx)
      PX_Queuing               Parallel Execution Queuing (kxfxq)
      PX_Blackbox              Parallel Execution Blackbox (kxf)
      PX_PTL                   Parallel Execution PTL (kxft)
      PX_Expr_Eval             Parallel Execution Expression Evaluation ((null))
      PX_Selector              Parallel Execution PX Selector (qerpsel)
      PX_Overhead              Parallel Execution Overhead (qerpx, kxfr, kxfx, kxfp)
    Bloom_Filter               Bloom Filter (qerbl, qesbl)
    Time_Limit                 Query Execution Time Limit (opiexe, qerst)
    ICDT_Exec                  In Memory CDT Execution (qes3t, kxtt)
    EXECUTE_TEMP_TABLE         Execute Temp Table  (kxtt)
    SQL_Trace                  SQL Trace (kxst, xpl)
    PTF_Exec                   Polymorphic Table Functions Execution (qerptf)
    Result_Cache               Result Cache (qesrc, qerrc)
  PGA_Manage                   PGA Memory Management ((null))
    PGA_Compile                PGA Memory Compilation ((null))
    PGA_IMM                    PGA Memory Instance Manage ((null))
    PGA_CMM                    PGA Memory Cursor Manage ((null))
    PGA_ADV                    PGA Memory Advisor ((null))
  rdbms_dde                    RDBMS Diagnostic Data Extractor (dbke)
  VOS                          VOS (ks)
    hang_analysis              Hang Analysis (ksdhng)
    background_proc            Background Processes (ksb, ksbt)
    system_param               System Parameters (ksp, kspt)
    ksu                        Kernel Service User (ksu)
      ksutac                   KSU Timeout Actions ((null))
    ksv_trace                  Kernel Services Slave Management (ksv)
    file                       File I/O (ksfd, ksfdaf)
    ksq                        Kernel Service Enqueues (ksq)
    ksolt_trace                Kernel Services Lightweight Threads (ksolt)
    KSIM                       Kernel Service Instance Management (ksim)
      KSIM_GRPOP               Kernel Service Instance Management Group Operation ((null))
    KSIPC                      VOS IPC (ksipc)
      KSMSQ                    Message queue services (ksmsq)
        KSMSQ_MQL              Message Queueing Layer ((null))
      KSRMA                    ksrma (ksrma)
      KSRMF                    ksrmf (ksrmf)
      KSIPC_AM                 Active Messaging ((null))
      KSIPC_GRP                KSIPC Group Services ((null))
      KSIPC_SN                 KSIPC Shared Nothing ((null))
      KSIPC_KV                 KSIPC Key Value ((null))
      KSIPC_TOPO               KSIPC Topology Services ((null))
      KSIPC_PR                 KSIPC Path Record ((null))
      KSIPC_IPCLW              IPC LightWeight ((null))
      KSIPC_IPCOR              IPC Core Functionality ((null))
      KSIPC_SHREG              KSIPC Shared Registration ((null))
      KSIPC_ASPC               KSIPC Address space Map ((null))
      KSIPCENV                 KSIPC Memory Allocations on Different Sockets (ksipcenv)
      KSXP                     Cross Instance IPC (KSXP)
    LREG                       Listener Registration (kml)
    ksupd                      KSU Planned Draining (ksupd)
    state_object               State Objects (kss)
    sess_signature             Session Signature (ksusgn)
  sql_mon                      SQL Monitor (keswx)
    sql_mon_deamon             SQL Monitor Deamon ((null))
    sql_mon_query              SQL Monitor Query ((null))
  CACHE_RCV                    Cache Recovery (kcv, kct, kcra, kcrp, kcb)
    DLF                        Delayed Log Force ((null))
    MBR                        Multi-Block Read ((null))
  DIRPATH_LOAD                 Direct Path Load (kl, kdbl, kpodp)
    DIRPATH_LOAD_BIS           Direct Path Kpodpbis Routine (kpodp)
  RAC                          Real Application Clusters ((null))
    GES                        Global Enqueue Service ((null))
      KSI                      Kernel Service Instance locking (ksi)
      RAC_ENQ                  Enqueue Operations ((null))
      DD                       GES Deadlock Detection ((null))
      RAC_BCAST                Enqueue Broadcast Operations ((null))
      RAC_FRZ                  DLM-Client Freeze/Unfreeze (kjfz)
