
23c free - PL/SQL to SQL Transpiler - the CBOs area

As I'm checking for new and interesting parts in Oracles 23c free database, the PL/SQL to SQL Transpiler seems to be a very nice feature, and something I'd like to investigate. 

But before I started my work, a quick check at google showed Tim Hall had already created his post Automatic PL/SQL to SQL Transpiler in Oracle Database 23c. That's very good news as his articles have a very high quality and saved me a lot of time. 

When I followed his examples, I wondered which part of the Cost Based Optimizer does this work? 
So I started a little CBO trace (event 10053) . There I found these lines: 

FPD: Considering simple filter push in query block SEL$1 (#0)
try to generate transitive predicate from check constraints for query block SEL$1 (#0)
finally: "T1"."VAL1"+"T1"."VAL2"=300

and to map the acronym FPD to some meaningful content, at the top of the trace I found

FPD - filter push-down

There is nothing more of relevance in the trace file - or at least I didn't find anything. 
Also a quick check for hints, parameters or fix controls didn't create any matches. We only can enable the feature using set sql_transpiler = 'ON' on session or system level. 


23c free - error messages, new and improved

Oracle Database have a high number (24338 as of 23c free) of error messages!  Of course, they change over time or version. 

But for 23c, Oracle promised to improve the meaning of error messages. They really worked hard and changed 2936 messages! You can find them at the bottom of this post.

But first the  1473 new error messages which appeared in 23.2 (compared to 21.9):

Number TEXT
145 non-root container listener modification disallowed due to SERVICE_SCOPE configuration for LISTENER_NETWORKS
146 invalid SERVICE_SCOPE value %s for LISTENER_NETWORKS %s
147 connection refused; shared servers are disabled
148 no dispatcher available to handle outbound connection
149 no compatible dispatcher found for the PROTOCOL
295 data or temporary file number %s is invalid; must be between 1 and %s
422 cannot kill a session with a different user ID
441 Oracle Free Edition SID violation. Expected:%s vs Actual:%s
727 feature not supported on redo log in version %s
858 Processes remain attached to system global area (SGA) after shutdown
878 Cannot connect to database. The server type is not supported.
879 Cannot connect to database. The connection broker is exiting.
961 bad datetime or interval value
962 too many group-by or order-by expressions
1017 invalid credential or not authorized; logon denied
1036 unrecognized bind variable %s passed to the bind call
1367 The redo log file %s is invalid.
1368 Redo log file header mismatch for thread %s sequence %s.
1369 persistent memory direct commit file not found for recovery
1384 Cannot add file %s due to unsupported redo compatibility %s which is earlier than %s.
1385 LogMiner reserved
1386 LogMiner reserved
1387 LogMiner reserved
1388 LogMiner reserved
1389 LogMiner reserved
1390 LogMiner reserved
1391 LogMiner reserved
1392 LogMiner reserved
1393 LogMiner reserved
1394 LogMiner reserved
1395 LogMiner reserved
1396 LogMiner reserved
1456 may not perform insert, delete, update operation inside a READ ONLY transaction
1749 Cannot GRANT or REVOKE privileges to or from yourself.
1803 failed to get system date and time
1886 use CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM statement to create a public synonym
1887 use ALTER PUBLIC SYNONYM statement to alter a public synonym
1888 use DROP PUBLIC SYNONYM statement to drop a public synonym
1891 Datetime or Interval internal error.
1984 invalid audit option specified for procedure, package, or function
3050 invalid identifier: %s is a reserved word
3051 missing required keyword INNER or OUTER in SYS_OP_KEY_VECTOR_USE operator
3052 invalid argument for STANDARD_HASH function
3053 unable to parse string '%s' as a date
3054 invalid identifier: %s is a number
3055 missing keyword: expected TIMESTAMP, SCN, PERIOD FOR, or SNAPSHOT
3056 invalid expression in SELECT INTO clause
3057 invalid expression in RETURNING INTO clause
3058 %s: invalid cursor name in WHERE CURRENT OF clause
3059 The expression %s is invalid.
3060 Data type %s is invalid.
3061 Precision cannot be specified for data type %s.
3062 missing comma or right parenthesis
3063 Packing or unpacking data types is not supported.
3064 encountered FROM clause but expected optional WHERE, RETURNING or ERROR_LOGGING clauses
3065 invalid GV$ query
3068 invalid expression in the PARTITION BY clause of a partitioned outer join
3069 unsupported use of SYS_OP_LBID operator
3070 GROUP BY position must be the ordinal number of a SELECT list expression
3073 IDENTIFIED clause is specified with ENABLE DICTIONARY PROTECTION clause
3074 Size cannot be specified for data type %s.
3075 unexpected item %s in an out-of-line constraint
3076 unexpected item %s in a column definition or inline constraint
3077 unexpected left parenthesis after %s
3078 unexpected right parenthesis after %s
3079 missing required column definition list
3080 '%s': invalid character in '%s'
3081 invalid character encountered during direct path conversion
3082 VALIDATE keyword not allowed in view constraints
3083 Missing column or expression in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement
3084 invalid character set ID (CSID) %s
3085 invalid timeout value
3086 invalid depth %s in the hierarchy cube SQL function
3087 unable to convert BINARY_FLOAT or BINARY_DOUBLE NaN (Not a Number) value to NUMBER
3088 invalid policy ID in the HAVING clause for the SYS_CTX_MKIVIDX function
3089 invalid number containing %s
3090 invalid number containing %s for '%s'
3091 character limit must be greater than zero
3097 windowing clause not allowed for function %s
3098 unexpected item %s in an expression
3099 unexpected item %s in a column definition
3209 DBMS_SPACE_ADMIN package invalid file or block specification
3821 Barrier DDL statements cannot be executed across a Sharding Replication Unit in the current execution context.
3826 while Barrier DDL statement with ID %s was in progress the number of followers for replication unit %s changed.
3827 deadlock detected between Barrier DDL statement on table %s.%s and a concurrently running DML statement on the same table (root cause is %s, %s)
3831 Creating network senders (error code %s) failed.
3832 Logical change record (LCR) producer process for replication unit %s is unable to communicate with network sender %s during initialization.
3833 Network sender or logical change record (LCR) persister %s is unable to communicate with logical change record (LCR) producer process for replication unit %s.
3834 %s background process for replication unit %s might not be started successfully
3835 Logical change record (LCR) producer process for replication unit %s received an error from network sender or acknowledgment receiver.
3836 Network sender for replication unit %s for shard %s is active and needs to join logical change record (LCR) producer process.
3837 Leader cannot enqueue logical change records (LCRs) for replication unit %s.
3838 cannot perform DML operations (%s on %s.%s) in a follower shard for replication unit %s, chunk ID %s
3840 invalid %s received for replication unit %s
3841 unknown replication unit: %s
3842 Raft log record for replication unit %s and log index %s does not exist.
3843 chunk relocation error
3844 Raft log record for replication unit %s and log index %s has no more data.
3898 replication unit is not empty
3899 current user not set correctly
3963 leadership of replication unit %s changed while Barrier DDL statement with ID %s was in progress
3970 Cannot continue transaction (statement %s) on leader shard after replication unit %s term changed from term %s to term %s
3971 Latch-free queue reached it's peak size
3972 The passed DDL with ID %s is invalid.
3973 Sync point for Barrier DDL with ID %s on %s.%s timed out after waiting %s seconds for the replication units %s
3974 cannot perform DML operations during switchover to shard %s for replication unit %s
3975 invalid replication unit specified: %s
3976 'move chunk' and 'alter move' commands not supported with Raft replication
3977 the number of shards in a shardgroup must not be less than its replication factor
3978 command not supported with the current replication configuration
3979 shard name parameter values must be unique
3980 shard %s is the leader for replication unit %s
3981 shard %s is not a follower for replication unit %s
3982 invalid number of replicas
3983 shard %s already contains replication unit %s
3984 shard %s does not contain replication unit %s when setting parameter %s
3985 replication units %s and %s are not collocated
3986 Switchover process has been started
3987 Switchover process completed
3988 Shutdown of apply process group
3989 no available source replica found in replication unit %s
3990 Target shard does not recognize caller %s as a peer for replication unit %s.
3991 because of the following reason: %s
3992 background tasks are pending
3993 opaque column type not supported
3994 failed to block DML on %s.%s for Barrier DDL with ID %s (root cause error = %s)
3995 shard %s is not available
3996 cannot perform DML operations during recovery of the leader for replication unit %s
3997 DML statement failed because a column or table is currently being used in a Barrier DDL statement with ID %s.
3998 SNR peer closure error
3999 bad digest when calling an internal procedure
4045 errors during recompilation or revalidation of %s.%s
4100 cannot create triggers owned by PUBLIC
4111 duplicate import name %s
4112 invalid or missing version string provided to Multilingual Engine (MLE) module %s
4113 invalid or missing language option string provided to Multilingual Engine (MLE) environment %s
4114 invalid or missing import name specified in MLE environment %s
4115 invalid or missing MLE module name
4116 invalid or missing MLE environment name
4117 MLE environment %s has errors
4118 Module import %s is a synonym for a remote object.
4119 MLE module %s has errors
4120 insufficient privileges to use MLE module %s
4121 invalid privilege used for an MLE module
4122 invalid privilege used for an MLE environment
4123 insufficient privileges to use MLE environment %s
4124 authorization error for MLE module referenced in MLE environment
4125 Empty MLE modules are not supported.
4126 invalid or missing MLE language identifier
4127 duplicate import name %s in drop list
4128 empty import name for MLE module %s
4155 Unable to convert database %s value to MLE %s value. Reason: %s
4156 Unable to convert MLE value to database %s value. Reason: %s.
4162 Unsupported type %s in signature clause of MLE call specification
4163 MLE call specification specifies invalid mapping from database type %s to MLE language type %s
4164 Missing COLLECT DEBUG INFO privilege on MLE module %s.
4165 invalid debug specification - %s
4166 Cannot process the debug output provided.
4167 environments contain a conflicting import name: %s
4168 environments contain a conflicting language option: %s
4169 SIGNATURE clause of call specification %s specifies a function name %s that is not exported by module %s.
4170 No MLE context found for the specified pair [module = %s, environment = %s] for the current user.
4171 at %s
4172 error in database callout from MLE at %s
4173 %s
4261 Multilingual Engine (MLE) is not available on this platform
4262 the compilation thread for Multilingual Engine (MLE) terminated
4263 the compilation thread for Multilingual Engine (MLE) crashed
4264 Multilingual Engine (MLE) cannot be enabled if disabled at instance or PDB level.
5001 source and target shardspaces have different number of chunks
5002 names assigned to resulting partitionsets must be distinct
5003 tablespaces can be specified for only one of the resulting partitionsets
5004 partitionset already exists in target shardspace for the same FAMILY_ID.
5005 row count mismatch between source and target during the SPLIT PARTITIONSET operation
5006 sharding key update failed
5007 sharding key update failed; transaction automatically rolled back
5008 sharding key update failed; roll back transaction manually to return to consistent state
5009 Sharding key update is not supported for this table.
5010 Updating more than one sharding column at a time is not supported.
5021 PARTITIONED AS TABLE clause contradicts LOCAL clause
5022 Locking rows for sharding key update failed.
5023 chunk id %s is in the middle of chunk move operation. Retry after chunk move is done.
5024 cannot update the sharding key when row movement is not enabled.
5025 cannot update the sharding key when SNR is enabled
5028 cannot create a sharded index on this table
5029 cannot allocate %s bytes of memory for Sharding Replication Unit %s
5030 timed out on SNR raft log ru_id %s on-disk logidx %s endidx %s
5032 operation only allowed with directory-based sharding
5033 error with SHA-256 calculation on the sharding key
5034 no matching directory-based sharded root table found for %s.%s
5035 no matching partition found for %s for directory insert
5036 no matching record found for specified key in the directory
5037 only the schema owner is allowed to modify the directory
5038 shard directory can only be modified on the shard catalog
5039 value list is not allowed in ADD PARTITION in directory-based sharding
5040 DEFAULT partition is not allowed in a directory partitioned table
5041 maximum of two destination partitions is allowed
5042 Adding a chunk ID to the value list of an existing partition failed.
5043 SNR log access %s ru_id %s rotd_idx %s curr_blk %s num_blks %s
5044 SNR cf access %d ru_id %s
5045 invalid DIRECTORY clause specified for a non-directory-based sharded root table creation
5046 cannot allocate %s bytes of memory for Sharding Replication Unit %s
5047 An internal error occurred while encrypting a password in a DDL statement.
5048 Cannot commit transaction in a follower shard for replication unit %s, transaction ID %s
5049 maximum number of replication units (%s) reached on shard %s
5050 Standby catalog does not support DDL operations.
5051 no sharded table found in the setup
5052 In a Sharding Replication system Barrier DDL on sharded table %s.%s is not allowed directly on a shard from a session that has enabled shard ddl.
5053 target shard name missing
5054 A move chunk operation is not allowed in a shardgroup containing one shard.
5055 cannot use predicate with specified pseudocolumn along with sharding key column predicates
5056 cannot make direct updates on shard directory.
5057 shard directory table or view can not be modified.
5058 shard %s is at different version than catalog
5060 GSM %s is at a different version than the catalog.
5061 partitionset method of the table is not LIST
5062 cannot add values to or drop values from a partition of a directory-sharded table.
5063 a directory-sharded table can only be created with user-defined sharding
5064 operation %s not supported for directory-based sharding
5065 Cannot change password of sharded user %s when shard DDL is disabled.
5066 INSTEAD OF triggers are not supported in sharding.
5069 Missing post commit logical change record (LCR) for transaction %s with commit log index %s for replication unit %s.
5070 maximum number of committed transactions exceeded
5071 invalid replication unit ID
5072 invalid Raft replication file number
5073 invalid indexes for raft log or file blocks
5077 Cannot commit the transaction due to one or more shards being unavailable.
5078 %s clause is not supported with Synchronous Duplicated Table
5100 all-shard user does not exist: %s
5101 Replication unit creation failed. Code %s. Error: %s
5102 task cannot be altered: %s
5103 invalid 'compatible' setting for Raft replication: %s
5104 unable to decrypt password for %s shards: %s
5776 operation not allowed on blockchain table
5777 %s not supported for blockchain or immutable table version %s
5778 data type for column '%s' unsupported for row version of blockchain or immutable table
5779 invalid value '%s' specified for argument '%s'
5780 USER CHAIN feature not enabled on blockchain table
5781 INSERT statement not allowed in an UPDATE trigger on blockchain tables
5782 cannot grant SIGN privilege on this object
5783 verification of current lifespan failed at RID '%s' and STARTSCN '%s' for table %s.%s
5784 distributed transaction not supported on blockchain tables
5785 blockchain or immutable table %s.%s is already partitioned
5786 unsupported version %s of blockchain signed digest for table %s.%s
5787 blockchain table's signed digest operation failed for table %s.%s
5788 invalid INSERT attempted on the blockchain table%s while transaction being committed
5789 countersignature already exists for row at instance ID '%s', chain ID '%s', sequence number '%s' in table %s.%s
5790 signature does not exist for row at instance ID '%s', chain ID '%s', sequence number '%s' in table %s.%s
5791 data type '%s' not supported for key-column '%s' of table '%s'.'%s'
5792 row version key-column '%s' cannot be dropped from table '%s'.'%s'
5793 missing or invalid option '%s' for blockchain or immutable table '%s'.'%s'
5794 used for row versioning of a blockchain or immutable table cannot exceed %s bytes.
5796 with (%s) as its key is locked by another RAC instance.
5797 locked by in doubt distributed transaction
5798 invalid value %s outside the range of %s and %s passed to parameter %s
5799 row does not exist at instance ID '%s', chain ID '%s', sequence number '%s' in table %s.%s for computing previous row hash
5800 external partitions not supported on blockchain or immutable tables
5801 at instance ID '%s', chain ID '%s', sequence number '%s', pdb-guid '%s' with epoch number '%s'
5803 \n%s
5805 cannot have more than %s user columns.
5806 rows found missing between sequence numbers '%s' and '%s' for chain with instance ID '%s', chain ID '%s', pdb-guid '%s'
5807 cannot have idle retention greater than %s days.
5824 operation disallowed on hidden columns
5826 blockchain or immutable table '%s'.'%s' does not support deferrable constraint %s
5827 Countersignature does not exist for row at pluggable database GUID '%s', instance ID '%s', chain ID '%s', sequence number '%s' in table %s.%s.
5828 cannot set blockchain or immutable table '%s'.'%s' as a data link or an extended data link
5829 signature does not exist for row at pluggable database GUID '%s', key columns %s in table %s.%s
5830 no data found at row at pluggable database GUID '%s', key columns %s in table %s.%s
5831 signature already exists for row at pluggable database GUID '%s', key columns %s in table %s.%s
5832 owner validation failed for row at pluggable database GUID '%s', key columns %s in table %s.%s
5833 invalid hash for row at pluggable database GUID '%s', key columns %s in table %s.%s
5834 signature verification failed for row at pluggable database GUID '%s', key columns %s in table %s.%s
5835 Countersignature does not exist for row at pluggable database GUID '%s', key columns %s in table %s.%s.
5836 countersignature already exists for row at pluggable database GUID '%s', key columns %s in table %s.%s
7291 sltzdtinit: invalid parameter to sltzdtinit.
8500 session tag does not exist
8501 session tag is already used
8502 current session is already tagged
8503 current session is not tagged
8504 session tag string is too long: greater than %s character(s)
8505 session tag string is too short: less than %s character(s)
8506 invalid BEIRUT action.
8507 A session cannot terminate itself.
8508 An attempt to terminate a critical background process %s failed.
8509 background process name does not exist
8510 background process does not have a session state object
8511 session tag is reserved for background process name.
8512 breakpoint is not enabled
8513 breakpoint is explicitly disabled
8514 breakpoint name is too long: greater than %s character(s)
8515 breakpoint list length is too long: greater than %s character(s)
8516 deadlock detected: current session waits on breakpoint %s while test session waits on breakpoint %s.
8517 current session waiting on breakpoint %s timed out after waiting for %s seconds
8518 test session timed out waiting for database session %s on breakpoint %s after %s seconds
8600 Oracle event to test fix for bug-33741649
10033 sort run information
10151 unexpected SQL work area state change during simulation mode
10747 enable LMD stale cvak resource dumps
11412 Operation not allowed while the root container is open for upgrade or downgrade.
11414 An active per PDB Data Guard is running on another instance.
11415 A per PDB Data Guard standby is open on more than one instance.
11416 System too busy. Try again later
11417 cannot run more than %s active per PDB Data Guard
11418 the source CDB has purged its copy of the control file
11419 must be re-instated as a standby
11501 The column default does not match the domain default of the column.
11502 The domain %s to be dropped has dependent objects.
11503 The column collation does not match the domain collation of the column.
11504 The domain specified does not exist or the user does not have privileges on the domain for the operation.
11505 The domain already has an expression.
11506 The domain expression does not exist.
11507 The argument to DOMAIN_DISPLAY or DOMAIN_ORDER is not associated with a domain.
11508 Casting to a domain using the MULTISET keyword is not allowed.
11509 Casting to a multi-column domain is not allowed.
11510 Casting to a polymorphic or multi-column domain as specified is not allowed.
11511 Alter table modify drop domain cannot be combined with other options.
11512 The column already has an associated domain.
11513 CAST AS DOMAIN has failed due to domain constraints.
11514 Creating a domain with the same name as an Oracle supplied type, or user defined data type, package or function is not allowed.
11515 incorrect number of columns in domain association list
11516 CMON TDM Statistics trace event
11517 the column data type does not match the domain column
11518 cannot drop domain from only a subset of the columns
11519 column is associated with a multi-column domain
11520 sub-domain %s not found
11521 sub-domain %s is a flexible domain
11522 domain column %s data type is not the same in all sub-domains
11523 domain column %s not referenced
11524 sub-domain or its argument is an expression
11525 column %s used in selector-expression is not a discriminant column
11526 number of columns in sub-domain %s do not match
11527 duplicate domain or discriminant column
11528 missing discriminant column
11529 cannot modify the display or order of a domain used by a flexible domain
11530 cannot alter the display or order of a flexible domain
11531 unsupported domain column feature
11532 unsupported domain selector expression
11533 One or more table columns exist with a domain that cannot be downgraded
11534 check constraint (%s.%s) due to domain constraint %s.%s of domain %s.%s violated
11535 No insert, update, delete on table with constraint (%s.%s) due to domain constraint %s.%s of domain %s.%s disabled and validated
11536 cannot validate (%s.%s) due to domain constraint %s.%s of domain %s.%s - check constraint violated
11537 Casting to a data type is not allowed to specify a domain.
11538 The domain %s to be dropped has dependent objects in the recycle bin.
11539 CAST AS DOMAIN feature is not supported.
11541 REPLACE and IF NOT EXISTS cannot coexist in the same DDL statement
11542 IF [NOT] EXISTS feature is disabled
11543 Incorrect IF NOT EXISTS clause for CREATE statement.
11545 annotation value %s...%s... exceeds 4000 bytes limit
11546 missing left parenthesis when specifying ANNOTATIONS
11547 missing right parenthesis when specifying ANNOTATIONS
11548 missing or invalid annotation name '%s' in the ANNOTATIONS sequence
11549 invalid annotation value '%s' in the ANNOTATIONS sequence
11550 missing comma between consecutive annotations within ANNOTATIONS
11551 missing annotations sequence within the ANNOTATIONS clause
11552 Annotation name '%s' already exists.
11553 Annotation name '%s' does not exist.
11554 Annotations are not allowed on private temporary tables.
11555 DROP annotation is not allowed in a CREATE statement.
11556 REPLACE annotation is not allowed in a CREATE statement.
11559 Column level annotations not allowed in CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statements.
12241 Windows service %s not %s
12261 Cannot connect to database. Syntax error in Easy Connect connection string %s
12262 Cannot connect to database. Could not resolve hostname %s in Easy Connect connection string %s
12263 Failed to read the connect descriptor %s.
12270 Client NOT using TCPS protocol to connect to server
12644 Kerberos ticket has expired.
12758 invalid options specified with ALTER SYSTEM KILL or ALTER SYSTEM DISCONNECT
12759 Startup command failed, reconnect required.
12786 Value of parameter CPU_COUNT cannot be set to %s because it exceeds the number of CPUs(%s) reported by the operating system.
12787 Value of parameter CPU_COUNT for PDB %s cannot be set to %s because it exceeds the CPU_COUNT(%s) set in the CDB.
12793 comment with length %s exceeds maximum allowed length of %s
12794 comment is mandatory when setting an underscore parameter (%s) in SPFILE
12795 comment is missing '%s' tag
12796 The '%s' parameter cannot be greater than '%s' in Oracle Database Standard Edition.
12797 The '%s' parameter cannot be greater than '%s' in Oracle Database Free version.
12798 Mathematical expression for parameter %s has an invalid value.
12860 deadlock detected while waiting for a sibling row lock
12977 pluggable database (PDB) recovery was not active
13038 Cannot enable parallel query after performing spatial DML.
13394 Parameter %s is NULL or empty.
13395 Parameter %0!s has NULL or empty element at index %1!s.
13396 Parameter %0!s has invalid element at index %1!s.
13490 cannot enable GeoRaster: %s
13582 DBID cannot be unregistered from AWR. Snapshots exist for this DBID
13583 Snapshot service [%s][%s] cannot be enabled for DBID (%s): %s.
13584 Filename %s is invalid.
13585 failed to communicate with Object Storage
14356 cannot update a join view using UPDATE FROM clause
14357 updated column must come from the target table
14358 cannot delete a join view using DELETE FROM clause
14359 The operation was unable to obtain a consistent set of rows that needed to be modified.
14438 no subpartition found in table%s for inserted partition key%s
14439 no subpartition found in table%s for updated partition key%s
14555 LOB from %s.%s.%s cannot be written inside a query
14571 The control file cache must either be enabled on all instances or disabled on all instances.
14572 failed to resilver the redo log using the persistent memory direct commit file
15227 could not perform label set or clear operation
15427 Appliance mode requires at least %s failure groups.
15428 Invalid disk slots to enable appliance mode.
15429 Appliance mode requires at least %s disks in each failure group.
15482 failed to create or remove device file for volume %s on diskgroup %s
15490 not all instances could add or drop the volume
15778 link from %s to %s does not exist in topology %s
15779 RMF operation failed: %s
16390 incorrect database role
16391 parameter STATEMENT_REDIRECT_SERVICE has invalid service name
16421 event for redo transport debugging
16913 cannot remove a remote configuration that sends or receives redo data
16914 Redo Apply Services were not started at the standby pluggable database.
16915 fast-start failover incarnation mismatch
16916 The specified fast-start failover condition is disabled.
16917 Fast-start failover lag limit value is greater than fast-start failover threshold value.
16918 Switchover to previous target pluggable database did not complete.
16919 The former target pluggable database executed a failover immediate.
16920 The specified pluggable database already exists.
16921 The specified pluggable database already exists as a physical standby role.
16922 Oracle Data Guard per Pluggable Database setup is not available.
16923 The source and target multitenant container databases cannot be the same.
16924 The specified source pluggable database is a standby pluggable database.
16925 Output document is too long.
16926 Redo apply services of the specified standby pluggable database is waiting for redo data.
16927 FastStartFailoverLagGraceTime value must be less than FastStartFailoverLagLimit value.
16928 FastStartFailoverLagLimit value must be greater than FastStartFailoverLagGraceTime value.
17356 OPC ODM read ahead buffer size
17357 Invalid ODM object store segment size %s. Valid range: %s-%s.
17358 OPC ODM error simulation event
17359 Object store file is too large %s %s %s.
17360 Object store file %s cannot be closed during a network wait.
17538 DBMS_DNFS.CLONEDB_RENAMEFILE source or destination is NULL or has zero length
17682 invalid or missing object store credential: %s
18313 member set expression is not allowed
18390 The FACT ROWS clause cannot be specified for analytic views with any dense dimensions.
18391 data manipulation operation not allowed on a hierarchy or analytic view
18455 invalid action column value for keys (%s) with values (%s) in change tracking table (%s)
18456 invalid row for keys (%s) with values (%s) in change tracking table (%s)
18506 invalid numeric value (%s) in the calculated measure expression
18507 in the analytic view query
18571 An analytic view dimension may not be specified as dense when the cache clause has been included.
18572 Either all or none of the analytic view caches are required to have a change tracking table.
18574 based on an expression that is not a single column
18575 .
19081 Internal error '%s' is received from XML processor.
19082 Operation is supported only for transportable binary XML.
19083 XML Search Index supported only for Transportable Binary XML.
19084 invalid number for function getNumberVal
19746 Privileged Procedure call from user without SYSBACKUP role
19747 RMAN remote procedure call from user without SYSBACKUP role
19785 event to wait for a minute before processing data files in a backup session
19786 test event to simulate change tracking file corruption during RMAN backup
19787 block change tracking is in transition state
19879 test event to simulate space header SCN lower than bitmap SCN during RMAN backup
19938 can not backup Data Pump dump or PDB unplug XML file, requires COMPATIBLE %s or higher.
21303 Help:
22168 collection that was referenced in this statement is invalid
22169 SQL statement was invalid
22305 attribute, method, or parameter %s not found
22811 object cannot be marked or unmarked hot
22848 cannot use %s type as comparison key
22849 Type %s is not supported for this function or operator.
22981 sub-view should be on a table or view with system generated OID
22985 Invalid second argument to MAKE_REF. Expected value is a 16 byte OID.
24177 Another purge_queue_table session (sid %s, serial# %s) is already active on the same queue table
24180 invalid transformation expression, the transformation expression does not evaluate to the target type or attribute
24225 Transactional Event Queue(TEQ) consumer group leader for consumer: %s is dead.
24226 The target tablespace %s specified to move the queue table does not exist.
24227 The input flags specified to move the queue table are invalid.
24266 Inconsistent host access control list (ACL) resolution type: expected %s got %s
24443 error status from OCI call: %s
24456 invalid OCI function code
24464 OCI Session Pool does not support pooling sessions of different server types specified in the connect string %s
24513 Configuration Store not supported with connection pool.
24514 Configuration Store login not supported with heterogeneous session pool.
24827 invalid byte amount parameter value in LOB read function
24828 database version does not support LOB array read or write operations
24829 QUERY clause is not compatible with ALTER TABLE MOVE
24830 array iterator is more than array size
24831 The write operation is not allowed for read-only LOB column %s in %s.%s.
24856 invalid use of TO_LOB operator
24857 LOB Locator belongs to another statement
24858 value LOB is very large
24923 event notification not supported for %s
25240 multiple dequeue criteria specified in dequeue options
25316 Too late in the current transaction to begin an enqueue or dequeue operation.
25334 Buffered propagation must restart because the destination queue was re-created or moved.
25477 hot cursor limit reached: %s
25551 process not initialized in threaded mode
25552 lateral view with old style outer join (+) cannot participate on the left side of an ANSI outer join
25553 lateral view with old style outer join (+) cannot participate in an ANSI full outer join
25602 Migration is already running on the queue %s.%s.
25603 Migration has not started on the queue %s.%s.
25604 Migration can only run on classic queue and queue %s.%s is not classic queue.
25605 Migration cannot run because %s feature is unsupported in Transactional Event Queues.
25606 This operation is restricted because migration is ongoing on the %s.%s queue.
25607 cannot execute %s migration because %s is not empty. You can use PURGE_QUEUE_MESSAGES API
25608 wrong value entered for %s input parameter
25609 switch queue code path for migration routing
25610 cannot assign same Transactional Event Queue name to multiple migration queues
25611 Warning: %s feature is used which is unsupported in Transactional Event Queues.
25612 The queue is enabled for %s. Please execute stop_queue before executing the rename_queue operation.
25613 not able to migrate the given rule condition for the target queue
25703 event to enable O5LOGON tracing in the OCI client
25705 does not exist.
25707 The token is invalid.
25708 The expiration time of the token has passed.
25711 The private key is missing or invalid.
25712 could not lock object %s.%s
25713 could not lock the user '%s' while auditing an event
25714 invalid value of PASSWORD_AUTH or TOKEN_AUTH in the client configuration
25715 External identity provider key is not supported.
25716 ) character
25800 Maximum length of a saga entity cannot exceed 107 characters.
25801 Unsupported version '%s'
25802 Insufficient privileges to access schema %s
25803 Saga entity %s already exists
25804 Saga entity %s does not exist.
25805 Saga entity %s cannot be dropped
25806 Missing package or execution rights for package '%s'.'%s'
25807 Callback package cannot be registered for a coordinator
25808 Participant or coordinator database link cannot be null
25809 Unable to make remote calls using database link '%s'
25810 Saga entity %s already exists at broker
25811 Saga entity %s cannot be created
25812 Cannot drop queue table '%s'
25813 Cannot clear dictionary entry for entity '%s'
25814 Cannot unschedule propagation for queue '%s'
25815 Cannot unregister notification callback for queue '%s'
25816 Cannot update dictionary entry for entity '%s'
25817 Drop operation failed for entity '%s'
25818 Invalid coordinator name '%s'
25819 unauthorized access
25820 Invalid opcode %s
25821 Invalid saga id %s
25822 Cannot drop subscriber for queue '%s'
25823 The saga %s has timed out.
25824 Cannot enroll participant for saga id '%s'
26066 cannot load duplicate tables with a domain index because not all domain index keys are being loaded\n
26104 unexpected error on %s %s while locking object, return code: %s, obj: %s
26537 Integrated Replicat is not supported in Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud.
26538 XStream In is not supported in Oracle Autonomous Database Cloud.
26579 Restarting capture worker because %s PDBs have been assigned to capture worker.
26580 Must use %s.%s procedure for shared capture %s.
26581 LCR packing error (%d bytes remaining, required %d bytes).
26582 cannot alter this parameter because previous ALTER statement is in progress
26583 modifying %s parameter requires SID='*' qualifier
26584 Altering '%s' parameter requires SCOPE=BOTH.
26585 cannot configure more shared capture instances than number of Oracle RAC instances (%s)
26586 Shared Capture Service has already been enabled.
26587 cannot disable Shared Capture Service while there are PDBs still registered to it
26588 Shared Capture Service is not enabled.
26589 cannot stop Shared Capture Service while there are PDBs still registered to it
26590 The JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES parameter must be greater than zero.
26591 The specified tablespace is not an automatic segment space management tablespace.
26592 An invalid tablespace name specified.
26593 cannot drop capture %s because one or more PDBs are currently registered to this capture
26594 Change table %s for PDB %s has been dropped.
26595 Pluggable database (PDB) '%s' is already captured by '%s'.
26596 Updating parameter %s is not allowed for Shared Capture Service.
26597 Capture %s encountered error %s while obtaining the Logminer dictionary for object number %s and version %s at SCN %s.
26598 (object_id=%s). The LCR has more columns (old=%s, new=%s) than the receiver supports.
26599 Oracle GoldenGate Apply Receiver received an invalid LCR.
26988 Cannot grant Oracle GoldenGate privileges. The procedure GRANT_ADMIN_PRIVILEGE is disabled.
26989 Cannot grant XStream privileges. The procedure GRANT_ADMIN_PRIVILEGE is disabled.
26990 cannot modify or drop columns or constraints on tombstone table key
26991 Automatic Conflict Detection and Resolution conflict resolution cannot format existing data timestamp'
26992 cannot create a capture in CDB root when database has a DGPDB
26993 Cannot have unique index on Automatic Conflict Detection and Resolution enabled blockchain or immutable table %s.%s.
26994 Can have only one unique or primary key constraint on Automatic Conflict Detection and Resolution enabled blockchain or immutable table %s.%s.
26995 Automatic Conflict Detection and Resolution is not supported on version v1 blockchain or immutable table %s.%s.
26996 Automatic Conflict Detection and Resolution procedure is not supported for blockchain or immutable table %s.%s.
26997 Automatic Conflict Detection and Resolution cannot be added to blockchain or immutable table %s.%s.
26998 Invalid JSON update at table %s.%s column %s.
27050 function called with invalid file information structure
27055 failed to allocate disk space
27109 Setting of values for parameters related to SGA creation is not compatible.
27183 unable to locate symbol name in the SGA (system global area) symbol table
27184 specified symbol number is not in the range of symbols in the SGA (system global area) table
27185 buffer of insufficient length specified for reading symbol data
27186 large buffer specified for writing into symbol data
27187 SGA (system global area) symbol table operations not supported
27188 specification for parameter controlling the number of granules per SGA file is invalid
27189 operation is not supported
27541 NMON event service background process terminated with error
27890 invalid namespace context type
27891 Namespace invalid %s
27892 invalid namespace context handle
27893 given namespace context handle not attached
27894 given namespace context handle attached
27900 Namespace Context Tracing On.
28024 Cannot alter database user or role that has external roles granted to the user or role.
28095 The parameter %s is unexpected for ACTION %s for ALTER_POLICY.
28096 The parameter %s is unexpected for ADD_POLICY.
28097 A data redaction policy cannot be applied to an object owned by SYS.
28192 Enabling or disabling read-only property is not allowed on a common user.
28193 Can perform read operations only
28194 Can perform read operations only
28195 cannot enable hybrid read only mode when pluggable database is open in upgrade mode
28228 REPLACE clause not specified when the password was being changed.
28229 was not found or did not have enough privileges.
28446 cannot perform database dictionary rekey or delete key operation due to missing current encryption key
28455 ENCRYPT option not allowed.
28458 cannot create, import or restore unencrypted tablespace: %s when TABLESPACE_ENCRYPTION is set to AUTO_ENABLE.
28459 cannot encrypt the unencrypted tablespace: %s when TABLESPACE_ENCRYPTION is set to DECRYPT_ONLY.
28461 The requested cryptographic operation (%s) is not FIPS-compliant.
28462 invalid object metadata
28727 trace event set or reset operation failed
28824 invalid encryption, decryption, or signature state passed
28877 Parameter tag is not valid.
28878 parameter AAD is not valid
29486 Specifying the container parameter is not allowed in the PARSE_AS_USER call.
29861 Domain index %s.%s is marked %s and currently not usable.
29912 event for turning off direct invocation of CONTAINS and SCORE
29954 Domain index partition %s is marked %s and currently not usable.
29969 failure in updating parameter, invalid value(s) supplied: %s
30580 Oracle Text event
30581 Oracle Text event
30582 Oracle Text event
30600 Oracle Text error\n%s
30601 Oracle Text encountered an initialization error %s.
30602 timeout waiting for postings lists batches
30603 Oracle Text index is busy.
30604 Oracle Text index no longer exists or is altered.
30605 invalid combination of SCORE labels for JSON_TEXTCONTAINS
30606 invalid argument for JSON_TEXTCONTAINS SCORE label
30607 Oracle Text index maintenance was interrupted.
30608 Oracle Text index maintenance has failed.
30698 network connection failed: connection refused
30699 network connection failed: connection timed out
30700 network connection failed: destination unreachable
30995 DOM streams operations cannot be performed on a NULL or invalid node.
31177 The referenced resource configuration does not exist.
31184 A wrong or null XML element is being inserted.
31400 DBMS_LDAP: missing or invalid scheduler credential
31936 ANSI join mv rewrite testing event
31974 missing GROUP BY clause in CREATE MATERIALIZED ZONEMAP statement
31975 too many GROUP BY expressions in CREATE MATERIALIZED ZONEMAP statement
31976 invalid expression in the GROUP BY clause of a CREATE MATERIALIZED ZONEMAP statement
31994 APPEND option is not applicable to single value parameters
31999 This parameter is not directly user modifiable, update '_fix_control' instead
32130 invalid offset or index referenced in Bytes
32376 cannot CREATE LOGICAL PARTITION TRACKING on a partitioning column that already has logical or physical partitions defined
32377 cannot refresh on-commit materialized views in a distributed transaction
32378 cannot have a partitioning column that already has a logical partition tracking defined
32379 unsupported table type for logical partition tracking
32380 MAXVALUE partition cannot be specified for INTERVAL logical partition tracking
32382 Cannot drop a logical partition tracking column on a table
32383 unsupported materialized view for concurrent refresh
32384 unsupported on-commit materialized view shape for concurrent refresh
32435 failed to refresh materialized view due to mismatched column datatype
32436 failed to qualify for join specific materialized view: %s
32466 Cannot associate a private temporary table with a domain.
32491 cycle mark value and non-cycle mark value for CYCLE clause must be either all character values or boolean values
32524 operation cannot be performed at interrupted location: [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]
32647 %s: invalid measure expression in left hand side of MODEL rule
32648 %s: invalid argument for MODEL CV operator
32649 %s: invalid argument for MODEL IS ANY predicate
32650 %s: invalid measure expression
32789 feature
33283 (DBERR013) Analytic workspace %s cannot be opened. The temporary analytic workspace flag is set.
33295 (DBERR20) Analytic workspace %s cannot be opened. The analytic worksace is already open.
33738 (ILPPUT03) Program %j either contains unmatched IF, WHILE, TEMPSTAT, FOR, or IF THEN ELSE statement, or contains duplicate labels.
34180 (MXCHGDCL03) %n is not a conjoint dimension and cannot be changed in this manner.
34691 (MXXEQ00A) %a %k %d %d %n\nThe value %1p is greater than the specified precision (%2p, %3p) for %4p.
34693 (MXXEQ00B) %a %k %d %d\nThe value %1p is greater than the specified precision (%2p, %3p).
35280 (SNSYN165) The format of the AGGREGATE command is:\n \n AGGREGATE varname1 [varname2 varname3 ...] [USING aggmap-name] [COUNTVAR intvar-name1 [intvar-name2 intvar-name3 ...]] [FUNCDATA] [FORCEORDER] [PARALLEL #] [{FROM|FROMVAR} fromname [, fromname2 ...]]
35508 (SNSYN329) invalid SYSINFO function syntax
36982 (XSRELGID03) %a %n %n\nThe destination variable or relation %1p must be dimensioned by all dimensions of the source relation %2p that have more than one value in status.
37606 Oracle OLAP failed to initialize at %s.
38107 Invalid syntax with MERGE without USING clause.
38313 cannot truncate sys.recyclebin$ while it has rows
38388 cannot add ILM policy to a bitmap index
38389 cannot add ILM policy to an index-organized table
38390 ILM policy operations not supported for cluster tables
38890 RESETLOGS option may need to be used to open this PDB
38892 cannot disable flashback log dest - flashback database is enabled
38893 Parameter DB_FLASHBACK_LOG_DEST_SIZE is out of range (1 - %s)
38894 flashback log destination parameter mismatch
38895 can not set DB_FLASHBACK_LOG_DEST dynamically after flashback database is on
38896 can not specify DB_FLASHBACK_LOG_DEST in INIT.ORA file after flashback database has been enabled without it
38897 cannot remove DB_FLASHBACK_LOG_DEST in INIT.ORA file after flashback database has been enabled with it
38898 cannot set DB_FLASHBACK_LOG_DEST_SIZE to %s, minimum quota required is %s
38899 compatible initialization parameter must be at least release in order to use DB_FLASHBACK_LOG_DEST
39441 Utilities In-Memory Trace event
39450 Database release %s.%s is unable to read the dump file created by release %s.
39451 PARALLEL value %s exceeds dump file set count
39452 FILESIZE is outside valid range of %sKB to %sMB
39453 Warning: The ENABLE_SECURE_ROLE parameter has been desupported.
39454 Warning: Ignoring %s transform parameter with older dump files.
39456 Warning: Incompatible usage of the CHECKSUM parameter and object-store URI dump files.
39457 Utilities Trailer Block event
39459 %s was called with a NULL dump file specification.
39460 cannot create password verification function %s due to lockdown
39461 Error %s in %s, %s. Additional information %s.
39462 remap value %s must be a valid simple SQL name
39500 (ignored)
39501 failed to notify CRS of a startup or shutdown event [%s] (ignored)
39502 failed to notify Cluster Ready Services (CRS) of a startup or shutdown event [%s] (ignored)
39503 failed to notify Cluster Ready Services (CRS) of a startup or shutdown event [%s] (ignored)
39716 Downgrade for Oracle Label Sceurity failed.
39850 Sequence expressions are not supported for SQLLDR direct path loads on server versions prior to Oracle Database 23c.
39851 Subtype instances are not supported by this function.
39852 Use of non-primary key based OID table is not allowed by this function.
39853 not found
39854 Unable to fetch all partition statistics due to lock contention.
39855 unable to fetch unload method: (%s)
39968 invalid value for parameter PLSCOPE_SETTINGS
39970 Bind calls are not allowed after cursor execution
39973 invalid or duplicate named fields in collection type
39974 unsupported RECORD type operation
39975 Failed to extend the program call stack depth to %s. The current maximum allowed depth is %s frames.
39976 Incorrect bind API used for the package DBMS_SQL.
40001 value for %s must be greater than zero
40002 wordsize must be %s or greater
40003 wordsize must be in the range %s - %s for BLAST-P
40004 penalty must be negative for BLAST-N
40021 no column named %s in training table %s
40022 null case ID column - cannot provide row diagnostics
40023 sufficient memory could not be allocated given the number of attributes
40024 solution to least squares problem could not be found
40025 reference class name not found in build data
40026 reference class name not found in the weights table
40027 Target attribute has more than two distinct values
40028 solution to least squares problem could not be found
40029 Specified diagnostics table name already exists
40030 solution to least squares problem could not be found
40031 too many forced-in features (maximum allowable 1000)
40032 solution to least squares problem could not be found
40033 invalid covariance matrix
40034 FORCE_IN incompatible with the setting GLMS_FTR_SELECTION disabled
40035 more FORCE_IN features than rows in the data or in a partition
40051 too few rows to estimate the specified model
40052 series contains large numbers; possible numerical instability
40059 ancillary series must only be specified once in EXSM_SERIES_LIST
40060 ancillary series %s, when prefixed, will exceed maximum column length
40061 number of ancillary series specified exceeds limit
40062 one or more ancillary series cannot be estimated
40063 specified EXSM_INTERVAL is too small to build model on the data
40081 invalid name for the right bound column of XGBoost AFT model
40091 JSON values cannot be compared.
40177 Expression used for UNNEST clause is not a scalar subquery returning JSON data type through JSON_OBJECT.
40178 Item method %s cannot be used at the end of the path expression for this operator.
40185 no valid value found for Box-Cox parameter lambda
40239 too many different categorical predictor and target values in training data
40368 User who can be connected to by another user as a proxy user cannot be marked as dictionary protected.
40369 Only NO AUTHENTICATION user can be marked as dictionary protected.
40370 IDENTIFIED clause not allowed for user marked as dictionary protected
40371 Cannot connect as a dictionary protected user.