      KJOE                     DLM Omni Enqueue service (kjoe)
    GCS                        Global Cache Service (kjb)
      GCS_BSCN                 Broadcast SCN (kjb, kcrfw)
      GCS_READMOSTLY           GCS Read-mostly (kjb)
      GCS_READER_BYPASS        GCS Reader Bypass (kjb)
      GCS_DELTAPUSH            GCS Delta Push (kjb)
      GCS_PCL2                 Persistent cluster flash cache (kjbfp)
    GSIPC                      Global Enqueue/Cache Service IPC ((null))
    RAC_RCFG                   Reconfiguration ((null))
    RAC_DRM                    Dynamic Remastering ((null))
    RAC_MRDOM                  Multiple Recovery Domains ((null))
      MRDOM_ESM                Multiple/PDB Domains - Enter/Exit Server Mode (kjs, kjfz)
    CGS                        Cluster Group Services (kjxg)
    CGSIMR                     Instance Membership Recovery (kjxgr)
    RAC_WLM                    Work Load Management (wlm)
    RAC_MLMDS                  RAC Multiple LMS (kjm)
    RAC_KA                     Kernel Accelerator (kjk)
    RAC_LT                     RAC Latch Usage ((null))
    RAC_SLOCK                  SLOCK Optimisation ((null))
    KJSC                       RAC global stats (kjsc)
    LMHB                       Heartbeat Monitoring (kjfm)
  db_trace                     RDBMS server only tracing ((null))
  kst                          server trace layer tracing (kst)
  ddedmp                       RDBMS Diagnostic Data Extractor Dumper (dbked)
  cursor                       Shared Cursor (kxs, kks)
    Bind_Capture               Bind Capture Tracing ((null))
    KKSH                       Cursor Hash Table Tracing (kksh)
  KSM                          Kernel Service Memory (ksm)
  KSE                          Kernel Service Error Manager (kse)
  explain                      SQL Explain Plan (xpl)
  rdbms_event                  RDBMS Events (dbkd)
  LOB_INODE                    Lob Inode (kdli)
  rdbms_adr                    RDBMS ADR (dbkr)
  ASM                          Automatic Storage Management (kf)
    KFK                        KFK (kfk)
      KFKIO                    KFK IO (kfkio)
        KFKIO_COUNT            KFK IO count ((null))
        KFKIO_CANCEL           KFK IO cancel ((null))
        KFKIO_HARD             KFK IO hard errors ((null))
        KFKIO_SPLIT            KFK IO split ((null))
        KFKIO_MISC             KFK IO miscellaneous ((null))
      KFKSB                    KFK subs (kfksubs)
        KFKSB_LIB              KFK subs libraries ((null))
        KFKSB_DM               KFK subs disk management ((null))
      KFKS                     KFK SAGE (kfks)
    KFN                        ASM Networking subsystem (kfn)
      KFNU                     ASM Umbillicus (kfnm, kfns, kfnb)
      KFNS                     ASM Server networking (kfns)
      KFNC                     ASM Client networking (kfnc)
      KFNOR                    KFN orion (kfnor)
    KFIS                       ASM Intelligent Storage interfaces (kfis)
    KFM                        ASM Node Monitor Interface Implementation (kfm)
      KFMD                     ASM Node Monitor Layer for Diskgroup Registration (kfmd)
      KFMS                     ASM Node Monitor Layers Support Function Interface (kfms)
    KFFB                       ASM Metadata Block (kffb)
    KFFD                       ASM Metadata Directory (kffd)
    KFZ                        ASM Zecurity subsystem (kfz)
    KFC                        ASM Cache (kfc)
    KFR                        ASM Recovery (kfr)
    KFE                        ASM attributes (kfe)
    KFDP                       ASM PST (kfdp)
    KFG                        ASM diskgroups (kfg)
      KFGB                     ASM diskgroups background (kfgb)
    KFDS                       ASM staleness registry and resync (kfds)
    KFIA                       ASM Remote (kfia)
      KFIAS                    ASM IOServer (kfias)
      KFIAC                    ASM IOServer client (kfiac)
    KFFSCRUB                   ASM Scrubbing (kffscrub)
    KFIO                       ASM translation I/O layer (kfio)
    KFIOER                     ASM translation I/O layer (kfioer)
    KFV                        ASM Volume subsystem (kfv)
      KFVSU                    ASM Volume Umbilicus (kfvsu)
      KFVSD                    ASM Volume Background (kfvsd)
      KFVIOC                   ASM Volume Cell Storage (kfvioc)
    KFDX                       ASM Exadata interface (kfdx)
    KFZP                       ASM Password File Layer (kfzp)
    KFA                        ASM Alias Operations (kfa)
    KFF                        KFF (kff)
    KFD                        ASM Disk (kfd)
      KFDVA                    ASM Virtual ATB (kfdva)
    KFTHA                      ASM Transparent High Availability (kftha)
    KFFG                       ASM File Group (kffg)
    KFFS                       ASM Split Mirror Operations (kffs)
    KFIOS                      KFIO Simple (kfios)
  DML                          DML Drivers (ins, del, upd)
  Health_Monitor               Health Monitor ((null))
  DRA                          Data Repair Advisor ((null))
  DIRACC                       Direct access to fixed tables (kqfd)
  PART                         Partitioning (kkpo, qespc, qesma, kkpa, qergi)
    PART_IntPart               Interval Partitioning ((null))
    PART_Dictionary            Partitioning Dictionary (kkpod)
  LOB_KDLW                     Lob kdlw (kdlw)
  LOB_KDLX                     Lob xfm (kdlx)
  LOB_KDLXDUP                  Lob dedup (kdlxdup)
  LOB_KDLRCI                   Lob rci (kdlrci)
  LOB_KDLA                     SecureFile Archive (kdla)
  SQL_Manage                   SQL Manageability (kes)
    SQL_Manage_Infra           Other SQL Manageability Infrastructure (kesai, kesqs, kesatm, kesutl, kessi, keswat, keswts, keswsq)
    SQL_Tune                   SQL Tuning Advisor (kest)
      SQL_Tune_Auto            SQL Tuning Advisor (auto-tune) (kestsa)
        Auto_Tune_Opt          Auto Tuning Optimizer (kkoat)
      SQL_Tune_Index           SQL Tuning Advisor (index-tune) (kestsi)
      SQL_Tune_Plan            SQL Tuning Advisor (plan node analysis) (kestsp)
      SQL_Tune_Px              SQL Tuning Advisor (parallel execution) (kestsa)
      SQL_Tune_Fr              SQL Tuning Advisor (fix regression) (kestsa)
      SQL_Tune_Stats           SQL Tuning Advisor (statistics advisor) (kestss)
      SQL_Tune_Exa             SQL Tuning Advisor (Exadata) (kestsaExa)
    SQL_Test_Exec              SQL Test-Execute Service (kestse)
    SQL_Perf                   SQL Performance Analyzer (kesp, keswpi)
    SQL_Repair                 SQL Repair Advisor (kesds)
    SQL_trace_parser           SQL trace parser (kesstp)
  SQL_Analyze                  SQL Analyze (qksan)
  SQL_DS                       SQL Dynamic Sampling Services (qksds)
  SQL_DDL                      SQL DDL (atb, ctc, dtb)
    KKP                        KKP Manager (kkp)
  RAT_WCR                      Real Application Test: Workload Capture and Replay (kec)
  Spatial                      Spatial (md)
    Spatial_IND                Spatial Indexing (mdr)
    Spatial_GR                 Spatial GeoRaster (mdgr)
  Text                         Text (dr)
  rdbms_gc                     RDBMS Diagnostic Generic Configuration (dbkgc)
  XS                           XS Fusion Security (kzx)
    XSSESSION                  XS Session (kzxs)
    XSPRINCIPAL                XS Principal (kzxu)
    XSSECCLASS                 XS Security Class (kzxc, kzxsp)
    XSXDS                      XS Data Security (kzxd)
    XSVPD                      XS VPD ((null))
    XSXDB_DEFAULT              XS XDB ((null))
    XS_MIDTIER                 XS Midtier (kpuzxs)
    XSNSTEMPLATE               XS Namespace template (kzxnt)
    XSACL                      XS ACL (kzxa)
    XSADM                      XS Administrative operation (kzxm, kzxi)
  AQ                           Streams Advanced Queuing (kwq, kkcn, kpon, kpoaq, kpce, kpcm, kpun, kpuaq, kws)
    AQ_DEQ                     Streams Advanced Queuing Dequeue (kwqid, kwqdl)
    AQ_BACK                    Streams Advanced Queueing Background (kwsbg, kwsbsm)
      AQ_TM                    Streams Advanced Queuing Time Manager (kwqit, kwqmn)
      AQ_CP                    Streams Advanced Queuing Cross Process (kwscp, kwsipc)
      AQ_LB                    Streams Advanced Queuing Load Balancer (kwslb, kwslbbg)