40372 ACCOUNT UNLOCK not allowed for a user marked as dictionary protected.
40373 only CREATE, CREATE ANY, ALTER, DROP are valid for property graph
40374 Dictionary protection feature is supported for only Oracle maintained users.
40375 Dictionary protection feature is not supported for SYS user.
40541 exceeded maximum size for a JSON schema literal
40542 use of EJSON not allowed for this operation
40543 invalid alias definition
40544 CHECK expression of '%s' constraint not possible to use as PRECHECK condition
40545 The table intended to back the collection already exists.
40546 Error mapping the object as a collection. The mapped object has a column '%s' of length %s which is different from the %s length specified in the metadata.
40547 cannot set the precheck state for a non CHECK constraint
40575 JSON operation only supports scalar types.
40576 Bind variable '%s' has to be a constant in this operation.
40606 Cannot create JSON Relational Duality View '%s': Table '%s' does not have a primary or unique key.
40607 Cannot create JSON Relational Duality View '%s': All primary or unique key columns of table '%s' must be selected.
40608 Cannot create JSON Relational Duality View '%s': join query to construct subobject '%s' must use all columns of a primary or unique key of table '%s'.
40609 Cannot create JSON Relational Duality View '%s': foreign key column '%s' of table '%s' should be part of the primary or unique key of the same table, or it should not be selected to construct subobject '%s'.
40610 Cannot create JSON Relational Duality View '%s': All joining columns of table '%s' must have a foreign key constraint to table '%s'.
40611 Only one table is allowed in the FROM clause for JSON Relational Duality Views.
40612 Cannot create JSON Relational Duality View '%s': operator or expression not permitted.
40613 JSON key name cannot be reserved keyword '%s' for JSON Relational Duality Views.
40614 Key name must be a string literal enclosed by single quotation marks for JSON Relational Duality Views.
40615 Cannot create JSON Relational Duality View '%s': RETURNING clause must return a JSON type.
40616 Cannot create JSON Relational Duality View '%s': using ABSENT ON NULL in JSON_OBJECT() is not permitted.
40617 Cannot create JSON Relational Duality View '%s': using ABSENT ON NULL or NULL ON NULL clauses in JSON_ARRAYAGG() is not permitted.
40618 Invalid ETAG value used in the SQL function.
40619 missing column '%s' in CHECK ETAG list
40834 invalid input to JSON parse or load function
40857 JSON_VALUE returned an object type that is not SDO_GEOMETRY.
40858 Cannot create a JSON_VALUE functional index with bind variables.
40859 A JSON path expression was too long.\n
40862 contentColumn.jsonFormat cannot specified with a contentColumn.sqlType other than BLOB.
40863 contentColumn.jsonFormat can only be set to OSON.
40864 contentColumn.jsonFormat cannot be set with a media type column.
40865 JSON DOM operation was attempted on a container of an incorrect type.
40866 JSON document operation was attempted on a non-scalar node.
40872 unexpected token in JSON_TABLE (near '%s')
40873 invalid JSON_TABLE column name '%s'
40874 Bind variable not supported in this operation.
40875 JSON schema validation error
40876 invalid JSON schema document
40877 cannot use empty policy name on INMEMORY TEXT
40878 unsupported data type for JSON schema validation
40879 invalid IS JSON option for JSON schema validation
40880 JSON schema has unsupported data type
40881 JSON schema not a literal
40882 JSON schema not a literal
40883 unsupported character in an array step
40884 array step is not closed
40885 character following an array step must be either '.' or '['
40886 array step cannot follow a '.' step separator character
40887 Pseudo-column %s not allowed in UPDATE or INSERT
40888 The predicate specified in the JSON_VALUE functional index is invalid.
40889 'path' or 'nestedPath' is missing in a 'fields' array element
40890 'nestedPath' and 'fields' cannot be specified in conjunction with other fields within the same object
40891 '%s' and '%s' cannot appear within the same object
40892 invalid element under the 'fields' array
40893 Unsupported data type used in column '%s' of a JSON Relational Duality View '%s'.
40894 Cannot create JSON Relational Duality view '%s': Invalid or missing expression for ETAG computation.
40895 invalid SQL expression in JSON relational duality view (%s)
40896 Cannot %s JSON Relational Duality View '%s': Concurrent modification detected to document with ID '%s'.
40897 Cannot create JSON Relational Duality View '%s': The primary key or unique key column '%s' cannot be marked with the UPDATE annotation.
40898 $SYS_OBJ_ID mismatch for object '%s'
40899 Primary keys in WITH OBJECT ID clause do not match primary keys of table '%s'.
40930 internal testing event for Oracle Real Application Clusters daemon
40931 A subquery within a JSON array constructor cannot have a select list with more than one expression.
40932 A subquery within a JSON array constructor contains a set operation such as UNION or INTERSECT.
40933 missing primary key column '%s' in CHECK ETAG list
40934 Cannot create JSON Relational Duality View '%s': Invalid or conflicting annotations for the JSON field.
40935 Cannot create JSON Relational Duality View '%s': '%s' must be a table or editionable view.
40936 Internal JSON-relational duality view error.
40937 Cannot insert into table '%s' in JSON Relational Duality View '%s': Missing INSERT annotation or NOINSERT annotation specified.
40938 Cannot delete from table '%s' in JSON Relational Duality View '%s': Missing DELETE annotation or NODELETE annotation specified.
40939 Cannot update table '%s' in JSON Relational Duality View '%s': Missing UPDATE annotation or NOUPDATE annotation specified.
40940 Cannot update field '%s' corresponding to column '%s' of table '%s' in JSON Relational Duality View '%s': Missing UPDATE annotation or NOUPDATE annotation specified.
40941 cannot specify a column name or subquery alias for JSON relational duality view
40942 Primary key has a virtual column in JSON relational duality view for table '%s'.
40943 Cannot %s JSON Relational Duality View '%s': Field '%s' corresponding to column '%s' in table '%s' is missing from JSON input.
40944 Cannot %s JSON Relational Duality View '%s': The input JSON document is invalid.\n%s
40945 Column '%s' of table '%s' cannot be selected in JSON relational duality view as it is virtual.
40946 JSON relational duality view is not supported on remote table '%s'.
40947 A JSON relational duality view is created with duplicate tag '%s'.
40948 Cannot insert multiple values to JSON relational duality view '%s'
40949 JSON relational duality view is not supported on sharded table '%s'.
40950 MERGE is not supported on JSON relational duality view '%s'.
40951 unsupported operation for GRAPH_TABLE: %s
40952 Total domain columns length exceeds 32K.
40953 Column type mismatch: %s.
40954 unknown label
40956 invalid property name format
40957 missing variable name
40958 missing label name
40959 Property graph %s could not be INMEMORY enabled because its VERTEX table %s is disconnected.
40960 invalid SQL data type for property
40961 Not enough memory to compile GRAPH_TABLE operator.
40962 invalid property graph input to GRAPH_TABLE()
40963 invalid dot notation for JSON type in the label
40964 invalid argument specified in an EDGE_ID or EDGE_EQUAL operator
40966 cannot alter column present in in-memory graph element key
40967 Property graph not in enforced mode.
40968 data manipulation operation not legal on GRAPH_TABLE() operator
40969 query graph on a remote database is not supported
40971 invalid vertex or edge ID: '%s'
40981 invalid argument specified in a VERTEX_ID or VERTEX_EQUAL operator
40983 is never defined
40984 invalid value specified for bounded quantifier in a GRAPH_TABLE operator
40985 unsupported quantifier for variable path pattern in a GRAPH_TABLE operator
40986 unsupported nested quantified path pattern in a GRAPH_TABLE operator
40987 path pattern is not specified in a GRAPH_TABLE operator
40988 Subquery is not allowed in a GRAPH_TABLE operator.
40989 no value specified for bounded quantifier in a GRAPH_TABLE operator
40990 invalid reference of group variable %s in the COLUMNS clause of a GRAPH_TABLE operator
40996 Variable %s is not declared in the MATCH clause of a GRAPH_TABLE operator.
40997 invalid path pattern expression is specified in a GRAPH_TABLE operator
40998 invalid reference of group variable %s in the WHERE clause of a GRAPH_TABLE operator
40999 Edge pattern missing in a quantified path pattern of the MATCH clause of a GRAPH_TABLE operator.
41470 fetch tried on dead connection
41471 transaction replay disabled by unsupported metadata call to OCIAttrGet
41472 transaction replay disabled by unsupported metadata call.
41474 Application Continuity is disabled due to unsupported client driver.
41475 Application Continuity is disabled due to switching from a non-Application Continuity service.
41476 ACCHK debug tracing control.
41477 invalid LOB locator.
41478 Application Continuity testing and diagnostics event
41479 OCI_ATTR_PING_INTERVAL was set via pooled service context obtained by OCISessionGet or OCILogon2.
41480 Request was not made between request begin and request end.
41481 Request begin or request end call was called inappropriately.
41482 Null attribute address for attribute %s
41483 cannot change session state consistency in client for failover type %s
41484 cannot change session state consistency in client to value %s
41485 Failover is not enabled.
41486 session template timed out after %s seconds, exceeding timeout of %s seconds
41487 Replay disabled in Pipeline mode.
41488 cannot failover because Application Continuity is not enabled
41489 Application Continuity is disabled because the server encountered an error condition
41490 Unsupported failover release combination.
41491 Application Continuity failed due to an unexpected error
41492 Invalid use of the package DBMS_HA_ALERTS_PRVT [%s]
41493 Application Continuity was disabled by object-related call.
41494 failed to set network probes interval
41723 insufficient privileges for CREATE PROFILE
41724 insufficient privileges for ALTER PROFILE
41806 exceeded the maximum number of secondary ID parameters for NOTIFICATIONID
41807 primary ID or secondary ID parameter not set for NOTIFICATIONID
41808 insufficient privileges for the DBMS_NOTIFICATIONS action
41901 privilege which is needed to set the parameter
41902 missing %s or %s privilege to set the parameter
41903 administrative privilege.
41904 to create a view.
41931 .
42094 interim table of an AQ table can not have deferred segment
42095 REDEF_TABLE() does not support a table in the join of a bitmap index
42096 cannot update a table with a column that defaults with sequence
42400 invalid object type used in a vertex or edge table definition
42401 invalid table for vertex or edge table definition
42402 cannot infer key for graph element table %s
42403 ambiguous key for graph element table %s
42404 graph element table name %s already defined
42405 Referenced vertex table %s does not exist.
42406 columns used to define edge relationship must be NOT NULL in ENFORCED MODE
42407 duplicate property name in label %s : %s
42408 default label already defined
42409 label %s already defined
42410 inconsistent property definition: %s
42411 A column of data type %s cannot be a graph element table key.
42412 Data type mismatch between vertex key column %s and edge key.
42413 cannot infer edge relationship for edge table %s
42414 cannot use mixed type for property %s of label %s
42415 missing key column in edge reference definition
42416 duplicate column name %s in key definition
42417 option %s already set
42418 missing property graph option
42419 At least one property graph option must be declared.
42420 invalid property graph option
42421 property graph does not exist
42422 missing definition of properties
42423 invalid property graph label property definition
42424 An expression based label property definition must use the AS clause.
42425 column expression to define property is too long
42426 duplicate column name %s in EXCEPT clause
42427 not a property graph
42428 no longer a valid graph element table
42429 property graph not allowed here
42430 invalid identifier for property graph name or owner
42431 ambiguous edge relationship for graph edge table %s
42432 missing ENABLE VALIDATE constraint on graph element table %s for ENFORCED MODE
42433 Object used for vertex or edge table definition is not in a valid state.
42434 Columns used to define a graph element table key must be NOT NULL in ENFORCED MODE.
42435 invalid SQL data type for property
42436 The join group does not exist.
42437 remote object cannot be used to define graph element tables
42438 remote property graph cannot be used as a graph argument to DDL commands for creating, altering or dropping property graph
42439 only pure functions can be specified in a column expression used to define a property
42502 is not INMEMORY enabled.
42503 is not INMEMORY enabled.
42600 JSON relational duality view can not be defined as an editioning view.
42601 Cannot create JSON Relational Duality View '%s': join query to construct subobject '%s' must use all columns of a foreign key of table '%s'.
42602 The Direct Path Load method for loading data into a JSON Relational Duality View is not allowed.
42603 Cannot update JSON Relational Duality View '%s': The Primary Key column(s) of the root table '%s' cannot be updated, omitted, or set to NULL.
42604 Cannot update JSON Relational Duality View '%s': The '_id' field of the input object does not match the '_id' field of the object being modified.
42605 Cannot update JSON Relational Duality View '%s': cannot modify the same row of the table '%s' more than once.
42606 cannot use key name '%s' to capture the primary key column for JSON Relational Duality View
42607 There are more than one foreign key constraints on table '%s' that makes reference to the primary key of the parent table '%s'.
42608 Cannot use table alias in JSONIZE()() expression.
42609 Cannot use ID or ID NESTED with columns in JSONIZE()() expression.
42610 Illegal token is used to seperate key value pair in JSONIZE()() expression.
42611 Illegal token is used after UNNEST in JSONIZE()() expression.
42612 Not using comma to seperate items in JSONIZE()() expression.
42613 Not using string literal for key in JSONIZE()() expression.
42614 Illegal token is used after NESTED key specification in JSONIZE()() expression.
42615 Incompatible usage of JSONIZE: Expected a JSON Relational Duality View.
42616 Cannot create JSON Relational Duality View '%s': Root table '%s' does not have a primary key.
42617 Cannot create JSON-relational duality view '%s'. Table '%s' does not have a NOT NULL constraint on unique key.
42618 Cannot create JSON Relational Duality View '%s': The Base Table '%s' has too many primary key columns which exceeds the maximum limit of %u columns.
42619 Cannot create JSON Relational Duality View '%s': The WHERE clause does not satisfy referential constraint.
42620 Cannot perform DMLs on views that are created on Duality Views.
42621 Invalid or missing SQL expression in JSON Relational Duality View (%s)
42692 Cannot %s JSON Relational Duality View '%s': Error while %s table '%s'
42693 Dependent table '%s' can only be marked as Update or Read-Only
42694 JSON relational duality view is not supported on system-partitioned table '%s'.
42695 The '_etag' field is missing or NULL in the JSON input for JSON Relational Duality View '%s'.
42696 All columns of the root table '%s' cannot be missing or NULL in the JSON input for JSON Relational Duality View '%s'.
42697 All primary or unique key columns of table '%s' cannot be missing or NULL in the JSON input for JSON Relational Duality View '%s'.
42698 Cannot %s JSON Relational Duality View '%s': Concurrent modification detected to %s '%s' of document with ID '%s'.
42699 Cannot %s JSON Relational Duality View '%s': The ETAG of document with ID '%s' in the database did not match the ETAG passed in.
42806 as the group contains one or more policies.
42807 A Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy cannot be applied to an object owned by SYS.
42910 cannot be processed because user session label is modified
42911 cannot administer Oracle Label Security policy
42912 Oracle Label Security cannot be configured.
42913 invalid %s name %s while applying or enabling OLS policy
42914 An existing data label cannot be changed to a user-only label.
42915 A circular reference was detected while trying to alter the existing OLS group %s with the parent %s.
42916 The OLS policy %s is already applied to schema %s.
42917 The user who created the current session does not have any labels assigned for the OLS policy.
42918 OLS level already exists in policy %s.
42919 OLS %s %s is already in use by one or more labels.
42920 OLS %s is in use by existing policy %s labels.
43600 Invalid use of Oracle Call Interface (OCI) Pipeline application programming interface (API).
43601 Pipenline,Operation Identifier mismatch
43602 invalid argument %s passed to OCI Pipeline API
43603 OCIPipeline: memory allocation error %s
43604 invalid mode provided to pipeline operation
43605 Pipeline, irrecoverable error during pipeline operation
43606 Pipeline, unsupported with Database version %s
43607 Invalid usage of OCINonBlocking API in Pipeline Block.
43608 OCIPipeline, Invalid operation
43609 OCIPipeline, Error while setting a connection in pipeline mode
43610 Pipeline, Aborted due to abort on error settings in pipeline mode
43611 OCIPipelineBegin operation failed
43612 Invalid Session Release, active Pipeline block
43613 invalid usage of %s API in pipeline mode
43614 invalid attribute %s passed to OCI Pipeline API
43817 indexes on ROWID not allowed
43851 SECUREFILE LOBS cannot be used in global temporary tables.
43885 SECUREFILE LOB encryption algorithm not supported
43886 3DES168 algorithm not available in FIPS mode
43887 LOB locator SCN ahead of instance SCN
44103 Materialized view has a circular dependency and cannot be validated.
44206 cursor exceeded parse time limit
44423 XML schema registered for BINARY cannot be used for CLOB or object-relational clause.
44612 could not attach to LogMiner session because session is disabled
44795 service %s is not a child service or %s is not its parent service
44796 invalid goal attribute value for parent service %s
44797 invalid operation attempted on child service %s
44798 maximum number of child services exceeded for parent service %s
44828 memory allocation failed
44961 cannot specify more than one normal column in JSON_EXPAND_ARRAY
44962 cannot expand JSON arrray without including the expanded result
44965 invalid data type for the input to JSON_EXPAND_ARRAY
44966 cannot expand multiple JSON arrays
44967 cannot specify more than one ordinality column
44968 invalid data type for a normal column in JSON_EXPAND_ARRAY
44969 invalid row path expression for JSON_EXPAND_ARRAY
44970 unsupported chaining of JSON_EXPAND_ARRAY
44971 JSON relational duality view cannot have duplicate column '%s'.'%s' specified.
44972 Function '%s' is not supported with JSON relational duality view.
44973 JSON-relational duality view is not supported on external table '%s'.
44974 PRESENT ON EMPTY setting for multi-value index cannot be different at table level and column level.
44975 Column '%s' of table '%s' cannot be selected in JSON relational duality view as it has an IS JSON check constraint.
44976 item method in JSON_TABLE row path expression '%s'
44978 JSON-relational duality view is not supported with recursive WITH query '%s'.
45495 capture is unusable due to not migrating on earlier rolling upgrade
45927 PDB %d with GUID %s now has ID %d and GUID %s. RMAN cannot backup file %s due to PDB change.
46249 Diffie-Hellman key exchange failed with the supported key size %s.
46259 '%s' procedure is not applicable for UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL.
46393 cannot change configurations of a mandatory audit policy
46394 column %s does not belong to object %s.%s
46395 invalid column audit option
46396 invalid column list specified
46397 cannot create or alter an audit policy on dictionary tables
46398 Cannot alter or drop the ORA$DICTIONARY_SENS_COL_ACCESS policy.
46399 A fine-grained audit (FGA) policy cannot be applied to an object owned by SYS.
46400 Unable to alter the audit policy.
46401 No new traditional AUDIT configuration is allowed. Traditional auditing is desupported, and you should use unified auditing in its place.
46509 invalid combination of values for desupported AUDIT_TRAIL initialization parameter. Traditional auditing is desupported, and you should use unified auditing in its place.
46715 The keystore of the PDB is not in a closed state on all instances.
46989 Service ACL control event
47414 Database Vault violation
47415 Insufficient Oracle Database Vault authorization for %s.
47416 Database Vault restricted operation
47417 Oracle Database Vault administrative operations require database vault administrative roles.
47418 Oracle Database Vault Operations Control violation.
47600 The SQL firewall is not enabled.
47605 SQL Firewall violation
47620 invalid input value for parameter %s
47621 The SQL Firewall operation is not allowed on user %s.
47623 Flush log propagation timed out in SQL firewall.
47624 SQL Firewall capture for user %s already exists.
47625 SQL Firewall capture for user %s does not exist.
47626 SQL Firewall capture for user %s has been started.
47627 SQL Firewall capture for user %s is not started.
47628 SQL Firewall allow list for user %s already exists.
47629 SQL Firewall capture log for user %s is not found.
47630 SQL Firewall allow list for user %s does not exist.
47631 SQL Firewall allow list for user %s is enabled.
47632 SQL Firewall allow list for user %s is not enabled.
47633 SQL Firewall allowed context %s with type %s for user %s already exists.
47634 SQL Firewall allowed context %s with type %s for user %s does not exist.
47635 SQL Firewall cannot be enabled.
47636 Concurrent change on SQL Firewall allow list is not allowed.
47637 Truncate operation not allowed on Firewall log tables.
47638 SQL Firewall allowed SQL ID %s for user %s does not exist.
47639 As SQL Firewall allow list for user %s already exists, the capture must be created with the same top_level_only setting.
47895 SQL Firewall authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s already exists.
47896 SQL Firewall authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s is not found.
47897 AUDIT_ADMIN authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s already exists.
47898 AUDIT_ADMIN authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s is not found.
47899 AUDIT_VIEWER authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s already exists.
47900 AUDIT_VIEWER authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s is not found.
47946 invalid System Privilege - '%s'
48942 The trace record level [%s] exceeded the max level that can be parsed [%s]
49000 A vertex variable has the same name as an edge variable.
49001 A singleton variable has the same name as a group variable.
49002 Grouped variables contained in different quantified path patterns have the same name.
49003 Using a question mark in path pattern is not supported.
49004 Two consecutive vertex patterns are specified in the path pattern.
53028 recycle constraint id event
54057 A column which is a audit column of a Fine Grained Auditing policy cannot be modified to an invisible column.
54058 '*' not allowed in SELECT expressions without FROM clause
55656 ROWID from hidden partition passed to Flashback archive VERSIONS query. ROWID's Object# %s, ObjectData# %s, BlockDba# %s, Slot# %s.
55726 Reservable column can be added or modified only through a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement.
55727 .
55728 Reservable column property can only be specified for a column on a table that has a primary key.
55729 Internal event for Lock-free Reservation.
55730 Internal event for Lock-free Reservation.
55731 Reservable column update is not supported in a distributed transaction.
55732 Reservable column update should specify all the primary key columns in the WHERE clause.
55733 Internal event for logminer testing, effective only in QA test binary.
55734 The SET clause of a reservable column update statement requires a single expression value to be added or subtracted from the same reservable column.
55735 Reservable and non-reservable columns cannot be updated in the same statement.
55736 failed for the update statement.
55737 Reservable column update statement does not support hints.
55738 Reservable column update statement supports only SET clauses.
55740 Reservable column update statement does not support a list of reservable columns in a single SET clause of the update statement.
55741 cannot be made a primary key of the table.
55742 Reservable column update statement does not support DEFAULT clause.
55743 Reservable column update statement does not support the RETURNING or RETURN clause.
55744 Reservable column update statement does not support ERROR LOGGING clause.
55745 Reservable column update statement does not support INDEX MAINTENANCE clause.
55746 Reservable column update statement only supports + or - operations on a reservable column.
55747 .
55748 is supported only on columns of data types Oracle NUMBER, INTEGER, and FLOAT.
55749 Reservable column supports only NOT NULL and CHECK constraints.
55752 cannot drop the PRIMARY KEY constraint as the table has one or more reservable columns
55754 Resource busy error is detected for the reservable column update statement. A delete or a DDL operation is conflicting with this update statement.
55755 Reservable column property is not supported for columns of a non-user table.
55756 Reservable column property is not supported for columns of a system table.
55757 Reservable column property is not supported for columns of a system partitioned or a reference partitioned table.
55758 Reservable column property is not supported for columns of a remote table.
55759 Reservable column property is not supported for columns of a fixed table, external table, or a hybrid partitioned table.
55760 Reservable column property is not supported for columns of a temporary table.
55761 Reservable column property is not supported for columns of a materialized view or a snapshot log.
55762 Reservable column property is not supported for columns of a view.
55763 Reservable column property is not supported for columns of an advanced queue table.
55764 and then DROP or MOVE the table.
55765 Reservable column property is not supported for columns of a nested table or object table.
55766 Reservable column property is not supported for columns of a sharded or duplicated table.
55767 Reservable column property is not supported for columns of an Oracle OLAP table.
55768 Reservable column property is not supported for columns of a blockchain or immutable table.
55769 Reservable column property is not supported for columns of an editioning view.
55770 , that is already a reservable column.
55771 , is not a reservable column.
55772 .
55773 Table has reservable columns or primary key columns with a data type not supported by lock-free reservation.
55774 , is not supported.
55775 Reservable column update cannot have a non-primary key column in the where clause.
55776 .
55777 The reserved name, 'SYS_RESERVJRNL_', cannot be used as a prefix for the name of a user table.
55778 A reservable column cannot be made a partition key column.
55779 To alter a reservable column into a non-reservable column, use keywords NOT RESERVABLE instead of NO RESERVABLE.
55783 Reservable column property is not supported for columns of an index-organized table.
55784 Triggers are not allowed on a reservation journal.
56380 session cache and dblink connection cache debug event
56381 shard session cache size (%s) cannot be more than or equal to the maximum session count for dynamic sessions (%s)
56618 DRCP: PRELIM mode logon not allowed
56619 DRCP: Adding new pool %s failed because %s
56620 DRCP: removing the pool %s failed because %s
56942 Read-only tables or tablespaces prevented Daylight Saving Time upgrade
56943 Table with TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data has invalid dependent triggers.
57001 invalid number has been found during a TimesTen fetch
59059 Both TO version and FROM version are needed.
59060 TO version or FROM version are not needed.
59061 Rolling migration from version '%0!s' to '%1!s' started before finishing the disk group mount operation.
59062 .
59063 Copy of XML file %s failed.
59066 Multiple disk paths (%0!s) are discovering disk with identical disk header contents.
59067 invalid label name
59068 Redundancy could not be restored in disk group '%0!s'.
59069 Oracle ASM file operation failed.
59071 Database %0!s can not open file already opened by database %1!s.
59072 invalid disk group or failure group name '%0!s' specified for asm_preferred_read_failure_groups parameter
59073 invalid value '%0!s' for asm_preferred_read_failure_groups parameter
59074 invalid preferred read failure group name '%0!s' for asm_preferred_read_failure_groups parameter
59101 Cluster is not homogeneous.
59102 operation requires server parameter file (SPFILE) to be in use
59103 Either %s RAC Two-Stage Rolling Updates are enabled but not present in Oracle binary, or %s RAC Two-Stage Rolling Updates are present in Oracle binary but not enabled.
59104 RAC Two-Stage Rolling Updates in inconsistent state
59105 expecting keyword ABORT
59106 prepare of RAC Two-Stage Rolling Update failed
59107 some instance in cluster not ready to enable RAC Two-Stage Rolling Updates
59108 Internal Oracle testing event for the RAC Two-Stage Rolling Updates module
59109 Enabling of RAC Two-Stage Rolling Updates failed due to %s number of RAC Two-Stage Rolling one-offs in environment is higher than maximum %s allowed.
59110 Enabling of RAC Two-Stage Rolling Updates failed due to %s number of RAC Two-Stage Rolling Updates in environment is higher than maximum %s allowed.
59111 instance id(s) %s have different set of Two-Stage Rolling Update than current instance or joined cluster while enable was in progress
59200 %s must be called before %s
59201 SelectBlock limit [%s] was exceeded.
59202 PatchStrField allowed only on oratext fields.
59203 Patch field width [%s] exceeds field width [%s] for field %s.
59204 invalid hexadecimal number [%s]: %s
59205 PatchField limit [%s] exceeded.
59206 Patch field [%s] was not found at offset [%s].
59333 EXTENT and BLOCK clauses are mutually exclusive in single files
59334 maximum EXTENT or BLOCK ranges exceeded
59335 the value specified for COUNT must not be zero
59336 Cannot update XML file types of Oracle ASM disk group %0!s with current compatibility %1!s, which needs to be equal to or higher than Oracle Database 21c (21.0).
59337 XML file types of Oracle ASM disk group %0!s are already updated from OSFILE to XMLFILE.
59520 Failover detected during alias scan.
59522 cannot open control file %0!s in disk group %1!s
59615 Oracle ADVM volume files of Oracle ASM file group '%0!s' cannot be deleted using the DROP FILEGROUP command with the CASCADE option
60085 invalid combination of parameters passed to the DBMS_SPACE_ADMIN function
60210 specified data file or temporary file size exceeded the maximum allowed size
60300 cannot use virtual column as ORDER BY or FILTER BY column of domain index
60301 cannot create sharded local domain index with indextype %s.%s
60302 Partition maintenance operation cannot affect more than %s partitions in presence of local domain indexes.
60303 unsupported partitioning scheme for local domain indexes
60304 Cannot modify partitioning scheme of local domain index %s.%s.
60305 cannot change partitioned table with local domain index %s.%s into non-partitioned table
60306 ARRAY DML type %s.%s of indextype must be a VARRAY
60307 Could not validate return type of generic pipelined table function %s.
60308 mismatched data type descriptor from opaque object instance
60309 cannot use a BOOLEAN type column as ORDER BY or FILTER BY column of domain index
60310 The collection image of type %s.%s is invalid.
60311 The privilege that can be granted or revoked on operator type is EXECUTE
60312 The privilege that can be granted or revoked on indextype is EXECUTE.
60400 Had error executing RMAN. Error code: %s
60401 RMAN exited with status: %s, more details are available in the RMAN output file: %s
60402 Failed to read RMAN output from scheduler backup job. Log file: %s
60403 Internal error: database connection should be to the shard PDB when PDB name is not provided
60404 Internal error: database connection should be to the CDB when the shard PDB name is provided
60405 Internal error: Failed to update backup wallet
60406 HOST command is not supported when the RMAN command is submitted from GDSCTL command interface.
60450 could not drop the quarantined transaction because of an internal database error
60451 unable to recover a quarantined transaction (%s.%s.%s) holding a row lock (TX) required by this transaction
60452 unable to quarantine %s.%s.%s transaction because the system reached maximum number of quarantined transactions %s
60453 unable to recover a transaction (%s.%s.%s) holding a row lock (TX) required by this transaction
60470 compatible must be set to or higher in order to set max_columns=EXTENDED
60471 max_columns can not be set to STANDARD as there are one or more objects with more than 1000 columns
60480 undo segment file at PDB: %s, TSN: %s, DBA:0x%s cannot be read
60481 cannot disconnect an established connection to a remote database when an active transaction exists
60490 Parameter %s cannot be modified.
60491 Parameter %s conflicts with %s parameter.
60520 unable to switchover when a TDE SEPS wallet is not configured
60521 operation not allowed due to lockdown
60522 unable to create pluggable database using XML
60523 invalid pluggable database name specified for root clone
60524 too many database links in use
60525 Internal KPDB error 60525
60526 cannot switch to shared undo mode when perPDB supplemental logging is enabled
60527 cannot externally modify partition containing dblink
60528 operation not supported for a PET having all dblink partition
60529 more than one database link specified
60530 cannot exchange partition containing dblink
60531 operation not supported on a PDB that is not marked ACTIVE
60532 A static lockdown profile cannot be created from dynamic lockdown profile %s.
60533 Common user or role names must consist of only ASCII characters.
60534 Application common user or role name must not start with prefix %s.
60540 invalid program
60541 invalid subprogram: %s
60542 invalid schema: %s
60543 invalid type: %d
60544 invalid program: %s
60545 execution of %s disabled via lockdown profile
60546 program: %s is not a oracle supplied CDB common object
60600 maximum number of columns in a table or view is 1000
61701 is not supported for a JSON Duality View collection
61702 The column of the table or view underlying the collection cannot be renamed.
61703 invalid column name prefix
61704 TTL value in index specification must be greater than 0.
61705 Only TIMESTAMP data type is supported for TTL indexes.
61706 FOR UPDATE on JSON-Relational Duality View does not support %s clause
61707 Cannot set %s attribute on the document if %s attribute is set.
61708 Object %s cannot be described as a JSON schema.
61710 Invalid JSON type column for clustered table: %s.
61711 Predicates are not allowed in multivalue index (%s) creation.
61712 Can't use json_table syntax to create non-MVI(MultiValue Index): %s.
61713 Table Value Constructor unsupported for JSON operator.
61714 Multivalue index is not allowed on an IOT table.
61715 ETAG mismatch
61716 EMBEDDED_OID key assignment method requires collection content column to be of type JSON. BLOB with OSON (only supported on Autonomous 19c) is also a valid content column type for EMBEDDED_OID.
61717 EMBEDDED_OID key assignment method with RAW key column type requires collection content column to be of type JSON.
61718 Error ocurred in the execution of data guide procedure %s.
61719 invalid input for JSON_SCALAR conversion as %s
61720 invalid row path (%s) specified in the JSON_TABLE function of a CREATE INDEX statement
61721 index maintenance failed because JSON query raised error
61722 output value too large (actual: %s, maximum: %s, path:'%s')
61723 Value selected by JSON path '%s' exceeds maximum (%s).
61724 unable to convert value selected by JSON path '%s'
61751 Path '%s' refers to a non-scalar type.
61800 invalid boolean literal: %s
61801 only boolean column or attribute can be used as a predicate
61802 internal event for boolean support
61803 argument of %s must be a column or an expression of boolean data type
61804 boolean data type is invalid for an arithmetic function or operation
61805 invalid boolean value: %s
61806 invalid boolean value.
61850 Oracle version mismatch between primary database and True Cache.
61851 True Cache instance does not allow %s operation.
61852 CREATE TRUE CACHE failed.
61853 Cannot start True Cache.
61854 Cannot start True Cache with non True Cache control file.
61855 Invalid TRUE_CACHE_CONFIG attribute.
61856 True Cache requires a valid parameter value for %s.
61857 Communication with the primary failed.
61858 Unable to translate FAL_SERVER initialization parameter string.
61859 There was an error when executing a remote procedure call (op: %s-%s-%s) at primary server %s.
61860 True Cache instance is being shutdown because it has been disconnected from the primary for too long.
61861 Unable to receive redo since standby redo log is not available.
61862 %s is not configured as a multitenant database
61863 True Cache could not be started because there was a configuration parameter mismatch with the primary. Restart the database.
61864 True Cache failed to read metadata from the primary.
61865 The TNS alias %s could not be translated.
61866 Some static parameters (%s) differed from the value in the primary database. These parameters have been fixed and the database will be shut down.
61867 Oracle True Cache failed to restart. Shutting down.
61868 True Cache entry corresponding to the hash ID %s not found in a LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter.
61869 Unable to connect to True Cache.
61870 True Cache requires ARCHIVELOG mode to be enabled at the primary database.
61871 cannot fetch data block from the primary database (file # %s, block # %s)
61899 Trace system event for True Cache
61900 not enough space for first flashback database log file
61901 Test event to simulate RVWR hang
62037 KEY VECTOR with repeated values require join keys to match
62038 missing GROUP BY clause in statement containing KEY VECTOR function
62039 KEY VECTOR function not allowed in WHERE clause
62040 KEY VECTOR ID %s is used in more than one SYS_OP_KEY_VECTOR_CREATE
62041 SYS_OP_KEY_VECTOR_USE does not have a corresponding SYS_OP_KEY_VECTOR_CREATE
62042 The load key defined in SYS_OP_KEY_VECTOR_CREATE is missing a corresponding SYS_OP_KEY_VECTOR_PAYLOAD function
62043 The SYS_OP_KEY_VECTOR function is missing a corresponding SYS_OP_KEY_VECTOR_CREATE or SYS_OP_KEY_VECTOR_USE
62044 The SYS_OP_KEY_VECTOR_PAYLOAD load key does not exist.
62045 KEY VECTOR could not be loaded from disk
62300 turn on statistics tracing
62301 invalid statistic group handle
62302 invalid statistic group identifier
62303 statistic group handle mismatch
62304 statistic group invalid %s
62351 MEMORY_SIZE %s is greater than MEMORY_MAX_SIZE %s
62352 cannot dynamically set MEMORY_SIZE if not set at startup
62353 cannot shrink MEMORY_SIZE
62354 cannot set MEMORY_SIZE to zero
62355 MEMORY_SIZE %s is invalid due to insufficent large pages totaling %s bytes
62356 cannot set %s parameter value since MEMORY_SIZE is set
62400 invalid options were specified for FUZZY_MATCH operator
62401 invalid numeric argument was specified for FUZZY_MATCH operator
62402 invalid numeric argument is specified for PHONIC_ENCODE operator
62403 string argument specified for FUZZY_MATCH operator was too long
62404 options for FUZZY_MATCH were specified in the wrong order
62579 The argument of type DBMS_TF.TABLE_T cannot be a TABLE.
62700 A DBMS_KAFKA application does not exist for cluster %0!s and application %1!s.
62701 DBMS_KAFKA cluster ID cannot be a NULL value.
62702 DBMS_KAFKA generated cluster ID '%0!s' is greater than 40 characters.
62703 DBMS_KAFKA cluster not found. Cluster ID is %0!s.
62704 An attempt to create a connection to Kafka cluster %0!s failed with status %1!s and secondary status %2!s.
62705 Property %0!s is not allowed because it would obscure a 'librdkafka' property with the same name.
62706 Property %0!s cannot be NULL.
62707 OSAK Cluster configuration directory is not specified.
62708 The OSAK properties file '%0!s' could not be read.
62710 The %0!s parameter is required.
62711 The %O!s value is NULL. The value must be an existing file name.
62712 The directory path is not an absolute path for directory %0!s.
62713 The file specified by property %0!s is not accessible.
62714 error loading global temporary table %0!s from %1!s
62715 unsupported call, call %0!s instead
62716 Application %0!s already exists for cluster %1!s.
62717 The VIEW_COUNT parameter must be between 0 and the number of 'partitions' for the 'topic'. The supplied value is %0!s and the number of 'partitions' is %1!s.
62718 VIEW_COUNT must be equal to or less than the SESSIONS_PER_USER quota. View count is %0!s and SESSIONS_PER_USER is %1!s.
62719 The specified time zone [%0!s] is longer than 64 bytes.
62720 Invalid time zone [%0!s] is specified.
62721 The specified parallel hint [%0!s] exceeds the granule count {%1!s}.
62722 The parameter %0!s must be greater than or equal to 0. The specified value is [%1!s].
62723 The WATER_MARK parameter must be DBMS_KAFKA.WATER_MARK_HIGH {%0!s} or DBMS_KAFKA.WATER_MARK_LOW {%1!s}. The specified value is [%2!s].
62724 The calculated time stamp [%0!s = %1!sms] must be greater than or equal to the UNIX epoch.
62725 The end time stamp {%0!s} must be greater than start time stamp {%1!s}.
62726 error preparing [%0!s] for seeking data using time stamps
62727 No offset data is recorded for view %0!s. A successful load involving the view is required.
62728 error while processing offset data for view [%0!s]
62729 The length of the %0!s parameter exceeds the allowed value {%1!s}.
62730 The DBMS_KAFKA cluster {%0!s} does not exist.
62731 Required credential is not specified for a cluster associated with an Oracle Streaming Service 'stream'.
62732 The options specified contain duplicate keys.
62733 The specified options are not a properly formatted JSON document.
62734 Invalid option specified. Option {%0!s} is not supported. %1!s
62735 Option names are case sensitive. Name specified is {%0!s}; name expected is {%1!s}.
62736 The %0!s option must be one of {%1!s|%2!s}. The specified value is [%3!s].
62737 The DBMS_KAFKA cluster %0!s already exists.
62738 The DBMS_KAFKA cluster %0!s is still in use by some number {%1!s} of applications.
62739 The DBMS_KAFKA cluster %0!s is already disabled.
62740 The DBMS_KAFKA cluster %0!s cannot be enabled.
62741 failed to add 'partitions' to DBMS_KAFKA application
62742 failed to ALTER TABLE %0!s while processing DBMS_KAFKA.ADD_PARTITIONS
62743 Application name for a DBMS_KAFKA application cannot be PARTITIONS.
62744 Application type for a DBMS_KAFKA application must be one of the following values [%0!s|%1!s|%2!s].
62745 application associated with the view name %0!s not found
62746 The procedure only supports application types in this list: {%0!s}. Current application is of type %1!s.
62747 The BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS parameter is a comma-separated list of 'host:port' values. Value {%0!s} in {%1!s} needs to be a 'host:port' value.
62748 The BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS parameter is a comma-separated list of 'host:port' values. The supplied value {%0!s} does not contain a 'host:port' pair.
62749 The %0!s parameter [%1!s] is not a known directory object.
62750 The DBMS_KAFKA cluster %0!s is not enabled. Current state is %1!s.
62751 The %0!s parameter {%1!s} is not a SQL name.
62752 The %0!s parameter {%1!s} does not exist.
62753 The KAFKA_PROVIDER parameter {%0!s} must be one of the following {%1!s|%2!s}.
62754 The 'format' {%0!s} requires a '%1!s' option to be defined.
62755 The 'format' option is missing from the specified options.
62756 The '%0!s' option is currently an unsupported option.
62757 The '%0!s' option must be a single printable character. The specified value is [%1!s].
62758 The '%0!s' option cannot be a digit. The specified value is [%1!s].
62759 The '%0!s' option is not specified as an allowed escaped character {n|t|r|\\}. The specified value is [%1!s].
62760 The '%0!s' option is not allowed for the 'format' specified.
62761 The %0!s option must be one of {%1!s|%2!s|%3!s|%4!s}. The specified value is [%5!s].
62762 The %0!s option must between %1!s and %2!s. The specified value is [%3!s].
62763 The %0!s option cannot be NULL.
62764 The %0!s option must be either the value UNLIMITED or a number equal to or greater than 0. The specified value is [%1!s].
62765 The %0!s option is not a valid date format. The specified value is [%1!s].
62766 The %0!s option is not a valid time stamp format. The specified value is [%1!s].
62767 The %0!s option must be one of {%1!s|%2!s|%3!s|%4!s|%5!s}. The specified value is [%6!s].
62768 The %0!s option is not an existing table name. The specified value is [%1!s].
62769 The %0!s option is not a valid JSON formatted Avro schema.
62770 The %0!s option lacks required validation logic.
62771 The %0!s parameter is restricted to the following characters {%1!s}. The specified value is [%2!s].
62772 The %0!s parameter must be a simple SQL name. The specified value is [%1!s].
62773 The %0!s parameter must be the name of an existing SQL object. The specified value is [%1!s].
62774 The %0!s option must be one of the following {%1!s|%2!s|%3!s}. The specified value is [%4!s].
62775 The generated %0!s name [%1!s] is too long.
62776 The %0!s name must be the name of an existing SQL object. The specified value is [%1!s].
62777 The type of object [%0!s] to rollback is not a supported type.
62778 The data type of the column [%0!s] for the reference table [%1!s] is currently not supported.
62779 An unexpected 'topic' format value [%0!s] is provided.
62780 The number of '%0!s' must be greater than 0. Retrieved value is %1!s.
62781 The value of '%0!s' is invalid. Retrieved value is %1!s.
62782 Error getting 'partition' count for 'topic' %0!s from the Kafka cluster. Check the status of the Kafka cluster: %1!s.
62783 Error getting 'partition' count for 'topic' %0!s from the Kafka cluster. Check that the topic exists in the Kafka cluster %1!s.
62784 An attempt to manually rollback a change to an external table [%0!s] failed.
62785 An attempt to manually rollback an unknown type [%0!s] was made.
62786 The specified object name [%0!s] could not be parsed into SQL object tokens.
62787 The specified object name [%0!s] parsed into more tokens than expected. Expected name is either an object name or a schema-qualified object name.
62789 The user cannot have EXECUTE access to the directory [%0!s].
62790 The OSAK view [%0!s] does not exist.
62791 The OSAK temporary table [%0!s] does not exist.
62792 The Avro name is NULL.
62793 The Avro name starts with an invalid character. The specified value is [%0!s].
62794 The Avro name contains an invalid character. The specified value is [%0!s].
62795 The Avro type [%0!s] already exists and cannot be redefined.
62796 The Avro %0!s %1!s is NULL.
62797 The attribute [%0!s] is not present in schema [%1!s].
62798 The attribute [%0!s] is not a string in the schema [%1!s].
62799 The attribute [%0!s] is not an integer in the schema [%1!s].
62800 The attribute 'aliases' is not an array in the schema [%0!s].
64905 score operator not supported for INMEMORY TEXT
64906 DBMS_INMEMORY_ADMIN package invalid option specification.
64907 DBMS_INMEMORY_ADMIN required parameter is NULL or missing.
64908 The Database In-Memory size cannot be increased.
64909 The Database In-Memory size must be increased by a minimum of %s MB.
64910 A reduction in the Database In-Memory size cannot be completed.
64911 The Database In-Memory size must be at least the initial value %s MB.
64912 The Database In-Memory size must be less than %s MB.
64913 The Database In-Memory size cannot be increased more than %s MB for PDB ID %s.
64914 The Database In-Memory size cannot be increased more than %s MB for PDB ID %s.
64915 A Database In-Memory resize is already in progress
64916 The Database In-Memory resize cannot be completed.
64917 The Database In-Memory size cannot currently be shrunk below value %s MB.
64918 The Database In-Memory resize operation is too large and the change in size must be less than %s MB.
65435 unable to refresh pluggable database %s
65436 unable to find new life span information for pluggable database %s
65437 mismatch between new life span and data file %s for value of SCN (%s)
65438 until SCN or until time clause not specified
65439 general event for automatic clustering module
65440 PDB creation clauses mismatch when resuming a PDB clone
65441 unable to create pluggable database from metadata clone %s
65515 LOB inline size is greater than tablespace block size
65516 incorrect usage of increased LOB inlining
65518 Invalid extent index number:%s
65519 Expected LOB or JSON type got %s during remote LOB operation
65529 Index %s.%s creation failed. %s not supported.
65534 %s option for the %s '%s.%s' is not supported