      AQ_NTFN                  Streams Advanced Queuing Notification (kpond, kkcne)
        AQ_NTFNP12C            Streams Advanced Queuing pre-12c Notification (kwqic)
      AQ_TMSQ                  Streams Advanced Queuing Time Manager for Sharded Queue (kwsbtm, kwsbjc, kwsbit)
    AQ_MC                      Streams Advanced Queuing Message Cache (kwsmc, kwssh, kwsmb, kwsmsg, kwssb, kwschnk, kwscb, kwsdqwm, kwssbsh)
    AQ_PT                      Streams Advanced Queuing Partitioning (kwspt)
    AQ_SUB                     Streams Advanced Queuing Subscription (kwssi, kwssa, kwsnsm, kwsnsme)
    AQ_OPT                     Streams Advanced Queuing OPT (kwssub)
    AQ_DLY                     Streams Advanced Queuing delay (kwsdly)
  KSFM                         Kernel Service File Mapping (ksfm)
  KXD                          Exadata specific Kernel modules (kxd)
    KXDAM                      Exadata Disk Auto Manage (kxdam)
    KCFIS                      Exadata Predicate Push (kcfis)
    NSMTIO                     Trace Non Smart I/O (nsmtio)
    KXDBIO                     Exadata Block level Intelligent Operations (kxdbio)
    KXDRS                      Exadata Resilvering Layer (kxdrs)
    KXDOFL                     Exadata Offload (kxdofl)
    KXDMISC                    Exadata Misc (kxdmisc)
    KXDCM                      Exadata Metrics Fixed Table Callbacks (kxdcm)
    KXDBC                      Exadata Backup Compression for Backup Appliance (kxdbc)
  DV                           Database Vault (kzv)
  ASO                          Advanced Security Option ((null))
    RADM                       Real-time Application-controlled Data Masking (kzradm)
  SVRMAN                       Server Manageability (ke)
    AWR                        Automatic Workload Repository (kew)
      ASH                      Active Session History (kewa)
      METRICS                  AWR metrics (kewm)
      REPOSITORY               AWR Repository (kewr)
        FLUSH                  AWR Snapshot Flush (kewrf)
        PURGE                  AWR Snapshot Purge (kewrps)
      AWRUTL                   AWR Utilities (kewu)
    AUTOTASK                   Automated Maintenance Tasks (ket)
    MMON                       MMON/MMNL Infrastructure (keb)
    SVRALRT                    Server Generated Alert Infrastructure (kel)
    IUT                        IUT Infrastructure (keiut)
  OLS                          Oracle Label Security (zll)
  AUDITNG                      Database Audit Next Generation (aud, kza, kzft, aus, aop, ttp)
    Configuration              ANG Configuration (aud, kza, kzft, aus, aop, ttp)
    QueueWrite                 ANG Queue Write (aud, kza, kzft, aus, aop, ttp)
    FileWrite                  ANG File Write (aud, kza, kzft, aus, aop, ttp)
    RecordCompose              ANG Record Compose (aud, kza, kzft, aus, aop, ttp)
    DBConsolidation            ANG Database Consolidation (aud, kza, kzft, aus, aop, ttp)
    SYS_Auditing               ANG SYS Auditing (aud, kza, kzft, aus, aop, ttp)
  KJCI                         KJCI Cross Instance Call (kjci)
  KJZ                          KJZ - DIAG (kjz)
    KJZC                       KJZC - DIAG Communication Layer (kjzc)
    KJZD                       KJZD - DIAG Main Layer (kjzd)
    KJZF                       KJZF - DIAG Flow Control Layer (kjzf)
    KJZG                       KJZG - DIAG Group Services Layer (kjzg)
    KJZH                       KJZH - DIAG API Layer (kjzh)
    KJZM                       KJZM - DIAG Membership Layer (kjzm)
  SEC                          Security (kz)
    CBAC                       Code-Based Access Control (kzc)
    VPD                        Virtual Private Database (kzr)
    GDSI                       Generic Directory Services Integration (kzlg)
  dbop                         DBOP monitoring (keomn)
    dbop_gen                   DBOP generic service (keomg)
      dbop_deamon              DBOP monitoring Deamon (keomg)
    dbop_comp                  DBOP composite type (keomm)
  em_express                   EM Express (kex)
  orarep                       orarep (ker)
  Data                         Data Layer (kd, ka)

   KDS                        Kernel Data Scan (kds)
      KDSRID                   Fetch By Rowid (kdsgrp, kdsgnp)
      KDSFTS                   Full Table Scan (kdsttgr, kdstgr)
      KDSCLU                   Cluster Table Scan (kdsics, kdscgr)
    KDWF                       Kernel Data Worker Framework (kdwf)
    IMOLTP_KV                  InMemory OLTP KeyValue (kdkv)
    MEMOPT_FI                  MEMOPTIMIZE FOR WRITE (kdfi)
  RAT                          Real Application Testing (kec)
    RAT_MASK                   Real Application Testing: Masking (kesm, kecprm)
  BA                           Backup Appliance (kbrs)
  KBC                          BA Containers (kbc)
  connection_broker            Connection Broker (kmp)
  KRA                          Kernel Recovery Area Function (kra)
  KRA_SQL                      KRA SQL Tracing ((null))
  KRB                          Kernel Backup Restore (krb)
    KRB_THREAD                 KRBBPC Thread Switches ((null))
    KRB_IO                     KRB I/O ((null))
    KRB_INCR                   KRB Incremental Restore ((null))
    KRB_PERF                   KRB Performance Tracing ((null))
    KRB_BPOUTPUT               Detailed Backup Piece Output ((null))
    KRB_BPVAL                  Detailed Block List During Restore Validate ((null))
    KRB_FLWRES                 Details on Restore Flow ((null))
    KRB_FLWCPY                 Details on krbydd Flow ((null))
    KRB_FLWBCK                 Details on Backup Flow ((null))
    KRB_FLWUSAGE               RMAN Feature Usage ((null))
    KRB_OPTIM                  Unused Space Compression ((null))
  KRBABR                       Auto Block Media Recovery (krbabr)
  KRC                          Recovery Block Change Tracking (krc)
  KRC_CHANGES                  Recovery Block Change Tracking CHANGES ((null))
  IM                           in-memory ((null))
    IM_transaction             IM transaction layer ((null))
      IM_Txn_PJ                IM Txn Private Journal (ktmpj)
      IM_Txn_SJ                IM Txn Shared Journal (ktmsj)
      IM_Txn_JS                IM Txn Journal Scan (ktmjs)
      IM_Txn_Conc              IM Txn Concurrency (ktmc)
      IM_Txn_Blk               IM Txn Block (ktmb)
      IM_Txn_Read              IM Txn Read (ktmr)
      IM_Txn_ADG               IM Txn ADG (ktma)
    IM_space                   IM space layer ((null))
    IM_data                    IM data layer (kdm)
      IM_populate              IM populating (kdml)
      IM_background            IM background (kdmr)
      IM_scan                  IM scans ((null))
      IM_journal               IM journal ((null))
      IM_dump                  IM dump ((null))