These 546 messages were removed from 21.9: 

Number TEXT
126 connection refused; invalid duplicity
761 could not suspend lost write tracking for data file - check log
977 duplicate auditing option
1004 default username feature not supported; logon denied
1943 IDENTIFIED BY already specified
1988 remote os logon is not allowed
1997 GRANT failed: user '%s' is IDENTIFIED GLOBALLY
3002 operator not implemented
3888 operation not supported during rolling upgrade
4151 malformed SIGNATURE clause %s
4157 invalid property name
6572 Function %s has out arguments
10928 trace name context forever
10938 trace name context forever
10941 trace name context forever
12451 label not designated as USER or DATA
12455 internal error in Label Security MMON cleanup task
12456 label security startup in progress
12475 incompatible Oracle Label Security configuration
13478 the target SRID is the same as the source GeoRaster object's SRID
13481 the destination type is not supported
13482 GeoRaster object is not initialized for the image
13484 the file format or compression type is not supported: %s
13495 The Oracle Spatial and Graph Option is needed for using this feature.
14758 Last partition in the range section cannot be dropped
16529 bad sender ID
16537 child count exceeded
16553 The Oracle Data Guard broker process (DMON) failed to shutdown.
16554 translation not valid
16588 no more internal buffers
16605 event to control fast-start failover diagnostic tracing
16723 setting AlternateLocation property conflicts with the redo transport setting
16782 instance not open for read and write access
16798 unable to complete recovery during failover
16823 redo transport mode is incompatible for current operation
16838 one or more system data files are offline
19824 amount of space in MB to be reclaimed on archiver IO error
28020 IDENTIFIED GLOBALLY already specified
28130 Fine Grained Access Control at table level
28172 distinguished name not provided by proxy
28173 certificate not provided by proxy
28178 password not provided by proxy
28377 No need to migrate from wallet to HSM
28391 cannot close wallet or HSM, password mismatch
28407 Hardware Security Module failed with PKCS#11 error %s(%s)
28410 No need to migrate from HSM to wallet.
28414 specified keys are in HSM
28418 password-based HSM is not open
28419 migration from wallet to Hardware Security Module (HSM) failed
28827 invalid cipher type passed
30576 ConText Option dictionary loading error
31708 role %s not granted commonly or does not exist
33110 (APXPKTSZ01) XAPIBUFFER must be between 1,000 and 64,512.
33144 (BADSYN01) The format of the %t command is incorrect.
33220 (CLOPEN01) %a %j %s\nThe time dimension %1p cannot be accessed because it consists of time periods not recognized in this release of %2p.
33222 (CLOPEN02) %a %j %s\nThe dimension %1p cannot be accessed because it was created by an incompatible version of %2p.
33413 (EIFMAKEF01) You cannot export compressed composite %j because one of its bases has limited status or a PERMIT READ restriction.
34122 (MXCGHCVT03) To convert NUMBER to TEXT or ID use:\n CONVERT(expression {ID|TEXT} [output-format])
34187 (MXCHGDCL06) REUSE cannot be specified for dimensions that already have deletions.
34366 (MXDSS19) Security override is not allowed on analytic workspace %s.
34368 (MXDSS20) Incorrect response. Security override failure.
34828 (OFCENG01) You cannot specify a text dimension value for an INTEGER dimension.
34850 (PARSE02) The expression is not properly constructed.
35094 (QFPARSE02) %a %s %s %s %s %s\nThe object %1p cannot be imported into analytic workspace %2p because an object named %3p already exists in analytic workspace %4p. To force a new %5p to be created, use an INTO argument on the IMPORT command.
35334 (SNSYN194) The format of the VALUE function is:\n \n VALUE( )
35352 (SNSYN207) The format of the COMSET command is:\n \n COMSET TYPE SOCKET
35354 (SNSYN208) The format of the COMSET function is:\n \n COMSET(TYPE)
35440 (SNSYN269) The format of the PERMITRESET command is: \n \n PERMITRESET [name] [READ|WRITE]
35608 (SSCGPOS01) You cannot limit a dimension to values of type %s. Use the CONVERT function if necessary.
35638 (SSEXECUT02) NA is not a value of %j.
36378 (XSAGTHRWEIGHT) %a %n %n %j\nWhile running AGGREGATE with multiple threads, the weight variable %1p specified by your ARGS variable %2p must exist in the same analytic workspace as your AGGMAP %3p.
36658 (XSDUNION14) %a %j %j\n%1p is not a direct base of %2p.
36821 (XSJPUSH00) An error occurred while attempting to push a join of 2 AW tables.
37002 Oracle OLAP failed to initialize. Please contact Oracle OLAP technical support.
37153 unknown exception caught: (case %s)
37160 OLAP object does not exist
37165 cannot use EIF IMPORT into a non-empty Analytic Workspace (%s.%s)
37408 Truncate table disallowed for CUBE ORGANIZED tables
37996 (SNSYN950) The format of the SYSINFO function is:\n SYSINFO(option)
40463 JSON path expression contained an invalid variable name
40735 invalid type in RETURNING clause
40856 illegal hint for Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA)
46151 XS Security - MidTier Caches tracing event
48450 Syntax:\n
48451 adrci [-help] [-script script_filename]\n\n
48452 Options Description (Default)\n
48453 -----------------------------------------------------------------\n
48454 script script file name (None) \n
48455 help help on the command options (None) \n
48456 -----------------------------------------------------------------\n
53000 is invalid
53001 <TAG> and <TAG_RANGE> tag values are null
53002 already inserted
53003 document %s does not exist
53004 is invalid.
53005 tag references found in document: %s
53006 wild card characters are not allowed in <TAG_RANGE> tags
53007 The document type STANDARD_DICTIONARY is not loaded.
53008 The <NAMESPACE> tag value is not a registered schema.
53009 cannot find the <ROOT_ELEM_TAG> tag value in the metadata schema
53010 The value of the <VR> tag is null.
53011 cannot find the <MAPPED_ELEM> tag value in the metadata schema
53012 cannot find the <UNMAPPED_ELEM> tag value in the metadata schema
53013 cannot find the <ATTRIBUTE_TAG> value: %s in the dictionaries
53014 The runtime preference table is not empty
53015 An internal dictionary attributes table is empty
53016 null input argument: %s
53017 The installation file %s has an incorrect document type
53018 document %s contains an unsupported encrypt action attribute
53019 cannot delete installation document: %s
53020 invalid external reference in the constraint document: %s
53021 cannot insert a rule or macro %s that was already inserted
53022 rules or macros in the constraint document %s do not exist
53023 cannot delete or update a referenced rule or macro %s
53024 error processing constraint document: %s
53025 invalid constraint document: %s
53026 failed to insert the constraint %s to the database
53027 invalid invocation of a macro %s that is partially defined
53031 unable to export or import data model: %s
53032 The default preference document cannot be found.
53033 The default UID Definition document cannot be found.
53034 document %s contains an unsupported action attribute
53035 The rows for the mapping document (%s) do not exist.
53036 An internal table for the mapping document (%s) is empty.
53037 invalid range tag, <START_TAG> %s must be less than <END_TAG> %s
53038 The data type name for tag: %s cannot be found.
53039 user-defined preference document: %s already exists
53040 user-defined UID definition document: %s already exists
53041 The tag value for a replace action attribute is null.
53042 tag %s is referenced by document: %s
53043 tag %s is referenced by unknown document
53044 invalid tag: %s
53045 invalid tag: %s
53046 tag: %s collides with existing tag: %s in document: %s
53047 internal error: %s
53048 definer name DICOM is not allowed in a private dictionary
53049 unsupported <ATTRIBUTE_TAG> tag value: %s
53050 The data model is being edited by another user.
53051 no editDataModel session found
53052 lock release returned error: %s
53053 lock request error: %s
53054 An editDataModel session already exists.
53055 empty data model table
53056 unrecognized preference parameter name: %s
53057 invalid preference parameter value: %s
53058 The <ATTRIBUTE_TAG> value:%s is not a simple tag.
53059 document name: %s is too long
53060 %s is not a standard attribute tag
53061 document name %s contains reserved prefix - ORD
53062 invalid model name: %s
53063 invalid exportOption: %s
53064 no user-defined documents to export
53065 stored tag list document: %s already exists
53066 invalid manifest file: %s or directory: %s
53067 validation failed for manifest file: %s
53068 cannot import data model because user-defined documents exist
53069 doc version:%s in %s is not <= repos version:%s
53070 manifest file:%s does not contain all the Oracle documents
53071 tag: %s from %s is not listed in the stored tag list document
53072 even group number is not allowed in private tag: %s
53073 invalid docSet: %s
53074 namespace value is too long
53075 null ROOT_ELEM_TAG tag value
53076 attempt to modify data model repository during rolling upgrade
53100 The repository data model is in invalid state.
53111 The repository data model is not loaded.
53112 unable to load repository: %s
53122 invalid document type : %s
53124 cannot find VR number for data type: %s
53125 invalid range tag: %s
53126 assertion failure: %s
53204 internal interface called
53210 unable to read empty DICOM object
53211 unable to read invalid ORDDicom object
53212 unable to read invalid ORDImage object: attribute %s is null
53213 cannot access DICOM data with invalid source type
53214 cannot access DICOM image data with invalid source type
53215 cannot access ORDDataSource object with invalid source type
53216 cannot export the ORDDataSource object with an external source
53217 The source LOB locator is null.
53230 unable to write to an invalid destination ORDDicom object
53231 unable to write to a nonlocal destination ORDDicom object
53232 unable to write to an invalid destination ORDImage object
53233 unable to write to a nonlocal destination ORDImage object
53234 The destination BLOB locator is null.
53250 Mapping document does not exist.
53251 Anonymity document does not exist.
53252 Constraint does not exist.
53253 The metadata for the new DICOM object is invalid.
53254 The SOP INSTANCE UID for the new DICOM object is invalid.
53255 cannot import from a null or invalid source type
53256 cannot export to a null or invalid destination data type
53257 Attribute does not exist.
53258 Metadata attribute is not available.
53259 cannot extract metadata that conforms to the schema definition
53400 Missing DICOM magic number.
53402 Missing DICOM header.
53404 Missing the mandatory DICOM attribute %s.
53406 The DICOM object contains invalid attribute value %s.
53408 The DICOM object encoding is wrong %s.
53410 The attribute %s does not conform to the VM rule.
53412 The DICOM object contains an invalid VR value %s.
53414 The DICOM object contains undefined values %s.
53430 The DICOM object contains unsupported values %s.
53432 The DICOM object attribute %s has invalid definer name.
53434 Not a DICOM object.
53500 Not a DICOM image.
53502 Image processing failure.
53800 The DICOM object does not contain attribute %s.
53801 cannot apply conformance validation on DICOM attribute %s.
53802 cannot perform conformance validation because recursion level exceeds MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH
53810 error logging conformance validation messages
53820 Invalid locator path %s
53910 SQL error %s.
53920 XML error %s.
53940 make anonymous error %s.
53990 internal error %s.
53991 cannot move tablespace because tables are being used
56904 pivot value must have datatype that is convertible to pivot column
60016 Operation not supported on SECUREFILE segment
60083 feature not supported with the current compatibility setting
63000 operation disallowed: data file %s is being moved
63001 file error during move operation
63002 a data file copy that is not current
63003 a half-done data file copy
63004 Database names in file headers are inconsistent: %s and %s.
63005 Header validation failed for %s File ('%s').
63600 failure to detach from a persistent memory region
63995 fractured block detected in control file: (block %s, # blocks %s)
63996 A local temporary file remote call failed
63997 file size refresh failed
63998 undo tablespace file suffered media failure
63999 data file suffered media failure
64000 specified path already exists
64001 invalid parent directory in specified path
64002 specified path is invalid
64003 an unsupported operation was invoked
64004 an invalid combination of arguments was specified
64005 access control checks failed
64006 lock conflict in current operation
64007 invalid store specified
64008 invalid mount-point specified
64009 invalid provider specified
64010 cannot modify store via read-only mount
64011 cross store operation
64012 specified path is a directory
64013 specified path is not a directory
64014 directory not empty
64015 cannot drop tablespace used by Database File System (DBFS)
64101 Cannot alter both a structured and an unstructured component of an XMLIndex in the same ALTER INDEX statement.
64102 Cannot create an XMLIndex with a structured component on a CLOB column within the object-relational storage model.
64103 Cannot create an XMLIndex on an object-relational XML type table or column.
64104 Column name already used by internal column of the structured component of the XMLIndex.
64105 Cannot create domain index on XMLIndex internal tables.
64106 Incorrect use of comma(,) punctuation in COLUMN definitions.
64107 The XMLIndex has been successfully altered but the metadata could not be updated.
64108 Cannot truncate a table that has an XMLIndex whose internal table has been indexed using Oracle Text.
64109 XMLIndex: problems encountered during the dropping of statistics
64110 XMLIndex: problems encountered during the gathering of statistics
64111 XMLIndex: problems encountered during EXPORT
64112 XMLIndex: problems encountered during IMPORT
64114 XMLIndex: reserved for EXPORT or IMPORT
64115 XMLIndex Exchange Partition: the table has no XMLIndex
64116 XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible XPath subsets
64117 XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible modes for asynchronous DML
64118 XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible unstructured components
64119 XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible structured components
64120 XMLIndex Exchange Partition: incompatible structured components
64123 XMLIndex DDL: failure of a recursive DDL
64124 XMLIndex: failure during the setting of an event
64125 XMLIndex: failure during the resetting of an event
64126 XMLIndex Table Function: failure at the start of the function
64127 XMLIndex Table Function: failure at the beginning of the function
64128 XMLIndex Table Function: failure during the function evaluation
64129 XMLIndex Table Function: failure at the end of the function
64131 XMLIndex Metadata: failure during the looking up of the dictionary
64132 XMLIndex Metadata: failure during the updating of the dictionary
64135 XMLIndex DML: failure of a recursive DML
64136 XMLIndex Asynchronous DML: synchronization failure
64137 Cannot drop an XMLIndex whose internal table has been indexed using Oracle Text.
64138 Cannot drop groups from an XMLIndex whose internal table has been indexed using Oracle Text.
64139 The type of VIRTUAL column is not XMLTYPE
64140 missing chaining XMLTABLE for VIRTUAL column in the index
64141 Can only have a single XMLType column when a table is shared.
64142 Shared tables must have same semantics for truncation.
64143 Can only share an existing XMLIndex table with an XMLTYPE column.
64144 Shared tables must have equivalent paths.
64145 This XMLIndex rewrite failed
64146 Nonblocking alter XMLIndex error
64147 Invalid use of NONBLOCKING COMPLETE or ABORT.
64148 Cannot complete nonblocking alter index operation.
64149 Invalid alter XMLIndex operation.
64152 There are no pending rows to process.
64153 Cannot create XMLIndex for data stored in a CLOB column within the object-relational storage model.
64154 XMLIndex cannot be created on an autolist partitioned table.
64155 XMLIndex with unstructured component cannot be created on an interval partitioned table.
64200 Internal event to control collection storage during create table
64201 unregistered LOB value encountered
64202 remote temporary or abstract LOB locator is encountered
64203 Destination buffer too small to hold CLOB data after character set conversion.
64204 encountered partial multibyte character
64205 Cannot use other triggering events along with LOGICAL LOB UPDATE event
64206 Cannot create INSTEAD OF LOGICAL LOB UPDATE trigger
64207 Invalid LOGICAL LOB UPDATE trigger definition
64208 FOR EACH ROW clause is required for before or after LOGICAL LOB UPDATE triggers
64209 WHEN clause is not allowed for LOGICAL LOB UPDATE triggers
64210 Cannot reference a trigger of a different type
64211 Cannot access other columns within a LOGICAL LOB UPDATE trigger body
64212 Cannot create a LOGICAL LOB UPDATE trigger on a view
64213 Cannot create a compound LOGICAL LOB UPDATE trigger with statement level actions
64214 Cannot create a crossedition LOGICAL LOB UPDATE trigger
64216 Internal event
64217 Internal event
64218 Unable to dynamically allocate additional memory
64219 invalid LOB locator encountered
64220 Large object (LOB) signature cannot always be supported for clients earlier than Oracle Database 19c release.
64300 Invalid compression level specified
64301 COMPRESS must be specified with HYBRID COLUMNAR organization
64303 Incorrect organization clause
64304 Incorrect organization clause
64305 LOB update operations are not supported on HYBRID COLUMNAR organization tables of this type
64306 LOB update operations are not supported on HYBRID COLUMNAR compressed tables with certain index types
64307 Exadata Hybrid Columnar Compression is not supported for tablespaces on this storage type
64308 hybrid columnar compressed table cannot have column with LONG data type
64309 Hybrid Columnar Compression with row-level locking is not supported for tablespaces on this storage type.
64310 could not get compression analysis lock
64350 only one INMEMORY clause may be specified
64351 in-memory area already exists
64352 in-memory area does not exist
64353 in-memory area size cannot be less than 100MB
64354 in-memory area size cannot exceed max(sga target, shared pool size)
64355 in-memory Xmem area size cannot be less than 100 MB
64356 in-memory area out of space
64357 in-memory area out of space for the current container
64358 in-memory column store feature not supported for IOTs
64359 INMEMORY clause may not be specified for virtual columns
64360 only one INMEMORY clause may be specified for each column
64361 column INMEMORY clause may only be specified for an inmemory table
64362 INMEMORY clause may not be specified for LONG columns
64363 for parameter inmemory_clause_default
64364 In-memory column store on Oracle RAC is only supported on Oracle-engineered systems.
64365 In-memory column store FastStart debug event
64366 In-memory column store FastStart internal error
64367 In-memory column store FastStart tablespace is offline.
64368 In-memory FastStart is only supported on Oracle-engineered systems.
64369 In-memory FastStart Oracle Call Interface (OCI) error %s
64370 INMEMORY clause with DISTRIBUTE BY PARTITION specified for a table that is not partitioned.
64371 INMEMORY clause with DISTRIBUTE BY SUBPARTITION specified for a table that is not composite.
64372 INMEMORY clause with DISTRIBUTE BY SUBPARTITION specified for a table that is not partitioned.
64373 Unable to get FastStart Admin Enqueue in mode %s
64374 Action cannot be performed when FastStart is not enabled.
64375 FastStart is already enabled
64376 FastStart is already enabled on this tablespace
64377 Action cannot be performed when database is in read-only mode
64378 Action cannot be performed on the tablespace assigned to FastStart while the feature is enabled
64379 Action cannot be performed on the tablespace assigned to FastStart while the feature is enabled
64380 FastStart cannot be enabled or migrated to a non-automatic segment space management tablespace.
64381 Unable to aquire the tablespace enqueue for the given FastStart operation.
64382 FastStart checkpoint has already started.
64383 FastStart %s was incomplete.
64384 invalid FastStart catalog version detected
64385 for parameter cellmemory_clause_default
64386 %s not supported for proxy PDB
64387 inmemory_size cannot be modified
64388 inmemory_size specified is less than a minimum of (%s) bytes
64389 The FastStart tablespace has insufficient space to migrate
64390 FastStart not supported for %s
64391 Error, obsolete redo seen on IM-enabled ADG, stopping recovery
64392 Population process is being tested
64393 In-Memory Expressions capture window is already OPEN
64394 In-Memory Expressions capture window is not OPEN
64395 error encountered while changing the state of In-Memory Expressions capture window
64396 Resize of In-Memory Xmem area is not supported.
64397 The new Xmem area size %0!s M is larger than configured Xmem area size %1!s M.
64398 invalid INMEMORY_SIZE value for cloud configuration, it must be zero
64399 In-Memory population or repopulation cannot be run for this segment.
64401 This manageability package is only supported on Oracle RDBMS versions 10.2, 11.1, and 11.2.
64402 Invalid input. XMLSchema is null.
64403 Input cannot be null
64404 Input string exceeds the maximum size
64405 No matching elements found. Zero annotations were applied.
64406 No matching elements found. Zero annotations were removed.
64407 Annotation maps to multiple elements.
64408 Name for collection table too long.
64409 XPath could not be mapped to exactly one table.
64410 Invalid XPath.
64411 Invalid collection table specified by XPath.
64412 Procedure called on XML table with BINARY storage model.
64415 Error in namespace declaration.
64416 Table does not exist.
64417 Column does not exist in table.
64418 Column not of XMLType.
64419 Name for collection table already exists.
64420 Table not of XMLType.
64421 XSLT rewrite transformtion to XQuery not successful.
64422 NoInlining for XSLT to XQuery translation event is set
64423 deletion of global %s is not permitted
64424 deletion of %s from a complex type is not permitted (complex type \'%s\')
64425 addition of non-optional %s to a complex type is not permitted (complex type \'%s\')
64426 deletion from an enumeration list is not permitted (simple type \'%s\')
64427 insertion at the end of an enumeration list is not permitted (simple type \'%s\')
64428 Error %s named \'%s\' - \'%s\' is not a superset of \'%s\'
64429 Error %s named \'%s\' - change from \'%s\' to \'%s\' in non-binary XMLSchema
64430 illegal or unsupported change to %s \'%s\'
64431 illegal or unsupported change to mixed in complex type \'%s\'
64432 illegal or unsupported change to mixed in local complex type
64433 illegal or unsupported change to mixed in complex type \'%s\' of non-binary XMLSchema
64434 illegal or unsupported change to mixed in local complex type of non-binary XMLSchema
64435 type of %s named \'%s\' changed from \'%s\' to \'%s\'
64436 Error %s named \'%s\' changed from being of a local type to type %s
64437 Error %s \'%s\' changed from being reference-based to being of type %s
64438 illegal or unsupported change to complex type \'%s\'
64439 illegal or unsupported change to %s
64440 Error %s \'%s\' changed from being of complex type to being of simple type \'%s\'
64441 maxoccurs in a non-binary XMLSchema cannot be modified (element \'%s\')
64442 deletion of elements, attributes, and so on not supported for binary
64445 Illegal in-place XMLSchema evolution operation
64446 Operation %s returned error code %s
64447 Invalid localObject value
64448 Failed to create a new stylesheet during %s
64449 Invalid input value specified
64450 Table or XMLType column does not exist, is not user-visible or not of OR-xmltype
64451 Conversion of special character to escaped character failed.
64452 Bind value was null.
64453 Function 'XPath2TabColMapping' can only be invoked on table with object-relational (structured) storage mode.
64454 Function 'XPath2TabColMapping' can only be invoked on column with object-relational (structured) storage mode.
64455 Function 'XPath2TabColMapping' does not accept XPath with a parent axis.
64456 Function 'RenameCollectionTable' was not able to map XPath to table.
64457 No owner name provided in renameCollectionTable
64458 No name provided for collection table
64459 No owner name provided in xpath2TabColMapping
64460 Function IndexXMLReferences can only be invoked on table with object-relational (structured) storage mode.
64461 Function IndexXMLReferences can only be invoked on column with object-relational (structured) storage mode.
64462 XPath cannot have predicates.
64463 Parent table column could not be found.
64464 XML event error
64465 zero length XML data
64466 hexadecimal to raw string conversion failed
64467 XML diff failed
64468 XML patch failed
64469 invalid namespace encountered
64470 Cannot allocate a new VM. All VMs are in use.
64471 XSLT compiler creation failed
64472 XSL VM creation failed
64473 copy to LOB buffer failed
64474 cannot set VM parameter
64475 null query in query webservice
64476 invalid bindXML value
64477 Multiple token tables are not supported.
64478 fix invalid XDB schema types
64479 element '%s' is missing '%s' annotation; schema cannot be registered by common users
64480 element '%s' is missing default table name annotation; schema cannot be registered by common users
64481 invalid tablespace name
64482 Moving XDB to %s is not allowed.
64483 New tablespace %s is smaller than the current tablespace %s.
64484 New tablespace %s is not automatic segment space management.
64485 invalid pathname
64486 The internal table is empty.
64487 XML schema %s exists for user %s
64488 cannot migrate inherited type %s
64489 cannot migrate XML schema %s
64490 cannot migrate owner from %s to %s for XML schema %s
64491 cannot grant XML schemas to public
64492 The level up the hierarchy must be greater than 0.
64493 The resource type is unknown.
64494 Substitution group is not supported when maintainDOM is not set.
64495 XQuery data model has to be allowed.
64496 Position predicate on out-of-line table is not supported when maintainDOM is set to FALSE.
64497 File access not over XDB repository is not allowed on server side.
64498 FTP and HTTP access over XDB repository is not allowed on server side
64499 ORADB operations not allowed on client-side.
64505 NULL or invalid %s argument specified
64506 procedure or function not supported
64507 ACL path is not valid.
64508 XSLT parameter is not valid.
64509 .
64510 is not referenced in schema definition.
64511 .
64512 in schema is not supported for the packed XML memory object.
64513 invalid use of VIRTUAL COLUMNS clause of XMLType table
64514 registration of port failed
64600 duplicate or conflicting SCALE or EXTEND specifications
64601 duplicate RESTART specified
64602 CREATE SEQUENCE cannot have a RESTART clause
64603 NEXTVAL cannot be instantiated for %s. Widen the sequence by %s digits or alter sequence with SCALE EXTEND.
64604 One or more Sharded Sequence objects exist that cannot be downgraded.
64610 bad depth indicator
64620 duplicate user tablespace specification
64621 SQL statement length (%s) exceeds maximum allowed length (%s)
64625 bind variables not allowed in the string returned from SQL macro
64626 invalid SQL text returned from SQL macro: %s
64627 cycle detected in SQL macro expansion
64628 scalar SQL macro cannot appear in FROM clause of a SQL statement
64629 table SQL macro can only appear in FROM clause of a SQL statement
64630 unsupported use of SQL macro: %s
64632 SQL macro is not supported with %s
64633 SQL macro cannot be used remotely
64634 SQL macro length(%s) was too big
64670 failure to create persistent memory region
64671 failure to delete persistent memory region
64672 failure to attach to a persistent memory region
64673 failure to detach from a persistent memory region
64674 failure to allocate persistent memory region
64675 failure to open a persistent memory region
64676 internal error occurred
64677 failure to query system state
64678 enables XGA tracing
64679 failure to read from the persistent memory region backup file
64680 failure to write to the persistent memory region backup file
64681 The persistent memory region header is corrupt.
64682 failed to identify the root object of the persistent memory region
64683 out of persistent memory region descriptor slots
64684 persistent memory region not found
64685 The persistent memory region detach failed due to in-progress persistent memory transactions.
64686 detected a corruption in the persistent memory region
64687 persistent heap is in use by another transaction
64688 persistent heap extent not found
64689 cannot drop a primary persistent heap extent
64690 out of persistent memory
64691 cannot drop a persistent heap extent
64692 too many open files
64693 invalid file system for persistent memory region backup file
64700 Recovery Appliance is shutting down
64701 storage location %s can no longer honor its reservations.
64702 error repairing container files for storage location %s:\n%s
64703 resource error detected
64704 at column %s
64705 at column %s
64706 at column %s
64707 at column %s
64708 at column %s
64709 at column %s
64710 at column %s
64711 storage destination do not reference an ASM diskgroup
64712 non-ASM storage destination
64713 requested size %s for %s was too small; already using %s
65161 Unable to create pluggable database with no data
65494 LOST WRITE PROTECTION could not write to or read dictionary tables or inconsistent dictionary tables.

And here the list of 2936 changed error messages I could collect: 

Number TEXT_21 TEXT_23
20 maximum number of processes (%s) exceeded exceeded maximum number of processes (%s) specified in initialization parameter
21 session attached to some other process; cannot switch session Cannot switch session because that session is being used by other users.
25 failed to allocate %s SGA memory allocation request of %s failed.
28 your session has been killed session has been terminated
33 current session has empty migration password The session has an empty migration password.
35 LICENSE_MAX_USERS cannot be less than current number of users LICENSE_MAX_USERS cannot be less than current number of users.
44 timed_statistics must be TRUE when statistics_level is not BASIC timed_statistics parameter must be TRUE when statistics_level parameter is not BASIC
50 operating system error occurred while obtaining an enqueue Operating system error occurred while obtaining an enqueue.
66 SID '%s' contains an illegal character or is too long SID '%s' contains a character that is not allowed or is too long.
70 command %s is not valid The command %s is invalid.
71 process number must be between 1 and %s Process number must be between 1 and %s.
74 no process has been specified No process specified for debugging.
93 %s must be between %s and %s Parameter %s outside valid range %s to %s.
115 connection refused; dispatcher connection table is full Cannot connect to database. The selected process has reached its connection limit.
125 connection refused; invalid presentation Cannot connect to database. The PRESENTATION parameter is invalid.
133 value of %s is too long The value of %s is too long.
137 invalid LISTENER_NETWORKS specification with NAME=%s invalid LISTENER_NETWORKS specification for NAME '%s'
141 all addresses specified for parameter %s are invalid Addresses or aliases specified for parameter %s are invalid.
253 character limit %s exceeded by archive destination string %s The character limit of %s is exceeded by archive destination string %s.
256 cannot translate archive destination string %s cannot translate ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG START TO destination string %s
262 current log %s of closed thread %s cannot switch current log %s of closed thread %s cannot switch log
265 instance recovery required, cannot set ARCHIVELOG mode cannot set ARCHIVELOG mode because instance recovery is required
269 specified log file is part of thread %s not %s specified log file is part of thread %s and not %s
326 log begins at change %s, need earlier change %s Log begins at change %s. Earlier change %s is needed.
328 archived log ends at change %s, need later change %s Archived log ends at change %s. Later change %s is needed.
401 the value for parameter %s is not supported by this release The value for parameter %s is not supported in this release.
442 Oracle Database Express Edition (XE) single instance violation error Oracle Database Free Edition (FREE) single instance violation error
447 fatal error in background process An irrecoverable error occurred in a background process.
456 prespawn not enabled Process pre-spawn feature is not enabled.
459 process pool is not started pre-spawned process pool not started
461 MGA namespace already opened. MGA namespace already opened
462 MGA namespace shared handle not valid. MGA namespace shared handle not valid
465 Segments are still attached to MGA namespace. Information only: Segments are still attached to the MGA namespace.
466 MGA invalid segment information. invalid MGA segment information.
473 ARCH process terminated with error redo transport process terminated with error
486 ASMB process terminated with error Oracle ASM background process terminated with error
488 RBAL process terminated with error Rebalance coordinator process ended with an error.
490 PSP process terminated with error Process Spawner (PSP) process exited with an error.
493 GMON process terminated with error Oracle ASM disk group monitor (GMON) process terminated with an error.
500 Listener registration process terminated with an error. Listener registration (LREG) process terminated with an error.
501 CLMN process terminated with error cleanup main process (CLMN) terminated with error
502 PMAN process terminated with error process manager (PMAN) terminated with error
503 CL** process terminated with error A cleanup process (CL**) terminated with an error
504 Service monitor background process terminated with error system monitor process (SMON) terminated with error
511 Cluster flash cache background process terminated with error Cluster flash cache background process terminated with error.
512 attempted to kill an operating system process that has multiple threads Attempt to terminate an operating system process with multiple threads.
566 cannot request processor group - NUMA not enabled Cannot request processor group because Non Uniform Memory Architecture (NUMA) is not enabled.
567 Requested processor group %s is too large (maximum %s) Process creation in the requested processor group %s exceeds maximum limit %s.
587 cannot connect to remote host invalid value specified for REDO_TRANSPORT_USER initialization parameter
603 ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error ORACLE server session terminated by irrecoverable error
604 error occurred at recursive SQL level %s Error occurred at recursive SQL level %s. Check subsequent errors.
609 could not attach to incoming connection An Oracle process was unable to attach to incoming connection.
610 Internal error code Timeout when spawning new Oracle process.
625 Internal error code within PDB: [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s] internal error code within PDB: (%s)(%s)(%s)(%s)(%s)(%s)(%s)(%s)(%s)(%s)(%s)(%s)
740 datafile size of (%s) blocks exceeds maximum file size Data file size of %s blocks exceeds maximum file size.
760 could not remove lost write tracking from data file - check log included in the current container.
816 error message translation failed Error message translation failed.
834 Simulate 4031 during an immediate mode request in auto-sga Internal 4031 simulation for an immediate mode request in auto-sga
845 MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system The Automatic Memory Management (AMM) feature encountered a problem allocating memory.
852 Rolling migration monitor process terminated. Rolling migration monitor (RMON) process terminated.
854 ASM IOServer Instance Fence monitor process terminated. Oracle ASM IOServer (IOS) instance fence monitor process (FENC) terminated.
908 missing NULL keyword Unexpected token %s after IS or IS NOT, when expecting a predicate, like NULL or TRUE.
911 invalid character %s: invalid character after %s
928 missing SELECT keyword SELECT keyword missing
932 inconsistent datatypes: expected %s got %s expression%s is of data type %s, which is incompatible with expected data type %s
933 SQL command not properly ended unexpected token at or near %s
942 table or view does not exist table or view%s does not exist
972 identifier is too long The identifier %s...%s... exceeds the maximum length of %s bytes.
979 not a GROUP BY expression %s: must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
983 cannot audit or noaudit SYS user actions AUDIT or NOAUDIT on SYS user actions is not allowed.
986 missing or invalid group name(s) Missing or invalid join group names.
988 missing or invalid password(s) missing or invalid passwords
1000 maximum open cursors exceeded maximum open cursors for session exceeded
1001 invalid cursor cursor number is invalid or does not exist
1005 null password given; logon denied Login denied due to invalid password.
1006 bind variable does not exist Bind variable does not exist.
1007 variable not in select list Reference to a variable not in SELECT clause.
1008 not all variables bound value for bind variable placeholder %s was not provided
1013 user requested cancel of current operation User requested cancel of current operation.
1019 unable to allocate memory in the user side Memory allocation failed for an Oracle Database %s process.
1020 unknown context state context state error
1034 ORACLE not available The Oracle instance is not available for use. Start the instance.
1035 ORACLE only available to users with RESTRICTED SESSION privilege Login denied. Database is in RESTRICTED mode.
1038 cannot write database file version %s with ORACLE version %s cannot write database file version %s with Oracle version %s
1045 user %s lacks CREATE SESSION privilege; logon denied Login denied. User %s does not have CREATE SESSION privilege.
1052 required destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST is not specified LOG_ARCHIVE_DUPLEX_DEST is not set.
1064 invalid value '%s' for parameter INSTANCE_TYPE in XE Edition invalid value '%s' for parameter INSTANCE_TYPE in Free version
1065 Placeholder does not have a substitute string. A value was not provided for placeholder %s.
1066 placeholder substitution failed Placeholder substitution failed.
1068 invalid substitute string invalid substitute string for placeholder %s
1075 you are currently logged on You are currently logged on.
1103 database name '%s' in control file is not '%s' control file database name '%s' does not match parameter file DB_NAME '%s'
1117 adding file '%(1)s' with illegal block size: %(2)s; max limit is %(3)s; min limit is %(4)s adding file '%s' with illegal block size: %s; max limit is %s; min limit is %s
1125 cannot disable media recovery - file %s has online backup set Cannot disable media recovery. File %s has online backup set.
1153 an incompatible media recovery is active An incompatible media recovery is active.
1173 data dictionary indicates missing data file from system tablespace data dictionary indicates missing data file from a system tablespace
1207 file is more recent than control file - old control file file is more recent than the control file
1219 database or pluggable database not open: queries allowed on fixed tables or views only Database or pluggable database not open. Queries allowed on fixed tables or views only.
1220 file based sort illegal before database is open temporary tablespace usage not allowed before database is open
1280 Fatal LogMiner error. irrecoverable LogMiner error
1281 SCN range specified is invalid invalid SCN range
1282 date range specified is invalid invalid date range
1291 missing log file missing log file %s
1292 LogMiner for upstream capture cannot find log file LogMiner for upstream capture cannot find log file %s
1304 subordinate process error. Check alert and trace logs Subordinate process error. Check alert and trace logs.
1306 dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr() must be invoked before selecting from v$logmnr_contents DBMS_LOGMNR.START_LOGMNR() must be invoked before selecting from V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS
1314 Name of the column to be mined should be a string literal Name of the column to be mined must be a string literal.
1315 Log file has been added or removed during select A log file has been added or removed during SELECT.
1317 Not attached to a Logminer session Command or procedure not attached to a LogMiner session.
1323 Invalid state Oracle LogMiner routine called from an invalid state.
1335 feature not yet implemented unimplemented feature
1341 LogMiner out-of-memory Oracle LogMiner is out-of-memory.
1343 LogMiner encountered corruption in the logstream Oracle LogMiner encountered a corruption in the logstream.
1354 Supplemental log data must be added to run this command Supplemental log data must be added to run this command.
1355 logminer tablespace change in progress LogMiner tablespace change is in progress.
1356 active logminer sessions found Active Oracle LogMiner sessions found.
1360 invalid token invalid token %s
1370 Specified restart SCN is too old Specified restart SCN %s is too old
1376 cannot add file %s due to unsupported redo compatibility setting LogMiner debug event
1405 fetched column value is NULL The fetched column returned a NULL value.
1410 invalid ROWID The ROWID is invalid.
1413 illegal value in packed decimal number buffer invalid value
1415 too many distinct aggregate functions Query contains too many distinct aggregate functions.
1422 exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows exact fetch returned more than the requested number of rows %s
1428 argument '%s' is out of range Argument %s is out of range.
1438 value larger than specified precision allowed for this column value %s greater than specified precision %s for column %s
1449 column contains NULL values; cannot alter to NOT NULL Column contains NULL values. Cannot alter column to NOT NULL.
1459 invalid length for variable character string invalid length for a variable length character string value in bind buffer
1461 can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column The value at bind position %s exceeded the maximum VARCHAR2 length.
1470 In-list iteration does not support mixed operators In-list iteration does not support mixed operators.
1473 cannot have subqueries in CONNECT BY clause Subqueries cannot be specified in CONNECT BY clause.
1480 trailing null missing from STR bind value trailing null character is missing from SQLT_STR type bind data
1495 specified chain row table not found Chain row table not found.
1504 database name '%s' does not match parameter db_name '%s' database name '%s' does not match initialization parameter DB_NAME '%s'
1565 error in identifying file '%s' Error identifying file %s.
1569 data file too small for system dictionary tables insufficient space in data file for database creation
1648 log %s is the current log of disabled instance %s (thread %s) Log %s is the current log of disabled instance %s (thread %s).
1649 operation not allowed with a backup control file operation not allowed with backup control file
1652 unable to extend temp segment by %s in tablespace %s unable to grow %s %s in tablespace %s by %s%s during operation
1653 unable to extend table %s.%s by %s in tablespace %s unable to increase tablespace %s by %s%s during insert or update on table %s.%s
1658 unable to create INITIAL extent for segment in tablespace %s unable to create INITIAL extent for %s by %s blocks in tablespace %s
1692 unable to extend lob segment %s.%s partition %s by %s in tablespace %s Unable to extend the LOB segment %s.%s partition %s by %s in tablespace %s.
1694 max # extents (%s) reached in lob segment %s.%s partition %s maximum number of extents %s reached in the LOB segment %s.%s partition %s
1706 user function result value was too large data value too large
1718 BY ACCESS | SESSION clause not allowed for NOAUDIT BY ACCESS | SESSION clause not allowed for NOAUDIT.
1720 grant option does not exist for '%s.%s' grant option does not exist for %s.%s
1721 USERENV(COMMITSCN) invoked more than once in a transaction USERENV(COMMITSCN) was invoked more than once in a transaction.
1722 invalid number unable to convert string value containing %s to a number: %s
1725 USERENV('COMMITSCN') not allowed here USERENV('COMMITSCN') is not allowed here.
1747 invalid user.table.column, table.column, or column specification invalid column specification: %s
1775 looping chain of synonyms synonym %s resolves to itself due to circular translation
1792 maximum number of columns in a table or view is 1000 maximum number of columns in a table or view is %s
1795 maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 maximum number of expressions in a list is %s
1830 date format picture ends before converting entire input string Date format picture ends before converting entire input string.
1843 not a valid month An invalid month was specified.
1858 a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected A non-numeric character was found instead of a numeric character.
1882 timezone region not found time zone region not found
1898 too many precision specifiers too many precision specifiers in date format model
1919 role '%s' does not exist Role '%s' does not exist.
1923 CASCADE aborted, objects locked by another user CASCADE failed
1924 role '%s' not granted or does not exist not granted or does not exist.
1926 cannot GRANT to a role WITH GRANT OPTION A role cannot be granted a privilege with the WITH GRANT OPTION.
1927 cannot REVOKE privileges you did not grant A privilege cannot be revoked if you did not grant it.
1931 cannot grant %s to a role to a role
1932 ADMIN option not granted for role '%s' has not been granted with WITH ADMIN OPTION
1935 missing user or role name missing or invalid user name
1936 cannot specify owner when creating users or roles cannot specify owner when creating or dropping a user or role
1939 only the ADMIN OPTION can be specified invalid option specified for WITH clause in the GRANT statement
1940 cannot drop a user that is currently connected cannot drop a user who is currently connected
1944 IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY already specified Only one IDENTIFIED clause or one NO AUTHENTICATION clause is allowed.
1945 DEFAULT ROLE[S] already specified DEFAULT ROLE clause is already specified.
1948 identifier's name length (%s) exceeds maximum (%s) length of the identifier name (%s) exceeds the maximum %s
1950 no privileges on tablespace '%s' The object owner '%s' has insufficient quota on tablespace '%s'.
1951 ROLE '%s' not granted to '%s' .
1954 DEFAULT ROLE clause not valid for CREATE USER DEFAULT ROLE clause cannot be specified in CREATE USER statement
1955 DEFAULT ROLE '%s' not granted to user not granted to the user.
1956 invalid command when OS_ROLES are being used invalid command when parameter OS_ROLES is set
1980 error during OS ROLE initialization error during operating system ROLE initialization
1981 CASCADE CONSTRAINTS must be specified to perform this revoke CASCADE CONSTRAINTS must be specified to perform this REVOKE.
1982 invalid auditing option for tables invalid audit option for table specified
1983 invalid auditing option for DEFAULT invalid AUDIT or NOAUDIT operation while specifying ON DEFAULT
1987 client os username is too long Operating system user name of the client is too long.
1990 error opening password file '%s' Error opening password file '%s'.
1992 error closing password file '%s' There was an operating system error in closing the password file '%s'.
1993 error writing password file '%s' Error writing to password file %s.
1994 Password file missing or disabled Password file is missing or disabled.
1995 error reading password file '%s' The database encountered an error in reading the password file '%s'.
1998 REVOKE failed: user SYS always has SYSOPER and SYSDBA An administrative privilege cannot be revoked from the SYS user.
1999 password file cannot be updated in SHARED mode The database password file cannot be updated while the REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE parameter is in SHARED mode.
2003 invalid USERENV parameter invalid USERENV attribute
2005 implicit (-1) length not valid for this bind or define datatype implicit (-1) length not valid for this bind or define data type
2079 cannot join a committing distributed transaction cannot join a committing or finalized distributed transaction
2086 database (link) name is too long Database name or database link name is too long.
2202 no more tables permitted in this cluster No more tables are permitted in this cluster.
2205 only SELECT and ALTER privileges are valid for sequences Only SELECT and ALTER object privileges are valid for sequences.
2224 EXECUTE privilege not allowed for tables invalid privilege on a table
2225 only EXECUTE and DEBUG privileges are valid for procedures You can only grant or revoke EXECUTE and DEBUG object privileges for this object.
2238 filename lists have different numbers of files file name lists have different numbers of files
2261 such unique or primary key already exists in the table The unique or primary key already exists in the table.
2263 need to specify the datatype for this column need to specify the data type for this column
2265 cannot derive the datatype of the referencing column cannot derive the data type of the referencing column
2269 key column cannot be of LONG datatype key column cannot be of LONG data type
2272 constrained column cannot be of LONG datatype constrained column cannot be of LONG data type
2303 cannot drop or replace a type with type or table dependents Cannot DROP or REPLACE a type with type or table dependents.
2310 exceeded maximum number of allowable columns in table exceeded maximum number of allowed columns in table
2313 object type contains non-queryable type %s attribute Object type contains non-queryable type %s attribute.
2327 cannot create index on expression with datatype %s cannot create index on expression with data type %s
2329 column of datatype %s cannot be unique or a primary key Column of data type %s cannot be unique or a primary key.
2330 datatype specification not allowed data type specification not allowed
2331 cannot create constraint on column of datatype %s cannot create constraint on column of data type %s
2335 invalid datatype for cluster column invalid data type for cluster column %s
2337 not an object type column '%s' is not an object type column.
2344 cannot revoke execute on a type with table dependents Cannot revoke EXECUTE privilege on a type with table dependents.
2347 cannot grant privileges on columns of an object table Direct object privileges cannot be granted on object table columns.
2394 exceeded session limit on IO usage, you are being logged off The current session exceeds IO usage limits; this session is being logged off.
2405 invalid sql plan object provided invalid SQL plan object provided
2456 The HASH IS column specification must be NUMBER(*,0) The HASH IS column specification must be an Oracle Number.
2457 The HASH IS option must specify a valid column The HASH IS option must specify a valid column.
2466 The SIZE and INITRANS options cannot be altered for HASH CLUSTERS. The SIZE and INITRANS options cannot be altered for a hash cluster.
2467 Column referenced in expression not found in cluster definition Column referenced in HASH IN expression is not found in cluster definition.
2471 SYSDATE, UID, USER, ROWNUM, or LEVEL incorrectly used in hash expression. An unsupported function is used in the HASH IS expression.
2478 merge into base segment would overflow MAXEXTENTS limit merge into base segment overflowed MAXEXTENTS limit
2479 error while translating file name for parallel load error while translating file name %s for parallel load
2481 Too many processes specified for events (max %s) too many processes specified for events (max %s)
2544 sharding or partition set column datatype is not supported sharding or partition set column data type is not supported
2549 cannot create a sharded table with index organization cannot create a %s table with %s
2560 cannot modify partitions for system-managed or composite sharded tables. cannot modify partitions or subpartitions of %s in system-managed or composite sharding.
2561 maximum number of columns in a duplicated table without primary key is 999 maximum number of columns in a duplicated table without primary key is %s
2585 create tablepsace set failure, one of its tablespaces not created create tablespace set failure, one of its tablespaces not created
2593 cannot drop duplicated table until all shard databases are up and all gsm_requests are completed cannot drop %s until all shard databases are up and all gsm_requests are completed
2659 cannot remove a shard which contains chunks cannot remove a shard which contains chunks or replication units
2821 Unable to read the requested number of blocks. could not allocate memory to receive message from LGWR
3102 TTC detects an invalid character set. invalid character set detected during data conversion either to or from the client
3103 malformed TTC packet from client rejected for TTC RPC (%s): Reason: %d malformed network packet from client rejected for network RPC (%s) with reason %d
3108 oranet: ORACLE does not support this interface version this version of the Oracle Client libraries is not supported by the database version
3115 unsupported network datatype or representation unsupported data type or representation was received from remote connection
3117 two-task save area overflow memory to save variables in two-task buffer has overflowed
3119 two-task detected inconsistent datatype specification two-task detected inconsistent data type specification
3123 operation would block current operation is still executing in non-blocking mode
3133 piggyback function error Piggyback function casued error.
3138 Connection terminated due to security policy violation connection terminated due to security policy violation
3181 Sequence object no longer exists for Oracle Active Data Guard standby. The sequence %s.%s on the Oracle Active Data Guard primary database is no longer accessible.
3182 The sequence object is no longer a global sequence for Oracle Active Data Guard standby database. The sequence object is no longer a global sequence for the Oracle Active Data Guard standby database.
3210 DBMS_ADMIN_PACKAGE invalid option specification DBMS_SPACE_ADMIN package invalid option specification
3213 Invalid Lob Segment Name for DBMS_SPACE package invalid large object (LOB) segment name in DBMS_SPACE package
3214 File Size specified is smaller than minimum required The specified file size is smaller than the minimum blocks %s.
3262 the file is non-empty The data file is not empty.
3280 invalid DATAFILE filename specified invalid DATAFILE file name specified
3297 file contains used data beyond requested RESIZE value File contains used data beyond requested RESIZE value.
3713 Shard '%s' contained %s chunks. Shard '%s' contained %s chunks and %s replication units.
3749 Chunk move cannot be performed at this time. Cross shard chunk operation cannot be performed at this time. Details : %s
3798 Source and target database versions are different. Source database version is higher than target database version.
3897 The passed DDL with ID %s is invalid. operation is not allowed on a shard with candidate replication unit role
3904 The sharding virtual colummn cannot be modified. The sharding virtual column cannot be modified.
3949 password is required for encypted columns in a sharded table password is required for encrypted columns in a sharded table
4001 sequence parameter %s must be an integer SEQUENCE parameter %s must be an integer.
4002 INCREMENT must be a non-zero integer INCREMENT is not a positive integer.
4004 MINVALUE must be less than MAXVALUE The MINVALUE integer value is not less than the MAXVALUE integer value.
4005 INCREMENT must be less than MAXVALUE minus MINVALUE The INCREMENT must be less than the MAXVALUE minus MINVALUE.
4007 MINVALUE cannot be made to exceed the current value MINVALUE cannot exceed the current value
4008 START WITH cannot be more than MAXVALUE START WITH cannot be greater than MAXVALUE
4011 sequence %s must range between %s and %s Sequence %s must be in the range of %s and %s.
4013 number to CACHE must be less than one cycle The CACHE value may not exceed the CYCLE value.
4014 descending sequences that CYCLE must specify MINVALUE MINVALUE must be specified for cycling descending sequences
4015 ascending sequences that CYCLE must specify MAXVALUE MAXVALUE must be specified for ascending sequences that cycle.
4016 sequence %s no longer exists Sequence %s no longer exists.
4018 The '%s' parameter cannot be altered in Oracle Database Standard Edition or Oracle Database Express Edition. The '%s' parameter cannot be altered in Oracle Database Standard Edition or Oracle Database Free version.
4030 out of process memory when trying to allocate %s bytes (%s,%s) out of process memory
4031 ) out of shared memory in %s
4032 pga_aggregate_target must be set before switching to auto mode PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET must be non-zero when WORKAREA_SIZE_POLICY in auto mode.
4036 PGA memory used by the instance exceeds PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT PGA memory used by the instance or PDB exceeds PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT.
4043 object %s does not exist Object %s does not exist.
4101 unsupported language %s Multilingual Engine does not support the language %s.
4102 module %s already exists An MLE module named %s already exists.
4103 module %s does not exist MLE module %s does not exist.
4104 environment %s already exists An environment named %s already exists.
4105 environment %s does not exist MLE environment %s does not exist.
4106 module %s modified since context creation Module %s referred to by %s has been modified since the execution context was created.
4107 environment or its mapped modules modified since context creation Environment %s or one of the modules imported by it has been modified since it has been loaded.
4109 Import name %s already exists. An import named %s already exists in the MLE environment.
4110 Import name %s does not exist. import %s does not exist in the MLE environment.
4152 unrecognized language option %s Environment %s specifies an unrecognized language option %s
4153 invalid context handle An invalid context handle was provided.
4154 invalid user id %s cannot create a context handle on behalf of user ID %s because it is invalid
4158 Property %s does not exist. Property %s does not exist in dynamic MLE execution context.
4159 DBMS_MLE access denied Access to DBMS_MLE functionality is denied
4160 parse error %s %s
4254 Multilingual Engine (MLE) does not support Multi Process Multi Threads (MPMT) Multilingual Engine (MLE) does not support Multi Process Multi Threads (MPMT).
4257 cannot start the Multilingual Engine (MLE), per-PDB PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT too low Cannot start MLE because the amount of available PGA memory in the PDB is insufficient.
4258 cannot start the Multilingual Engine (MLE), per-session Program Global Area (PGA) limit too low Cannot start the Multilingual Engine (MLE) because the per-session Program Global Area (PGA) limit is too low.
4259 cannot load Multilingual Engine (MLE) Multilingual Engine (MLE) failed to load
4260 Multilingual Engine (MLE) does not support Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP) Multilingual Engine (MLE) does not support Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP).
4270 timezone region not available in the Multilingual Engine (MLE) Session time zone region %s is not available in Multilingual Engine (MLE)
5031 PDB SGA usage has exceeded the limit PDB SGA usage has exceeded the limit.
5607 event to control consensus service diagnostic tracing This is a control event for the consensus service diagnostic tracing.
5622 failed to accommodate consensus log entry in specified buffer Accommodating consensus log entry in specified buffer failed.
5623 failed to compute the signature for consensus log entry Computing the signature for consensus log entry failed.
5624 signature verification failed for consensus log entry Signature verification failed for consensus log entry.
5705 the referenced blockchain %s did not exist Referenced blockchain %s does not exist.
5706 blockchain %s already bootstrapped Blockchain %s already bootstrapped.
5707 The initiating database %s is not included. Initiating database %s is not included.
5708 blockchain %s cannot be altered Blockchain %s cannot be altered.
5709 peer %s cannot be added Peer %s cannot be added.
5710 peer %s cannot be added Block Chain Peer %s cannot be added.
5711 peer %s cannot be removed Block Chain Peer %s cannot be removed.
5712 blockchain %s cannot be altered Blockchain %s cannot be altered.
5714 blockchain transaction aborted due to insufficient quorum The blockchain transaction was aborted due to insufficient quorum.
5719 blockchain %s cannot be created Blockchain %s cannot be created.
5723 drop blockchain or immutable table %s not allowed dropping %s, which is a non-empty blockchain or immutable table, is not allowed
5733 enable tracing on blockchain table Enable tracing on blockchain table.
5740 cannot create trigger on a blockchain or immutable table Cannot create a BEFORE ROW UPDATE or compound trigger on a blockchain or immutable table %s.%s
5741 minimum retention time too low, should be at least %s days invalid retention time outside the range of %s and %s
5752 signature verification failed for blockchain %s at block %d Signature verification failed for blockchain %s at block %d.
5762 event to stop posting block chain Reader from consensus MCW callback Event to stop posting block chain Reader from consensus MCW call back
5763 Invalid value for parameter native_blockchain_enable: %s invalid value for parameter native database blockchain %s
5768 epoch validation failed for row at instance ID '%s', chain ID '%s', sequence number '%s' mismatch between current epoch '%s' and epoch for row at instance ID '%s', chain ID '%s', sequence number '%s'
5773 invalid input argument '%s' specified for signing a row invalid value '%s' of argument '%s' specified for signing or countersigning a row
5774 malicious time %s detected while operating on blockchain table %s.%s malicious time %s detected while operating on blockchain or immutable table %s.%s
5812 Commit is not allowed in blockchain procedure Commit is not allowed in the blockchain procedure.
5814 deallocating memory error in blockchain execution context Error when deallocating memory in blockchain execution context.
5815 unsupported ADT argument types in blockchain procedure Unsupported abstract Data Type (ADT) argument used in blockchain procedure.
5816 failed to create blockchain or immutable table Failed to create the blockchain or immutable table.
5820 Cannot promote a blockchain transaction Cannot promote a blockchain transaction.
6403 Unable to allocate memory. unable to allocate memory
6523 Maximum number of arguments exceeded maximum number of arguments exceeded
6524 Unsupported option : %s unsupported option %s specified in call to the EXTERNAL clause
6532 Subscript outside of limit subscript outside of limit
6561 given statement is not supported by package DBMS_SQL statement not supported by the DBMS_SQL package
6562 type of out argument must match type of column or bind variable type of OUT argument must match the column type or bind variable
6563 name has too many parts The name has too many parts.
6564 object %s does not exist Object %s does not exist or is not accessible to the user.
6569 Collection bound by bind_array contains no elements Collection bound by BIND_ARRAY contains no elements
6578 output parameter cannot be a duplicate bind An output parameter cannot be a duplicate bind variable.
6594 ICD is unable to compute a result Information only: ICD is unable to compute a result, falling back to retrieval by SQL
6961 Insufficient privilege for attempted operation insufficient privilege for attempted operation
7303 ksmcsg: illegal database buffer size. database block size specified in parameter file is invalid
7443 function %s not found not found
7444 function address %s is not readable Function address %s is not readable.
7640 smsget: SGA not yet valid. Initialization in progress SGA not yet valid, initialization is in progress.
8000 maximum number of session sequence lists exceeded Maximum number of session sequence lists exceeded.
8002 sequence %s.CURRVAL is not yet defined in this session Sequence %s.CURRVAL is not yet defined in this session.
8003 sequence %s.NEXTVAL exceeds internal limits Sequence %s.NEXTVAL exceeds internal limits.
8121 Number of indexes need to be maintained offline exceeds limit for DML Too many offline indexes need to be maintained.
8185 Flashback not supported for user SYS flashback not supported for user SYS
8191 Flashback Table operation is not supported on remote tables Flashback Table operation is not supported on remote tables.
8192 Flashback Table operation is not allowed on fixed tables Flashback Table operation is not allowed on fixed tables, external tables, and hybrid partitioned tables.
8193 Flashback Table operation is not allowed on temporary tables Flashback Table operation is not allowed on temporary tables.
8194 Flashback Table operation is not allowed on materialized views Flashback Table operation is not allowed on materialized views.
8195 Flashback Table operation is not supported on partitions Flashback Table operation is not supported on partitions.
8196 Flashback Table operation is not allowed on AQ tables Flashback Table operation is not allowed on Advanced Queue tables.
8197 Flashback Table operation is not supported on clustered tables Flashback Table operation is not supported on clustered tables.
8198 Flashback Table is not supported on object tables, nested tables Flashback Table is not supported on object tables, nested tables.
8199 Flashback Table operation is not supported on this object Flashback Table operation is not supported on this object.
9275 CONNECT INTERNAL is not a valid DBA connection CONNECT INTERNAL is not a valid DBA connection.
9794 szrbuild: length of role name is greater than buffer. Length of role name is greater than the provided memory buffer.
9795 szrbuild: malloc of role structure failed. allocation of memory for role object failed
9796 szrbuild: malloc of role name failed. Memory allocation of role name object failed.
9815 File name buffer overflow Audit file path name exceeds the maximum limit of 512 bytes.
9925 Unable to create audit trail file unable to create audit trail file
9945 Unable to initialize the audit trail file unable to initialize the audit trail file
9969 unable to close or remove lock file unable to close or remove locked file by the database
10005 trace latch operations for debugging trace latch operations
10031 sort debug event (S*) sort debug event
10032 sort statistics (SOR*) sort statistics
10037 allocate remote row source (QKARWS) allocate remote row source
10048 Undo segment shrink Network wait facility trace event
10055 Rowsets: turn off rowsets for various operations rowsets: turn off rowsets for various operations
10062 disable usage of OS Roles in osds Event set to disable usage of OS Roles in internal modules.
10063 disable usage of DBA and OPER privileges in osds Event was set to disable usage of DBA and OPER privileges internally.
10095 dump debugger commands to trace file event to dump debugger commands to trace file
10123 Rowsets: turn off rowsets for various operations rowsets: turn off rowsets for various operations
10263 Don't free empty PGA heap extents preallocate PGA heap extents
10287 Simulate archiver error debug event to simulate archiver error
10368 maximum number of internal errors a process will tolerate event 10368 is obsolete
10389 parallel query server interrupt (cleanup) parallel execution server interrupt (cleanup)
10390 Trace parallel query slave execution trace parallel execution server
10407 enable datetime TIME datatype creation enable datetime TIME data type creation
10408 disable OLAP builtin window function usage disable OLAP built-in window function usage
10412 dump the call stack if an error is signaled An internal event to dump the call stack was signaled.
10424 KGE debugging internal error handler debugging event
10465 force slave death during parallel crash recovery force worker process death during parallel crash recovery
10467 amplify control file record expansion for testing testing event to amplify control file record expansion
10471 PQ slave allocation timeout test PQ worker process allocation timeout test
10509 Check kghu subheaps at call boundaries Internal debug event to check heaps at call boundaries.
10521 CMON connection pool test event connection broker and pool test event
10524 CMON connection pool trace event Connection broker and pool trace event
10529 enables SGA range protection tracing event to enable SGA range protection tracing
10542 Enable tracing for block compare enable tracing for block compare
10559 LGWR code path debugging event for deferred log flush on ping LGWR code path debugging event 10559 is set for deferred log flush on ping.
10632 Invalid rowid invalid ROWID
10639 Dump library cache during reparse loops unable to shrink the segment
10702 Application continuity debugging was not enabled used for Transaction Guard tracing and internal debugging
10704 Print out information about what enqueues are being obtained Trace deadlock ID from transaction.
10730 trace row level security policy predicates Print Fine Grained Audit (FGA) transient view.
10731 dump SQL for CURSOR expressions event to diagnose CURSOR or object collection queries
10735 debug ksws operations Diagnostic event for service operations tracing.
10757 Event to control tracing row source: rows to dump per rowset event to control tracing row source: rows to dump per rowset
10758 Event to control tracing row source: start row number event to control tracing row source: start row number
10759 Event to control tracing row source: end row number event to control tracing row source: end row number
10760 Event to control tracing row source: maximum encoded operands to check event to control tracing row source: maximum encoded operands to check
10761 Event to control tracing row source: size of dictionary event to control tracing row source: size of dictionary
10780 LogMiner API trace event LogMiner API trace event.
10788 trace call stacks internal event used for tracing call stacks
10830 Trace group by sort row source trace group by sort row source
10831 Trace group by rollup row source trace group by rollup row source
10832 Trace approximate NDV row source trace approximate NDV row source
10833 Runtime distribution keys for adaptive partial rollup runtime distribution keys for adaptive partial rollup
10834 Runtime behavior control for adaptive partial rollup runtime behavior control for adaptive partial rollup
10843 Event for client result cache tracing event for client result cache tracing
10850 Enable time manager tracing Enable time manager tracing.
10852 Enable tracing for Enqueue Dequeue Operations Enable tracing for Enqueue Dequeue Operations.
10853 Enable tracing for Replicating AQ Operations Enable tracing for replicating AQ operations.
10854 Sets poll count used for AQ listen code under RAC sets poll count used for Oracle Database Advanced Queuing (AQ) listen code under Oracle RAC.
10858 Crash the AQ propagator at different stages of commit Crash the Oracle Database Advanced Queuing (AQ) propagator at different stages of commit.
10863 Control behavior of buffered background operations Control behavior of buffered background operations.
10877 error signaled in parallel recovery slave %s error signaled in parallel recovery worker process %s
10878 parallel recovery slave died unexpectedly parallel recovery worker process died unexpectedly
10879 error signaled in parallel recovery slave %s error signaled in parallel recovery worker process %s
10927 trace name context forever Event 10927 has been set, causing bugfix 235190 to be disabled.
10929 trace name context forever set, which turns off bug fix 343966.
10940 trace name context forever set, limiting size of tracing buffer
10948 trace name context forever Event 10948 trace name context forever has been set.
10961 Enable tracing for Scheduler subscriber cleanup Enable tracing for Scheduler subscriber cleanup.
10981 dscn computation-related event in replication this event is used in replication to get dependent SCN from user session
11200 backup or restore block range debug, check zeros and dump block event debug backup or restore block range, check zeros, and dump blocks
11201 Range bound block checks: minimum block number. range bound block checks: minimum block number
11202 Range bound block checks : maximum block number. range bound block checks: maximum block number
11203 Disable backup compression for archive logs. undocumented event used to disable compression for archived log backups
11207 Enable undo block compression for incremental level 1 backups. enable undo block compression for incremental level 1 backups
11208 Enable undo block compression. Enable undo block compression for backups.
11211 expand data file during multi-section copy event used to expand data file during multi-section copy
11400 Control file has changed between fetches. Control file has changed between fetches
11401 Cached control file data is not available Cached Control file data is not available
11402 Oracle Data Guard site entry not found Data Guard site entry not found
11403 Oracle Data Guard site data invalid or incomplete Data Guard site data invalid or incomplete
11404 user has no privilege to create a standby from the source User has no privilege to create a standby from the source
11500 Maximum number of offlined cells allowed in a diskgroup during upgrade-at-scale. A domain constraint cannot be modified or dropped.
12154 TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified Cannot connect to database. Could not find alias %s in %s.
12170 TNS:Connect timeout occurred Cannot connect. %s timeout of %s for %s. (CONNECTION_ID=%s)
12406 unauthorized SQL statement for policy %s This SQL statement is not authorized for this session by OLS policy %s.
12409 policy startup failure for %s policy policy startup failure for OLS %s policy
12411 invalid label value The specified OLS label value %s does not exist.
12413 labels do not belong to the same policy The labels with tags %s and %s do not belong to the same OLS policy.
12414 internal LBAC error: %s\n Error: %s An internal OLS error has occurred: %s\n Error: %s.
12415 A column of another datatype exists on the specified table The SYS_ACLOID column was created with a data type different from NUMBER.
12416 policy %s not found Oracle Label Security policy %s is not found.
12429 label list range exceeded Index value for LBAC_LABEL_LIST is outside of the permissible range between 1 and 6.
12430 invalid privilege number Oracle Label Security error: invalid privilege number for LBAC_PRIVS data type.
12432 LBAC error: %s OLS error: %s.
12433 create trigger failed, policy not applied cannot apply the OLS policy using the specified value for the label function
12446 Insufficient authorization for administration of policy %s Administration of OLS policy %s failed due to insufficient authorization.
12448 policy %s not applied to schema or table %s The OLS policy %s has not been applied on schema or table %s.
12449 Labels specified for user must be of type USER Labels specified for user must be of type USER.
12450 LOB datatype disabled in LBAC initialization file use of LOB not allowed
12452 label tag %s already exists The OLS label tag %s is already mapped to another label.
12453 label %s already exists The proposed label %s already exists for this policy.
12454 label %s does not exist for policy %s A label tag or label value %s does not exist for Oracle Label Security (OLS) policy %s.
12457 security label exceeded maximum allowable length The OLS label exceeded the maximum allowed length of 4,000 characters.
12458 Oracle Label Security not enabled Oracle Label Security is not enabled.
12461 undefined level %s for policy %s The specified level number or name %s does not exist for the specified OLS policy %s.
12462 undefined compartment %s for policy %s The specified compartment number or name %s does not exist for the specified OLS policy %s.
12463 undefined group %s for policy %s The specified group number %s does not exist for the specified OLS policy %s.
12505 TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor Cannot connect to database. SID %s is not registered with the listener at %s. (CONNECTION_ID=%s)
12514 TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor Cannot connect to database. Service %s is not registered with the listener at %s. (CONNECTION_ID=%s)
12516 TNS:listener could not find available handler with matching protocol stack Cannot connect to database. Listener at %s does not have a protocol handler for %s ready or registered for service %s. (CONNECTION_ID=%s)
12520 TNS:listener could not find available handler for requested type of server Cannot connect to database. Listener at %s does not have handler for %s server type ready or registered for service %s. (CONNECTION_ID=%s)
12521 TNS:listener does not currently know of instance requested in connect descriptor Cannot connect to database. Instance %s for service %s is not registered with the listener at %s. (CONNECTION_ID=%s)
12541 TNS:no listener Cannot connect. No listener at %s.
12542 TNS:address already in use The endpoint specified in the listener address is already in use.
12560 TNS:protocol adapter error Database communication protocol error.
12578 TNS:wallet open failed A wallet file was not found or failed to open.
12638 Credential retrieval failed Client failed to retrieve the Kerberos credential.
12642 No session key There is no session key.
12697 PRCP: Internal error\n Internal error occured in Oracle Connection Manager in Traffic Director Mode. Reason code: %s\n
12699 Native service internal error Native service internal error occurred.
12736 Instant Client Light: unsupported server national character set %s Database national character set %s is not supported by Oracle Instant Client Basic Light.
12737 Instant Client Light: unsupported server character set %s Database server character set %s is not supported by Oracle Instant Client Basic Light.
12742 unable to create the collation key Collation key creation failed.
12743 internal LX error code, arguments: [%s], [%s], [%s] An internal error occurred with the arguments %s, %s, and %s.
12755 Feature %s is disabled due to unsupported capability. Feature %s is disabled.
12845 failed to receive interinstance parallel execution message Failed to receive an inter-instance parallel execution message.
12850 Could not allocate slaves on all specified instances: %s needed, %s allocated could not allocate parallel execution servers on all specified instances: %s needed, %s allocated
12872 First slave parse gave different plan First parallel execution server parse gave a different execution plan.
12875 PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS cannot be set to 0 in CDB system PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS cannot be set to 0 in a container database (CDB) system.
12916 cannot shrink permanent or dictionary managed tablespace cannot shrink permanent or dictionary-managed tablespace
13004 the specified buffer size is invalid The specified buffer size is invalid.
13158 Oracle object %s does not exist Oracle object %s does not exist.
13393 null or invalid %s parameter invalid %0!s parameter%1!s
13397 different dimension sizes in the input GeoRaster objects inconsistent dimension sizes in the input GeoRaster objects
13400 duplicate entry for %s in USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view invalid elevationParam parameter: %s
13401 duplicate entry for %s in USER_SDO_GEOR_SYSDATA view GeoRaster object (RDT=%0!s, RID=%1!s) already exists.
13402 the rasterType is null or not supported The rasterType is NULL or not supported.
13404 invalid ultCoordinate parameter invalid ultCoord parameter specification
13405 null or invalid dimensionSize parameter invalid %s parameter
13406 null or invalid GeoRaster object for output NULL or invalid GeoRaster object for output
13407 invalid storage parameter%s invalid storage parameter: %s
13409 null or invalid pyramidLevel parameter invalid pyramidLevel parameter
13410 invalid layerNumbers or bandNumbers parameter invalid layerNumbers or bandNumbers: %s
13411 subset results in null data set The specified %s is outside the source GeoRaster object.
13412 invalid scale parameter%s invalid scale parameter: %s
13413 null or invalid resampling parameter invalid resampling parameter
13414 invalid pyramid parameter invalid pyramid parameter: %s
13415 invalid or out of scope point specification invalid or out of scope point specification%s
13416 invalid geometry parameter invalid single-point geometry parameter
13417 null or invalid layerNumber parameter invalid layerNumber or bandNumber parameter
13418 null or invalid parameter(s) for set functions cannot set GeoRaster metadata%s
13420 the SRID of the geometry parameter was not null The SRID of the geometry parameter is not NULL.
13421 NULL or invalid cell value invalid cell value: %s
13422 invalid model coordinate parameter invalid cursor %s
13424 the GeoRaster object is not spatially referenced The GeoRaster object is not spatially referenced.
13426 invalid window parameter invalid window or cropArea parameter
13430 the GeoRaster object has null attribute(s) The input or output GeoRaster object has NULL attribute.
13431 GeoRaster metadata rasterType error GeoRaster metadata error: invalid rasterType
13432 NULL or invalid blankCellValue GeoRaster metadata error: NULL or invalid blankCellValue
13433 GeoRaster metadata default RGB error GeoRaster metadata error: invalid defaultRed, defaultGreen or defaultBlue value
13434 GeoRaster metadata cellRepresentation error GeoRaster metadata error: invalid cellRepresentation
13435 GeoRaster metadata dimension inconsistent GeoRaster metadata error: invalid defaultPyramidLevel
13436 GeoRaster metadata dimensionSize error GeoRaster metadata error: invalid dimensionSize
13437 GeoRaster metadata blocking error GeoRaster metadata error: invalid blocking metadata
13438 GeoRaster metadata pyramid type error GeoRaster metadata error: invalid pyramidType value
13439 GeoRaster metadata pyramid maxLevel error GeoRaster metadata error: invalid pyramid maxLevel
13440 GeoRaster metadata compression type error GeoRaster metadata error: invalid compressionType
13443 null or invalid values in %s GeoRaster metadata error: NULL or invalid values in layerInfo
13444 cannot perform mergeLayers operation cannot perform mergeLayers operation: %s
13445 NULL or invalid NODATA value or value range GeoRaster metadata error: NULL or invalid NODATA value
13446 GeoRaster metadata TRS error GeoRaster metadata error: invalid TRS
13447 GeoRaster metadata BRS error GeoRaster metadata error: invalid BRS
13448 GeoRaster metadata BRS error GeoRaster metadata error: invalid spectralExtent
13449 GeoRaster metadata ULTCoordinate error GeoRaster metadata error: invalid ULTCoordinate value
13450 GeoRaster metadata layerInfo error GeoRaster metadata error: invalid layerInfo
13451 GeoRaster metadata scaling function error GeoRaster metadata error: invalid scaling function
13452 GeoRaster metadata BIN function error GeoRaster metadata error: invalid bin function
13453 GeoRaster metadata layer error GeoRaster metadata error: invalid number of layers or invalid layerNumber
13454 GeoRaster metadata is invalid GeoRaster metadata%s is invalid against its XML schema.
13455 GeoRaster metadata TRS error GeoRaster metadata error: invalid beginDateTime or endDateTime
13457 bitmap mask cell data error: %s bitmap mask cell data error at %s
13458 GeoRaster metadata SRS error GeoRaster metadata SRS error: not rectified
13459 GeoRaster metadata SRS error GeoRaster metadata SRS error: not affine transform
13460 GeoRaster metadata SRS error GeoRaster metadata SRS error: SRID=0
13461 the interleaving type is not supported GeoRaster metadata SRS error: invalid rational polynomial model
13462 invalid blocking specification invalid GeoRaster object (RDT=%0!s, RID=%1!s): %2!s
13463 error retrieving GeoRaster data: %s error exporting GeoRaster data: %s
13465 null or invalid table or column specification NULL or invalid table or column specification: %s
13466 format not appropriate for specified compression method: %s compression or decompression error: %s
13467 unsupported GeoRaster metadata specification: %s GeoRaster metadata error: unsupported cellDepth %s
13469 cannot perform updateRaster operation cannot perform updateRaster operation: %s
13470 target and source layers or bands mismatched parameter %0!s not in format of %1!s
13471 unable to determine the owner of %s %s not coordinate referenced
13472 invalid geometry parameter invalid geometry parameter%s
13473 invalid rasterSpec parameter invalid rasterSpec parameter: %s
13474 invalid rasterDataTable name: %s invalid rasterDataTable attribute: %s
13476 invalid or out of scope point specification Parameter %0!s and %1!s did not match.
13479 cannot reproject reprojection infeasible
13480 the Source Type is not supported invalid bitmap mask parameter
13485 error occurred during compression or decompression: %s invalid compressParam parameter: %s
13487 SRID not found for source coordinate system metadata SRID %s not defined in the database
13489 GeoRaster operation failed: %s cannot process the image: %s
13504 No SYSAUX datafile clause specified The SYSAUX DATAFILE clause is not specified.
13509 error encountered during updates to a AWR table error encountered during processing an AWR table
13510 invalid RETENTION %s, must be in the range (%s, %s) Retention number %s is outside valid range of %s to %s.
13511 invalid INTERVAL %s, must be in the range (%s, %s) Interval number %s is outside valid range of %s to %s.
13518 Invalid database id (%s) database ID %s does not exist in AWR
13519 Database id (%s) exists in the workload repository Database ID (%s) exists in the workload repository.
13526 baseline (%s) does not exist Baseline %s does not exist.
13528 name (%s) is already used by an existing baseline Name (%s) is already used by an existing baseline.
13539 invalid input for modify baseline window size (%s, %s) invalid input specified to modify baseline window size (%s, %s)
13568 DBID (%0!s) of source (%1!s) was not registered in AWRHub. DBID (%0!s) of source (%1!s) is not registered in AWRHub