      IM_FS                    IM faststart ((null))
      IM_optimizer             IM optimizer (kdmo)
      IM_GD                    IM GD (kdmgd)
      IM_ADO                   IM ADO (kdmado)
      IM_IME                   IM IME (kdmime)
      IM_Dictionary            IM Dictionary and Cache (kdmd)
      IM_Verification          IM Verification (kdmv)
  xdb_wallet                   XDB Wallet (kzs)
  PROGINT                      Programmatic Interfaces (kp)
    OCI                        OCI (oci, kpk, kpn)
    OPI                        OPI (opi)
    RPI                        RPI (rpi, kpr)
    NPI                        NPI (npi, nco, kpfs)
    Two_Task                   Two Task (osn, ksn)
    PROGINT_PLSQL              Programmatic Interfaces to/from PL/SQL (kkx, psd, pckl, plswa)
    Two_Phase                  Two-phase commit (k2)
    Conn_Pool                  Connection Pool (kppl)
    TSM                        Transparent Session Migration (kpm, kps)
    PROGINT_MISC               Progint Miscellaneous (kpo, kpbf, kpin)
  KDFS                         DBFS C-API (kdfs)
  OLAP                         OLAP Analytic Workspace (xs)
    OLAP_Paging                OLAP Paging Manager (xspg, xsdb)
  STREAMS                      Replication (knl)
    STREAMS_CAPTURE            Streams Capture (knlc)
    STREAMS_PROPAGATION        Streams Propagation ((null))
      STREAMS_PROPAGATION_SENDER Streams Propagation Sender (knlcsv)
      STREAMS_PROPAGATION_RECEIVER Streams Propagation Receiver (knanr)
    STREAMS_APPLY              Streams Apply (kna)
      STREAMS_APPLY_COORDINATOR Streams Apply Coordinator (knac)
      STREAMS_APPLY_READER     Streams Apply Reader (knalf)
      STREAMS_APPLY_SERVER     Streams Apply Server (knas)
  Space                        Space (ktd, kte, kts, ktf, ktt)
    Search_Cache               Search Cache (ktspsc)
  CONTEXT                      Oracle Text (dr, kci)
    CONTEXT_INDEX              Oracle Text Index (drs, drg, drn, drl, dre)
    CONTEXT_QUERY              Oracle Text Query (drex, drp, dry, drw)
  rdbms_uts                    RDBMS Unified Tracing Service (UTS) (dbkt)
  MIRA_RCV                     MIRA Recovery (krd, krp, krr)
  reg_cache                    Registration Caches (kssmc)
  OFS                          Kernel Services Oracle File System ((null))
    OFS_KSFS                   OFS File System (ksfs)
    OFS_KSFSD                  OFS File System Dispatcher (ksfsd)
    OFS_KSFSM                  OFS File System Metadata (ksfsm)
    OFS_KSFSC1                 OFS File System Callback (ksfsc1)
    OFS_SKOFS                  OFS File System Implementation (skofs)
  SQL_Compare_Plans            SQL Compare Plans (keplan)