13569 The registered directory object (%s) is invalid. invalid registered directory object (%s)
13574 Input parameters to AWR operation are invalid: %s Parameter [%s] is invalid: %s.
13576 The AWRHub creation operation failed: %s The AWRHub creation operation failed: The specified mailbox is not dedicated for AWRHub
13581 Request timed out: AWRHub Server did not respond after %d seconds Request timed out: AWRHub Server did not respond after %d seconds.
14072 fixed table may not be truncated fixed table cannot be truncated
14136 ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE restricted by fine-grained security ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE restricted by row level security policy
14146 Old CONNECT BY does not support partitioned tables Older version of CONNECT BY does not support partitioned tables.
14221 Dictionary managed tablespace cannot be used for this operation A dictionary managed tablespace cannot be used for this operation.
14300 partitioning key maps to a partition outside maximum permitted number of partitions partitioning key%s is beyond the calculated exclusive upper interval bound%s for table%s
14312 Value %s already exists in partition %s Duplicate key specified: a value of %s already exists in partition %s.
14400 inserted partition key does not map to any partition no partition found in table%s for inserted partition key%s
14401 inserted partition key is outside specified partition inserted partition key%s does not map to the specified partition of%s
14406 updated partition key is beyond highest legal partition key no partition found in table%s for updated partition key%s
14412 Error occurred during execution of partition pruning subquery Error occurred during execution of partition pruning subquery.
14453 attempt to use a LOB of a temporary table, whose data has alreadybeen purged cannot use LOB from purged temporary table
14457 disallowed Nested Table column in a Temporary table Temporary tables cannot contain nested table columns.
14464 Compression Type not specified compression type not specified
14507 partition corrupt. all rows do not fall within partition bounds The table partition is corrupt. All rows do not fall within the partition bounds.
14524 Always allow partitioning. To be used only by trusted clients Always allow partitioning. To be used only by trusted clients.
14528 simulated crash during drop table optimization Event set for simulated crash during drop table optimization
14530 row mismatches found in table %s.%s and index %s.%s Rows in table %s.%s do not match entries in index %s.%s.
14536 Event to turn on row movement during CREATE TABLE event to turn on row movement during CREATE TABLE
14537 Crash Event for Create table by multi transaction approach Crash Event for Create table by multi transaction approach.
14553 cannot perform a lob write operation inside a query cannot perform a lob write operation inside a query
14690 value too long for MIN or MAX aggregate value too long for %s aggregate
14770 Cannot use an XML virtual column whose expression uses EXTRACTVALUE operator to interval [sub]partition a table An XML virtual column whose expression includes EXTRACTVALUE operator cannot be used for the partitioning key during interval [sub]partition.
14812 DBMS_LOB operations not allowed on partition while it is being moved online Operations on partitions through DBMS_LOB package are not permitted during a concurrent online move of the partition.
14855 Table is already a list partitioned table. Table is already a list partitioned table and not an automatic list partitioned table.
14873 Set empty template is not legal on an interval subpartitioned table. An empty subpartition template is not valid for an interval subpartitioned table.
14904 Corrupt logical transaction ID detected. Logical transaction identifier (LTXID) not acceptable.
15003 already mounted in another lock name space is already mounted in another lock name space.
15005 is already used by an existing alias already exists
15008 cannot drop system template system template cannot be dropped
15010 name '%s' is already used by an existing ASM disk Name '%s' is already used by an existing Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) disk.
15012 ASM file '%s' does not exist ASM file %s cannot be found.
15017 cannot be mounted cannot be mounted.
15018 diskgroup cannot be created Disk group cannot be created.
15021 is not valid in %s instance is not valid in %s instance.
15028 ASM file '%s' not dropped; currently being accessed Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) file '%s' not dropped; currently being accessed
15031 disk specification '%s' matches no disks The disk specification '%s' matches no disks.
15042 ASM disk %s is missing from group number %s
15043 is not a diskgroup member is not a disk group member
15045 ASM file name '%s' is not in reference form ASM file name '%s' has an invalid reference format
15046 ASM file name '%s' is not in single-file creation form Oracle ASM file name '%s' cannot include multiple file creation form
15047 ASM file name '%s' is not in multiple-file creation form Oracle ASM file name '%s' is not in multiple file creation form
15048 ASM internal files cannot be deleted Oracle ASM internal files cannot be deleted.
15055 unable to connect to ASM instance unable to connect to the Oracle ASM instance
15069 ASM file '%s' not accessible; timed out waiting for lock Time-out waiting for lock on ASM file '%s'
15072 command requires at least %s regular failure groups, discovered only %s This command requires at least %0!s regular failure groups, discovered only %1!s.
15077 could not locate ASM instance serving a required diskgroup could not locate ASM instance serving required disk group
15078 ASM diskgroup was forcibly dismounted Oracle ASM disk group was forcibly dismounted
15079 ASM file is closed Oracle ASM file is closed
15082 ASM failed to communicate with client Oracle ASM instance failed to communicate with client instance.
15083 failed to communicate with ASMB background process Time-out during communication with ASMB background process
15088 diskgroup creation incomplete disk group creation incomplete
15095 reached maximum ASM file size (%s GB) for this disk group\n reached maximum Oracle ASM file size (%s GB) for this disk group
15097 cannot SHUTDOWN ASM instance with connected client (process %s) cannot SHUTDOWN Oracle ASM instance with connected client (process %s)
15113 alias name '%s' refers to a directory The alias name '%s' refers to a directory.
15118 ASM diskgroup '%s' was forcibly dismounted. Oracle ASM disk group %s was forcibly dismounted.
15120 ASM file name '%s' does not begin with the ASM prefix character Oracle ASM file name '%s' does not begin with the Oracle ASM prefix character
15121 ASM file name '%s' contains an invalid diskgroup name Oracle ASM file name '%s' contains an invalid disk group name.
15122 ASM file name '%s' contains an invalid file number Oracle ASM file name '%s' contains an invalid file number
15123 ASM file name '%s' contains an invalid incarnation number Oracle ASM file name '%s' contains an invalid incarnation number
15125 ASM file name '%s' contains an invalid template name Oracle ASM file name '%s' contains an invalid template name
15126 component within ASM file name '%s' exceeds maximum length component in Oracle ASM file name '%s' exceeds maximum length
15127 ASM file name '%s' cannot use templates Oracle ASM file name '%s' cannot use templates.
15128 ASM file name '%s' exceeds maximum length %s Oracle ASM file name '%s' exceeds maximum length %s.
15145 ASM disk '%s' is online and cannot be replaced. Oracle ASM disk '%s' is online and cannot be replaced.
15148 Too many CRS users are created. too many CRS users created
15161 invalid SYS_CLUSTER_PROPERTIES parameter missing SYS_CLUSTER_PROPERTIES attribute
15173 entry '%s' does not exist in directory '%s' Entry '%s' does not exist in directory '%s'.
15177 cannot operate on system aliases The system alias cannot be modified or deleted.
15178 directory '%s' is not empty; cannot drop this directory cannot drop non-empty directory '%s'
15190 Internal ASM testing event number 15190 Internal Oracle ASM testing event number 15190
15191 Internal ASM testing event number 15191 Oracle ASM testing event for emulating Oracle ASM errors has been set.
15198 operation %s is not yet available operation %s not yet available in this version
15199 Internal ASM tracing event number 15199 Internal ASM tracing event number 15199.
15204 database version %s is incompatible with diskgroup %s Client version %0!s is incompatible with disk group %1!s.
15205 requested mirror side unavailable requested block mirror side unavailable
15224 is already provisioned for ASM is already provisioned for Oracle ASM.
15225 label name '%s' is already in use The label name '%s' is already in use.
15226 label name '%s' is not used by ASM label name '%s' is not used by Oracle ASM
15229 Internal ASM testing event number 15229 Internal Oracle ASM testing event number 15229
15231 advancing diskgroup compatibility would exclude connected clients Advancing disk group compatibility would exclude connected clients.
15232 command requires all disks in diskgroup %s to be online Command requires all disks in disk group %s to be online.
15233 cannot advance diskgroup compatibility due to [%s] Cannot advance disk group compatibility due to [%s].
15234 target RDBMS compatibility (%s) exceeds ASM compatibility (%s) Diskgroup COMPATIBLE.RDBMS parameter value (%s) exceeds COMPATIBLE.ASM parameter value (%s).
15240 attribute name %s is invalid Attribute name %s is invalid.
15241 attribute %s is read only attribute %s is read-only
15242 could not set attribute %s Could not set attribute %s.
15263 user name '%s' exceeds limit of %s characters The length of the user name '%s' exceeds the limit of %s characters.
15264 Operating system function returned error %s operating system function returned error %s
15266 user identification number '%s' is not allowed user identification number '%s' already in use
15267 Internal ASM event number 15267 Internal ASM event number 15267.
15268 internal Oracle file %s already exists. Internal Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) file %s already exists.
15275 Not enough contiguous space (%s AUs) in disk %s to allocate a voting file not enough space (%s allocation units) in disk %s to allocate voting file
15278 external redundancy diskgroup requires at least one regular disk External redundancy disk group requires at least one regular disk.
15286 could not set disk group attribute %s due to offline disks failed to set attribute %s for the Oracle ASM disk group due to offline disks
15294 SYSASM privilege not allowed on database instance cannot grant or revoke SYSASM privilege on database instances
15295 ASM instance software version %s less than client version %s Oracle ASM instance software version %s less than client version %s
15301 cannot change %s of the open file '%s' cannot change %0!s of the open file '%1!s'
15305 cannot operate on ASM internal files cannot update Oracle ASM internal files
15308 could not access ASM SPFILE in RDBMS instance cannot access Oracle ASM SPFILE in RDBMS instance
15315 Write errors in disk group %s could lead to inconsistent ASM metadata. Write errors in disk group %s could lead to inconsistent Oracle ASM metadata.
15321 cannot set attribute with connected clients failed to set attribute %s for the Oracle ASM disk group due to connected clients
15324 requested operation is not allowed on the password file %s Requested operation is not allowed on password file %s.
15325 file %s is not a valid password file File %s is not a valid password file.
15331 ASM proxy instance ORACLE_SID %s does not start with %s Oracle ASM proxy instance ORACLE_SID %s does not start with %s.
15333 disk is not visible on client instance disk is not available on all client instances
15334 VUBG process terminated with error volume background process terminated with error
15338 ASM client instance %s reconnection refused Oracle ASM client instance %s reconnection refused
15339 ASM client instance %s has been fenced by ASM client instance %s has been fenced by Oracle ASM
15346 process attempting to identify or create ASM file %s was aborted Process attempting to identify or create the Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) file %s was aborted.
15347 logical block size %s of ASM file '%s' is too small for disk group sector size %s The logical block size %0!s of the Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) file '%1!s' is too small for disk group sector size %2!s.
15355 Internal ASM testing event number 15355 Internal Oracle ASM testing event number 15355
15357 on a sparse disk group can not be created on a sparse disk group.
15369 OCI invalid handle %s Oracle Call Interface (OCI) call returned invalid handle %s.
15372 Client version %s not supported by Oracle ASM Client version %s not supported by the Oracle ASM instance.
15388 a file type cannot be specified for file group property '%s' A file type cannot be specified for file group property '%s'.
15399 new RDBMS compatibility (%s) exceeds client's RDBMS compatibility (%s) New RDBMS compatibility '%0!s' exceeds client COMPATIBLE setting '%1!s'.
15400 not running on supported ASM appliance not running on supported Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) appliance
15414 Appliance mode requires at least %s failure groups and either %s or %s disks in all failure groups. Appliance mode requires either %s or %s disks in all failure groups.
15417 relocation must be retried Relocation failed due to a transient condition and will be retried or restarted automatically.
15437 Not enough quota available in quota group %s. insufficient quota available in quota group %s
15440 VIO0 process terminated with error VIO0 process terminated with an error
15441 Internal ASM testing event number 15441 Internal Oracle ASM testing event number 15441
15444 Volume %s needs to be online and mounted to complete the operation. Volume %s must be online and mounted to complete the operation.
15447 Internal ASM testing event number 15447 Internal Oracle ASM testing event number 15447
15457 first letter of the volume name is not alphabetic first letter of the volume name is not an alphabet
15458 invalid character in volume name invalid character '%s' in volume name
15459 STRIPE_WIDTH of %s is not a power of two STRIPE_WIDTH of %s is not a power of two.
15461 STRIPE_WIDTH of %s bytes is less than the minimum of %s bytes STRIPE_WIDTH of %s bytes is less than the minimum of %s bytes.
15468 volume '%s' in diskgroup '%s' is currently being accessed Volume %s in disk group %s is currently being accessed.
15469 VBG process terminated with error VBG process terminated with error.
15472 volume library cannot be loaded. Platform may not support volume creation. Volume library cannot be loaded. Platform may not support volume creation.
15473 access to a volume's storage through an unsupported interface failure to access a volume's storage using an unsupported command
15474 volume name is greater than %s characters The volume name is greater than %s characters.
15475 usage string is greater than %s characters USAGESTRING is greater than %s characters
15476 ACFS volumes must be resized with the 'acfsutil size' operating system command. Oracle ACFS volumes must be resized with the 'acfsutil size' operating system command.
15478 ACFS process terminated with error The Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System (ACFS) background process terminated with an error.
15479 ASM diskgroup does not support volumes Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) disk group does not support volumes.
15480 error reported in the ASM volume driver Error reported by the Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) volume driver.
15483 volume driver version is not compatible with the ASM instance volume driver version is not compatible with the Oracle ASM instance
15485 number of volumes in diskgroup exceeds the maximum of %s Number of volumes in the disk group exceeds the maximum of %s.
15488 volume %s is open on instance %s Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) volume %s is open on node %s.
15498 Volume name '%s' would collide with existing volume(s) '%s %s'. Volume name %s collides with existing volume(s) %s %s.
15499 Volume Membership (VMB) process terminated with error VMB process terminated with error
15516 parallel preprocessing worker hit error ORA-%s Parallel preprocessing worker encountered ORA-%s error.
15517 cannot start parallel preprocessing worker Cannot start parallel preprocessing worker.
15518 parallel preprocessing encountered an unexpected error Parallel preprocessing encountered an error.
15560 workload replay client cannot access the work directory Workload replay client cannot access the work directory.
15591 encountered corrupt workload capture files corrupt workload capture files
15607 Autonomous task could not be scheduled. .
15750 current node is not configured for remote operations The current node is not configured for remote operations.
15751 The RMF operation failed. The Remote Management Framework (RMF) operation failed.
15755 current node is already configured for remote operations Current node is already configured for remote operations.
15761 not registered in an RMF topology The node is not registered in an Remote Management Framework (RMF) topology.
15764 concurrent RMF operation is in progress A concurrent Remote Management Framework (RMF) operation is in progress.
15769 node [%s] is not registered in RMF topology [%s] Node [%s] is not registered in Remote Management Framework (RMF) topology [%s].
15770 node [%s] is already registered in RMF topology [%s] Node [%s] is already registered in Remote Management Framework (RMF) topology [%s].
16000 database or pluggable database open for read-only access Attempting to modify database or pluggable database that is open for read-only access.
16006 A remote archival request was aborted due to database shutdown. The remote archival request was canceled due to a database shutdown operation.
16011 Remote File Server process is in Error state. Remote File Server (RFS) process is in an error state.
16014 log %s sequence# %s not archived, no available destinations Log %s sequence# %s could not be archived successfully, there are no destinations available.
16015 Log %s sequence# %s was not archived. log %s sequence# %s was not archived since destination is in no ARCHIVELOG mode
16018 cannot use %s with LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n or DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST Cannot use %s with LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n or DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST.
16028 new %s causes less destinations than LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST requires new %s causes fewer destinations to be selected than LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST requires
16029 cannot change LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST, no archive log destinations cannot change LOG_ARCHIVE_MIN_SUCCEED_DEST, no archive log destinations defined
16040 Destination archive log file is locked. The destination archive log file is locked.
16041 Remote File Server fatal error remote file server (RFS) unrecoverable error
16046 Redo transport destination failed due to failed dependent destination. The redo transport destination failed due to failed dependent destination.
16050 destination exceeded specified quota size Destination exceeded quota size.
16052 DB_UNIQUE_NAME attribute is required. DB_UNIQUE_NAME attribute is required
16054 Event for automatic RFS gap sequence detection test gap detection
16055 FAL request rejected fetch archive log FAL request rejected
16058 standby database instance is not mounted standby database instance not ready to receive redo log
16059 empty log file or invalid next available block Cannot archive an empty or invalid log file.
16061 Log file status has changed. log file status has changed
16063 destination evicted from collective process A destination was evicted from multi-destination ASYNC process.
16064 Data Guard network decompression failed. redo decompression failed
16070 parameter %s contains an invalid REGISTER attribute value Parameter %s contains an invalid REGISTER attribute value.
16071 Archived log file %s was not found at dependency destination. archive log file %s was not found at dependency destination
16072 a minimum of one standby database destination is required A minimum of one SYNC standby database destination is required.
16086 Redo data cannot be written to the standby redo log redo cannot be written to the standby redo log
16089 archive log has already been registered Archive log was already registered.
16095 Dependent destination removal for inactivation dependent destination removal for inactivation
16098 Primary database has been shut down to prevent data loss. The primary database has been shut down to prevent data loss.
16099 internal error ORA-00600 occurred at standby database an internal error occurred at standby database
16112 log mining and apply stopping Log mining and apply is stopping.
16131 An error occurred during a Terminal Recovery of the standby. An error occurred during a terminal recovery of the standby database.
16135 Invalid LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG modification while in protected mode invalid LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG modification while in protected mode
16136 Managed Standby Recovery not active Managed recovery is not active.
16143 RFS connections not allowed during or after terminal recovery Connections to the remote file server (RFS) are not allowed during or after terminal recovery.
16146 %scontrol file enqueue unavailable %s control file enqueue unavailable
16150 FINISH recovery performed on another, older standby database FINISH recovery was performed on another, older standby database.
16151 Managed Standby Recovery not available managed standby recovery not available
16153 enable ARCH Physical RFS client debugging reserved for redo transport
16159 Cannot change protected standby destination attributes cannot change protected standby destination attributes
16160 Cannot change protected standby database configuration cannot change protected standby database configuration
16162 Cannot add new standby databases to protected configuration cannot add new standby databases to protected configuration
16165 LGWR failed to hear from network server LGWR failed to hear from the network server process
16168 LGWR network server could not switch to blocking mode LGWR network server could not switch to non-blocking mode
16169 LGWR network server invalid parameters A LGWR process SYNC destination is no longer connected.
16171 RECOVER...FINISH not allowed due to gap for thr %s, seq %s-%s The RECOVER...FINISH request is not allowed due to gap in thread %s, sequences %s-%s.
16172 archive logs detected beyond Terminal End-Of-Redo archive logs detected beyond terminal end-of-redo
16178 Cannot specify remote destinations in manual archiving mode Cannot specify remote destinations in manual archiving mode.
16182 Internal error on internal channel during remote archival internal error on internal channel during remote archival
16186 Modifying LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG requires SID='*' qualifier Modifying LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG requires the SID='*' qualifier.
16187 LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG contains duplicate, conflicting or invalid attributes LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG contains duplicate, conflicting, or invalid attributes.
16188 LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG settings inconsistent with previously started instance LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG settings are inconsistent with the previously started instance.
16189 Internal event for testing RTA purposes reserved for redo transport
16190 Internal event for RFS Auth testing purposes internal event for RFS authorization testing
16191 Primary log shipping client not logged on standby log shipping client unable to log onto target database
16198 Timeout incurred on internal channel during remote archival timeout or a delayed response incurred by redo transport process
16224 Database Guard is enabled Oracle Data Guard is enabled.
16236 Logical Standby metadata operation in progress Logical Standby metadata operation is in progress.
16241 Waiting for gap log file (thread# %s, sequence# %s) Waiting for gap log file (thread# %s, sequence# %s).
16248 RFS connections not permitted during Terminal Apply Remote file server (RFS) connections are not permitted during terminal apply.
16257 Switchover initiated stop apply successfully completed Switchover initiated Stop Apply successfully completed
16393 Redo log management setting is invalid. Redo log management parameter setting is invalid.
16394 Internal error for Oracle Active Data Guard SQL redirection Internal error for Oracle Active Data Guard SQL redirection.
16396 Internal event for Oracle Active Data Guard SQL redirection Internal event for Oracle Active Data Guard SQL redirection.
16398 online log has been reused and archived log cannot be found online log has been reused and archive log cannot be found
16400 quota attributes are not allowed with DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST quota attributes are not allowed with USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST
16404 Internal event for simulating software version mismatches internal event for simulating software version mismatches
16405 Internal event for simulating software version mismatches internal event for simulating software version mismatches
16408 An archive log from an incompatible redo branch has been rejected. Archive log from an incompatible redo branch has been rejected.
16410 enable simulated LGWR netslave infinite wait redo transport internal event
16414 Event to prevent MRP from clearing online redo log files redo transport internal event
16415 Event to enable lock dumping event to enable lock dumping
16416 No viable %sswitchover targets available no viable %sswitchover targets available
16418 Event to simulate idle RFS process in Physical Standby event to simulate idle RFS process in Physical Standby
16422 Event to disable archive process functions event to disable or enable redo transport functions
16423 Event to test ASM mirrors in Physical Standby event to test ASM mirrors in Data Guard redo transport
16425 RECOVER FINISH cannot be issued when recovery branch %s is not the target branch %s. a RECOVER FINISH failed because recovery incarnation %s is not the target incarnation %s
16426 Recovery requested an incorrect log from which to apply redo data. recovery requested an incorrect log from which to recover redo
16427 Redo gap is too large to resolve. redo gap is too large to resolve
16429 Event to disable Redo Transport Compression (RTC) back-off logic event to disable Redo Transport Compression (RTC) back-off logic
16430 Event to kick off error path tests event to kick off error path tests
16434 archive log for branch %s thread %s sequence %s cannot be queued Archive log for branch %s thread %s sequence %s cannot be queued.
16436 ALTER DATABASE ... RECOVER FINISH could not start an ALTER DATABASE...RECOVER FINISH request could not start
16439 Standby not ready to receive redo at this time Remote destination is not ready to receive redo at this time.
16442 ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH REDO TO STANDBY succeeded, but some redo has not been applied. an ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH REDO TO STANDBY succeeded, but some redo has not been applied
16452 internal event for SRL-related testing internal event for clearing network timeout histogram
16453 Event for the first Timing Measurement Interface (TMI) event for the first Timing Measurement Interface (TMI)
16454 Standby redo log could not be selected standby redo log could not be selected
16457 Event to inject CFTXN errors during testing event to inject CFTXN errors during testing
16460 Event for general use with redo transport testing event for general use with redo transport testing
16474 target_db_name not found in the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter target_db_name not found in a LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter
16478 cannot locate far sync instance connect string cannot locate far sync connect string
16479 cannot connect to the far sync instance cannot connect to the far sync
16480 operational error during far sync instance assisted failover operational error during far sync assisted failover
16481 destination error during far sync instance assisted failover destination error during far sync assisted failover
16485 redo log is already received at destination protection mode modification not allowed at this time
16486 redo log is rejected by the destination a redo log is rejected by the destination
16495 Using fast recovery area to receive redo log files on Recovery Appliance is not supported. using the Fast Recovery Area to receive redo log files on a Recovery Appliance is not supported
16499 Event to dump redo transport information event to dump redo transport information
16517 object handle is invalid Data Guard broker simulated error.
16519 resource handle is invalid Resource handle is invalid.
16521 Service name specified in connect identifier connects to a pluggable database. Service name specified in connect identifier connects to a PDB.
16522 configuration is part of Global Data Services pool The configuration is part of the Global Data Services pool.
16526 unable to allocate memory to process request Unable to allocate memory to process request.
16527 unable to allocate broker System Global Area (SGA) memory Unable to create output file for broker configuration metadata.
16528 unable to allocate Program Global Area (PGA) memory Unrecognized role change event for reinstatement.
16531 unable to post message Process %(1)s failed to publish a command message to process %(2)s.
16532 Oracle Data Guard broker configuration does not exist Oracle Data Guard broker configuration does not exist.
16533 inconsistent Data Guard broker state error for Oracle Data Guard broker system state dump
16534 switchover, failover or convert operation in progress Switchover, failover or convert operation is in progress.
16535 Oracle Restart or Oracle Clusterware prevented completion of broker operation Oracle Restart or Oracle Clusterware prevented completion of broker operation.
16536 unknown object type unrecognized member type specified in request
16538 no match on requested item Unrecognized property or state name.
16543 invalid request made to broker An invalid request was made to the Oracle Data Guard broker.
16545 unable to get response Client did not receive a response to a prior request from the Data Guard broker.
16547 cannot disable or remove the primary database Cannot disable or remove the primary database.
16548 corrupt logfile SQL Apply encountered one or more corrupt log files.
16551 short string copied short string copied - information only - no action required
16555 member is not active Member is not active.
16556 observer version mismatch Observer version incompatible with Oracle database server version.
16557 member already exists Member already exists in the configuration.
16569 Oracle Data Guard configuration is not enabled Oracle Data Guard configuration is not enabled.
16570 database needs restart Database needs to be restarted.
16571 Oracle Data Guard configuration file creation failure Oracle Data Guard configuration file creation failure.
16572 Oracle Data Guard configuration file not found Oracle Data Guard configuration file not found.
16574 switchover disallowed when required databases are shut down Switchover is disallowed when required databases are shut down.
16576 failed to update Data Guard broker configuration file Failed to update Data Guard broker configuration file.
16577 corruption detected in Data Guard configuration file Corruption detected in Data Guard configuration file.
16578 failed to read Data Guard configuration file failed to read Oracle Data Guard configuration file
16579 bad network state detected Oracle Data Guard broker network process failed.
16581 Oracle Data Guard broker could not reach remote member Oracle Data Guard broker could not reach remote member.
16582 cannot change instance-specific property Cannot change an instance-specific property.
16583 bad Data Guard broker connection process state Oracle Data Guard broker has a bad connection process state.
16585 operation cannot be performed on a primary database This operation cannot be performed on a primary database.
16586 cannot change member property with EDIT INSTANCE command Cannot change member property with EDIT INSTANCE command.
16587 ambiguous object specified to Data Guard broker Ambiguous member specified to Oracle Data Guard broker.
16589 Oracle Data Guard broker detected network transfer error Oracle Data Guard broker detected a network transfer error.
16590 Oracle Data Guard configuration does not contain a primary database Oracle Data Guard configuration does not contain a primary database.
16591 in document in the XML document.
16592 in document in the document.
16596 member not part of the Oracle Data Guard broker configuration Member is not part of the Oracle Data Guard broker configuration.
16597 Oracle Data Guard broker detects two or more primary databases Oracle Data Guard broker detects two or more primary databases.
16598 Oracle Data Guard broker detected a mismatch in configuration Oracle Data Guard broker detected a mismatch in configuration.
16600 not connected to target standby database Client is not connected to target standby database.
16602 member must be disabled to perform this operation The member must be disabled to perform this operation.
16603 member is part of another Data Guard broker configuration The member is part of another Oracle Data Guard broker configuration.
16604 Data Guard broker configuration file inaccessible Oracle Data Guard broker configuration file '%s' is inaccessible.
16607 one or more members have failed One or more members have failed.
16609 database is being disabled Database is being disabled.
16610 in progress in progress.
16613 initialization in progress for member Oracle Data Guard broker initialization in progress for member.
16614 Oracle Data Guard broker configuration is disabled Oracle Data Guard broker configuration is disabled.
16615 event for Data Guard NetSlave testing testing event for Oracle Data Guard broker network process
16617 unknown object identifier specified in request unrecognized member specified in request
16621 member name for ADD command must be unique A member with that name already exists in the configuration.
16627 no member available to support the protection mode No member available to support the protection mode.
16629 database reports a different protection level from the protection mode Database reports a different protection level from the protection mode.
16633 the only instance of a member cannot be removed The only instance of a member cannot be removed.
16634 Event for Data Guard NetSlave tracing event for Data Guard broker network process tracing
16635 network connection failed during transmission Network connection failed during transmission.
16636 fast-start failover target standby in error state, cannot stop observer Fast-start failover target standby in error state. Cannot stop observer.
16638 could not obtain instance status Could not obtain instance status.
16640 Oracle Clusterware was unable to shutdown database instances Oracle Clusterware was unable to shutdown database instances.
16641 failure to acquire broker configuration metadata lock failed to acquire broker configuration metadata lock.
16642 DB_UNIQUE_NAME mismatch DB_UNIQUE_NAME mismatch.
16643 unable to determine location of broker configuration files Unable to determine location of broker configuration files.
16644 apply instance not available Standby database does not have an apply instance available.
16645 startup of an instance interrupted current operation startup of an instance not part of the broker configuration interrupted current operation
16646 fast-start failover is disabled Fast-start failover is disabled.
16648 a new observer registered with identifier %s A new observer registered with identifier %s.
16649 Data Guard prevented this database from opening Data Guard prevented this database from opening.
16650 unrecognized object specified unrecognized member specified in a RedoRoutes rule
16653 failed to reinstate database Oracle Data Guard broker failed to reinstate database.
16655 specified standby database not the current fast-start failover target standby The specified standby database is not the current fast-start failover target standby database.
16656 Oracle Data Guard broker detected role change Oracle Data Guard broker detected role change.
16657 reinstatement of database in progress Reinstatement of database in progress.
16659 failover operation in progress Failover operation is in progress.
16660 fast-start failover operation attempted in absence of a broker configuration Fast-start failover operation attempted in absence of a broker configuration.
16661 the standby database needs to be reinstated The standby database must be reinstated.
16662 network timeout when contacting a member Network timeout when contacting a member.
16665 time out waiting for the result from a member Timed out waiting for a result from a member.
16666 unable to initiate fast-start failover on a bystander standby database Unable to initiate fast-start failover on a bystander standby database.
16672 switchover not permitted to standby database with non-zero DelayMins switchover not permitted to standby database with non-zero DelayMins property value
16673 member running different Oracle version A member is running a different Oracle version from that of the primary database version.
16675 database instance restart required for property value modification to take effect Database instance restart required for the property value modification to take effect.
16677 Standby database has the same or higher priority than other members specified in the RedoRoutes group. Member has the same or higher priority than other members specified in the RedoRoutes group.
16679 one or more illegal keywords found one or more disallowed keywords found
16681 value does not contain a colon Value does not contain a colon.
16683 illegal, empty substring specified in property value disallowed, empty substring specified in property value
16686 database may not receive redo data if redo source is an alternate destination member may not receive redo data if redo source is an alternate destination
16687 database has multiple redo sources member has multiple redo sources
16689 illegal sender specified for RedoRoutes property invalid sender specified for RedoRoutes property
16690 illegal destination specified for RedoRoutes invalid destination specified for RedoRoutes
16696 redo source is disabled cannot enable the member because its redo source is disabled
16697 wrong standby type specified for RedoRoutes property modification current role of the member only allows a LOCAL rule in RedoRoutes property
16699 connect identifier not specified Connect identifier was not specified.
16701 Oracle Data Guard broker command failed Oracle Data Guard broker command failed.
16706 Oracle Data Guard broker worker process not available Oracle Data Guard broker worker process not available.
16707 the value of the property %s is invalid, valid values are %s The value of property %s is invalid. Valid values are %s.
16708 the state supplied to broker is invalid The state name supplied to the Oracle Data Guard broker worker process is invalid.
16709 standby archived log location settings conflict with database recovery area Standby archived log location settings conflict with database recovery area.
16710 snapshot standby database should be converted back to a physical standby database as soon as possible Snapshot standby database should be converted back to a physical standby database as soon as possible.
16712 the resource handle is invalid The resource handle is invalid.
16714 the value of property %s is inconsistent with the member setting The value of property %s is inconsistent with the member setting.
16716 clearing parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST failed Unable to clear the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter.
16718 failed to locate member Failed to locate member.
16719 unable to query V$ARCHIVE_DEST fixed view Unable to query V$ARCHIVE_DEST fixed view.
16720 no LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameters available No LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameters are available.
16724 cannot resolve gap for one or more members Cannot resolve gap for one or more members.
16725 the phase supplied to Data Guard broker worker process is invalid The phase supplied to the Oracle Data Guard broker worker process is invalid.
16727 cannot close database Cannot close database.
16728 consistency check for property %s found %s error Consistency check for property %s found %s error.
16729 validation of value for property %s found %s error Found error %s when validating value for property %s.
16730 SQL Apply was not started SQL Apply was not started.
16732 Oracle Clusterware is restarting the database instance Oracle Clusterware is restarting the database instance.
16733 member has previously posted a phase done message for the task Member previously posted a phase done message for the task.
16737 has an error has an error.
16738 is not running is not running.
16739 is running is unexpectedly running.
16740 incorrectly set to ALTERNATE incorrectly set as alternate.
16741 has incorrect syntax contains incorrect syntax.
16742 has exhausted its quota. exceeded its archived log storage quota.
16745 into the DG_CONFIG list because it is full to the DG_CONFIG list.
16746 Oracle Data Guard broker cannot mount the database Oracle Data Guard broker cannot mount the database.
16747 logical standby database guard could not be turned on Logical standby database guard could not be turned on.
16749 The member was disabled manually. The member is disabled manually.
16750 failed to activate logical standby database Failed to activate logical standby database.
16752 Dump System State dump system state
16753 Oracle Data Guard broker cannot open standby database Oracle Data Guard broker cannot open standby database.
16754 failed to activate physical standby database Failed to activate physical standby database.
16755 failed to set initialization parameter Failed setting an initialization parameter.
16758 the specified apply instance is not running The specified apply instance is not running.
16759 cannot start SQL Apply with initial SCN Cannot start SQL Apply with initial system change number (SCN).
16760 cannot start SQL Apply Cannot start SQL Apply.
16764 redo transport service to a member is not running Redo transport service to a member is not running.
16765 Redo Apply is running Redo Apply is running.
16766 Redo Apply is stopped Redo Apply is stopped.
16767 SQL Apply is running SQL Apply is running.
16768 SQL Apply is stopped SQL Apply is stopped.
16769 the physical standby database is open read-only The physical standby database is open in read-only mode.
16770 Redo Apply not started since physical standby database is opening Redo Apply not started because the physical standby database is opening.
16776 health check of the redo transport service failed Health check of the redo transport service failed.
16777 unable to find the destination entry of a member in V$ARCHIVE_DEST Unable to find the destination entry of a member in V$ARCHIVE_DEST.
16778 redo transport error for one or more members Redo transport error occurred for one or more members.
16779 The destination parameter of a member is set incorrectly. The LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter of a member is set incorrectly.
16780 A member has exhausted its archived redo log storage quota. A member exceeded its archived redo log storage quota.
16783 cannot resolve gap for member %s Cannot resolve gap for member %s.
16784 member name specified by Dependency property is incorrect The member name specified by the Dependency property is incorrect.
16785 the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode The database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode.
16788 unable to set one or more member configurable property values Unable to set one or more member configurable property values.
16789 standby redo logs configured incorrectly Standby redo logs are configured incorrectly.
16790 the value of the configurable property is invalid The value of the configurable property is invalid.
16791 unable to check the existence of the standby redo logs Unable to check the existence of the standby redo logs.
16792 configurable property value is inconsistent with member setting Configurable property value is inconsistent with member setting.
16793 logical standby database guard is off Logical standby database guard is off.
16795 the standby database needs to be re-created The standby database needs to be re-created.
16796 one or more properties could not be imported from the member One or more properties could not be imported from the member.
16797 member is not using a server parameter file Member is not using a server parameter file.
16800 redo transport service for a standby database incorrectly set to ALTERNATE Redo transport service for a standby database incorrectly set as alternate
16801 redo transport-related property is inconsistent with member setting Redo transport-related property is inconsistent with member setting.
16803 unable to query a database table or fixed view Unable to query a database table or fixed view.
16805 operation required wait for sessions to drain Operation waiting for sessions to drain.
16806 supplemental logging is not turned on Supplemental logging is not turned on.
16808 primary database is not open Primary database is not open.
16809 multiple warnings detected for the member Multiple warnings detected for the member.
16810 multiple errors or warnings detected for the member Multiple errors or warnings detected for the member.
16811 apply instance not recorded by the Oracle Data Guard broker Apply instance not recorded by the Oracle Data Guard broker.
16812 log apply service not running on apply instance recorded by the broker Apply services are not running on apply instance recorded by the broker.
16813 log apply service not running on apply instance %s recorded by the broker apply service not running on apply instance %s recorded by the broker
16814 duplicate name specified for observer Duplicate name specified for observer.
16821 logical standby database dictionary not yet loaded Logical standby database dictionary not loaded.
16822 new primary database not yet ready for standby database reinstatement New primary database not ready for standby database reinstatement.
16824 multiple warnings, including fast-start failover-related warnings, detected for the database Multiple warnings, including fast-start failover-related warnings, detected for the database.
16825 multiple errors or warnings, including fast-start failover-related errors or warnings, detected for the database Multiple errors or warnings, including fast-start failover-related errors or warnings, detected for the database.
16827 Flashback Database is disabled Flashback Database is disabled.
16829 fast-start failover configuration is lagging Fast-start failover configuration is lagging.
16830 primary isolated from fast-start failover partners longer than FastStartFailoverThreshold seconds: shutting down Primary database isolated from its fast-start failover partners longer than FastStartFailoverThreshold seconds.
16831 operation not allowed on this member Oracle Data Guard operation not allowed on this member.
16832 user-configurable fast-start failover initiated: shutting down User-configurable fast-start failover initiated.
16833 no logging operations detected on database No such pluggable database at this database.
16834 control file corruptions detected on database Specified pluggable database is not a standby pluggable database.
16835 member has one or more unavailable standby redo log groups Source pluggable database was dropped.
16836 one or more system data files are missing Source pluggable database was unplugged.
16837 one or more system data files are corrupt Standby pluggable database is not applying redo data.
16839 one or more user data files are missing Pluggable database must be in mounted mode.
16840 one or more user data files are corrupt Target pluggable database is not recovering current redo data.
16841 one or more user data files are offline Target pluggable database has not applied all redo.
16842 block corruptions detected Multitenant container database name specified is incorrect.
16843 errors discovered in diagnostic repository Pluggable database needs to be re-created.
16858 last communication time from redo source could not be determined Last communication time from redo source could not be determined.
16860 cannot remove a configuration that is referenced by another configuration Cannot remove the local configuration when it references a remote configuration.
16868 Fast-Start Failover target standby database not viable Fast-start failover target standby database not viable.
16879 fast-start failover cannot be initiated by a non-master observer Fast-start failover cannot be initiated by a non-master observer.
16883 unable to translate DGConnectIdentifier property unable to translate the DGConnectIdentifier property to a valid connect identifier
16889 Fast-start failover mode cannot be changed between normal and observe-only modes. Fast-start failover must be disabled before changing between standard and observe-only modes.
16890 database does not have a valid fast-start failover target standby database in observe-only mode Database does not have a valid fast-start failover target standby database in observe-only mode.
16894 invalid Oracle Data Guard broker metadata invalid Oracle Data Guard broker configuration metadata
16900 change of LogXptMode or RedoRoutes property violates overall protection mode changing LogXptMode or RedoRoutes property violates overall protection mode
16905 The member was not enabled yet. The member was not enabled.
16908 The observer is not available for master observer. This observer cannot become the master observer.
16910 Inconsistency detected for one or more pluggable databases inconsistency detected for one or more pluggable databases
16912 target pluggable database may have been removed or a role change may have occurred Target pluggable database may have been removed or a role change may have occurred.
17502 ksfdcre:%s Failed to create file %s (%s)Failed to create file %s
17514 Access to clonedb bitmap file failed Access to clonedb bitmap file failed.
17521 Instant Restore is not enabled Instant Restore is not enabled.
17523 Instance %d cannot spawn repopulation (RPOP) process Instance %d cannot spawn repopulation (RPOP) process.
17524 Repopulation cannot take place - no RPOP processes Repopulation cannot take place. No RPOP processes.
17525 Database clone using storage snapshot not supported on file %s Database clone using storage snapshot not supported on file %s (storage type is %s).
17615 Event to disable pre-allocation algorithm during backup event to disable pre-allocation algorithm during backup
17616 Event to disable pupulating V$RMAN_STATUS event to disable the population of V$RMAN_STATUS
17617 Event to disable populating V$RMAN_OUTPUT event to disable the population of the V$RMAN_OUTPUT dynamic view
17623 Event to enable compression debugs in backup and restore enable compression tracing in backup and restore
17624 Failed to delete directory %s failed to delete directory %s
17629 Cannot connect to the remote database server cannot connect to the remote database server
17631 dbname '%s' specified by remote server does not match the instance name '%s' database name '%s' specified by remote server does not match the instance name '%s'
17632 file '%s' is a formatted ASM disk The file '%s' is a formatted Oracle Automatic Storage Managment (Oracle ASM) disk.
17675 execution of OFS procedure failed with error:'%s' execution of OFS procedure failed with error: '%s'
17676 Failed to mount '%s' with error:'%s' failed to mount '%s' with error:'%s'
18012 select_catalog_role role is required for this operation SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role is required for this operation.
18104 XUTY0005 - Invalid target expression for INSERT XUTY0005 - invalid target expression for INSERT
18105 XUTY0006 - Invalid target expression for INSERT XUTY0006 - Invalid target expression is used for INSERT.
18122 XUDY0023 - Updating expression introduces a namespace conflict XUDY0023 - Updating expression introduces a namespace conflict.
18126 XUDY0027 - Invalid target expression XUDY0027 - invalid target expression
18127 XUST0028 - Updating function should not have a return type XUST0028 - Updating function '%s:%s' should not have a return type.
18178 XMLType input to XMLTABLE row expression needs to use PASSING BY REF clause XMLTYPE input to XMLTABLE row expression must use PASSING BY REF clause.
18179 XMLTABLE column expression needs to be specified using XMLTYPE(SEQUENCE) BY REF clause XMLTABLE column expression must be specified using XMLTYPE(SEQUENCE) BY REF clause.
18222 Hierarchy %s already appears in %s. hierarchy %s already appears in %s
18265 fact table key column (%s) with value (%s) not in dimension star table key column key column (%0!s) from table %1!s with value (%2!s) not in dimension (%3!s) star table key column
18280 is invalid. does not join to a level key of the dimension.
18298 does not determine the lowest level of every hierarchy. .
18301 does not exist does not exist.
18302 does not exist does not exist.
18306 invalid depth expression specified in a hier ancestor calculated measure invalid depth expression specified in a calculated measure
18343 does not exist in the cube. does not exist.
18344 cannot be named using a reserved word. cannot be named using an Oracle reserved word.
18348 specified. specified
18352 detected on a measure. Invalid expression (%s) detected on a measure.
18361 duplicate Cache Object found in Analytic View Cache duplicate cache object found in analytic view cache
19001 Invalid storage option specified invalid storage option %s specified
19002 Missing XMLSchema URL XML Schema URL is missing in the storage option.
19003 Missing XML root element name XML schema is missing XML root element name.
19005 Duplicate XMLType LOB storage option duplicate XMLType storage option specified
19006 XMLType TYPE storage option not appropriate for storage type TYPE option is not appropriate for the storage option of XMLTYPE column.
19007 Schema %s does not match expected %s. Schema %s does not match expected schema %s.
19008 Invalid version of the XMLType invalid version of XMLTYPE instance
19010 Cannot insert XML fragments cannot insert XML fragments
19011 Character string buffer too small Character string buffer is too small.
19012 Cannot convert XML fragment to the required datatype Cannot convert XML fragment to the required data type.
19013 Cannot create VARRAY columns containing XMLType cannot create VARRAY columns containing XMLType
19016 attributes cannot occur after element specifications Attributes cannot occur after element specifications.
19019 Invalid context passed to DBMS_XMLGEN.GETXML Invalid context passed to DBMS_XMLGEN.GETXML().
19021 General event for XML operations general event for XML operations
19022 Unoptimized XML construct detected. unoptimized XML construct detected
19024 Cursor expression must be named Cursor expression must be named.
19025 EXTRACTVALUE returns value of only one node EXTRACTVALUE cannot extract values of multiple nodes
19027 Event for supressing query rewrite with XML operators event for suppressing query rewrite with XML operators
19028 Invalid ADT parameter passed to toObject() function invalid abstract data type parameter in XMLType.toObject() function call
19031 XML element or attribute %s does not match any in type %s.%s XML element or attribute %s does not match type %s.%s.
19032 Expected XML tag %s got %s expected XML tag not present
19033 schema specified in the XML document does not match the schema parameter schema mismatch: schema specified in the XML document does not match the schema parameter
19034 Type not supported during schema generation Type is not supported during schema generation.
19035 Invalid select item of the query in newContextFromHierarchy() Invalid items are selected in the query passed to newContextFromHierarchy().
19036 Invalid query result set in newContextFromHierarchy() invalid query result set in newContextFromHierarchy()
19037 XMLType result can not be a fragment XMLType result cannot be a fragment.
19038 Invalid opertions on query context invalid operations on query context
19039 Keyword %s reserved for future use Keyword %s reserved for future use.
19041 Comment data cannot contain two consecutive '-'s XML comments cannot contain two consecutive hyphens.
19042 Enclosing tag %s cannot be xml in any case combination Enclosing tag %s cannot be 'XML'.
19043 Multiply nested XMLROOT function disallowed Multiply nested XMLROOT function is not allowed.
19046 Out-of-line table cannot be shared by two top-level tables (table '%s.%s' and the current table being created). and the current table being created).
19047 Cannot specify storage for individual VARRAYS cannot specify storage for individual varrays if STORE ALL VARRAYS is used
19048 Cannot specify VARRAY storage in tableProps cannot specify VARRAY storage in tableProps
19049 Event for disabling fast path insert for SQL This event disables fast path inserts for XMLType tables.
19050 Event for adding order to SELECT from OCTs Event to add an ORDER BY clause ordering by array index when querying object collections.
19051 Cannot use fast path insert for this XMLType table Internal insert method is not working for XMLType tables.
19055 Unsupported use of DISABLE XML EXCHANGE unsupported use of DISABLE XML EXCHANGE
19056 Internal event Information only: Event 19056 has been set (only allowed under Oracle Support supervision).
19057 Internal error: binary XML [%s] internal error: BINARY XML [%s]
19058 Enabling XML exchange may cause data corruption. Enabling XML exchange for non-empty tables may cause data corruption.
19060 Operation disallowed on XML token set object operation disallowed on XML token set object
19061 Granular Token Set operations are not supported for tables. granular token set operations detected for unsupported tables
19063 Granular token table does not support schema-based storage. Granular token table feature does not support schema-based storage.
19067 Unable to create binary granular token on user default tablespace. unable to create binary granular token on user default tablespace
19068 Disabling XML EXCHANGE creates token tables in the SYSTEM tablespace. failed to disable XML EXCHANGE
19069 Table is already exchanging XML with itself. cannot enable XML EXCHANGE with itself
19073 unsupported column type for granular token set enabled table unsupported column type specified for granular token set enabled table
19077 Event for Remapping CSX during TTS event for remapping CSX during TTS
19079 Only STORE AS TRANSPORTABLE BINARY XML is supported with XMLType on the sharded table. Only STORE AS TRANSPORTABLE BINARY XML is supported with XMLTYPE on a sharded table.
19115 too many context items specified More than one context item specified to XMLQUERY function.
19119 Event for turning on XMLQuery and XMLTable function event for turning on XMLQUERY and XMLTABLE features
19121 duplicate attribute definition - %s duplicate attribute definition %s
19126 XQuery extension expression contains neither a pragma that is recognized by the implementation nor an expression enclosed in curly braces XQUERY extension expression contains neither a PRAGMA that is recognized by the implementation nor an expression enclosed in curly braces.
19135 XQST0075: An implementation that does not support the Validation Feature must raise a static error if it encounters a validate expression XQST0075: An implementation that does not support the validation feature must raise a static error if it encounters a validate expression.
19138 ; otherwise a static error is raised invalid target type of cast or castable expression
19139 XPST0081: It is a static error if a QName used in a query contains a namespace prefix that cannot be expanded into a namespace URI by using the statically known namespaces XPST0081: It is a static error if a QName used in a query contains a namespace prefix that cannot be expanded into a namespace URI by using the statically known namespaces.
19147 XQST0089: It is a static error if a variable bound in a for clause of a FLWOR expression, and its associated positional variable, do not have distinct names (expanded QNames) XQST0089: It is a static error if a variable bound in a FOR clause of a FLWOR expression and its associated positional variable do not have distinct names (expanded QNames).
19170 Event for turning on XML Query Cost-based Rewrite internal event for turning on XML query cost-based rewrite
19195 Invalid policy in ora:contains invalid policy in function ora:contains
19200 Invalid column specification invalid column specification
19201 Datatype not supported not supported
19202 Error occurred in XML processing%s error occurred in XML processing%s
19203 Error occurred in DBMS_XMLGEN processing%s error occurred in DBMS_XMLGEN processing %s
19204 Non-scalar value '%s' is marked as XML attribute Non-scalar value '%s' is marked as an XML attribute.
19205 Attribute '%s' qualifies a non-scalar value in the select list Attribute '%s' qualifies a non-scalar value in the select list.
19206 Invalid value for query or REF CURSOR parameter invalid value for query or REF CURSOR parameter
19207 scalar parameter %s of XMLELEMENT cannot have an alias. The scalar parameter %s to XMLELEMENT cannot have an alias.
19208 parameter %s of function %s must be aliased Parameter %s of function %s must be aliased.
19209 invalid or unsupported formatting argument invalid or unsupported XMLFormat argument
19210 column '%s', specified to be a key or update column for DBMS_XMLSTORE, does not not exist in table '%s' Column '%s', specified to be a key or update column for DBMS_XMLSTORE, does not not exist in table '%s'.
19211 column '%s', specified as key using DBMS_XMLSTORE.setKeyColumn() , must be of scalar type Column '%s', specified as key using DBMS_XMLSTORE.setKeyColumn(), must be of scalar type.
19212 no key columns specified before call to DBMS_XMLSTORE.updateXML() No key columns were specified before the DBMS_XMLSTORE.updateXML() call.
19214 XMLAgg expression is not allowed with window functions or first and last expressions. XMLAGG expression not allowed with window functions or first and last expressions
19228 XPST0008 - undeclared identifier: prefix '%s' local-name '%s' XPST0008 - undeclared identifier: prefix '%s', local-name '%s'
19233 XQST0013 - invalid pragma XQST0013 - invalid XQuery PRAGMA content
19253 XQST0033 - too many declarations for namespace prefix %s XQST0033 - too many declarations for namespace prefix %s
19277 XPST0005 - XPath step specifies an item type matching no node: (%s) XPST0005 - XPath step specifies an item type without matching node: (%s)
19279 XPTY0004 - XQuery dynamic type mismatch: expected singleton sequence - got multi-item sequence XPTY0004 - XQuery dynamic type mismatch: expected singleton sequence - received multi-item sequence
19282 XQST0068 - It is a static error if a Prolog contains more than one xmlspace declaration XQST0068 - It is a static error if query prolog contains more than one XMLSPACE declaration.
19284 Encoding specification in version declaration not supported Encoding specification in version declaration is not supported.
19300 Error occurred in uri processing%s An error occurred in URI processing of %s.
19330 Type '%s'.'%s' not installed. Please install the type before using the CREATE_DBURI operator Type '%s'.'%s' is not installed. Install the type before using the SYS_DBURIGEN function.
19331 Last argument to CREATE_DBURI operator must be a column Last argument to SYS_DBURIGEN function must be a column.
19332 Invalid column in the CREATE_DBURI operator invalid column used in the SYS_DBURIGEN function call
19333 Invalid flags for the CREATE_DBURI operator invalid flags for CREATE_DBURI operator
19334 Invalid column specification for CREATE_DBURI operator invalid column specification for the SYS_DBURIGEN function
19336 Missing XML root element XML root element is missing.
19562 file %s is empty File %s is empty.
19568 a device is already allocated to this session A device is already allocated to this session.
19569 no device is allocated to this session No device is allocated to this session.
19575 expected %s blocks in file %s, found %s Expected %s blocks in file %s, but found %s.
19576 datafile %s not defined in control file data file %s not defined in control file
19577 file %s is MISSING File %s is missing.
19586 %s k-byte limit is too small to hold piece directory The %s k-byte limit is too small to hold piece directory.
19593 datafile number %s already included as %s data file number %s already included as %s
19597 file %s block size %s does not match set block size of %s file %s block size %s does not match backup set block size %s
19598 can not backup SPFILE because the instance was not started with SPFILE cannot backup SPFILE because the instance was not started with SPFILE
19599 block number %s is corrupt in %s %s Block number %s is corrupt in %s %s.
19603 cannot backup or copy active file with KEEP .. UNRECOVERABLE option cannot backup or copy an active file with KEEP ... UNRECOVERABLE options
19606 Cannot copy or restore to snapshot control file cannot copy or restore to snapshot control file
19610 directory block %s is corrupt Backup piece directory block %s is corrupt.
19617 file %s contains different RESETLOGS data File %s contains different RESETLOGS data.
19621 archived log range has already been specified archived log range is already specified
19631 archived log record contains no file name archived log record does not contain a file name
19637 BACKUPPIECECREATE requires file name when using DISK device Backup piece file name for Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) must be specified.
19640 datafile checkpoint is SCN %s time %s Data file checkpoint system change number (SCN) is %s at time %s.
19641 backup datafile checkpoint is SCN %s time %s backup data file checkpoint is system change number (SCN) %s time %s
19643 datafile %s: incremental-start SCN is too recent For data file %s, incremental-start SCN is too recent.
19645 datafile %s: incremental-start SCN is prior to creation SCN %s For data file %s, incremental-start SCN is prior to creation SCN %s.
19646 cannot change size of datafile %s from %s to %s cannot change size of data file %s from %s to %s
19661 datafile %s could not be verified datafile %s could not be verified due to corrupt blocks
19667 cannot do incremental restore of datafile %s cannot do incremental restore of data file %s
19668 cannot do full restore of datafile %s cannot do full restore of data file %s
19674 file %s is already being backed up with proxy copy File %s is already being backed up with a proxy copy.
19677 RMAN configuration name exceeds maximum length of %s Recovery Manager (RMAN) configuration name exceeds the maximum length of %s.
19694 some changed blocks were not found in the change tracking file Some changed blocks were not found in the change tracking file.
19695 fixed table X$KRBMSFT has not been populated The fixed table X$KRBMSFT has not been populated.
19701 device name exceeds maximum length of %s The device name exceeds the maximum length of %s.
19705 tag value exceeds maximum length of %s characters Tag value exceeds maximum length of %s characters.
19707 invalid record block number - %s invalid record block number - %s
19708 log destination exceeds maximum length of %s characters Log destination exceeds maximum length of %s characters.
19710 unsupported character set %s Character set %s is unsupported.
19713 invalid copy number: %s invalid copy number: %s
19718 length for command id longer than %s length for command ID longer than %s
19723 Cannot recreate plugged in read-only datafile %s cannot re-create plugged in data file %s
19731 cannot apply change to unverified plugged-in datafile %s cannot apply change to unverified plugged in data file %s
19742 control file is not a backup control file The specified control file is not a backup control file.
19745 Invalid call to DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE API, Reason: %s. invalid call to DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE package, reason: %s.
19765 mount id %s does not match mount id %s in control file mount ID %s does not match mount ID %s in control file
19777 ASM file %s cannot be proxy backed up. Oracle ASM file %s cannot be proxy backed up.
19781 The PROXY option is not supported on sparse file %s The PROXY option is not supported on sparse file %s.
19783 event to wait for specified seconds before checkpointing data files in a backup session event to wait for specified seconds before checkpointing data files in a backup session
19805 RECID %s of %s was deleted to reclaim disk space RECID %s of %s was deleted to reclaim disk space.
19806 cannot make duplex backups in recovery area Cannot make a duplex backup to the recovery area.
19815 WARNING: %s of %s bytes is %s%% used, and has %s remaining bytes available. WARNING: %s of %s bytes is %s%% used, and has %s remaining bytes available
19826 Continue backup in case of dropped pdb test event level %s Continue backup in case of dropped pluggable database for test event level %s.
19841 Cross-platform backups require COMPATIBLE %s or greater Cross-platform backups require a COMPATIBLE parameter value %s or greater.
19842 The current database incarnation changed during backup The current database incarnation changed during backup.
19844 database ID is from different database: ID=%s Remote database ID %s is different from local database ID %s.
19846 cannot read header of datafile %s from remote site cannot read header of the data file %s from remote site
19865 Backup piece %s has no data Backup piece %s has no data.
19866 error writing file header for datafile %s error writing file header for data file %s
19880 Corrupted space header for datafile %s, block %s corrupted space header for data file %s at block %s
19881 Corrupted space bitmap for datafile %s, block %s corrupt space bitmap for data file %s, block %s
19887 all participating data files in backup session were dropped by database all participating data files in the backup session were dropped by the database
19888 used for testing purposes test event for deleting snapshot standby archivelogs
19905 log_archive_format must contain %%s, %%t and %%r LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT must contain sequence %%s, thread %%t, and resetlogs ID %%r for files to be unique.
19915 unable to encrypt pre-10.2 files Unable to encrypt files created prior to Oracle Database release 10.2.
19919 encrypted backups to tertiary storage require Oracle Secure Backup Encrypted backups to tertiary storage require Oracle Secure Backup.
19923 the session for row with id %s is not active The session for row with ID %s is not active.
19940 cannot use cross-platform backups to convert whole database to different endianess cannot use cross-platform backups to convert whole database to different endianness
19943 Data Pump dump file not found in backup set Oracle Data Pump dump file was not found in backup set.
19947 Invalid block size %s in backup piece '%s' from specified platform '%s' invalid block size %s in backup piece '%s' from specified platform '%s'
19948 Backup piece does not contain a cross-platform datafile backup, reason=%s Backup piece does not contain a cross-platform data file backup, reason=%s.
19956 database should have no offline immediate datafiles database should have no offline immediate data files
19962 compression algorithm %s is not valid with release %s Compression algorithm %s is not valid with release %s.
19989 internal usage Information only: List of files for cross platform transportable tablespaces (XTTS) restore was determined successfully.
19991 cross-platform backup of encrypted backups to different endianess is not supported Cross-platform encrypted backups to a platform with a different endianness are not supported.
19992 cross-platform backup of encrypted backup piece with different endianess is not supported A cross-platform backup of encrypted backup piece with different endianness is not supported.
19996 cross-platform backup of backup pieces with pre-10.2 compatibility is not supported Cross-platform backup of backup pieces created with compatibility earlier than Oracle Database 10g release 2 (10.2) is not supported.
19997 backup pieces prior to 10.2 cannot be operated for cross-platform Backup pieces earlier than Oracle Database 10g Release 2 cannot be operated for cross-platform.
21501 program could not allocate memory memory allocation failed
21560 argument %s is null, invalid, or out of range argument at position %s is null, invalid, or out of range
21700 object does not exist or is marked for delete object does not exist or is marked for deletion
22140 given size [%s] must be in the range of 0 to [%s] String resize operation failed. Size [%s] specified must be in the range of 0 to [%s].
22279 cannot perform operation with LOB buffering enabled operation not allowed because LOB buffering is enabled
22304 input type is not an object type is not an object type.
22309 already exists attribute with name %s already exists
22310 for errors ALTER TYPE error. Refer to table %s.%s for errors.
22321 method does not return any result Method does not return any result.
22339 cannot alter to not final since its attribute column is substitutable cannot alter to NOT FINAL since its attribute column is SUBSTITUTABLE
22372 Event for type dictionary upgrade event for type dictionary upgrade
22373 Older version hashcode encountered An older hashcode version was encountered.
22379 event to bypass hashcode in kottyphcequ event to bypass hash code mismatch error
22610 error while adding a scalar to the image handle cannot add a scalar attribute to an abstract data type
22617 error while accessing the image handle collection error accessing an attribute in a collection
22802 remote implementation type not supported implementation type cannot be remote
22803 object type contains zero attributes contains zero attributes.
22807 cannot resolve to a scalar type or a collection type Attribute %s cannot be resolved.
22809 nonexistent attribute type %s does not contain attribute %s
22813 operand value exceeds system limits The operand value exceeds the system limits.
22814 attribute or element value is larger than specified in type Attribute or element value is larger than specified in type.
22826 cannot construct an instance of a non instantiable type Cannot construct an instance of a non-instantiable type.
22828 input pattern or replacement parameters exceed 32K size limit input pattern or replacement parameters exceed the 32K size limit of SQL function
22833 Must cast a transient type to a persistent type Must cast a transient type to a persistent type.
22834 Event to turn off smon cleanup for transient types Event to turn off smon cleanup for transient types.
22840 REF column being indexed is not scoped REF column %s being indexed is not scoped.
22847 cannot generate ANYDATA with BFILE or OPAQUE TYPE inside Cannot generate ANYDATA with a BFILE or OPAQUE TYPE inside it.
22876 this user-defined type is not allowed or it cannot be used in this context cannot create an object table of XMLType or OPAQUE type
22887 type of REF column is not the same as that of its scoped table type of REF column %s is not the same as that of its scoped table
22888 duplicate SCOPE clauses for a REF column duplicate SCOPE clauses for REF column %s
22889 REF value does not point to scoped table REF value does not point to scoped table %s.
22895 is not an object table is not an object table.
22898 points to a table other than the one mentioned in the referential constraint points to a table other than the one mentioned in the referential constraint.
22902 CURSOR expression not allowed CURSOR expression is not allowed in this context.
22905 cannot access rows from a non-nested table item Cannot access rows from unsupported input to TABLE operator.
22909 exceeded maximum VARRAY limit exceeded maximum VARRAY limit of %s elements
22910 cannot specify schema name for nested tables cannot specify schema name for the storage table of the nested table
22911 duplicate storage specification for the nested table item duplicate storage specification for the nested table column
22912 specified column or attribute is not a nested table type Column or attribute %s is not a nested table type.
22913 must specify table name for nested table column or attribute must specify table name for nested table column or attribute %s
22919 dangling REF error or lock object failed for no wait request dangling REF or nowait lock request of referenced object failed
22920 row containing the LOB value is not locked row containing the LOB value is not locked prior to update
22921 length of input buffer is smaller than amount requested length of input buffer is smaller than the amount requested
22922 nonexistent LOB value LOB value does not exist
22927 invalid LOB locator specified Invalid large object (LOB) locator specified.
22930 directory does not exist directory object does not exist
22935 event to create LOBs as UCS2 event for creating LOB in UCS2 character set
22950 cannot ORDER objects without MAP or ORDER method cannot order objects without MAP or ORDER method
22953 Cardinality of the input to powermultiset exceeds maximum allowed The cardinality of the input to POWERMULTISET exceeds the maximum allowed.
22955 The cardinality parameter is not within the allowed limits The cardinality parameter is not within the allowed limits.
22956 The set contains no elements Input to POWERMULTISET cannot be an empty set.
22970 name does not correspond to an object view Name does not correspond to an object view.
22971 invalid datatype for PRIMARY KEY-based object identifier invalid data type for PRIMARY KEY based object identifier
22975 cannot create a PRIMARY KEY-based REF to this object view cannot create a primary-key based REF for this object view
22984 view query cannot contain references to a super view view query for a sub-view cannot contain references to its super view
22990 LOB locators cannot span transactions LOB locators cannot span transactions.
22992 cannot use LOB locators selected from remote tables cannot use LOB locators from remote table
23362 invalid user Invalid user specified.
24002 QUEUE_TABLE %s does not exist Queue table %s does not exist.
24003 Queue table index %s inconsistent with queue table %s Queue table index %s is inconsistent with queue table %s.
24005 Inappropriate utilities used to perform DDL on AQ table %s.%s inappropriate utility used to perform DDL on advanced queuing table %s.%s
24006 cannot create QUEUE, %s already exists QUEUE %s exists.
24022 the specified parameters has no effect on the queue The value specified for enqueue and dequeue has no effect on the queue.
24051 cannot propagate object type payloads that have a REF attribute Propagation of object type payloads that have a REF attribute is not supported.
24052 cannot propagate object type payloads with LOB attributes to an 8.0 release cannot propagate object type payloads with LOB attributes to Oracle Database release 8.0
24054 cannot propagate to an Oracle 8.0.3 release or lower release cannot propagate to an Oracle Database release 8.0.3 or earlier release
24062 Subscriber table %s inconsistent with queue table %s Subscriber table %s inconsistent with queue table %s.
24066 invalid privilege specified invalid object privilege specified for queue object type
24088 AQ Agent %s does not exist AQ Agent %s does not exist.
24100 error in ktz testing layer A non-user visible error occurred in the Transaction testing layer.
24102 invalid prefix for generate_job_name for generate_job_name
24220 Dequeue operation on transactional event queue is not possible. Dequeue operation on transactional event queue needs new API call.
24251 This statement is not supported by EXPAND_SQL_TEXT. This statement is not supported by the DBMS_UTILITY.EXPAND_SQL_TEXT procedure.
24255 Implementation restriction: bind variables cannot change in the translated SQL statement implementation restriction: bind variables cannot change in the translated SQL statement
24261 unable to read data file correctly on the remote database Unable to read data file correctly on the remote database.
24263 Certificate of the remote server does not match the target address. remote server address on certificate and target address mismatch
24307 invalid length for piece Length provided in piecewise bind operation exceeded the maximum size.
24327 need explicit attach before authenticating a user explicitly attach before authenticating a user
24330 internal OCI error internal Oracle Call Interface error
24344 success with compilation error A compilation error occurred while creating an object.
24346 cannot execute without binding variables cannot run without binding variables
24352 invalid COBOL display type passed into OCI call conversion of data from COBOL display data type to Oracle number type failed
24354 number fetched too large to fit in COBOL display type buffer. Number fetched from database is too large to fit in COBOL display type buffer.
24356 internal error while converting from to COBOL display type. Conversion from Oracle number type to COBOL display type failed.
24365 error in character conversion data conversion from one character set to another character set failed
24366 migratable user handle is set in service handle cannot create a new session using a migratable session
24367 user handle has not been set in service handle The user handle is not set in the service handle.
24446 OCI Worker Thread pool task queue is full OCI worker thread pool task queue is full.
24447 OCI Worker Thread Pool failed to initialize OCI worker thread pool failed to initialize
24451 %s, Maximum call depth exceeded %s, %s, maximum call depth exceeded
24453 number of application context settings supplied during authentication has exceeded the supported limit of %d settings too many application context settings for %d
24498 OCIShardingKey usage is not supported with OCISessionBegin() The OCIShardingKey descriptor is not supported by the function OCISessionBegin().
24602 attempting to read with no fetch attempt to read column yields no fetch
24756 transaction does not exist transaction with identifier %s does not exist
24762 server failed due to unspecified error Server failed due to an internal error.
24763 transaction operation cannot be completed now transaction operation cannot be completed
24765 transaction branch has been heuristically rolled back Transaction branch has been heuristically rolled back.
24782 Cannot detach from a non-migratable transaction cannot detach from a non-migratable transaction
24793 DTP(Distriubted Transaction Processing) test and debug DTP (Distributed Transaction Processing) test and debug
24798 cannot resume the distributed transaction branch on another instance cannot resume the distributed transaction branch on this instance
24805 LOB type mismatch Source LOB type does not match destination LOB type.
24806 LOB form mismatch character set form of buffer and LOB do not match
24814 operation not allowed for temporary LOBs OCILobAssign cannot be used for temporary LOBs.
24819 Illegal reference count encountered for a temporary LOB invalid reference count encountered while freeing a temporary LOB
24820 Differnt LOB function called while another OCI LOB call is in progress different LOB function called while another OCI LOB call is in progress
24823 operation not allowed for read-only LOB The write operation is not allowed for read-only LOB
24826 value LOB no longer available Value LOB is no longer available.
24900 invalid or unsupported mode parameter passed in call invalid or unsupported mode parameter passed in notification registration call
24902 invalid subscription name or name-length in subscription handle invalid subscription name or name length in subscription handle
24904 invalid callback attribute passed into OCI call Callback attribute was not set in subscription handle.
24905 invalid recipient protocol attribute passed into OCI call invalid recipient protocol attribute in subscription handle
24910 Event to enable optimized fetch protocol event to enable optimized fetch protocol
24922 cannot send or receive an SCN value which is too high for the current compatibility setting cannot send or receive an SCN value that is too high for the current compatibility setting
24944 cannot use timeout or grouping with ANONYMOUS namespace Cannot use registration timeout or notification grouping features with an ANONYMOUS namespace.
25031 only a crossedition trigger may be specified a crossedition trigger must be specified
25124 Database link name not allowed. Scoped table %s cannot be a remote table.
25157 Specified block size %s is not valid specified block size %s is not valid
25201 invalid value, VISIBILITY should be ON_COMMIT or IMMEDIATE Invalid value. VISIBILITY should be ON_COMMIT or IMMEDIATE.
25203 invalid value %s, DELAY should be non-negative invalid value %s, DELAY should be a positive value
25205 the QUEUE %s.%s does not exist The QUEUE %s.%s does not exist.
25214 cannot specify delay or expiration for enqueue to exception queue Enqueue of a message with delay or expiration into an exception queue is not supported.
25215 user_data type and queue type do not match user data type %s.%s and queue type %s.%s do not match
25222 enqueue failed, complete sender info. not provided for a queue supporting non-repudiation Enqueue failed. Complete sender information was not provided for a queue supporting non-repudiation.
25234 NEXT_TRANSACTION navigation option invalid for queue table %s.%s DBMS_AQ.NEXT_TRANSACTION navigation option invalid for queue table %s.%s
25254 time-out in LISTEN while waiting for a message time out in LISTEN while waiting for a message
25265 specified signature for a queue which does not support reciever non-repudiation Supplied a signature for a queue which does not support receiver non-repudiation.
25267 didnt specify the signature for a reciever non-repudiable queue Did not specify the signature for a receiver non-repudiable queue.
25269 cant specify sognature with get signature option cannot specify signature with get signature option
25271 queue table not found for the given queue queue table not found for the given user
25275 Test support for buffered queues Test support for buffered queues.
25281 complete reciever information not provided to non-repudiate reciever complete receiver information not provided to non-repudiate reciever
25289 Buffer Already Exists Buffer already exists.
25291 Buffer does not exist for the specified queue A buffer does not exist for the specified queue.
25295 Subscriber is not allowed to dequeue buffered messages Subscriber is not allowed to dequeue buffered messages.
25299 Invalid message delivery_mode invalid message delivery mode
25304 Cannot use priority order queues for capture LCRs Using priority order queues for capture LCRs is not supported.
25306 Cannot connect to buffered queue's owner instance cannot connect to the buffered queue's owner instance
25307 Enqueue rate too high, flow control enabled Enqueue rate is too high; flow control enabled.
25310 Subscriber is Notification only; dequeue not supported Dequeue is attempted by a notification-only subscriber.
25312 Cannot specify nonzero sender protocol Cannot specify nonzero sender protocol.
25326 Array %s operation failed for message at index %s Array %s operation failed for message at index %s.
25327 Array size is invalid Array size is invalid.
25329 AQ array operations not allowed on 8.0 queues Oracle Database Advanced Queuing (AQ) array operations are not allowed on 8.0 queues.
25332 Invalid release value %s for queue table compatible parameter Invalid release value %s for queue table compatible parameter.
25333 Buffered Queue to Queue propagation did not connect to the correct instance Buffered Queue to Queue propagation did not connect to the correct instance.
25416 Retry current call retry current call
25700 Current configuration does not use Transport Layer Security (TLS). Token based authentication requires TLS with server authentication. The database client to server connection does not use Transport Layer Security (TLS). TLS is required when using tokens for database access.
25701 Event for DBIAM Tracing Info. event for authentication of user from external IDP tracing information
25704 Current configuration does not use SSL_SERVER_DN_MATCH=TRUE. Token based authentication requires SSL_SERVER_DN_MATCH=TRUE with server authentication. Token-based authentication requires client parameter SSL_SERVER_DN_MATCH=TRUE.
25950 missing where clause in join index specification\n The WHERE clause is missing in the join index specification.
26656 supplemental logging version error: %s Incompatible supplemental log encountered: %s.
26662 unable to process %s Data Dictonary information for object unable to process %s data dictionary information for object
26709 Downstream Capture RFS restart remote file server (RFS) restart due to real-time mining change in Oracle GoldenGate
26829 parameter to 'N'. cannot set DISABLE_ON_ERROR parameter to 'N'
26888 Redo compatibilty must be 10.2 or greater Redo compatibility must be release 10.2 or later.
26931 This procedure can only be invoked from the root container. This procedure can only be run from the root container.
26973 which has long columns .
27006 sbtremove returned error The SBT REMOVE operation returned an error.
27012 skgfrd: read from file failed SBT read from file failed.
27013 skgfqdel: cannot delete an open file SBT delete failed to delete an open file.
27025 skgfqsbi: invalid media manager context area size SBT initialization encountered invalid media manager context area size
27027 sbtremove2 returned error The SBT REMOVE operation returned an error.
27028 skgfqcre: sbtbackup returned error SBT backup returned error.
27042 not enough space on raw partition to fullfill request not enough space on raw partition to fulfill request
27078 unable to determine limit for open files Unable to determine limit for open files.
27087 unable to get share lock - file not readable Unable to get share lock. File not readable.
27170 Oracle RAC option of current Oracle binary differs from running instance Oracle RAC option of current Oracle binary differs from the running instance
27190 skgfrd: sbtread2 returned error SBT read returned error.
27191 sbtinfo2 returned error SBT information returned error.
27192 skgfcls: sbtclose2 returned error - failed to close file SBT close returned error; failed to close file.
27193 sbtinfo2 did not return volume label SBT information did not return volume label.
27194 skgfdvcmd: sbtcommand returned error sbt command operation returned error
27196 skgfpbk: sbtpcbackup returned error SBT proxy copy backup returned error.
27197 skgfprs: sbtpcrestore returned error SBT: SBT proxy copy restore operation returned error
27200 skgfpgo: sbtpcstart returned error SBT Proxy Copy file status returned error
27201 skgfpcm: sbtpccommit returned error SBT: proxy commit operation returned error
27202 skgfpen: sbtpcend returned error SBT: end proxy copy session returned error
27203 skgfpqb: sbtpcquerybackup returned error SBT proxy query restore returned error.
27204 skgfpqr: sbtpcqueryrestore returned error SBT proxy query restore returned error
27211 Failed to load Media Management Library failed to load media management library
27216 skgfgsmcs: sbtinfo2 returned a malformed response SBT information returned a malformed response.
27218 failed to read ACFS mirror failed to read Oracle ACFS mirror
27239 ELF file is not a shared object file ELF file is not a shared object file.
27270 szingroup: malloc failed Memory allocation for a group list object failed.
27271 szingroup: group lookup failure Group name lookup in operating system failed.
27411 empty string is not a valid repeat interval. Empty or NULL string is not a valid repeat interval.
27487 invalid object privilege for a %s An attempt was made to grant an invalid object privilege for a %s scheduler object type.
27500 inter-instance IPC error Interprocess Communication (IPC) error between nodes in the cluster
27501 IPC error creating a port error creating an Interprocess Communication port
27502 IPC error deleting OSD context An Interprocess Communication (IPC) error occurred when deleting operating system dependent (OSD) context.
27503 IPC error attempting to cancel request An Interprocess Communication (IPC) error occurred when attempting to cancel a request.
27504 IPC error creating OSD context Interprocess Communication (IPC) error creating operating system-dependent context.
27505 IPC error destroying a port Interprocess Communication (IPC) error destroying a port.
27506 IPC error connecting to a port An Interprocess Communication (IPC) error occurred when connecting to a port.
27507 IPC error disconnecting from a port An Interprocess Communication (IPC) error occurred when disconnecting from a port.
27508 IPC error sending a message An Interprocess Communication (IPC) error occurred when sending a message.
27509 IPC error receiving a message An Interprocess Communication (IPC) error occurred when receiving a message.
27510 IPC error waiting for a request to complete An Interprocess Communication (IPC) error occurred when waiting for a request to complete.
27512 IPC error posting a process An Interprocess Communication (IPC) error occurred while posting a process.
27514 IPC error copying memory to remote process An Interprocess Communication (IPC) error occurred copying memory to a remote process.
27528 Transport: %s required by %s is not available Transport: %s required by %s is not available.
27529 IPC IP address %s is not available. IP address %s is not available.
27530 IPC Ephemeral ports on IP address %s are exhausted. Interprocess socket call (IPC) ephemeral ports on internet protocol (IP) address %s are exhausted.
27532 IPC global name service error interprocess communication (IPC) global name service %s error
27545 Fail to prepare buffer for remote update Failed to prepare buffer for remote update.
27546 Oracle compiled against IPC interface version %s.%s found version %s.%s Oracle compiled against IPC interface version %s.%s found version %s.%s.
27547 Unable to query IPC OSD attribute %s Unable to query Interprocess Communication (IPC) operating system dependent (OSD) attribute %s.
27548 Unable to unprepare IPC buffer Unable to prepare Interprocess Communication (IPC) buffer.
27552 exception accessing Global Shared Memory (GSM) in Oracle RAC cluster exception accessing GSM in Oracle RAC cluster
27616 ASM Allocation Unit: %s Exadata Allocation Unit: %s
27777 MGA Tracing On Event set to enable MGA tracing
27800 invalid configuration (%s) for event creation (%s). invalid configuration (%s) for event creation (%s)
28000 The account is locked. The account is locked; login denied.
28001 the password has expired The account has expired. The password must be changed.
28002 the password will expire within %s days The password will expire within %s days.
28003 password verification for the specified password failed The password chosen did not meet the required complexity rules set by your organization.
28005 invalid logon flags invalid mode for OCISessionBegin
28007 the password cannot be reused The password cannot be reused.
28008 invalid old password incorrect old password
28011 the password has expired; change your password now The password has expired. Change the password now.
28012 connection as %s should use AS %s The connection as %s should use AS %s.
28013 the password has expired The proxy user password expired.
28015 account unlock attempted on read-only database but a conflicting account lockout on the primary exists ACCOUNT UNLOCK attempted on standby database while there is a conflicting ACCOUNT LOCK status on the primary database.
28017 The password file is in the legacy format. The password file is in the LEGACY format.
28019 audit cannot be configured on administrative privileges Audit cannot be configured on administrative privileges.
28021 cannot grant global roles Global roles cannot be granted to a database user or to another role.
28022 cannot grant external roles to global user or role External roles cannot be granted to a global user or global role.
28030 Server encountered problems accessing LDAP directory service Server encountered problems accessing the LDAP directory service.
28031 maximum of %s enabled roles exceeded The number of enabled roles exceeds the maximum allowed limit for this session.
28032 Your password has expired and the database is set to read-only Your password has expired and the database is set to read-only.
28033 LDAP problem debug connection to directory authentication
28034 cannot grant %s to an Oracle supplied user cannot grant %s to an Oracle-maintained user
28035 Cannot Get Session Key for Authentication cannot get session key for authentication
28036 HTTP digest authentication cannot be configured for this user HTTP digest authentication cannot be configured for this user.
28037 Cannot Get Session Key for RACF Authentication cannot get session key for RACF authentication
28038 disallow O2LOGON Authentication with O2LOGON is not allowed.
28040 No matching authentication protocol The database does not accept your client's authentication protocol; login denied.
28041 Authentication protocol internal error authentication protocol internal error
28046 Password change for SYS disallowed The password change for the SYS user is not allowed.
28050 specified user or role cannot be dropped The specified database user or role cannot be dropped.
28051 the account is locked The account is locked.
28058 login is allowed only through a proxy Login is allowed only through a proxy.
28059 Cross-instance call failed User account update failed in one or more Oracle RAC instances.
28064 The redaction function is not valid. The reduction function is not valid.
28076 An attribute was not specified for SYS_SESSION_ROLES. empty role name specified as SYS_SESSION_ROLES attribute
28077 The attribute specified (%s) exceeds the maximum length. The specified role name (%s) for SYS_SESSION_ROLES exceeds the maximum length.
28079 The policy was already enabled. Policy is already enabled.
28080 The policy was already disabled. Policy is already disabled.
28081 Insufficient privileges - the command references a redacted object. Insufficient privileges. The command references a redacted object.
28094 SQL construct not supported by data redaction SQL construct not supported by data redaction.
28100 policy function schema is invalid VPD policy function does not exist.
28101 policy already exists A VPD or FGA policy already exists for the specified object.
28102 policy does not exist The OLS, VPD or FGA operation failed because the security policy does not exist.
28103 adding a policy to an object owned by SYS is not allowed An Oracle Label Security (OLS) policy cannot be applied to an object owned by SYS.
28105 cannot create security relevant column policy in an object view could not create security-relevant column policy on an object view
28106 input value for argument #%s is not valid Input value for argument #%s is invalid.
28107 policy was disabled Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy is disabled.
28108 circular security policies detected Circular Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) security policies detected.
28109 the number of related policies has exceeded the limit of 16 Number of related policies exceeded the maximum allowed limit of 16.
28110 policy function or package %s.%s has error has error.
28113 policy predicate has error A virtual private database policy (VPD) predicate error has occurred.
28118 policy group already exists The VPD policy group name already exists for the table or view.
28121 driving context does not exist The VPD driving context does not exist for the object.
28122 can not update SYS_DEFAULT policy group cannot update SYS_DEFAULT policy group
28123 Driving context '%s,%s' contains invalid group '%s' .
28124 Column %s in sec_relevant_cols cannot be of an object data type Column %s in SEC_RELEVANT_COLS cannot be of an object data type.
28133 full table access is restricted by fine-grained security Full table access is restricted by Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policy.
28134 object cannot have fine-grained access control policy This object cannot have VPD row-level security policy.
28137 Invalid FGA audit Handler invalid schema for the fine-grained auditing (FGA) audit handler
28138 Error in Policy Predicate error in evaluating the fine grained audit policy predicate
28139 Maximum allowed Fine Grain Audit Policies Exceeded Maximum allowed fine-grained audit policies exceeded.
28140 Invalid column specified invalid column specified during fine-grained audit policy creation
28141 error in creating audit index file error in creating XML audit index file
28142 error in accessing audit index file error in accessing XML audit index file
28143 Invalid argument passed to FGA ADD_POLICY procedure Invalid argument passed to DBMS_FGA.ADD_POLICY procedure.
28144 Failed to execute fine-grained audit handler failure to process fine-grained audit handler
28149 is missing is either invalid or missing.
28150 proxy not authorized to connect as client The proxy user is not authorized to connect as client.
28154 Proxy user may not act as client '%s' proxy user may not act as client '%s'
28161 missing ROLES keyword missing ROLES keyword in the statement
28166 duplicate rolename in list A role has been listed more than once in the Audit Policy statement.
28181 proxy '%s' failed to enable one or more of the specified initial roles for client '%s' .
28184 global user cannot have proxy permissions managed in the directory Global user cannot have proxy permissions managed in the directory.
28185 cannot alter user with administrative privilege to proxy-only connect user cannot change a user with administrative privilege to proxy-only connect user
28190 SYSRAC administrative privilege cannot be granted to other users SYSRAC administrative privilege cannot be granted to database users.
28201 invalid command to enable secure application role \'%s\' .
28218 password length more than 30 bytes password length more than 1024 bytes
28221 REPLACE not specified REPLACE clause not specified
28222 may not modify reserved user Operations cannot be performed on reserved user XS$NULL.
28239 no key provided A NULL value was used for the encryption or decryption key.
28264 Client identifier is too long Client identifier is too long.
28267 Invalid NameSpace Value An invalid value was provided for the context namespace.
28268 Exceeded the maximum allowed size for Context information in a session Exceeded maximum number of entries for context information in a session.
28281 Global application context is not updated on one or more Oracle RAC instances Global application context is not updated on one or more Oracle RAC instances.
28303 Distinguished name for user exceeds maximum supported length Distinguished name for user exceeds maximum supported length.
28307 The directory current time %s is unreasonable. The directory current time %s is not valid.
28310 Role with same external name already exists. An external or global role with the same external name already exists.
28330 encryption is not allowed for this data type or the data type is invalid The encryption is not allowed for this data type or the data type is invalid.
28331 encrypted column size too long for its data type encrypted column size too long for the data type
28332 cannot have more than one password for the encryption key Cannot have more than one password for the encryption key.
28333 column is not encrypted The column is not encrypted.
28334 column is already encrypted The column is already encrypted.
28338 Column(s) cannot be both indexed and encrypted with salt Columns cannot be both indexed and encrypted with salt.
28339 missing or invalid encryption algorithm Missing or invalid encryption algorithm - %s
28341 cannot encrypt constraint column(s) with salt cannot encrypt constraint columns with salt
28342 integrity check fails on column key integrity check failures on column key
28343 fails to encrypt data failure to encrypt data or redo
28346 an encrypted column cannot serve as a partitioning column An encrypted column cannot serve as a partitioning column.
28348 index defined on the specified column cannot be encrypted The index that was defined on the specified column cannot be encrypted.
28352 Event to force ZT error in kzekm event to force ZT error in kzekm
28353 failed to open wallet Failed to open wallet.
28354 Encryption wallet, auto login wallet, or HSM is already open Encryption wallet, auto login wallet, or HSM is already open.
28361 master key not yet set Master key not yet set.
28365 wallet is not open Wallet is not open.
28375 cannot perform cross-endianism conversion on encrypted tablespace cross-endian backup conversion of encrypted tablespace is not supported
28376 cannot find PKCS11 library Cannot find Public-Key Cryptographic Standards #11 (PKCS11) library.
28378 Wallet not open after setting the Master Key Wallet is not opened after setting the master key.
28379 a different integrity algorithm has been chosen for the table A different integrity algorithm was used for the column.
28381 Event to bypass wallet setup for tablespace encryption event to bypass wallet setup for tablespace encryption
28382 Global wallet operation in RAC failed Global wallet operation in Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) failed.
28383 cannot do a PKI certificate-based Master Key migration Cannot execute a public key infrastructure (PKI) certificate-based master key migration.
28384 cannot perform Tablespace Encryption cannot perform tablespace encryption
28386 cannot perform a PKI certificate-based Master Key Rekey cannot perform a PKI certificate-based master encryption key rekey operation
28387 Could not acquire an enqueue for wallet operation in Oracle RAC could not acquire an enqueue for wallet operation in Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC)
28389 cannot close auto login wallet Cannot close auto login keystore.
28390 auto login wallet not open but encryption wallet may be open auto login wallet is not open but the password wallet may be open
28396 rekey of enc$ dictionary table failed Rekey failed to process column key rewrap.
28399 Event to disable automatic TDE wallet management in RAC event to disable automatic TDE wallet management in Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC)
28406 Event to keep connection made by database to OID open when enterprise user logs into database Event to keep connection made by database to OID open when enterprise user logs into database.
28412 cannot determine the database migration status cannot determine the keystore migration status
28415 specified keys are in wallet current master key is in the FILE wallet
28416 specify the correct keystore in the sqlnet.ora file or in TDE_CONFIGURATION Specify the correct keystore in the sqlnet.ora file or in TDE_CONFIGURATION.
28442 Rekey of the TDE master encryption key is not permitted when the database is in restricted mode. attempted to rekey a tablespace while the database is in restricted mode
28444 cannot enforce encryption of dictionary data Encryption of dictionary data is already enforced.
28447 insufficient privilege to execute ALTER DATABASE DICTIONARY statement The user has insufficient privilege to execute the ALTER DATABASE DICTIONARY statement.
28452 ALTER DATABASE DICTIONARY statement is not allowed during rolling upgrade if LOB siganture is enabled. ALTER DATABASE DICTIONARY statement is not allowed during rolling upgrade if LOB signature is enabled.
28503 bind value cannot be translated into SQL text for non-Oracle system The bind value cannot be translated into SQL text for the non-Oracle system.
28504 ROWID not found in ROWID cache for heterogeneous database link The ROWID was not found in the ROWID cache for the Heterogeneous Services database link.
28506 parse error in data dictionary translation for %s stored in %s A parsing error has occurred in data dictionary translation for %s stored in %s.
28509 unable to establish a connection to non-Oracle system unable to establish connection to a system outside the Oracle network
28523 ORACLE and heterogeneous agent are incompatible versions Oracle Database and the Heterogeneous Services agent are not at compatible levels.
28533 Heterogeneous Services coercion handling error An error in Heterogeneous Services data coercion has occurred.
28545 error diagnosed by Net8 when connecting to an agent A networking error occurred when connecting to an agent.
28578 protocol error during callback from an external procedure A protocol error occurred during a callback from an external procedure.
28595 Extproc agent : Invalid DLL Path Extproc agent: Invalid DLL Path
28596 Extproc agent : Invalid or disabled credential %s Extproc agent : invalid or disabled credential %s
28700 Only roles can be attached to or detached from program units. Only roles can be granted to or revoked from program units.
28706 duplicate program unit %s found in list duplicate program unit %s found in grantee list
28709 Roles with DELEGATE option can only be granted to users. Role with DELEGATE option can only be granted to user.
28721 invalid argument (%s) invalid argument %s
28723 invalid service context parameter passed to enable async Invalid service context parameter supplied.
28726 set current schema operation failed set current schema operation failed because the given schema name is either invalid or does not exist
28768 bad magic number integrity check error
28821 No input buffer provided. No input buffer passed.
28845 No certificate Trusted certificate was not found in the specified wallet.
28865 SSL connection closed SSL connection has closed.
29029 SSL handshake already completed connection already secured
29106 Cannot import PKCS #12 wallet. cannot import PKCS #12 wallet
29153 RSA self-test failure FIPS self-test failure
29250 Invalid index specifed in call to dbms_sql.bind_array invalid index specified in call to DBMS_SQL.BIND_ARRAY
29251 Index1 is greater than Index2 in call to dbms_sql.bind_array DBMS_SQL.BIND_ARRAY: parameter index1 is greater than parameter index2.
29252 collection does not contain elements at index locations in call to dbms_sql.bind_array Collection does not contain elements at index locations in the call to dbms_sql.bind_array.
29253 Invalid count argument passed to procedure dbms_sql.define_array The cnt argument of DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_ARRAY must be a positive integer.
29256 Cursor contains both regular and array defines which is illegal Cursor contains both regular and array defines which is not valid.
29259 end-of-input reached end-of-input reached in UTL_HTTP call
29271 not connected UTL_TCP operation failed because the connection was not successful.
29297 The compressed representation is too big The compressed representation is too big.
29299 Invalid handle for piecewise compress or uncompress invalid handle for piecewise compress or uncompress
29349 tablespace '%s' already exists Tablespace %s already exists.
29355 NULL or invalid %s argument specified NULL or invalid %s argument is specified.
29470 Effective userid or roles are not the same as when cursor was parsed effective user or roles are not the same when the cursor was parsed
29473 privilege checking level specified for '%s' must be between 0 and 2 privilege checking level specified for %s must be between 0 and 2
29477 SQL statement size in bytes is too big The SQL statement is too long.
29482 Cannot specify both userid or username and xs_sessionid cannot specify both userid or user name and xs_sessionid
29483 Cannot specify both userid and username cannot specify both userid and username
29484 Cannot specify both xs_sessionid and useLogonRoles=>TRUE cannot specify TRUE for xs_sessionid and useLogonRoles
29658 EXTERNAL NAME clause is not compatible with its supertype EXTERNAL NAME clause is not compatible with its supertype.
29723 Failed to attach to the global enqueue service (status=%s) Process failed to attach to the global enqueue service with status: \%s\.
29741 IMR active for some, but not all members of cluster The Instance Membership Resolution (IMR) feature is active for some instances, but not all, on the cluster.
29770 global enqueue process %s (OSID %s) is hung for more than %s seconds The global enqueue process %s (OSID %s) is hung for more than %s seconds.
29771 process %s (OSID %s) blocks %s (OSID %s) for more than %s seconds The process %s (OSID %s) blocks %s (OSID %s) for more than %s seconds.
29781 invalid GPnP attribute [%s] An invalid GPnP attribute [%s] was provided.
29783 GPnP attribute SET failed with error [%s] Setting GPnP attribute failed with error [%s].
29784 Attribute update operation not permitted Update to GPnP attributes is not supported at this time.
29785 GPnP attribute GET failed with error [%s] Getting a GPnP attribute has failed with error [%s].
29788 Network interface query failed with error [%s] Network interface query failed with error [%s].
29800 invalid name for operator invalid identifier %s found while parsing operator name
29805 missing COLUMN keyword COLUMN keyword missing.
29806 specified binding does not exist could not find binding #%s for operator %s.%s during indextype export
29807 specified operator does not exist operator does not exist