Components in library GENERIC:

  Generic_VOS                  Generic VOS ((null))
    VOS_Heap_Manager           VOS Heap Manager ((null))
    VOS_Latches                VOS Latches ((null))
    VOS_GST                    VOS Generic Stack Trace (kgds)
  XML                          XML (qmxt, qmxq)
  Generic_XDB                  Generic XDB ((null))
    XDB_Repository             XDB Repository (qme)
    XDB_Protocols              XDB Protocols (qmh, qmf, qmn)
    XDB_Query                  XDB Query (qmxtra, qerxp)
    XDB_XMLIndex               XDB XMLIndex (qmxtri, qmixq)
    XDB_Schema                 XDB Schema (qmxtri, qmixq)
    XDB_XOB                    XDB XOB (qmx)
    XDB_CSX                    XDB CSX (qmcx)
      XDB_CSX_ENCODING         XDB CSX ENCODING (qmcxe, qmcxm)
      XDB_CSX_SELFCON          XDB CSX SELFCON (qmcxe)
      XDB_CSX_PRINT            XDB CSX PRINT (qmxrs, qmxp, kolace, kolars)
    XDB_Default                XDB Default ((null))
    XDB_MEMORY                 XDB MEMORY (qmu)
  LOB                          LOB (koll, kola)
    LOB_Refcount               LOB Refcount (kolr)
    LOB_Default                LOB Default (koll, kole, kokl, koxs)
    LOB_DBLINK                 LOB DBLink (koll, kokl, kpolobr, kkxlr)
    LOB_TEMPORARY              LOB Temporary (kola, koklt)
    LOB_API                    LOB API (kpolob, kkxlr, kokle, koklc)
  KGH                          KGH Memory Allocator (kgh)
  KGF                          ASM Automatic Storage Management (kgf)
  LIBCACHE                     LIBCACHE (kgl, kql)
    LCO_Status_DDL             Change of Lib-Cache-Obj Status during DDL ((null))
  OBJECTS                      OBJECTS ((null))
    OBJECTS_DDL                OBJECTS DDL (kokt)
    OBJECTS_Types              OBJECTS Types (kot, ko, ort)
    OBJECTS_Images             OBJECTS Images (koke, kot, kad)
    OBJECTS_Anydata            OBJECTS Anydata (kokla, kolo, kot, kad)
    OBJECTS_Streams            OBJECTS Streams (koxs)
    OBJECTS_Dict               OBJECTS Dictionary (kkdo, qcdo)
    OBJECTS_Semanal            OBJECTS Semantic Analysis (koks, qcso, qcto)
    OBJECTS_Default            OBJECTS Default ((null))
    OBJECTS_Tables             OBJECTS Tables (kkbo)
  KGFPM                        PATCH repository (kgfpm)
  KGFDVF                       Voting File Interface (kgfdvf)
  Shared_Objects               Shared Object Manager (pes)
    SO_Loader                  Native Code Loader (pesld)
  Direct_NFS                   Direct NFS Client (kgnfs, kgodm, skgnfs)
  KGSC                         Session Cache for Cursors ((null))
    KGSC_KQD                   Session Cache for KQD Cursors ((null))
    KGSC_BUN                   Session Cache for KQD Bundled Cursors ((null))
    KGSC_KKS                   Session Cache for KKS Cursors ((null))
    KGSC_PLS                   Session Cache for PLSQL Cursors ((null))
    KGSC_CONS                  Session Cache for Constraint Cursors ((null))
    KGSC_TRIG                  Session Cache for Trigger Cursors ((null))
    KGSC_JOX                   Session Cache for JOX shortname translation Cursors ((null))
  KDI                          Index Layer (kdi)
    KDIADHI                    Index Layer Compress Advanced High ((null))
    KDIADLO                    Index Layer Compress Advanced Low ((null))
    KDIL                       Index Load (kdil)
      KDILADHI                 Index Load Compress Advanced High ((null))
      KDILADLO                 Index Load Compress Advanced Low ((null))
    KDIS                       Index Split (kdis)
      KDISADHI                 Index Split Compress Advanced High ((null))
      KDISADLO                 Index Split Compress Advanced Low ((null))
    KDXT                       Index Reorg (kdxt)
      KDXTADHI                 Index ADLO Compress Advanced High ((null))
      KDXTADLO                 Index Reorg Compress Advanced Low ((null))
    KDIM                       Index Coalesce (kdim)
      KDIMADHI                 Index Coalesece Compress Advanced High ((null))
      KDIMADLO                 Index Coalesece Compress Advanced Low ((null))
    KDIF                       Index Scan (kdif)
      KDIFADHI                 Index Scan Compress Advanced High ((null))
      KDIFADLO                 Index Scan Compress Advanced Low ((null))
    KDIZADHI                   Advanced High Index Codec (kdizoltp)
    KDIZADLO                   Advanced Low Index Codec ((null))
    KDIDML                     Index DML ((null))
      KDIDMLADHI               Index DML Compress Advanced High ((null))
      KDIDMLADLO               Index DML Compress Advanced Low ((null))
    KDIGDR                     Index Ghost Data Removal ((null))
      KDIGDRBR                 Index Ghost Data Removal Branch ((null))
      KDIGDRLF                 Index Ghost Data Removal Leaf ((null))