29808 specified primary operator binding does not exist The specified binding for primary operator %s.%s does not exist.
29821 specified primary operator does not exist Primary operator %s.%s does not exist.
29824 operator is invalid Operator is invalid.
29825 invalid name for indextype invalid indextype identifier: %s
29826 keyword FOR is missing missing FOR keyword
29827 keyword USING is missing missing USING keyword
29830 operator does not exist The operator %s.%s does not exist.
29831 operator binding not found failed to find matching bind for operator %s.%s
29833 indextype does not exist The indextype does not exist.
29834 REF datatype not supported with operators REF data type is not supported with operators.
29836 failed to validate referenced operators failed to validate indextype operator %s
29838 insufficient privileges to execute the operator(s) insufficient privileges on operators referenced by indextype
29839 failed to validate implementation type failed to validate implementation type %s.%s
29840 indextype and implementation type are not in same schema indextype and implementation type are not in the same schema
29842 option not supported with the version %s of the indextype interface Version %s of the indextype interface does not support option %s.
29843 indextype should support atleast one operator indextype should support at least one operator
29844 duplicate operator name specified duplicate operator binding specified for operator %s.%s
29848 error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXMERGEPARTITION routine Error while processing the ODCIINDEXMERGEPARTITION routine for index %s.%s.\n%s
29849 error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXSPLITPARTITION routine Error while processing the ODCIINDEXSPLITPARTITION routine for index %s.%s.\n%s
29855 error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine Error while processing the ODCIINDEXCREATE routine for index %s.%s.\n%s
29856 error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXDROP routine Error while processing ODCIINDEXDROP routine for index %s.%s.\n%s
29858 error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXALTER routine Error while processing the ODCIINDEXALTER routine for index %s.%s.\n%s
29859 error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXTRUNCATE routine Error while processing ODCIINDEXTRUNCATE routine for index %s.%s.\n%s
29860 cannot truncate a table with domain indexes marked LOADING cannot truncate a table with domain indexes in LOADING status
29863 warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine ODCI_WARNING returned by the implementation of the ODCIINDEXCREATE routine for index %s.%s.\n%s
29868 cannot issue DDL on a domain index marked as LOADING Cannot modify domain index in LOADING status.
29869 cannot issue ALTER without REBUILD on a domain index marked FAILED Cannot modify domain index in FAILED status.
29873 warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXDROP routine ODCI_WARNING returned during the ODCIIndexDrop routine implementation for index %s.%s.\n%s
29874 warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXALTER routine ODCI_WARNING returned by the implementation of the ODCIINDEXALTER routine for index %s.%s.\n%s
29875 failed in the execution of the ODCIINDEXINSERT routine Error while processing ODCIINDEXINSERT routine for index %s.%s\n%s
29876 failed in the execution of the ODCIINDEXDELETE routine Error while processing ODCIINDEXDELETE routine for index %s.%s.\n%s
29877 failed in the execution of the ODCIINDEXUPDATE routine Error while processing the ODCIINDEXUPDATE routine %s.%s.\n%s
29878 warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXTRUNCATE routine ODCI_WARNING returned by the implementation of the ODCIINDEXTRUNCATE routine for index %s.%s.\n%s
29884 domain index is defined on the column to be dropped A domain index is defined on the column to be dropped.
29890 specified primary operator does not have an index context primary operator %s.%s does not have an index context
29891 enable debugging in ODCI user-defined routines Event to enable debugging in ODCI user-defined routines.
29892 indextypes with array DML do not support the given data type Indextypes with array DML do not support the specified data type.
29893 indextypes without column data do not need the given data type INDEXTYPE without column data do not need the specified data type.
29894 base or varray datatype does not exist Base or varray data type %s.%s does not exist.
29895 duplicate base datatype specified A duplicate base data type was specified.
29897 found on the same column invalid domain index %s.%s found on the same column
29900 operator binding does not exist The invocation of operator %s does not match operator bindings.
29901 function underlying operator binding does not exist Function underlying operator binding does not exist.
29902 error in executing ODCIIndexStart() routine Error while processing the ODCIINDEXSTART routine for index %s.%s.\n%s
29903 error in executing ODCIIndexFetch() routine Error while processing ODCIINDEXFETCH routine for index %s.%s\n%s
29904 error in executing ODCIIndexClose() routine Error while processing ODCIINDEXCLOSE routine for index %s.%s.\n%s
29907 found duplicate labels in primary invocations duplicate labels found in primary operator calls
29911 null scan context returned by ODCIIndexStart() routine null scan context returned by %s routine
29913 error in executing %s callout error while processing %s routine
29915 cannot select FOR UPDATE from collection operand FOR UPDATE clause cannot be used when selecting a collection operand.
29919 failed in the execution of the ODCIINDEXUPDPARTMETADATA routine Error while processing ODCIINDEXUPDPARTMETADATA routine for index %s.%s.\n%s
29920 failed in the partition maintenance operation of secondary table Partition maintenance operation failed on secondary table %s.%s.
29921 Ancillary operator not supported with set view query block ancillary operator not supported with set view query block
29922 Invalid rowid returned by the user-defined query methods returned an invalid ROWID.
29925 cannot execute %s missing or unexpected signature for %s routine
29929 missing SCAN Keyword missing SCAN keyword
29939 could not implicitly transform user-managed domain index to system-managed domain index failed to implicitly transform user-managed domain index %s.%s to system-managed domain index
29941 Cannot convert a table with user-managed local domain indexes to interval partitioning. cannot convert a table with user-managed local domain indexes to an interval-partitioned table
29950 warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXMERGEPARTITION routine ODCI_WARNING returned by the implementation of the ODCIINDEXMERGEPARTITION routine for index %s.%s.\n%s
29951 warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXSPLITPARTITION routine ODCI_WARNING returned by the implementation of the ODCIINDEXSPLITPARTITION routine for index %s.%s.\n%s
29952 cannot issue DDL on a domain index partition marked as LOADING Cannot modify domain index partition %s which is in LOADING status.
29953 cannot issue DDL on a domain index partition marked as FAILED Cannot issue a DDL statement on domain index partition %s which is in FAILED status.
29955 error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXEXCHANGEPARTITION routine Error while processing ODCIINDEXEXCHANGEPARTITION routine for index %s.%s.\n%s
29956 warning in the execution of ODCIINDEXEXCHANGEPARTITION routine ODCI_WARNING returned during the ODCIINDEXEXCHANGEPARTITION routine implementation for index %s.%s.\n%s
29958 fatal error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine ODCI_FATAL returned by the implementation of the ODCIINDEXCREATE routine for index %s.%s.\n%s
29959 error in the execution of the %s routine for one or more of the index partitions Error while executing the %s routine for one or more index partitions of index %s.%s.\n%s
29961 too many warnings occurred in the execution of ODCIIndex DDL routine cannot report all warnings registered from data cartridge DDL routine
29962 fatal error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXALTER routine ODCI_FATAL returned by the implementation of the ODCIINDEXALTER routine for index %s.%s.\n%s
29965 The specified binding does not exist specified binding does not match existing bindings
29966 The only binding of an operator cannot be dropped Cannot drop the operator binding. At least one function binding is required.
29967 Cannot drop an operator binding with dependent objects cannot drop an operator binding with dependent objects
29968 No primary operator bindings found for ancillary binding #%s No primary operator bindings found for ancillary binding #%s of operator %s.%s.
30034 Undo tablespace cannot be specified as temporary tablespace Undo tablespace cannot be specified as the default temporary tablespace.
30040 Undo tablespace is offline The undo tablespace is offline.
30044 'Retention' can only specified for undo tablespace RETENTION can only specified for an undo tablespace
30079 cannot alter database timezone when database has TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE columns cannot alter database time zone when the database contains TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE columns
30185 output too large to fit in the buffer The output is too large to fit in the buffer.
30303 Internal error internal error
30338 illegal dimension hierachy name illegal dimension hierarchy name
30418 cannot execute SELECT FOR UPDATE command from an external partition in a hybrid partitioned table cannot lock rows in external partitions of a hybrid partitioned table with SELECT FOR UPDATE
30481 GROUPING function only supported with GROUP BY CUBE or ROLLUP GROUPING, GROUPING_ID, and GROUP_ID cannot be used without GROUP BY
30484 missing window specification for this function missing OVER clause, or invalid identifier found for window function
30493 The percentile value should be a number between 0 and 1. The percentile value specified is out of the range of 0 to 1.
30494 The argument [%s] of WIDTH_BUCKET function is NULL or invalid. argument [%s] (%s) of WIDTH_BUCKET function is NULL or invalid
30496 Argument should be a constant. argument [%s] of function %s should be a constant
30497 Argument should be a constant or a function of expressions in GROUP BY. argument [%s] of function %s should be a constant or a function of expressions in GROUP BY
30499 Event to dump stats used during grouping sets transformation The event to enable the dumping of statistics used during grouping sets transformation has been set.
30553 The function is not deterministic The function is not deterministic.
30554 function-based index %s.%s is disabled Function-based index %s.%s is disabled.
30562 SAMPLE percentage must be in the range [0.000001,100) invalid SAMPLE percentage %s
30564 Index maintainence clause not allowed for ADD partition to RANGE partitioned tables index maintenance clause not allowed for ADD partition to RANGE partitioned tables
30566 Index maintainence clause not allowed for this command index maintenance clause not allowed for this command
30575 ConText Option not installed incomplete Oracle Text index
30579 enables order by PRIMARY KEY for base table scan during create index Oracle Text event
30655 cannot select FOR UPDATE from external organized table Cannot lock rows in external tables with SELECT FOR UPDATE.
30697 remote tool request waiting to be processed Remote tool request waiting to be processed.
30726 cannot specify referenced column list here cannot specify referenced column list for referential constraints on REF columns
30727 duplicate referential constraint for a REF column duplicate referential constraint for REF column %s
30736 objects in a table or view hierarchy have to be in the same schema Objects in a table or view hierarchy must be in the same schema.
30737 cannot create subtable of a type which is not a subtype of the type of the supertable cannot create subtable of a type which is not a subtype of the type of the super table
30740 cannot grant UNDER privilege on this object cannot grant UNDER object privilege on this object
30741 WITH HIERARCHY OPTION can be specified only for SELECT or READ privileges WITH HIERARCHY OPTION can be specified only for SELECT or READ object privileges
30742 cannot grant SELECT or READ privilege when WITH HIERARCHY OPTION is specified on the object Cannot grant SELECT or READ object privilege on a nonfinal object when WITH HIERARCHY OPTION is specified.
30743 is not an object view is not an object view.
30744 is not an object table is not an object table.
30752 column or table %s is not substitutable Column or table %s is not substitutable.
30757 cannot access type information Type information could not be accessed.
30758 cannot specify local on a non-partitioned table cannot partition nested table if base table is non-partitioned
30759 nested table cannot be partitioned for a composite partitioned base table Nested table cannot be partitioned for a composite partitioned base table.
30770 Cannot specify storage options for fixed size opaque type cannot specify storage options for fixed size opaque type
30774 was erroneously defined as a trusted library for opaque types Opaque types cannot be defined by users.
30926 unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables The operation attempted to update the same row (rowid: '%s') twice.
30930 NOCYCLE keyword is required with CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE pseudocolumn NOCYCLE keyword is required with CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE pseudocolumn.
30931 Element '%s' cannot contain mixed text Element '%s' cannot contain mixed text.
30932 Reference node '%s' not contained in specified parent node '%s' reference node '%s' not contained in specified parent node '%s'
30933 Element '%s' may not appear at this point within parent '%s' Element '%s' may not appear at this point within parent '%s'.
30934 '%s' (%s node) cannot be inserted in parent '%s' (%s node) '%s' node cannot be inserted in parent node (%s type) '%s'
30936 Maximum number (%s) of '%s' XML node elements exceeded maximum number (%s) of the XML node '%s' exceeded
30937 No schema definition for '%s' (namespace '%s') in parent '%s' no schema definition for the node '%s' (namespace '%s') in the parent '%s'
30938 No prefix defined for namespace '%s' (particle %s) no prefix defined for namespace '%s' (particle %s)
30939 Order violation: Element '%s' may not follow element '%s' order violation: element '%s' may not follow element '%s'
30940 Cannot resolve prefix '%s' for QName node '%s' cannot resolve prefix '%s' for QName node '%s'
30941 Cannot specify empty URI for non-default namespace '%s' cannot specify empty URI for non-default namespace '%s'
30942 XML Schema Evolution error for schema '%s' table %s column '%s' XML schema evolution error for schema '%s' table %s column '%s'
30943 XML Schema '%s' is dependent on XML schema '%s' XML schema '%s' is dependent on XML schema '%s'.
30944 Error during rollback for XML schema '%s' table %s column '%s' failed roll back of the evolution of XML schema '%s' on table '%s' column '%s'
30945 Could not create mapping table '%s' failed to create mapping table '%s'
30947 Dependent table '%s' of XML schema '%s' is version-enabled Dependent table '%s' of XML schema '%s' is version-enabled.
30948 Illegal in-place XML schema evolution operation: %s operation not allowed in in-place XML schema evolution : %s
30951 Element or attribute at Xpath %s exceeds maximum length Element or attribute at XPath %s exceeds maximum length.
30954 char %s is invalid in %s Character '%s' is invalid in '%s'.
30955 The XML Index does not exist or is not asynchronous The XML index does not exist or is not asynchronous.
30956 invalid option for XML Index invalid option for XML index
30958 operation directly on the Pending Table is disallowed Operation directly on the pending table is not allowed.
30959 The indexed column is not stored in CLOB. The column to be indexed is not stored in CLOB.
30961 internal SQL statement is too long Internal SQL statement is too long.
30963 The indexed column is not of XMLType. The indexed column is not of XMLTYPE.
30966 error detected in the XML Index layer error detected in the XMLIndex layer
30967 operation directly on the Path Table is disallowed Operation directly on the path table of an XML Index is not allowed.
30970 option not supported for XML Index unsupported option for XMLIndex
30974 invalid Path Id Index option for XML Index invalid path ID index option for XML index
30978 The XML Index is not locally partitioned. The XML index is not locally partitioned.
30979 Partitioned XML Index not yet supported. Partitioned XML Index is not supported.
30980 Invalid Input. null or invalid value specified for parameter: %s
30982 Invalid option for a partition of an XML Index invalid option for a partition of an XML Index
30983 Maximum order key depth exceeded maximum order key depth exceeded
30984 The XMLType column has to be declared as virtual The XMLTYPE column has to be declared as virtual.
30985 The virtual XMLType column for chaining is missing The virtual XMLTYPE column for chaining is missing.
30986 XML Index with more than one virtual column is disallowed XMLIndex with more than one virtual column is not allowed.
30987 XML Index on XML DB repository does not exist XMLIndex on Oracle XML DB repository does not exist.
30988 Metadata of XML Index corrupted corrupted XML Index metadata
30989 XML Index on an Index Organized Table is not yet supported XMLIndex on an Index Organized Table is not yet supported.
30990 insufficient privileges to change owner of resource %s User %s has insufficient privileges to change owner of resource %s.
30992 error occurred at Xpath %s error occurred at the XPath %s
30993 complex type %s is not referred by any global element Complex type %s is not referred to by any global element.
30994 Invalid argument for DOM stream invalid argument for DOM stream
30996 Streams operations over non-existent stream streams operations over non-existent stream
30997 XSL processing of XML failed with error LPX-%s XSL processing of XML failed with error LPX-%s.
30999 XML context creation failed while %s XML context creation failed while %s.
31000 Resource '%s' is not an XDB schema document Resource '%s' is not an XML schema document.
31002 Path name %s is not a container Path name %s is not a container.
31003 Parent %s already contains child entry %s Parent with name %s already contains a child entry with name %s.
31004 Length %s of the BLOB in XDB$H_INDEX is below the minimum %s Length %s of the BLOB in XDB$H_INDEX is below the minimum (%s).
31005 Path name length %s exceeds maximum length %s Path name length %s exceeds maximum length %s.
31006 Path name segment length %s exceeds maximum length %s Path name segment length %s exceeds maximum length %s.
31008 LPX context creation failed while %s LPX context creation failed while %s.
31009 Access denied for property %s access denied for property %s
31010 XML element index %s exceeds maximum insertion index %s XML element index %s exceeds maximum insertion index %s.
31012 Given XPATH expression not supported unsupported XPATH expression
31013 Invalid XPATH expression invalid XPATH expression
31014 Attempted to delete the root container attempted to delete the root container
31015 Attempted to insert entry without name attempted to insert entry without a name
31018 Error deleting XML document error in deleting XML document
31021 Element definition not found element definition not found
31022 Element not found Specified XML element is not found.
31024 Parser initialization failed with LPX-%s error\nwhile %s Parser initialization failed with LPX-%s error\nwhile %s.
31025 Invalid document element invalid document element
31027 Path name or handle %s does not point to a resource Pathname or handle %s does not point to a resource.
31030 Unable to retrieve XML document Unable to retrieve XML document.
31032 XML parsing failed with error LPX-%s\nwhile %s XML parsing failed with error LPX-%s\nwhile %s.
31033 Requested number of XML children %s exceeds maximum %s Requested number of XML children %s exceeds maximum %s.
31039 XML namespace length %s exceeds maximum %s XML namespace length %s exceeds maximum length %s.
31040 Property %s: XML type (%s) not compatible with internal memory type (%s) XML type (%s) is not compatible with internal memory type (%s) of property %s.
31041 Property %s: Memory type (%s) not compatible with database type (%s) property %s: memory type (%s) not compatible with database type (%s)
31042 Too many properties in type '%s' too many properties in type '%s'
31043 Element '%s' not globally defined in schema '%s' element '%s' not globally defined in schema '%s'
31044 Top-level prefix length %s exceeds maximum %s Top-level prefix length (%s) exceeds the maximum allowed (%s).
31047 Could not retrieve resource data at path %s Could not retrieve resource data at path %s.
31048 Unsaved resources cannot be updated Unsaved resource %s cannot be updated. Unsaved resources need to be inserted.
31049 Internal event to turn off direct path loading of XML internal event to turn off direct path loading of XML
31050 Access denied access denied
31051 Requested access privileges not supported requested access privileges not supported
31052 Cannot delete ACL with other references cannot delete ACL %s while used by other resources
31053 The value of the depth argument in the operator cannot be negative The value of the DEPTH argument in the UNDER_PATH condition cannot be negative.
31055 A null XMLType element cannot be inserted into RESOURCE_VIEW cannot insert NULL XMLType element into RESOURCE_VIEW
31056 The document being inserted does not conform to %s The XML element or document being inserted does not conform to XML schema %s.
31057 Display Name of the element being inserted is null Display Name of the element being inserted is NULL.
31058 cannot modify read-only XOBs Cannot modify read-only XML objects.
31060 Resource at path %s could not be deleted Resource at path %s could not be deleted.
31066 Insertion of %s into %s creates a cycle Insertion of %s into %s creates a cycle.
31067 XML nodes must be updated with valid nodes and of the same type wrong XML node type
31069 Cannot apply typed changes to non-schema-based XMLType nodes Cannot apply typed changes to non-schema-based XMLType nodes.
31070 Invalid database user ID %s invalid database user ID %s
31073 Resource not retrieved using path name resource not retrieved using pathname
31083 .
31088 depends on the schema depends on the XML schema.
31091 empty string specified as a SQL name An empty string was specified as a SQL name.
31093 null or invalid value specified for parameter : %s null or invalid value specified for parameter %s
31097 Hierarchical Index not empty Hierarchical index must be empty to be rebuilt.
31098 Internal event to turn on XDB tracing internal event to turn on XDB tracing
31099 XDB Security Internal Error internal XDB security error
31100 XDB Locking Internal Error internal XDB locking error
31102 Already locked in exclusive mode. Cannot add lock. cannot acquire lock on resource %s, already locked in exclusive mode
31103 Resource locked in shared mode. Cannot add exclusive lock cannot obtain an exclusive lock on the resource because it is already locked in shared mode
31106 Action failed as the parent container is locked parent container locked
31107 is locked by name lock locked by name lock
31108 Action failed as resource %s is locked The action failed because resource %s is locked.
31109 Action failed as parent resource %s is locked Deletion on %s failed because parent resource %s is locked.
31110 Action failed as resource %s is locked by name action failed as resource %s is locked
31112 fail to %s for %s port using xdb configuration failed to %s %s port using XDB configuration
31113 XDB configuration may not be updated with non-schema compliant data XDB configuration may not be updated with non-schema compliant data.
31114 XDB configuration has been deleted or is corrupted XDB configuration has been deleted or is corrupted.
31118 already registered is already registered.
31119 XDB configuration cannot be udpated on all instances XDB configuration cannot be updated on all instances.
31120 usedPort cannot be invoked in a Pluggable Database USEDPORT function cannot be called in a pluggable database.
31121 The %s operator cannot be FALSE The value of operator %s cannot be FALSE.
31122 The %s operator has incorrect RHS value The right hand side value for operator %s did not evaluate to TRUE.
31127 RCList cannot contain noncommitted resource configuration RCList cannot contain noncommitted resource configurations.
31128 The event handler calls cannot exceed the depth of %s The event handler calls cannot exceed the depth of %s.
31129 Unable to retrieve repository's resource configuration unable to retrieve repository's resource configuration
31130 Specified resource configuration is not associated with given resource specified resource configuration not associated with given resource
31131 <RCList> contains OID that is not a resource configuration OID RCList element contains OID that is not a resource configuration.
31134 Cannot delete a configuration that is referenced by other resources cannot delete a configuration that is referenced by other resources
31135 Resource has already been rendered Resource has already been rendered.
31136 Resource configuration %s is already associated with the resource %s resource configuration %s already associated with resource %s
31137 Index out of range index out of range
31138 Resource-configuration is being referenced by one or more resources Resource configuration is being referenced by another resource.
31139 Invalid resource configuration list invalid resource configuration list
31140 Illegal operation: %s invalid operation: %s
31141 Must specify a valid path value invalid path
31142 Must specify the schema for each listener Listener does not have an assigned schema.
31143 XDB_SET_INVOKER role is required XDB_SET_INVOKER role required
31144 Implementation language for %s is not specified implementation language for %s not specified
31145 Duplicate listener, %s, found in resource configuration duplicate listener %s in resource configuration
31146 Invalid listener source %s.%s invalid listener source %s.%s
31147 %s is not an ACL resource %s not an ACL resource
31148 %s is not a valid resource configuration %s not a valid resource configuration
31149 no such schema: %s nonexistent schema: %s
31150 uncaught error in handler %s unrecoverable error in handler %s
31156 Internal event to turn off validation during schema registration internal event to turn off validation during schema registration
31157 Invalid Content-Type charset HTTP Content-Type header has an invalid or unsupported character set.
31159 XML DB is in an invalid state Oracle XML DB is in an invalid state.
31161 cannot be stored out of line cannot be stored out of line.
31162 has no SQLType specified has no SQLType specified.
31163 ) ).
31164 cannot load object-relational XML attribute using direct path \n Cannot load object-relational XML attribute using direct path.
31165 cannot load object-relational XML attribute using direct path \n cannot load object-relational XML attribute using direct path
31166 internal error code to handle ignorable attributes not match with ignorable attributes
31169 Number of children (%s) defined in '%s' exceeds maximum (%s) Number of children (%s) defined in '%s' exceeds maximum (%s).
31170 Cyclic Schema Registration without using FORCE option cyclic schema registration without using FORCE option
31171 schema processing error LSX-%s\nwhile %s schema processing error LSX - %s while %s
31178 Miscellaneous event for XDB miscellaneous event for XDB
31187 Cannot Add Node '%s' (type='%s') to Simple Type Node '%s' cannot add node '%s' (type='%s') to simple type node '%s'
31188 The specified printing option is invalid The specified printing option is invalid.
31190 Resource %s is not a version-controlled resource Resource %s is not a version-controlled resource.
31191 Resource %s is already checked out Resource %s is already checked out.
31192 Resource %s has not been checked out Resource %s has not been checked out.
31193 This versioning feature isn't supported for resource %s Resource %s cannot be put under WEBDAV version control.
31195 XML node '%s' (type=%s) does not support this operation XML node '%s' of type '%s' does not support this operation.
31196 XML nodes over %s in size cannot be printed XML nodes over the limit %s in size cannot be printed.
31197 Error in processing file %s error in processing file %s
31198 Mismatch in number of bytes transferred due to non-binary mode Mismatch in the number of bytes transferred due to non-binary mode.
31199 Warning in processing file %s warning in processing file %s
31409 one or more values for input parameters are incorrect One or more values for input parameters are incorrect.
31541 Supplemental logging is not enabled in CDB$ROOT. cannot enable supplemental log data in pluggable database when supplemental logging is not enabled in CDB$ROOT and database is in shared undo mode
31612 Allocation of process descriptor failed. allocation of process descriptor failed
31623 a job is not attached to this session via the specified handle A job is not attached to this session using the specified handle.
31649 Master process %s violated startup protocol. control process %s violated startup protocol
31700 very long string supplied for %s parameter An invalid long string is supplied for %s parameter.
31703 cannot grant %s privilege on behalf of other users cannot grant %s privilege
31705 failed to get library object An internal error occurred while trying to acquire a resource.
31706 role %s not granted commonly or does not exist not granted commonly or does not exist
31707 cannot grant %s privilege privilege on a role or an invalid user
31901 the current operation was cancelled by the user The current operation was canceled by the user.
31998 cannot have more than %s values for the list parameter %s cannot have more than %s values for the list parameter %s, %s values supplied
32001 write to SPFILE requested but no SPFILE is in use server parameter file (SPFILE) not found
32002 cannot create SPFILE already being used by the instance SPFILE creation failed as the specified file is already in use.
32005 error while parsing size specification [%s] error while processing value [%s] for big integer parameter
32011 cannot restore SPFILE to location already being used by the instance Failed to restore SPFILE because it is being used by the instance.
32014 from the SPFILE restore image from the restored SPFILE image
32024 invalid directory specified for audit_file_dest parameter Directory specified for AUDIT_FILE_DEST initialization parameter does not exist or is not writable.
32028 Syslog facility or level not recognized The SYSLOG facility or level is not recognized.
32039 recursive WITH clause must have column alias list missing column alias list in recursive WITH clause element %s
32040 recursive WITH clause must use a UNION ALL operation missing UNION ALL in recursive WITH clause element %s
32041 UNION ALL operation in recursive WITH clause must have only two branches UNION ALL operation in recursive WITH clause element %s must have only two branches.
32042 recursive WITH clause must reference itself directly in one of the UNION ALL branches recursive WITH clause element %s must reference itself directly in one of the UNION ALL branches
32043 recursive WITH clause needs an initialization branch missing initialization branch in recursive WITH clause element %s
32047 cycle mark value and non-cycle mark value must be one byte character string values cycle mark value and non-cycle mark value must be one byte character string values or boolean constants
32055 invalid file type unknown file type
32113 Null object passed null object passed
32126 Cannot perform operations on a null REF cannot perform operations on a REF that is NULL
32369 cannot create logical partition tracking without enabling logical partition tracking creation parameter cannot refresh materialized view %s.%s using LPT fast refresh
32464 private temporay table feature is disabled private temporary table feature is disabled
32488 WITH clause element did not have a column alias list missing column alias list in WITH clause element %s
32490 recursive query name referenced more than once in recursive branch of recursive WITH clause element recursive query name referenced more than once in recursive branch of recursive WITH clause element %s
32499 operation not supported with old CONNECT BY clause Operation is not supported on older version of CONNECT BY clause.
32502 Cannot execute command. Flash Freeze is not in effect Cannot execute command. Flash Freeze is not in effect.
32512 type '%s' is unknown Type '%s' is unknown.
32583 query passed to table function has wrong number of elements in select list Input CURSOR to table function must project PARTITION BY columns.
32602 FREEPOOLS and FREELIST GROUPS cannot be used together FREEPOOLS and FREELIST GROUPS cannot be used together.
32631 illegal use of objects in MODEL the use of objects in MODEL is not allowed
32735 DIAG process is not running in the instance The command failed to execute since the DIAG process has not started.
32761 Turn off Temp LOB Ref Count Feature event to turn off the temp LOB reference count feature
32762 Turn on Temp LOB Ref Count Tracing Turn on Temp LOB Ref Count Tracing.
32763 Turn off N-Pass Temp LOB cleanup Turn off N-Pass Temp LOB cleanup.
32767 No server connection for this operation A database connection is not available for this operation.
32781 Trace event for window functions trace event for window functions
32783 window specification referencing a window name cannot have PARTITION BY clause Window specification referencing a window name cannot have PARTITION BY clause.
32784 window does not exist The window name referenced did not exist.
32785 cannot reference a window name defined with WINDOWING clause cannot define a new window specification in which another defined window specification with WINDOWING clause is referenced
32790 Element '%s' cannot share the default table '%s' with element '%s' Element '%s' cannot share the default table '%s' with element '%s'.
32793 cannot alter a system-generated sequence Cannot alter a system-generated sequence.
33005 (XSAGDIMBREAK) Invalid breakout for dimension %n. (XSAGDIMBREAK) invalid breakout for dimension %n
33009 (XSAGDNGLPREC) %a %j\n In AGGMAP %1p, PRECOMPUTE may only be specified either for the entire AGGMAP or for individual RELATION statements. (XSAGDNGLPREC) %a %j\nIn AGGMAP %1p, PRECOMPUTE can only be specified either for the entire AGGMAP or for individual RELATION statements.
33090 (XSAGINIT05) %a %j %j\nYou must have read permission for %1p to use AGGMAP %2p. (XSAGINIT05) %a %j %j\nAGGMAP %2p requires read permission on %1p
33100 (APABBR02) %a %d %j\nValue '%1p' is not valid for the %2p option. (APABBR02) %a %d %j\nA value of '%1p' is not valid for the %2p option.
33108 (APFTMAX01) MAXFETCH must be between 1,000 and 2,147,483,647. (APFTMAX01) MAXFETCH must be in the range of 1,000 to 2,147,483,647.
33134 (APSORTBUFSZ01) %a %d %d\nThe value of SORTBUFFERSIZE must represent a number between 0 and %1p. You supplied %2p. (APSORTBUFSZ01) %a %d %d\nThe value of SORTBUFFERSIZE must be a number between 0 and %1p. You supplied %2p.
33141 (XSAWFREEZE1) The analytic workspace %s is already frozen. (XSAWFREEZE1) The analytic workspace %s is already frozen.
33190 (CGMODSET03) An internal error caused the model assignment code generator to be called, but no MODEL is currently being compiled. (CGMODSET03) MODEL assignment triggered in unexpected context.
33219 (CINSERT05) %a %K %j %j %j\n%1p cannot be added to %2p because it is already a value of the dependent UNIQUE concat dimension %3p, from leaf dimension %4p. (CINSERT05) %a %K %j %j %j\n%1p cannot be added to %2p because it is already a value of the dependent UNIQUE CONCAT DIMENSION %3p, from leaf DIMENSION %4p.
33223 (CMOVE03) You cannot move a session-only dimension value. (CMOVE03) cannot move a session-only dimension value
33230 (COLDEL03) The number of columns to be removed must be greater than zero. You cannot remove %d columns. (COLDEL03) The number of columns to be removed must be greater than zero. %d columns cannot be removed.
33266 (DBERR03) %a %s %s\nAnalytic workspace %1p cannot be accessed because it was last modified by an incompatible version of %2p. (DBERR03) %a %s %s\nAnalytic workspace (AW) %1p cannot be accessed because it was last modified by an incompatible version of %2p.
33267 (DBERRRLS) %a %s\nAnalytic workspace %1p cannot be accessed because it has fine-grained access control applied to it (DBERRRLS) %a %s\nAnalytic workspace %1p cannot be accessed because it has row-level access control applied to it.
33268 (DBERRTHW) Analytic workspace %s cannot be attached with the THAW option because it was frozen with the NOTHAW option (DBERRTHW) Analytic workspace %s cannot be attached with the THAW option because it was frozen with the NOTHAW option.
33269 while operating on '%s' error while operating on '%s'
33272 (DBERR06) Analytic workspace %s cannot be opened. (DBERR06) Analytic workspace %s cannot be opened. The analytic workspace index could not be found.
33275 Autonomous transaction query of an UPDATEd analytic workspace is not supported Autonomous transaction query of an UPDATEd analytic workspace is not supported.
33277 Could not upgrade analytic workspace %s.%s Analytic Workspace %s.%s could not be upgraded.
33282 (DBERR11) Cannot wait for analytic workspace %s to become available since doing so would cause a deadlock. (DBERR11) cannot wait for analytic workspace %s to become available since doing so would cause a deadlock.
33291 (DBERRSYNC) Analytic workspace %s cannto be attached RW until a RESYNC command has brought it up to the current generation. (DBERRSYNC) Analytic workspace %s cannot be attached RW until a RESYNC command has brought it up to the current generation.
33296 (DBERR21) Analytic workspace %s can only be attached RO while tablespace %s is READONLY. (DBERR21) Analytic workspace %s can only be attached read-only (RO) while tablespace %s is READONLY.
33298 (AWUPG01) Analytic workspace %s is already in the newest format allowed by the current compatibility setting (AWUPG01) Analytic workspace %s is already in the newest format allowed by the current compatibility setting.
33299 Please use DBMS_AW.AW_RENAME to rename this table. (DBERR023) Analytic workspace %s cannot be opened. An unexpected error occurred.
33307 An attempt was made to rename OLAP analytic workspace table to an illegal name Oracle OLAP analytic workspace table was renamed to an invalid name
33308 (DBVALID04) SEVERE ERROR: Record %.0f used but not allocated (DBVALID04) SEVERE ERROR: Record %.0f was used but not allocated.
33309 (DBVALID05) SEVERE ERROR: Record %.0f used but not allocated (PS %ld) (DBVALID05) SEVERE ERROR: Record %.0f used but not allocated (PS %ld).
33314 (DELDENT02) %n cannot be deleted while it is executing. (DELDENT02) %n cannot be deleted while it is running.
33316 (DELDENT03) You cannot delete %n because you do not have PERMIT permission for it or it is readonly. (DELDENT03) You cannot delete %n because you do not have PERMIT permission for it or it is READONLY.
33318 (DELDENT04) The variable %n cannot be deleted while its NA trigger is executing. (DELDENT04) The variable %n cannot be deleted while the NA trigger is executing.
33339 You cannot detach analytic workspace %s. It is in use by an API branch. You cannot detach analytic workspace (AW) %s. It is in use by an API branch.
33344 (DTINFRMT02) %a %v %s\n'%1p' is not a valid format for a %2p value because an angle bracket < cannot be the last character. (DTINFRMT02) %a %v %s\n'%1p' is not a valid format for a %2p value because an angle bracket (<) cannot be the last character.
33388 (EIFEXPRT04) The expression beginning with %t has too many dimensions. (EIFEXPRT04) %a %t %d\nThe expression beginning with %1p cannot have more than %2p dimensions.
33409 (EIFEXPRT16) Cannot use the FULLMAPID or RELATIVEMAPID syntax because NOAPI has been specified. (EIFEXPRT16) You cannot use the FULLMAPID or RELATIVEMAPID syntax because NOAPI has been specified.
33456 (ESDREAD08) %a %j %v %s %s\nDiscarding compiled code for %1p because %2p is a(n) %3p, which %4p did not expect to find in a compiled program. (ESDREAD08) %a %j %v %s %s\nDiscarding compiled code for %1p because %2p is a %3p, which %4p did not expect to find in a compiled program.
33475 (EXPCOMP02) Invalid expression. (EXPCOMP02) Invalid expression '%v'.
33478 (FCFINI02) Too many NA values exist in the input data; %s cannot fill them all. (FCFINI02) too many NA values in the input data to FORECAST
33554 (FORCHECK01) While looping over %j, you cannot change its status or contents. (FORCHECK01) The status or contents of %j cannot be changed while looping over it.
33692 (GROWENG01) The growrate of an expression must be calculated over a strictly increasing time interval. (GROWENG01) GROWRATE requires a time dimension with at least two values in status.
33700 (GROWENG05) The beginning value of the expression in the GROWRATE function must be non zero. (GROWENG05) The first value of the expression in the GROWRATE function must not be zero.
33740 (ILPPUT04) %a %t %j\nOn the line defining label %1p in the %2p program, text following the label has been ignored. (ILPPUT04) %a %t %j\nOn the line defining label %1p in the %2p program, the text following the label is ignored.
33744 (ILPPUT07) IMPORTANT: Program %j contains text on the same line as a DO or DOEND statement, which will be ignored. (ILPPUT07) Program %j contains text on the same line as a DO or DOEND statement.
33826 (LINEDEL01) The number of the first line to remove must be between 1 and the expression's total number of lines. %d is out of range. (LINEDEL01) The number of the first line to remove must be between 1 and the total number of lines of the expression. %d is out of range.
33874 (MAKEDCL08) %s is not the name of a valid option. (MAKEDCL08) %s is not the name of a valid OPTION.
33878 (MAKEDCL10) Nested composites are not supported when compatability is 11 or greater. (MAKEDCL10) Nested composites are not supported when compatability is Oracle Database 11g or later.
33911 (MAKEDCL29) %a %s %s %s\nYou cannot define a %1p in analytic workspace %2p because it has not been upgraded to version %3p. (MAKEDCL29) %a %s %s %s\nCannot define a %1p in analytic workspace %2p because it has not been upgraded to version %3p.
34031 (MSCGPOS02) %j is a datetime dimension. Dimension values are automatically maintained in sorted order. (MSCGPOS02) Position keywords may not be specified when adding values to DATETIME dimension %j.
34032 (MSCGPOS01) %j is a dimension composite. You cannot specify a position when adding values to it. (MSCGPOS01) Position keywords may not be specified when adding values to dimension composite %j.
34158 (MXCGRA01) You cannot subtract time periods of different lengths or phases. (MXCGRA01) cannot subtract time periods of different lengths or phases
34208 (MXCHGDCL17) You cannot change %j to a dimension composite because it is used in one or more CONCATENATE or MERGE dimensions. (MXCHGDCL17) You cannot change %j to a dimension composite because it is used in one or more concat dimensions.
34234 (MXDCL06) Beginning date translates to an invalid end date. (MXDCL06) The beginning date translates to an invalid end date.
34281 (MXDCL39) A (precision code) argument can only be used with DATETIME or TIMESTAMP dimensions. (MXDCL39) A precision code argument can only be used with DATETIME or TIMESTAMP dimensions.
34306 (MXDCLILP02) %n was not defined as a PROGRAM. (MXDCLILP02) %n was not defined as a program.
34342 (MXDSS01) IMPORTANT: Analytic workspace %s is read-only. Therefore, you will not be able to use the UPDATE command to save changes to it. (MXDSS01) IMPORTANT: Analytic workspace %s is read-only. Cannot use the UPDATE command to save changes to it.
34454 (MXIMPORT02) When importing a spreadsheet, CSV file, or PRN file, the target must be a worksheet. %q is not a worksheet. (MXIMPORT02) When importing a spreadsheet, CSV file, or PRN file, the target must be a WORKSHEET. %q is not a worksheet.
34487 (MXMAINT08) %a %s %j\nYou cannot %1p values of non-unique concat dimension %2p. (MXMAINT08) %a %s %j\nYou cannot %1p values of non-unique CONCAT dimension %2p.
34490 (MXMOVE00) You cannot use Qualified Object Names in the MOVE command except as part of an expression. (MXMOVE00) You cannot use qualified object names in the MOVE command except as part of an expression.
34494 (MXMSERR01) %a %s %q\nAnalytic workspace %1p does not contain an object named %2p. (MXMSERR01) %a %s %q\nAnalytic Workspace %1p does not contain an object named %2p.
34572 (MXRENAME07) You cannot change %n to an unnamed composite because it is not a composite. (MXRENAME07) cannot change %n to an unnamed composite because it is not a composite
34726 (NLSCHARSET06) %a %s %s\nCAUTION: String truncated during character set conversion from %1p to %2p (NLSCHARSET06) %a %s %s\nCAUTION: String truncated during character set conversion from %1p to %2p.
34740 (NOUPDATEDB) Because of a previous error, changes made to the %s analytic workspace will not be saved. (NOUPDATEDB) Changes made to the %s analytic workspace are not saved.
34761 (NXHANDLEALLO) A decimal overflow occurred during an ALLOCATE operation. The results are not reliable. (NXHANDLEALLO) A decimal overflow occurred during an ALLOCATE operation.
34782 (OBJSAVE2) Analytic workspace %s already has the maximum number of objects (65535). (OBJSAVE2) %a %s %d\nAnalytic Workspace %1p already has the maximum number of objects (%2p).
34832 (OFCENG03) %v is not the name of a dimension or valueset. (OFCENG03) %v is not the name of a dimension or VALUESET.
34886 (PPENG02) The option %j is read-only. Since its value cannot be popped, it cannot be pushed. (PPENG02) The option %j is read only. Since its value cannot be popped, it cannot be pushed.
35008 (PRNRULER05) A field description (type %c) did not include a field width. (PRNRULER05) A field description (type %c) does not include a field width.
35017 (QFCHECK06) The Analytic Workspace and EIF file definitions of %n have different partitioning methods. (QFCHECK06) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of %n have different partitioning methods.
35019 (QFCHECK07) The Analytic Workspace and EIF file definitions of %n have different partition dimensions. (QFCHECK07) The analytic workspace and EIF file definitions of %n have different partition dimensions.
35021 (QFCHECK08) The EIF file definition of %n has some partitions that are not present in the existing Analytic Workspace object. (QFCHECK08) The EIF file definition of %n has some partitions that are not present in the existing analytic workspace object.
35028 (QFASCII00) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file. The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
35029 (QFPART00) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file. The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
35030 (QFDATA00) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file. The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
35032 (QFDATA01) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file. The IMPORT command terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
35036 (QFGETBUF00) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file. The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
35038 (QFGETHDR00) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file. The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
35040 (QFOBJECT90) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file. The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
35042 (QFOBJECT92) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file. The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
35044 (QFOBJECT93) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file. The IMPORT command terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
35046 (QFOBJECT94) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file. The IMPORT command terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
35048 (QFOBJECT97) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file. The IMPORT command terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
35050 (QFPUTILP97) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file. The IMPORT command terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
35052 (QFPUTILP98) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file. The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
35054 (QFPUTILP99) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file. The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
35056 (QFSTRING00) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file. The IMPORT command terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
35058 (QFVC00) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file. The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the Express Interchange File (EIF).
35060 (QFVC01) The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file. The IMPORT command has terminated because of a defect in the EIF file.
35070 (QFHEAD00) File %s is not in EIF format, so you cannot import it with the EIF specification. (QFHEAD00) File %s is not in EIF format.
35082 (QFOBJECT02) You cannot import changes to the %n program now, because it is currently executing. (QFOBJECT02) You cannot import changes to the %n program now, because it is currently running.
35084 (QFOBJECT06) CAUTION: %s is being imported. However, this is a reserved word, so you must rename the new object before you can use it. (QFOBJECT06) CAUTION: %s is being imported. However, this is a reserved word, so the new object must be renamed before it can used.
35087 (QFOBJECT09) %a %v\nInvalid partition template:\n %1p (QFOBJECT09) %a %v\nInvalid partition template:\n %1p
35096 (QUAFEOF) An unexpected end-of-file occurred in the EIF file. Check to make sure you have all the imported data that you expected. (QUAFEOF) An unexpected end-of-file occurred in the EIF file. Check to ensure that you have all the imported data that you expected.
35114 (REGRESS04) Dependent Variable: (REGRESS04) Dependent Variable:
35116 (REGRESS05) WEIGHTBY Variable: (REGRESS05) WEIGHTBY Variable:
35126 (REGRESS10) Corrected R-square (REGRESS10) Corrected R-square
35130 (REGRESS12) Number of observations (REGRESS12) Number of observations
35132 (REGRESS13) Standard error of estimate (REGRESS13) Standard error of estimate
35134 (RGACCUM01) A weighted regression cannot be calculated if any of the weights specified is less than zero. (RGACCUM01) A weighted regression cannot be calculated if any of the weights specified are less than zero.
35171 you may not signal error number %s with the SIGNAL command You may not signal error number %s with the SIGNAL command
35172 (SNCHILD01) There is duplicate information beginning at %t, or this information conflicts with a keyword. (SNCHILD01) Either there is duplicate information beginning at %t, or this information conflicts with a keyword.
35206 (SNSYN116) The word UNION must be followed by a parenthesized list of LIST clauses. (SNSYN116) The word UNION must be followed by a parenthetical list of LIST clauses.
35210 (SNSYN118) A colon (:) is required after an ACROSS phrase. (SNSYN118) A colon is required after an ACROSS phrase.
35214 (SNSYN120) The format of the COMPILE command is:\n \n COMPILE name [THREADS #] (SNSYN120) The format of the COMPILE command is:\n \n COMPILE name [NOWARN]
35216 (SNSYN121) The fileunit (%t) must be followed by an attribute (such as DATE) and a new value for the attribute. (SNSYN121) The file unit number (%t) must be followed by an attribute (such as DATE) and a new value for the attribute.
35226 (SNSYN137) The format of the FINDCHARS function is:\n \n FINDCHARS(search-text find-text [start [LINENUM]]) (SNSYN137) The format of the FINDCHARS function is:\n \n FINDCHARS(search-text find-text [start [LINENUM]])
35236 (SNSYN142) The format of the NUMLINES function is:\n \n NUMLINES(text-expression) (SNSYN142) The format of the NUMLINES function is:\n \n NUMLINES(text-expression)
35252 (SNSYN150) The format of the REPLLINES function is:\n \n REPLLINES(text-expression newtext [start-line]) (SNSYN150) The format of the REPLLINES function is:\n \n REPLLINES(text-expression newtext [start-line]).
35264 (SNSYN156) The format of the ARGFR function is:\n \n ARGFR(start-arg-no) (SNSYN156) The format of the ARGFR function is:\n \n ARGFR(start-arg-no)
35266 (SNSYN157) The format of the CONVERT function is:\n \n CONVERT(expression datatype [options]) (SNSYN157) The format of the CONVERT function is:\n \n CONVERT(expression data-type [options])
35268 (SNSYN158) The format of the OBJ function is:\n \n OBJ(choice ['name']) or OBJ(choice [text-expression]) (SNSYN158) The format of the OBJ function is:\n \n OBJ(choice ['name']) or OBJ(choice [text-expression])
35298 (SNSYN175) The format of the STATFIRST function is:\n \n STATFIRST(dimension) (SNSYN175) The format of the STATFIRST function is:\n \n STATFIRST(dimension)
35318 (SNSYN185) The format of the INTPART function is:\n \n INTPART(expression) (SNSYN185) The format of the INTPART function is:\n \n INTPART(expression)
35320 (SNSYN186) The format of the SQRT function is:\n \n SQRT(expression) (SNSYN186) The format of the SQRT function is:\n \n SQRT(expression).
35330 (SNSYN191) The format of the MIN function is:\n \n MIN(expression1 expression2) (SNSYN191) The format of the MIN function is \n \n MIN(expression1 expression2)
35332 (SNSYN192) The format of the MAX function is:\n \n MAX(expression1 expression2) (SNSYN192) The format of the MAX function is:\n \n MAX(expression1 expression2)
35340 (SNSYN197) The format of the FILEQUERY function is:\n \n FILEQUERY({fileunit-number | filename-expression} attribute) (SNSYN197) The format of the FILEQUERY function is:\n \n FILEQUERY({fileunit-number | filename-expression} attribute)
35344 (SNSYN199) The format of the VALUES function is:\n \n VALUES(dimension [STATUS|NOSTATUS] [INTEGER]) (SNSYN199) The format of the VALUES function is:\n \n VALUES(dimension [STATUS|NOSTATUS] [INTEGER])
35349 (SNSYN203) The format of the BASEVAL function is:\n \n BASEVAL(concat-dimension) (SNSYN203) The format of the BASEVAL function is:\n \n BASEVAL(concat-dimension)
35351 (SNSYN204) The format of the BASEDIM function is:\n \n BASEDIM(concat-dimension [LEAF]) (SNSYN204) The format of the BASEDIM function is:\n \n BASEDIM(concat-dimension [LEAF])
35374 (SNSYN222) The format of the UNIQUELINES function is:\n \n UNIQUELINES(text-expression [nls_sort [sort-exp]]) (SNSYN222) Invalid UNIQUELINES function syntax.
35376 (SNSYN223) The format of the JOINCOLS function is:\n \n JOINCOLS(text-expression1 [, text-expression2 ... ]) (SNSYN223) invalid JOINCOLS function syntax
35382 (SNSYN226) The format of the REPLCOLS function is:\n \n REPLCOLS(text-expression, overlay-expression [, start-position]) (SNSYN226) Invalid REPLCOLS function syntax.
35388 (SNSYN229) The format of the DDOF function is:\n \n DDOF(expression) (SNSYN229) Invalid DDOF function syntax.
35390 (SNSYN230) The format of the MMOF function is:\n \n MMOF(expression) (SNSYN230) Invalid MMOF function syntax.
35392 (SNSYN231) The format of the YYOF function is:\n \n YYOF(expression) (SNSYN231) Invalid YYOF function syntax.
35394 (SNSYN232) The format of the DAYOF function is:\n \n DAYOF(expression) (SNSYN232) The DAYOF function syntax is invalid.
35396 (SNSYN233) The format of the SIN function is:\n \n SIN(expression) (SNSYN233) Invalid SIN function syntax.
35398 (SNSYN234) The format of the COS function is:\n \n COS(expression) (SNSYN234) Invalid COS function syntax.
35400 (SNSYN235) The format of the MAKEDATE function is:\n \n MAKEDATE(year month day) (SNSYN235) Invalid MAKEDATE function syntax.
35402 (SNSYN236) The format of the ANTILOG function is:\n \n ANTILOG(expression) (SNSYN236) Invalid ANTILOG function syntax.
35404 (SNSYN237) The format of the ANTILOG10 function is:\n \n ANTILOG10(expression) (SNSYN237) Invalid ANTILOG10 function syntax.
35406 (SNSYN238) The format of the ROLLUP command is:\n \n ROLLUP variable [OVER dimension] [USING relationship] (SNSYN238) Invalid ROLLUP command syntax.
35408 (SNSYN239) The format of the STARTOF function is:\n \n STARTOF(expression) (SNSYN239) Invalid STARTOF function syntax.
35410 (SNSYN240) The format of the ENDOF function is:\n \n ENDOF(expression) (SNSYN240) Invalid ENDOF function syntax.
35412 (SNSYN241) The format of the BEGINDATE function is :\n \n BEGINDATE(time-dimension-value) (SNSYN241) Invalid BEGINDATE function syntax.
35414 (SNSYN242) The format of the ENDDATE function is :\n \n ENDDATE(time-dimension-value) (SNSYN242) Invalid ENDDATE function syntax.
35416 (SNSYN243) The format of the TCONVERT function is:\n \n TCONVERT(expression time-dimension method [method]) (SNSYN243) Invalid TCONVERT function syntax.
35418 (SNSYN244) The format of the FILEERROR function is:\n \n FILEERROR(TYPE | POSITION | WIDTH | VALUE | DIMENSION | RESET) (SNSYN244) Invalid FILEERROR function syntax.