Components in library CLIENT:

  Client_KPU                   Client KPU ((null))
    KPU_Memory                 KPU Memory ((null))
    KPU_TTC                    KPU TTC ((null))
    KPU_Relational             KPU Relational ((null))
    KPU_Objects                KPU Objects ((null))
    KPU_LOBS                   KPU LOBS ((null))
  progint_appcont              Prog Interfaces Application Continuity ((null))
    progint_appcont_rdbms      Prog Interfaces Application Continuity RDBMS-side ((null))
  SQLLDR_Load                  SQLLDR Load (ul)
  DPAPI_Load                   DPAPI Load (kpudp)
  dbfs_client_profiler         dbfs_client profiler ((null))

Components in library LIBCELL:

  Client_Library               Client Library ((null))
    Disk_Layer                 Disk Layer ((null))
    Network_Layer              Network Layer ((null))
    Connect_Layer              Connect Layer ((null))
    IPC_Layer                  IPC Layer ((null))

Components in library ORANET:

  TNSLSNR                      OraNet Listener ((null))
    NET_NSGR                   Network Service Generic Registration ((null))
    NET_NSGI                   TNI Network Service Generic Listener User-defined class ((null))
  CMAN                         OraNet Connection Manager ((null))
  NET                          OraNet Services ((null))
    NET_NI                     Network Interface Layer ((null))
    NET_NS                     Network Session Layer ((null))
    NET_NT                     Network Transport Layer ((null))
    NET_NTM                    Network Transport Mailbox Layer ((null))
    NET_NTP                    Network Transport IPC Layer ((null))
    NET_NTT                    Network Transport TCP/IP Layer ((null))
    NET_NTUS                   Network Transport Unix Domain Sockets Layer ((null))
    NET_NL                     Network Library ((null))
    NET_NA                     Network Authentication ((null))
    NET_NZ                     Network Zecurity ((null))
    NET_NTZ                    Network SSL ((null))
    NET_NU                     Network Trace Route Utility ((null))
    NET_NN                     Network Names ((null))

Components in library ADVCMP:

  ADVCMP_MAIN                  Archive Compression (kdz)
    ADVCMP_COMP                Archive Compression: Compression (kdzc, kdzh, kdza)
    ADVCMP_DECOMP              Archive Compression: Decompression (kdzd, kdzs)
      ADVCMP_DECOMP_HPK        Archive Compression: HPK (kdzk)
      ADVCMP_DECOMP_PCODE      Archive Compression: Pcode (kdp)

Components in library PLSQL:

  PLSQL_Apps                   PL/SQL Apps (di, pi, plitblm, scm, std, textio, wpiutil)
    PLSQL_Utl_File             PL/SQL Utl File (pifi)
  PLSQL_Codegen                PL/SQL Codegen ((null))
    PLSQL_COG_IDL_Gen          PL/SQL Codegen IDL Gen (pdw)
    PLSQL_COG_Infrastructure   PL/SQL Codegen Infrastructure (pdz)
    PLSQL_COG_Native           PL/SQL Codegen Native (pdn)
    PLSQL_COG_Optimizer        PL/SQL Codegen Optimizer (pdx)
    PLSQL_COG_MCode_Gen        PL/SQL Codegen MCode Gen (pdy)
  PLSQL_Code_Execution         PL/SQL Code Execution (pb, pd, pe, pf, plst, pri)
    PLSQL_Stack_Frames         PL/SQL Runtime Stack Frame (pfrstk)
  PLSQL_External_Proc          PL/SQL External Proc (pef, ociextp)
  PLSQL_IDL                    PL/SQL IDL (pdt, pt)
  PLSQL_ILMS                   PL/SQL ILMS (pgm)
  PLSQL_KNLDE                  PL/SQL KNLDE (pbbicd, pbp3g, pbs, pbt3g, peibp)
  PLSQL_KG_Interface           PL/SQL KG Interface (bam, hep, hsh, lis, par, phdr, pk)
  PLSQL_Infrastructure         PL/SQL Infrastructure (pci, pcm, ph, pl, pncutil, pp, ps, pu, tre)
  PLSQL_PSD                    PL/SQL PSD ((null))
    PLSQL_PSD_Generic          PL/SQL PSD Generic (psd, pso, psu)
    PLSQL_PSD_Standalones      PL/SQL PSD Standalones (p2c, pls, psx)
  PLSQL_Semantics              PL/SQL Semantics (ph2, pha, phn)
  PLSQL_Syntax                 PL/SQL Syntax (ph1)

Components in library XDK:

  XDK_Parser                   XDK Parser ((null))
    XDK_FSM_Parser             XDK FSM Parser (LpxFSM)
  XDK_Schema_Validator         XDK Schema Validator ((null))
  XDK_Xslt_Engine              XDK Xslt Engine ((null))

Components in library VPLIB:

  Vector_Translate             Vector Translate (qkaxl, qerxl, qesxl, evaxl)
  Vector_Aggregate             Vector Aggregate (qergv, qesgv, evavgby)
  Vector_PX                    Vector PX (qesxlp)