35420 (SNSYN245) The format of a payment or interest function is:\n \n FUNCTION(principal, rate, num-payments [time-dimension]) (SNSYN245) Invalid payment or interest function syntax.
35422 (SNSYN246) The format of the DEPRSL function is:\n \n DEPRSL(beg-val, end-val, num-pds, [FULL | HALF | exp, [time-dim]]) (SNSYN246) Invalid DEPRSL function syntax.
35424 (SNSYN247) The format of DEPRDECL is:\n \n DEPRDECL(beg, end, n-pds, [decl-factor,\n [FULL | HALF | exp, [time dim]]]) (SNSYN247) Invalid DEPRDECL function syntax.
35426 (SNSYN248) The format of the DEPRSOYD function is:\n \n DEPRSOYD(beg-val, end-val, num-pds, [FULL | HALF | exp, [time-dim]]) (SNSYN248) Invalid DEPRSOYD function syntax.
35428 (SNSYN249) The format of the GROWRATE function is:\n \n GROWRATE(expression [time dim]) (SNSYN249) Invalid GROWRATE function syntax.
35430 (SNSYN250) The format of the NORMAL function is:\n \n NORMAL(mean, standard-deviation) (SNSYN250) Invalid NORMAL function syntax.
35432 (SNSYN251) The format of DEPRDECLSW is:\n \n DEPRDECLSW(beg-val, end-val, num-pds, [decl-factor,\n FULL|HALF|exp, [sw-pd, [time dim]]]]) (SNSYN251) Invalid DEPRDECLSW function syntax.
35436 (SNSYN267) The format of the WEEKOF function is:\n \n WEEKOF(expression) (SNSYN267) Invalid WEEKOF function syntax.
35438 (SNSYN268) The format of the PERMIT command is: \n \n PERMIT READ|WRITE|MAINTAIN|PERMIT [WHEN bool-exp [BY bool-exp]] (SNSYN268) Invalid PERMIT command syntax.
35442 (SNSYN270) The format of the PROPERTY command is:\n \n PROPERTY {prop-name [,] value} | {DELETE {ALL | prop-name}} (SNSYN270) invalid PROPERTY command syntax
35444 (SNSYN271) The format of the TRANSLATEBYTES function is:\n \n TRANSLATEBYTES(text 256-char-table) (SNSYN271) invalid TRANSLATEBYTES function syntax
35446 (SNSYN274) The format of the LIMIT function is:\n \n LIMIT(limit arguments) (SNSYN274) invalid LIMIT function syntax
35450 (SNSYN277) The format of the CHANGECHARS function is:\n \n CHANGECHARS(text-expr oldtext newtext [num-to-change] [UPCASE]) (SNSYN277) invalid CHANGECHARS function syntax
35458 (SNSYN282) The format of the ARCSIN function is:\n \n ARCSIN(expression) (SNSYN282) invalid ARCSIN function syntax
35460 (SNSYN283) The format of the ARCTAN function is:\n \n ARCTAN(expression) (SNSYN283) invalid ARCTAN function syntax
35462 (SNSYN284) The format of the COSH function is:\n \n COSH(expression) (SNSYN284) invalid COSH function syntax
35464 (SNSYN285) The format of the SINH function is:\n \n SINH(expression) (SNSYN285) Invalid SINH function syntax.
35466 (SNSYN286) The format of the TANH function is:\n \n TANH(expression) (SNSYN286) Invalid TANH function syntax.
35468 (SNSYN287) The format of the TAN function is:\n \n TAN(expression) (SNSYN287) Invalid TAN function syntax.
35470 (SNSYN288) The format of the ARCCOS function is:\n \n ARCCOS(expression) (SNSYN288) Invalid ARCCOS function syntax.
35472 (SNSYN301) The format of the MAXCHARS function is:\n \n MAXCHARS(text-expression) (SNSYN301) invalid MAXCHARS function syntax
35474 (SNSYN305) The format of the STATALL function is:\n \n STATALL(dimension) (SNSYN305) Invalid STATALL function syntax.
35476 (SNSYN306) The format of the EXTBYTES function is:\n \n EXTBYTES(text-expression [start [length]]) (SNSYN306) invalid EXTBYTES function syntax
35478 (SNSYN307) The format of the FINDBYTES function is:\n \n FINDBYTES(search-text find-text [start [LINENUM]]) (SSYN307) invalid FINDBYTES function syntax
35480 (SNSYN308) The format of the JOINBYTES function is:\n \n JOINBYTES(text-expression1 text-expression2 ...) (SNSYN308) Invalid JOINBYTES function syntax.
35482 (SNSYN309) The format of the NUMBYTES function is:\n \n NUMBYTES(text-expression) (SNSYN309) invalid NUMBYTES function syntax
35484 (SNSYN310) The format of the INSBYTES function is:\n \n INSBYTES(text-expression bytes [after-position]) (SNSYN310) invalid INSBYTES function syntax
35486 (SNSYN311) The format of the REMBYTES function is:\n \n REMBYTES(text-expression start [length]) (SNSYN311) invalid REMBYTES function syntax
35488 (SNSYN312) The format of the REPLBYTES function is:\n \n REPLBYTES(text-expression bytes [start-position]) (SNSYN312) invalid REPLBYTES function syntax
35490 (SNSYN313) The format of the CHANGEBYTES function is:\n \n CHANGEBYTES(text-expression oldtext newtext [number-to-change]) (SNSYN313) invalid CHANGEBYTES function syntax
35492 (SNSYN314) The format of the MAXBYTES function is:\n \n MAXBYTES(text-expression) (SNSYN314) invalid MAXBYTES function syntax
35496 (SNSYN316) The format of the FILTERLINES function is:\n \n FILTERLINES(source-exp, filter-exp) (SNSYN316) invalid FILTERLINES function syntax
35498 (SNSYN318) The format of the DBGOUTFILE command is:\n \n DBGOUTFILE [APPEND] {EOF | filename [NOCACHE]} (SNSYN318) invalid DBGOUTFILE command syntax
35500 (SNSYN319) The format of the OBSCURE function is:\n \n OBSCURE ({HASH | HIDE | UNHIDE | ENCRYPT} [, TEXT],\n seed-text, input-text) (SNSYN319) invalid OBSCURE function syntax
35504 (SNSYN325) Invalid format for IMPORT command. (SNSYN325) Invalid IMPORT command syntax.
35510 (SNSYN330) The format of the CATEGORIZE function is:\n \n CATEGORIZE(expression {group literal list | group expression}) (SNSYN330) invalid CATEGORIZE function syntax
35512 (SNSYN331) The format of the CORRELATION function is:\n \n CORRELATION(expression1, expression2, method, [BASEDON dimension1 [dimension2 ...]]) (SNSYN331) invalid CORRELATION function syntax
35514 (SNSYN332) The format of the MODE function is:\n \n MODE(expression, BASEDON dimension) (SNSYN332) Invalid MODE function syntax.
35516 (SNSYN333) The format of the PERCENTAGE function is:\n \n PERCENTAGE(expression [BASEDON dimension1 [dimension2 ...]]) (SNSYN333) invalid PERCENTAGE function syntax
35518 (SNSYN334) The format of the RANK function is:\n \n RANK(expression, method, BASEDON dimension) (SNSYN334) invalid UNIQUELINES function syntax
35520 (SNSYN335) The format of the SMOOTH function is:\n \n SMOOTH(expression, method, parameters [BASEDON dimension1 [dimension2 ...]]) (SNSYN335) invalid SMOOTH function syntax
35522 (SNSYN336) The format of the NLSITEMS function is:\n \n NLSITEMS({LANGUAGE | TERRITORY}) (SNSYN336) invalid NLSITEMS function syntax
35524 (SNSYN337) The format of the NLSAVAIL function is:\n \n NLSAVAIL({LANGUAGE | TERRITORY} itemname) (SNSYN337) invalid NLSAVAIL function syntax
35528 (SORTENG10B) In the TOP or BOTTOM phrase, you requested a negative number of dimension values (%d). (SORTENG10B) negative number of dimension values (%d) requested in the TOP or BOTTOM phrase
35530 (SORTENG10C) You cannot specify a percentage greater than 100 or less than 0. You requested %f. (SORTENG10C) Cannot specify a percentage greater than 100 or less than 0. Percentage %f requested.
35603 (SSCGLIMT03) You cannot limit PARTITION TEMPLATE %j. (SSCGLIMT03) cannot limit partition template %j
35623 (XSSCLLEV07) %a %q %j\n%1p is not a valueset of %2p. (XSSCLLEV07) %a %q %j\n%1p is not a VALUESET of %2p.
35630 (SSCGREL11) %a %j %j\nWhile limiting dimension %2p, you cannot use it to qualify relation %1p. (SSCGREL11) %a %j %j\nWhile limiting dimension %2p, it was used to qualify relation %1p.
35632 (SSCGREL12) %a %j %j\nWhile limiting an alias of %2p, you cannot use it to qualify relation %1p. (SSCGREL12) %a %j %j\nWhile limiting an alias of %2p, it was used to qualify relation %1p.
35634 (SSCGVALS01) The format of a related dimension list is:\n related-dimension [valuelist] | relationship-array-name (SSCGVALS01) The format of a related dimension list is:\n related-dimension [valuelist] | relationship-array-name
35640 (SSEXECUT03) You cannot MAINTAIN ADD %j while it is being LIMITed. (SSEXECUT03) cannot MAINTAIN ADD %j while it is being limited
35718 (TRIGGER01) The NA trigger expression for variable %n contains a format error. (TRIGGER01) The NA trigger expression for variable %n contains invalid syntax.
35834 (XSCGCORR04) You have named duplicate BASEDON dimensions. (XSCGCORR04) Duplicate BASEDON dimensions were named.
35844 (XSCGMODE04) You have named duplicate BASEDON dimensions. (XSCGMODE04) Duplicate BASEDON dimensions are named.
35852 (XSCGPCTAGE04) You have named duplicate BASEDON dimensions. (XSCGPCTAGE04) Duplicate BASEDON dimensions are named.
35860 (XSCGRANK04) You have named duplicate BASEDON dimensions. (XSCGRANK04) Duplicate BASEDON dimensions are named.
35872 (XSCGSMOOTH06) You have named duplicate BASEDON dimensions. (XSCGSMOOTH06) Duplicate BASEDON dimensions are named.
35917 (XSHIDE05) %a %n %s\nYou cannot HIDE model %1p because the analytic workspace in which it is defined has not been upgraded to version %2p. (XSHIDE05) %a %n %s\nCannot HIDE model %1p because the analytic workspace in which it is defined has not been upgraded to version %2p.
35919 (XSHIDE06) %a %s %d\nThe encryption seed for %1p must be at least %2p characters long. (XSHIDE06) %a %s %d\nThe encryption seed text for %1p must be at least %2p characters in length.
35922 (XSHIDE04) %n is already hidden. (XSHIDE04) %n is already hidden
35966 (COPYDFN02) The format of the COPYDFN command is:\n\n COPYDFN newname oldname. (COPYDFN02) Invalid COPYDFN command syntax.
36035 (XSMHIERCKREL) %a %n %d %v\nOne or more loops have been detected in %1p. %2p items involved are %3p. (XSMHIERCKREL) %a %n %d %v\nOne or more loops have been detected in %1p. %2p items involved are %3p.
36167 (XSAGGRFORM) %j is an illegal AGGMAP for aggregating a FORMULA. (XSAGGRFORM) %j is not a valid AGGMAP for aggregating a FORMULA.
36286 (EIFMAKEF12) The EXPORT command terminated, because there was not enough disk space in path %s to contain a complete extension file. (EIFMAKEF12) The EXPORT command terminated because there is not enough disk space in path %s to contain a complete extension file.
36300 (XSCGTERM01) The command is too long or complex to compile. Eliminate or simplify expressions, or remove or shorten text constants. (XSCGTERM01) The command is too long or complex to compile.
36312 (PHYS00) %n must be a dimension, dimensioned variable or relation. (PHYS00) %n must be a dimension, dimensioned variable, or relation.
36313 (PHYS03) The VALUE option of PHYSICAL cannot be applied to a variable. (PHYS03) The VALUE option of the PHYSICAL clause cannot be applied to a variable.
36315 (PHYS04) You must specify the VALUE option for scalar relation %n. (PHYS04) Specify a VALUE option for scalar relation %n.
36324 (PPNLSOPT00) %a %v %s\n'%1p' is not a legal value for the %2p option. The previous value was retained. (PPNLSOPT00) %a %v %s\n'%1p' is not a valid value for the %2p option. The previous value was retained.
36338 (SNSYN128) The format of the TO_NUMBER function is:\n \n TO_NUMBER(value [format] [{option optionvalue}...]) (SNSYN128) invalid TO_NUMBER function syntax
36342 (SNSYN200) The format of the CLEAR command is:\n \n CLEAR [ ALL | STATUS ] [ AGGREGATES | CHANGES | PRECOMPUTES | NONPRECOMPUTES | CACHE ] FROM var1 [var2, var3...] [USING aggmap] (SNSYN200) Invalid CLEAR command syntax.
36344 (SNSYN272) The format of the AGGREGATION function is:\n \n AGGREGATION(dimension-value [dimension-value ...]) [OPERATOR operatorname [WEIGHT | WEIGHTBY weightvar]] (SNSYN272) invalid AGGREGATION function syntax
36346 (SNSYN338) The format of the TRUNC function is:\n \n TRUNC(expression1 [, expression2]) (SNSYN338) invalid TRUNC function syntax
36348 (SNSYN339) The format of the CEIL function is:\n \n CEIL(number) (SNSYN339) invalid CEIL function syntax
36350 (SNSYN340) The format of the FLOOR function is:\n \n FLOOR(number) (SNSYN340) invalid FLOOR function syntax
36352 (SNSYN341) The format of the ADD_MONTHS function is:\n \n ADD_MONTHS(date, number of months) (SNSYN341) Invalid ADD_MONTHS function syntax.
36354 (SNSYN342) The format of the LAST_DAY function is:\n \n LAST_DAY(date) (SNSYN342) Invalid LAST_DAY function syntax.
36356 (SNSYN343) The format of the MONTHS_BETWEEN function is:\n \n MONTHS_BETWEEN(date, date) (SNSYN343) Invalid MONTHS_BETWEEN function syntax.
36358 (SNSYN344) The format of the NEW_TIME function is:\n \n NEW_TIME(date, zone, new zone) (SNSYN344) invalid NEW_TIME function syntax
36393 (XSMXCLEA03) When using the AGGREGATES, CHANGES or CACHE options, you must specify the ALL keyword. (XSMXCLEA03) When using the AGGREGATES, CHANGES or CACHE options, specify the ALL keyword.
36395 (XSMXCLEA05) To CLEAR ALL AGGREGATES from %n, you must specify an AGGMAP. (XSMXCLEA05) To CLEAR ALL AGGREGATES from %n, specify an AGGMAP.
36610 (XSLMS00) Unable to locate a message file for OLAP message: %k (XSLMS00) Unable to locate a message file for Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) message %k.
36635 (XSDUNION03) The base dimension %j has an invalid datatype for use in a UNIQUE concat definition. (XSDUNION03) The base dimension %j has an invalid data type for use in a UNIQUE concat definition.
36639 (XSDUNION18) %a %j %j %v\nUNIQUE cannot be applied to this concat dimension because leaves %1p and %2p share the value %3p. (XSDUNION18) %a %j %j %v\nUNIQUE cannot be applied to this concat dimension because LEAVES %1p and %2p share the value %3p.
36640 (XSDUNION19) %a %j %j\nConcat dimension %1p cannot be changed to UNIQUE because base dimension %2p does not have a TEXT or ID datatype. (XSDUNION19) %a %j %j\nConcat dimension %1p cannot be changed to UNIQUE because base dimension %2p does not have a TEXT or ID data type.
36663 (XSDPART01) You must specify a dimension list when defining a PARTITION TEMPLATE. (XSDPART01) specify a dimension list when defining a PARTITION TEMPLATE
36664 (XSDPART02) You must specify a partitioning method and one or more partition dimensions when defining a PARTITION TEMPLATE. (XSDPART02) defined a PARTITION TEMPLATE without a PARTITION BY clause
36665 (XSDPART03) %q is not in the dimension list of the PARTITION TEMPLATE. (XSDPART03) %q is not in the dimension list of the partition template.
36667 (XSDPART05) %t is not a legal CONCAT partition. (XSDPART05) %t is not a valid CONCAT partition.
36668 (XSDPART06) %t is not a legal RANGE partition. (XSDPART06) %t is not a valid RANGE partition.
36669 (XSDPART07) %t is not a legal LIST partition. (XSDPART07) %t is not a valid LIST partition.
36671 (XSDPART09) Leaves of %q have different datatypes. A partition dimension cannot have more than one datatype when RANGE partitioning is used. (XSDPART09) Leaves of %q have different data types.
36672 (XSDPART10) A RANGE or LIST PARTITION TEMPLATE can only have a single partition dimension. (XSDPART10) A RANGE or LIST partition template can only have a single partition dimension.
36675 (XSDPART13) A RANGE or LIST PARTITION TEMPLATE cannot have a conjoint for its partition dimension. (XSDPART13) A RANGE or LIST partition template cannot have a conjoint for its partition dimension.
36677 (XSDPART15) %a %v %v\nDuplicate value in value lists of %1p and %2p (XSDPART15) %a %v %v\nDuplicate value in value lists of %1p and %2p.
36680 (XSDPART18) %j is not a dimension of the PARTITION TEMPLATE. (XSDPART18) %j is not a dimension of the partition template.
36684 (XSDPART22) %a %j %j\nYou cannot rename values of DIMENSION %1p because it is the partition dimension of RANGE PARTITION TEMPLATE %2p (XSDPART22) %a %j %j\ncannot rename values of DIMENSION %1p because it is the partition dimension of RANGE PARTITION TEMPLATE %2p
36691 (NTEXTCNV02) Invalid escape sequence in argument to UNISTR function: %i. (NTEXTCNV02) invalid escape sequence in argument to UNISTR function: %i
36698 (XSRELTBL03) QDR dimension %j should be in the dimension list that dimensions the relation. (XSRELTBL03) QDR dimension %j is not in the dimension list that dimensions the relation.
36762 (XSLANGDM02) %a %s %J %s\nYou cannot modify the %1p property of %2p because analytic workspace %3p is attached in MULTI mode. (XSLANGDM02) %a %s %J %s\nCannot modify the %1p property of %2p because analytic workspace %3p is attached in multiwriter mode.
36779 Invalid parameter value. invalid parameter value specified for OLAP_PAGE_POOL_SIZE
36783 Directory alias used in %s does not exist, or you do not have sufficient privileges to access it. Directory alias used in %s does not exist, or there are insufficient access privileges.
36930 Cannot start a recursive call to Oracle OLAP because a ROLLBACK past an UPDATE to an attached analytic workspace has been performed. Cannot start a recursive call to Oracle Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) because a ROLLBACK past an UPDATE to an attached analytic workspace was performed.
36940 (XSDPENG00) You cannot apply the PARTITION function to %j because it is not a partition template. (XSDPENG00) The PARTITION function cannot be applied to %j because it is not a partition template.
36950 (XSFCAST22) %a %s %d %d\nThe list of %1p values cannot have more than %2p members. You supplied %3p. (XSFCAST22) %a %s %d %d\nThe list of %1p values cannot have more than %2p members. %3p were supplied.
36952 (XSFCAST23) You cannot specify a cycle number when querying the %s forecasting option. (XSFCAST23) cannot specify a cycle number when querying the %s forecasting option
36954 (XSFCAST24) %a %d %d\nThe cycle number must be between 1 and %1p. You specified %2p. (XSFCAST24) %a %d %d\nThe cycle number must be between 1 and %1p. You specified %2p.
36956 (XSFCAST25) There are only %d PERIODICITY values. You cannot specify more OFFSET values. (XSFCAST25) There are only %d PERIODICITY values. You cannot specify more OFFSET values.
36958 (XSFCAST26) %a %d %d %d\nThe OFFSET value for cycle %1p cannot be greater than the cycle's PERIODICITY, which is %2p. You specified %3p. (XSFCAST26) %a %d %d %d\nThe OFFSET value for cycle %1p cannot be greater than the cycle's PERIODICITY, which is %2p. You specified %3p.
36960 (XSFCAST27) %a %s %d\nThe value of the %1p expression must be an odd number. You specified %2p. (XSFCAST27) %a %s %d\nThe value of the %1p expression must be an odd number. You specified %2p.
36967 (XSRELTBL18) Invalid INHIERARCHY valueset %q. (XSRELTBL18) invalid INHIERARCHY valueset %q
36968 (XSRELTBL11) Invalid relation %q. (XSRELTBL11) invalid relation %q
36969 (XSRELTBL19) Merged family relation cannot take INHIERARCHY option. (XSRELTBL19) A merged family relation cannot take the INHIERARCHY option.
36971 (XSRELTBL19) Merged family relation cannot take LEVELORDER option. (XSRELTBL19) A merged family relation cannot take the LEVELORDER option.
36972 (XSRELTBL13) %a %n %j\nRelation %1p must be dimensioned by %2p. (XSRELTBL13) %a %n %j\nrelation %1p must be dimensioned by %2p
36975 (XSRELTBL15) You must specify a USING clause naming a relation with same level dimension as LEVELORDER valueset %n. (XSRELTBL15) The USING clause did not name a relation with the same level dimension as LEVELORDER valueset %n.
36976 (XSRELGID00) Invlid GROUPINGID destination relation or variable %q. (XSRELGID00) invalid GROUPINGID destination relation or variable %q
36978 (XSRELGID01) %n must be a self-relation. (XSRELGID01) %n must be a self-relation
36983 (XSRELGID20) The groupingid relation %n repeats. (XSRELGID20) The GROUPLINGID relation %n appears more than once.
36989 (XSRELGID23) GROUPSET and ROLLUP options in GROUPINGID require the destination relation. (XSRELGID23) GROUPSET and ROLLUP options in GROUPINGID require a destination relation.
36991 (XSRELGID08) The level relation and level order valueset provide inconsistent level mappings. (XSRELGID08) The level relation and level order valueset provide inconsistent level mappings.
36992 (XSRELGID09) A level relation is needed to produce a surrogate dimension gid. (XSRELGID09) A level relation is needed to produce a surrogate dimension Group ID (GID).
36993 (XSRELGID10) OBJECT %j must be a VARIABLE, RELATION, or a numeric SURROGATE DIMENSION based on the level dimension %j. (XSRELGID10) %a %j %j\nOBJECT %1p must be a SURROGATE DIMENSION based on the level dimension %2p.
36995 (XSRELGID12) There are duplicate values in the surrogate dimension gid. Use the levelorder option to resolve the ambiguity. (XSRELGID12) There are duplicate values in the surrogate dimension GID. Use the INHIERARCHY option to resolve the ambiguity.
36996 (XSRELGID13) Valueset %n should be defined over dimension %j. (XSRELGID13) %a %n %j\nValueset %1p should be defined over dimension %2p.
36997 (XSRELGID14) For variable or relation grouping ids, a level relation is needed when a level order valueset is specified. (XSRELGID14) For variable or relation grouping IDs, a level relation is needed when a LEVELORDER valueset is specified.
36998 (XSRELGID15) LEVEL ORDER VALUESET %n and LEVEL RELATION %n have the different level dimensions. (XSRELGID15) %a %n %n\nLEVELORDER valueset %1p and level relation %2p do not have the same level dimension.
36999 (XSRELGID16) OBJECT %n is not a surrogate dimension, a source relation must be specified when creating any non-surrogate grouping id. (XSRELGID16) OBJECT %n is not a surrogate dimension. A source relation must be specified when creating any non-surrogate grouping id.
37026 (XSMLTRESYNC01) %a %j %j\nObject %1p cannot be resynced without dimension %2p. (XSMLTRESYNC01) %a %j %j\nObject %1p cannot be resynchronized without dimension %2p.
37027 (XSMLTRESYNC02) %a %j %j\nObject %1p cannot be resynced without modified object %2p because they share a modified composite dimension. (XSMLTRESYNC02) %a %j %j\nObject %1p cannot be resynchronized without modified object %2p because they share a modified composite dimension.
37030 (XSMLTMAINT01) You cannot maintain %j because it is not ACQUIRED. (XSMLTMAINT01) cannot maintain %j because it is not acquired
37031 (XSMLTMAINT02) You cannot DELETE values of dimension %j in MULTI mode. (XSMLTMAINT02) cannot DELETE values of dimension %j in MULTI mode
37032 (XSMLTMAINT03) You cannot MAINTAIN partition template %j in MULTI mode. (XSMLTMAINT03) cannot MAINTAIN partition template %j in MULTI mode
37035 (XSMLTDCL01) You can only DEFINE SESSION objects in analytic workspace %s because it is attached in MULTI mode. (XSMLTDCL01) can only DEFINE SESSION objects in analytic workspace %s because it is attached in MULTI mode
37036 (XSMLTDCL02) You cannot DELETE objects in analytic workspace %s because it is attached in MULTI mode. (XSMLTDCL02) Cannot DELETE objects in analytic workspace %s because it is attached in MULTI mode.
37037 (XSMLTDCL03) You cannot RENAME objects in analytic workspace %s because it is attached in MULTI mode. (XSMLTDCL03) cannot RENAME objects in analytic workspace %s because it is attached in MULTI mode
37038 (XSMLTDCL04) You cannot change definitions of objects in analytic workspace %s because it is attached in MULTI mode. (XSMLTDCL04) cannot change definitions of objects in analytic workspace %s because they are attached in MULTI mode
37039 (XSMLTDCL05) You cannot maintain triggers in analytic workspace %s because it is attached in MULTI mode. (XSMLTDCL05) cannot maintain triggers in analytic workspace %s because they are attached in MULTI mode
37050 (XSMLTDCL06) %a %n %s\nYou cannot use the RELATION command with %1p because analytic workspace %2p is attached in MULTI mode. (XSMLTDCL06) %a %n %s\ncannot use the RELATION command with %1p because analytic workspace %2p is attached in MULTI mode
37075 (XSMCSESS03) You cannot rename a session-only dimension value. (XSMCSESS03) A session-only dimension value cannot be renamed.
37079 (XSMCSESS07) Aggmap %j cannot be used for AGGREGATE. (XSMCSESS07) The specified aggmap %j cannot be used for AGGREGATE.
37082 Invalid percent invalid percent specified for pre-computation
37083 Invalid object %s advice requested for invalid object %s
37103 (XSVPART03) The dimensionality or datatype of %q does not match the dimensionality or datatype of the partition. (XSVPART03) The dimensionality or data type of %q does not match the dimensionality or data type of the partition.
37106 (XSVPART06) Invalid partition name %v. (XSVPART06) invalid partition name %v
37107 (XSVPART07) Attempt to write to non-existent partition of %j. (XSVPART07) Attempted to write to non-existent partition of %j.
37111 Unable to load the OLAP API sharable library: (%s) unable to load the OLAP API sharable library: (%s)
37114 OLAP API bootstrap error: (%s) Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) API bootstrap error: (%s)
37115 New OLAP API history is not allowed New OLAP API history is not allowed.
37117 olapi history retention has been disabled Oracle Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) API (OLAPI) history retention has been disabled.
37118 The OLAP API library was not preloaded. The Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) application programming library (API) was not preloaded.
37119 Incompatible OLAP API library load address Incompatible Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) application programming interface (API) library load address.
37123 (XSCCOMP17) %a %j %v %v\nCan not AGGREGATE %1p(partition %2p) because it depends on unaggregated compressed partition %3p. (XSCCOMP17) %a %j %v %v\nCannot AGGREGATE %1p(partition %2p) because it depends on unaggregated compressed partition %3p.
37126 (XSCCOMP01) The COMPRESSED COMPOSITE %j can only be used as a base of a single variable. (XSCCOMP01) The COMPRESSED COMPOSITE %j can only be used as the base of a single variable.
37127 (XSCCOMP02) The COMPRESSED COMPOSITE %j must be last in the dimension list. (XSCCOMP02) The compressed composite %j must be last in the dimension list.
37129 (XSCCOMP04) %a %j %j\nCannot aggregate over COMPRESSED COMPOSITE %1p using AGGMAP %2p. All static MODEL statements must precede all RELATION statements over the bases of the COMPRESSED COMPOSITE. (XSCCOMP04) %a %j %j\nCannot aggregate over COMPRESSED COMPOSITE %1p using AGGMAP %2p. All static MODEL statements must precede all RELATION statements over the bases of the COMPRESSED COMPOSITE.
37133 (XSCCOMP08) You cannot write into an aggregated VARIABLE dimensioned by a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE. Use the CLEAR AGGREGATES command to reenable write access. (XSCCOMP08) cannot write into an aggregated VARIABLE dimensioned by a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE
37134 (XSCCOMP09) You cannot add new values to %j because it includes positions for precomputed aggregate values. (XSCCOMP09) cannot add new values to %j because it includes positions for precomputed aggregate values
37135 (XSCCOMP19) %a %j\nThe COMPRESSED COMPOSITE %1p in the current defined partition template should be unique or global. (XSCCOMP19) %a %j\nThe compressed composite %1p in the current defined partition template should be unique or global.
37136 (XSCCOMP11) %a %j %j\nCannot ROLLUP dimension %1p which is a base of COMPRESSED COMPOSITE %2p, use AGGREGATE instead. (XSCCOMP11) %a %j %j\nCannot ROLLUP dimension %1p which is a base of COMPRESSED COMPOSITE %2p. Use AGGREGATE instead.
37137 (XSCCOMP12) %a %j\nYou cannot CHGDFN %1p because it is a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE. (XSCCOMP12) %a %j\ncannot CHGDFN %1p because it is a compressed composite
37138 (XSCCOMP13) You cannot delete values from %j because it is an aggregated COMPRESSED COMPOSITE. (XSCCOMP13) You cannot delete values from %j because it is an aggregated compressed composite.
37139 (XSCCOMP14) %a %j %j\nCannot AGGREGATE %1p using AGGMAP %2p because you can not AGGREGATE a variable dimensioned by a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE using an AGGMAP with a PROTECT clause. (XSCCOMP14) %a %j %j\nCannot AGGREGATE %1p using aggmap %2p because you cannot AGGREGATE a variable dimensioned by a COMPRESSED COMPOSITE using an aggmap with a PROTECT clause.
37145 (XSTTS_PLAT) Cannot transport analytic workspace across platforms. (XSTTS_PLAT) cannot transport analytic workspace across platforms
37146 (XSCCOMP18) %a %j %j\nThe variable %1p is already dimensioned by the COMPRESSED COMPOSITE %2p. (XSCCOMP18) %a %j %j\nThe variable %1p is already dimensioned by the compressed composite %2p.
37149 (XSCCOMP23) %a %j\nIndividual partitions of the variable dimensiond by %1p cannot be aggregated separately. (XSCCOMP23) %a %j\nIndividual partitions of the variable dimensioned by %1p cannot be aggregated separately.
37157 expression syntax error was found in expression string but error text was missing Error text is missing for the expression syntax error.
37158 Bad clob or varray IN-args: (case %s) bad clob or varray IN-args: (case %s)
37159 C++ virtual table addresses become invalid due to session migration in shared server mode. OLAPI operations cannot be performed because OLAPI C++ virtual table addresses have become invalid.
37161 invalid privilege specified for OLAP object invalid privilege specified for Oracle OLAP object
37163 cannot delete or truncate AW with dependent CUBES or CUBE DIMENSIONS An analytic workspace with dependent CUBES or CUBE DIMENSIONS cannot be deleted or truncated.
37172 illegal dimension type invalid dimension type
37183 illegal value %s for PARTBY invalid value %s for PARTBY
37184 illegal value %s for ADVMODE invalid value %s for ADVMODE
37409 cannot delete or truncate AW used by CUBE ORGANIZED table Cannot delete or truncate analytic workspace used by CUBE ORGANIZED table.
37521 (HASHSCAN00) Dimension %s contains duplicate values. Please contact Oracle OLAP Technical Support. (HASHSCAN00) Dimension %s contains duplicate values. Contact Oracle OLAP Technical Support.
37552 (XSHIERSP06) DIMENSION_MEMBER is associated with a level not found in the levelorder valueset. (XSHIERSP06) One or more dimension members are associated with a level not found in the LEVELORDER valueset.
37600 (XSPGERRPERMDETACH) Ran out of tablespace storage while updating analytic workspace %s (XSPGERRPERMDETACH) ran out of tablespace storage while updating analytic workspace %s
37601 (XSPGERRTEMP) Ran out of temporary storage while writing to analytic workspace with ID=%d. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by DETACHING an analytic workspace. (XSPGERRTEMP) Ran out of temporary storage while writing to analytic workspace with ID=%d.
37602 (XSPGERRTEMPUSER) Ran out of temporary storage while writing to analytic workspace %s. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by DETACHING an analytic workspace. (XSPGERRTEMPUSER) Ran out of temporary storage while writing to analytic workspace %s. Free some temporary storage by detaching an analytic workspace.
37603 (XSPGERRTEMPSYSTEM) Ran out of temporary storage while writing to a system temporary analytic workspace. Free some temporary storage immediately. You can do so, for example, by DETACHING an analytic workspace. (XSPGERRTEMPSYSTEM) Ran out of temporary storage while writing to a system temporary analytic workspace. Free some temporary storage immediately by DETACHING an analytic workspace.
37604 (XSPGERRPQUPD) Parallel updating analytic workspace %s failed (XSPGERRPQUPD) Parallel updating analytic workspace %s failed.
37999 Serious OLAP error: %s. Please contact Oracle Technical Support. Serious Oracle OLAP error: %s.
38013 CBO disable delayed ANY=>EXISTS conversion for colocated subquery of CTAS CBO disable delayed ANY=>EXISTS conversion for colocated subquery that is executed remotely.
38015 CBO enable unnesting of more than one subquery based on CVM CBO enable unnesting of more than one subquery when the outer query block has a complex view.
38061 CBO disable unnest of a subquery with WITH subqueries CBO disable unnest of a subquery with a WITH clause
38066 NSO regulate unnesting, semijoin elimination for IN and EXISTS subqueries with a view NSO regulate unnesting, semijoin-elimination for IN and EXISTS subqueries with a view.
38304 missing or invalid user name Missing or invalid user name.
38347 join group cannot be created join group (%s) cannot be created
38348 join group cannot be dropped join group (%s) cannot be dropped
38349 join group cannot be altered join group (%s) cannot be altered
38351 join group not supported on abstract data type columns join group (%s) not supported on abstract data type columns
38430 not supported in the current release. is not supported in the current release.
38470 cannot revoke a privilege that was not granted. A proxy connection cannot be revoked if it was not granted first.
38601 FI Not enough memory for frequent itemset counting: %s Not enough memory for frequent itemset counting: %s
38605 FI not enough memory(%sK) for candidate generation(%sK) Not enough memory for candidate generation
38609 FI Not enough memory for tree counting, requires at least %sKB Not enough memory for tree counting, requires at least %sKB
38821 unsupported DBMS_SQL Edition operation unsupported DBMS_SQL edition operation
38824 A CREATE OR REPLACE command may not change the EDITIONABLE property of an existing object. A CREATE OR REPLACE command cannot change the EDITIONABLE property of the following object: '%s'.
39087 directory name %s is invalid Directory name %s is invalid.
39088 file name cannot contain a path specification File name cannot contain a path specification.
39140 belongs to job %s belongs to job %s.
39143 may be an original export dump file The file may be an original export dump file.
39144 file name parameter must be specified and non-null The file name parameter must be specified and non-null.
39159 cannot call this function from a non-Data Pump process Cannot call this function from a non-Oracle Data Pump process
39182 internal error %s occurred during compression phase %s\n Internal error %s occurred during compression phase %s\n.
39183 internal error %s ocurred during decompression phase %s\n internal error %s occurred during decompression phase %s\n
39219 directory object name is too long The directory object name is too long.
39252 Importing a SecureFile LOB with metadata or archived SecureFile LOB into a BasicFile LOB is not allowed Importing a SECUREFILE LOB with metadata or archived SECUREFILE LOB into a BASICFILE LOB is not valid.
39321 Cannot alter functional index or virtual expression column: %s cannot alter functional index or virtual or materialzed expression column: %s
39337 Data Pump Auto Retry Count event Information: Data Pump Auto Retry Count event was set
39342 Internal error - failed to import internal objects tagged with %s due to %s. Data Pump did not import dependent objects for %s due to the previous error %s.
39398 was created in TEST_MODE. was created in TEST_MODE
39403 typeid mismatch type identifier mismatch
39439 Warning: cannot process blockchain tables in transportable jobs or over a network link. Warning: cannot process blockchain tables in transportable jobs or over a network link
39510 CRS error performing %s on %s \'%s\' on \'%s\'\n%s A CRS error occurred performing action \'%s\' on %s \'%s\' of database \'%s\'\n%s.
39706 schema '%s' not found Schema '%s' is not found.
39707 compatibile parameter %s too high for downgrade to %s compatible parameter %s too high for downgrade to %s
39710 The database mode conflicts with the connection type. database in upgrade or downgrade mode, only SYSDBA and SYSOPER connections are allowed
39712 XE edition server cannot open database database cannot be opened by an Oracle Database Free server
39777 data saves are not allowed when loading lob columns data saves are not allowed when loading LOB columns
40107 operation requires %s option to be installed operation requires %s RDBMS option to be installed
40122 invalid data type for row weights column %s. Invalid data type attempted for row weights column %s.
40125 partition %s does not exist Partition %s does not exist.
40128 partition %s exists for partition keys specified partition %s already exists for specified partition keys
40136 maximum number of partition columns exceeded Number of partitioned columns %s exceeded the maximum of 16 permitted partitioned columns.
40209 setting %s is invalid for %s function setting %s is invalid for function %s
40217 priors table mismatched with training data priors table mismatch with training data
40220 maximum number of attributes exceeded number of attributes is too high
40221 maximum target cardinality exceeded Too many distinct target values.
40236 maximum number of aggregates exceeded number of aggregates %s exceeded the maximum of permitted of 10
40254 priors or weights cannot be specified for one-class models Priors or weights cannot be specified for one-class models.
40294 model is corrupted corrupted model
40361 only SELECT and ALTER are valid for mining models invalid object privilege specified for the mining model
40362 invalid object %s.%s specified in the statement specified in the GRANT statement
40363 GRANT failed: user SYS always has SYSOPER and SYSDBA An attempt to grant administrative privileges to SYS user failed.
40365 The SYS user cannot be locked while the password file is in its current format. cannot lock SYS user in current password file format
40402 cannot output U matrix without a valid case identifier column Cannot output U matrix without a valid case identifier column.
40423 Extraction of tokens from text failed Extraction of tokens from text failed.
40450 invalid ON ERROR clause invalid or unsupported ON ERROR option
40455 default value not a literal value for DEFAULT clause not a constant
40456 JSON_VALUE evaluated to non-scalar value JSON path '%s' evaluated to non-scalar value.
40462 JSON_VALUE evaluated to no value JSON path '%s' evaluated to no value.
40464 JSON PASSING clause contained duplicate variable names JSON PASSING clause contained duplicate variable name '%s'.
40465 JSON PASSING clause contained too many unnamed parameters Multivalue index processing error.
40468 first input parameter to JSON_TEXTCONTAINS() must be a column First input parameter to JSON_TEXTCONTAINS() must be a column.
40470 JSON_VALUE evaluated to multiple values JSON query '%s' evaluated to multiple values.
40472 invalid escape in JSON data invalid escape sequence in JSON data
40473 duplicate key names in JSON object duplicate key names '%s' in JSON object
40480 result cannot be returned without array wrapper JSON array wrapper needed for result of JSON query '%s'
40481 ASCII or PRETTY not supported for non-textual return data type ASCII or PRETTY not supported for non-textual return data type.
40482 JSON_TEXTCONTAINS() used outside predicate of WHERE clause JSON_TEXTCONTAINS used outside of the predicate of a WHERE clause.
40484 invalid data type for JSON_TABLE column invalid data type for JSON_TABLE column '%s'
40486 array wrapper not valid for this column array wrapper not valid for column %s
40497 only one ordinality column permitted Only one ordinality column is permitted.
40500 General event for JSON operations general event for JSON operations
40554 invalid input data type in PASSING clause invalid input data type in PASSING clause for variable '%s'
40555 incorrect PASSING clause bind variable missing in PASSING clause
40556 unsupported chaining of JSON_TABLE unsupported chaining of two JSON_TABLE expressions
40561 invalid path in JSON_TABLE nested path clause invalid path '%s' in JSON_TABLE NESTED PATH clause
40563 default value not allowed for object types. default value not allowed for object types
40564 Invalid JSON specification. invalid JSON specification
40567 JSON patch operation failed. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) patch operation failed.
40568 Cannot modify read-only target. cannot modify read-only target
40571 JSON key name not found. JSON key name '%s' not found.
40572 Invalid JSON array position. Invalid JSON array position %s.
40577 invalid key name invalid key name '%s'
40578 invalid or non-existent array position invalid or nonexistent array position %s
40579 star expansion is not allowed wildcard star expansion '*' not allowed
40589 path '%s' does not exist Path '%s' does not exist.
40590 invalid format invalid or unsupported FORMAT clause
40591 empty data guide on json column empty data guide on JSON column
40596 error occurred in JSON processing %s An internal error occurred when evaluating the JSON operation (%s).
40597 JSON path expression syntax error ('%s')%s\nat position %s JSON path expression syntax error ('%s')
40598 JSON path expression contained an invalid array index ('%s')%s\nat position %s JSON path expression contained an invalid array index ('%s').
40600 JSON_EQUAL used outside predicate JSON_EQUAL used outside of a predicate
40605 Invalid value for OCI_ATTR_SODA_FETCH_ARRAY_SIZE attribute. invalid value for OCI_ATTR_SODA_FETCH_ARRAY_SIZE attribute
40656 Variable in JSON path expression has no value in PASSING clause. Variable '%s' in JSON path expression has no value in PASSING clause.
40662 Document cannot be null for this operation. Document cannot be NULL for this operation.
40667 Patch operation cannot destroy JSON_ELEMENT_T type. Patch operation cannot remove JSON_ELEMENT_T type.
40680 invalid identifier used for path expression in JSON_TABLE when expecting a path expression in JSON_TABLE
40681 OCI_SODA_AS_STORED cannot be used if the content column type is JSON, CLOB, or VARCHAR2. OCI_SODA_AS_STORED cannot be used if the content column type is CLOB, or VARCHAR2.
40688 date or time stamp string value does not conform to ISO 8601 format The date or time stamp string value does not conform to ISO 8601 format.
40750 Column of LOB type cannot be used for sorting. Column of Large Object (LOB) type cannot be used for sorting.
40762 missing value in JSON_TRANSFORM (%s) missing value in JSON_TRANSFORM
40763 existing value in JSON_TRANSFORM (%s) value already exists in JSON_TRANSFORM
40764 invalid option in ON EXISTING clause invalid option in ON EXISTING clause for path %s
40765 invalid option in ON MISSING clause invalid option in ON MISSING clause for path %s
40766 error in JSON_TRANSFORM execution (%s) error in JSON_TRANSFORM execution
40768 field with this name does not exist (%s) field with name '%s' does not exist
40769 selected value not a JSON array value not a JSON array
40781 buffer underflow during the execution of OCIJson function\n%s A buffer underflow occurred during the execution of OCI JSON function \n%s.
40782 invalid parameter value '%s' specified for the OCIJson function call Invalid parameter value '%s' was specified for an OCI JSON function call.
40783 invalid binary JSON data\n%s invalid binary JSON data \n%s
40786 JSON_VALUE evaluated to non-Boolean value JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) path expression evaluated to a non-Boolean value.
40788 JSON_TRANSFORM insert operation contains invalid path JSON_TRANSFORM function INSERT operation contains invalid path (%s)
40789 JSON_TRANSFORM operation not supported JSON_TRANSFORM operation invalid or not supported
40791 invalid option in ON NULL clause invalid option for ON NULL clause in JSON_TRANSFORM
40794 Warning of a NULL or empty input. warning: empty input
40797 Error occurred during conversion of OCIJson descriptor to textual JSON\n%s. An error occurred during conversion of the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) JSON descriptor to textual JSON\n%s.
40798 Boolean conversion not supported for data type Boolean conversion is not supported for the specified data type.
40800 cannot create a JSON_VALUE functional index with predicates in the path expression Cannot create a JSON_VALUE functional index with a predicate ending the path expression.
40804 Warning of an operation on an empty JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) descriptor. operation on an empty JSON descriptor
40806 Warning of replacement characters in the converted textual JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) due to bad character data in the source.\n%s warning of replacement characters in the converted textual JSON due to bad character data in the source\n%s
40811 cannot perform piece-wise write operation on a LOB column with persistent binary JSON data piecewise write operation failed on a LOB column with persistent binary JSON
40814 selected value not a JSON object selected value not a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) object
40816 invalid JSON key name invalid JSON key name %s
40820 cannot set LOCK on the operation if SKIP or LIMIT attributes are set Cannot set LOCK attribute on the operation if SKIP or LIMIT attributes are set.
40830 ROWID not a valid JSON_TABLE column ROWID is not a valid JSON_TABLE column.
40843 Multiple KEEP operations in JSON_TRANSFORM Multiple KEEP operations used in JSON_TRANSFORM.
40844 cannot create a multivalue index having array step with position greater than zero in the path expression invalid array step in JSON multivalue index path expression '%s'
40845 failed to create object (%s) failed to create object
40850 cannot create a composite multivalue index on sibling arrays cannot create a composite JSON multivalue index on nested sibling paths '%s' and '%s'
40851 cannot create a composite multivalue index with ordinality column that is not the last column in the index Cannot create a composite multivalue index with ordinality column that is not the last column in the index.
40853 multivalue index must be created with ERROR ON ERROR, NULL ON EMPTY and NULL ON MISMATCH. Multi-Value Index (MVI) must be created with ERROR ON ERROR, NULL ON EMPTY and NULL ON MISMATCH.
40869 invalid value for SAMPLE percentage attribute. SAMPLE percentage attribute value must be in the range .000001 to, but not including, 100.
40870 invalid value for SAMPLE seed attribute. SAMPLE seed attribute value must be between -1 and 4,294,967,295.
41009 Session with session number %s, serial number %s does not exist Migration failed because session number %s, serial number %s does not exist.
41011 Operation failed for session id %s, serial number %s migrate operation for session id %s, serial number %s failed
41012 Migration not allowed for session number %s, serial number %s session number %s, serial number %s cannot be migrated
41014 Session number %s, serial number %s currently being migrated session number %s with serial number %s is already being migrated
41019 Session begin at the destination instance failed Session begin at the destination instance failed.
41436 Network interruption for dynamic SO update Network interruption for dynamic state object update.
41439 Planned (Smart) Failover Debug Tracing Planned failover with Application Continuity tracing control event.
41447 disable Planned (Smart) Failover feature Disable planned failover with Application Continuity during maintenance.
41459 The request has committed and cannot reenable with FAILOVER_TYPE = TRANSACTION. The request is committed. It cannot re-enable in the same request when using Application Continuity (FAILOVER_TYPE = TRANSACTION).
41460 The request cannot reenable replay because of unrestorable session state with FAILOVER_TYPE = AUTO. Transparent Application Continuity cannot enable replay because unrestorable session state exists.
41461 The request cannot reenable replay because of open cursors with FAILOVER_TYPE = AUTO. Transparent Application Continuity (TAC) cannot re-enable at an implicit boundary because cursors have been left open in fetch.
41462 Application Continuity is not enabled. Oracle Application Continuity (FAILOVER_TYPE = TRANSACTION) is not enabled on your session.
41463 The application has request boundaries but Application Continuity is not enabled. The application has request boundaries. However, replay by Oracle Application Continuity did not enable.
41466 Automatically disable ACCHK tracing Set the upper limit of Application Continuity Protection Check (ACCHK) collection time.
41802 invalid JSON format as plan parameter invalid JSON format for NOTIFICATION
41803 value of plan parameter %s is empty value of NOTIFICATION parameter %s is empty
41804 plan parameter %s not set NOTIFICATION parameter %s not set
42023 compatibility of AQ table must be release 8.1.x or later Compatibility of an AQ table must be Oracle Database release 8.1.x or later.
42077 unsupported column type found in VPD protected object The XML column type is unsupported as a VPD sensitive column.
42092 with automatic CDR enabled with online redefinition
42288 may not create a schema synonym for the specified schema cannot create a schema synonym for the SYS or SYSTEM schemas
42289 may not rename specified user cannot rename the specified user
42291 schema synonym '%s' does not exist does not exist
42294 role name conflicts with another user, role or schema synonym name role name conflicts with another user, role, or schema synonym name
42296 user, role or schema synonym '%s' does not exist does not exist.
42297 cannot drop a schema synonym for a schema of a user who is currently connected cannot drop a schema synonym for the schema of a user who is currently connected
42299 internal error occurred while dropping user An error occurred while dropping the database user.
42800 ) is already attached to existing shared context-sensitive policies with the specified policy function %s.%s. .
42803 Cannot use bind variable in VERSIONS clause when the object has a Row-Level Security (RLS) policy defined on it. cannot use bind variable in VERSIONS clause when the object has a VPD row-level security policy
42804 The operation can disclose rows protected by VPD policy. The operation can disclose rows protected by row-level security policy.
42900 OLS policy creation not allowed in application root. cannot create an OLS policy in an application root
42901 Cannot apply OLS policy on common or application objects. cannot apply OLS policy on common objects
42903 Cannot assign OLS authorizations to common or application users. An OLS privilege for a policy cannot be set for a common user.
42904 full table access is restricted by Oracle Label Security Full table access is restricted by Oracle Label Security.
42905 Oracle Label Security is not supported for an external table. Cannot apply an OLS policy on an external table.
42906 Cannot assign a non-existing OLS data label as row label. An undefined OLS data label cannot be used as a row label.
42907 cannot apply OLS policy with labeling function. Cannot apply OLS policy with a labeling function when Oracle Database Vault operations control is enabled.
43059 RSA error. See trace output. CRYPTO toolkit error. See trace output.
43861 Provided lob mark offset had been erased LOB mark offset has been erased.
43875 SECUREFILE lobs transformation layer tracing event SecureFile LOBs transformation layer tracing event.
43876 not yet supported not yet supported.
43881 SECUREFILE lobs delta update debugging event SECUREFILE LOB DELTA UPDATE debugging event is invalid.
43882 SECUREFILE LOBs delta update testing event SECUREFILE LOB DELTA UPDATE testing event is invalid.
43883 SECUREFILE LOBs delta update invalid operation Invalid SECUREFILE LOB DELTA UPDATE operation attempted.
43899 SECUREFILE lobs inode tracing event SecureFile LOBs inode tracing event.
43907 This argument must be a literal or bind variable. Argument in DEFAULT ... ON CONVERSION ERROR clause must be a literal or bind variable.
43910 precision is not supported by Validate_Conversion operator precision is not supported for output data type in VALIDATE_CONVERSION operator
44302 NULL network name is not permitted NULL network name is not permitted.
44323 negative <count> '%s' to %s option negative count %s to %s option
44324 no <count> argument to %s option no count argument for %s option
44326 no <symbol> argument to %s option no symbol argument for %s option
44327 no <filename> argument to %s option no file name argument to %s option
44403 invalid value specified for flag parameter Change user id operation failed due to invalid flag parameter.
44404 upicui2 client function requires Oracle server of 10.2 or higher Oracle client version 10.2 requires Oracle server version 10.2 or higher.
44410 XMLAGG function exceeds system limits internal event for XMLAGG evaluation
44411 Invalid ACL: START_DATE cannot be larger than END_DATE for all ACE START_DATE cannot be later than END_DATE for an ACE.
44412 Invalid ACL: Cyclic ACL inheritance is not allowed Cyclic ACL inheritance is not allowed.
44413 Invalid ACL: Security class of parent ACL must be an ancestor of security class of child ACL Security class of parent ACL must be an ancestor of security class of child ACL.
44415 Invalid ACL: Undefined privileges undefined privileges
44416 Invalid ACL: Unresolved principal '%s' invalid ACL: unresolved principal '%s'
44417 Invalid ACL: Invalid ACLID invalid access control list ID (ACLID)
44421 cannot DISALLOW NONSCHEMA without a SCHEMA clause Conflicts are encountered in the SCHEMA clause.
44422 nonschema XML disallowed for this column nonschema XML not allowed for this column
44424 BINARY XML storage requires XML Schema registered for BINARY usage BINARY XML storage requires an XML schema registered for BINARY usage.
44501 QMEL: Too much concurrency. too much concurrency
44502 QMEL: Lock not found. lock not found
44503 QMEL: Lock Denied. The lock request was denied.
44504 Resource Locked by Implicit Lock Resource %s already locked.
44505 QMEL: Invalid arguments. Byte range locks are not supported on resources.
44608 Supplemental logging settings cannot be modified in Oracle Database Express Edition. Supplemental logging settings cannot be modified in Oracle Database Free version.
44700 Language '%s' is not a valid language for a translation Language '%s' is not a valid language for translation.
44701 Language not found for translation language not found for translation
44702 Multiple translations found for language '%s' multiple translations found for language '%s'
44705 Must have xdb:maxOccurs='1' for translated elements Translated elements must have xdb:maxOccurs='1'.
44706 Must have xsd:maxOccurs='unbounded' for translated elements Translated elements must have xsd:maxOccurs='unbounded'.
44707 No source language translation found no source language translation found
44708 Translations not supported for object relational storage Translations are not supported for object relational storage.
44709 Invalid schema definition for translated element invalid schema definition for the translated element
44712 Invalid XPath in XLIFF document used for merging invalid XPath in XLIFF document used for merging
44713 XPath does not select all translations XPath does not select all translations.
44718 Port conflict in XDB Configuration file port conflict in XDB configuration file
44730 XML Index %s is not usable at the moment XML Index %s is not usable at the moment.
44731 Path %s cannot be removed from the repository XML Index Path %s cannot be removed from the repository XML Index.
44732 Path %s cannot be removed from the repository XML Index Path %s cannot be removed from the repository XMLIndex.
44733 The repository XML Index cannot be dropped directly The repository XML Index cannot be dropped directly.
44736 Group name already existed Group name already exists.
44737 Parameter %s did not exist. Parameter %s does not exist.
44738 Group %s did not exist. Group %s does not exist.
44739 Cannot drop the last group. cannot drop the last group in XML Index
44742 Cannot alter columns of a table that is shared by other group(s). cannot alter columns of a table that is shared by other groups
44744 Cannot have more than one drop, add or modify operations in an ALTER INDEX statement. Cannot have more than one add, modify, or drop operation in an ALTER INDEX statement.
44745 Cannot add or drop columns to or from multiple tables. cannot add or drop columns to or from multiple tables
44746 Missing XMLTABLE in GROUP clause. missing XMLTABLE in GROUP clause
44748 Invalid name for GROUP. invalid name for GROUP specification
44749 Missing PATH for the COLUMN. missing PATH for the COLUMN definition
44751 XML schema enumeration index is out of range XML schema enumeration index is out of range.
44752 New element '%s' in complex type '%s' has the same qualified name as another element New element '%s' in complexType '%s' has the same qualified name as another element.
44753 Change to minOccurs attribute of element '%s' is illegal Changing to MINOCCURS attribute of element '%s' is not allowed.
44754 Change to maxOccurs attribute of element '%s' is illegal Changing to MAXOCCURS attribute of element '%s' is not allowed.
44755 Change to complexType property of element '%s' is illegal Change to complexType property of element '%s' is not allowed.
44903 Cannot create hard link to specified resource cannot create hard link to specified resource %s
44904 target path in document link exceeds maximum length Target path %s in document link exceeds the maximum length of %d.
44906 unable to resolve target in document link Unable to resolve target path in document link.
44907 can not delete with incoming hard document links cannot delete resource with incoming hard document links
44908 found a loop in XInclude elements while expanding %s Found a loop in XInclude elements while expanding %s.
44909 href attribute is required within XInclude element HREF attribute is required within an XInclude element.
44910 xpointer not supported within XInclude element XPointer is not supported within an XInclude element.
44911 exceeded maximum depth of nested xinclude expansion Nested XInclude expansion exceeds maximum depth of %d.
44912 invalid or unsupported xpath expression %s The XPath expression %s is invalid or unsupported.
44914 schema XPointer exceeds maximum length Schema XPointer exceeds maximum length.
44916 cannot recursively delete virtual folders Cannot recursively delete virtual folders.
44917 Resources cannot point to resources. References cannot point to resources.
44921 The XPath returns none or more than one node. XPath expression %s selected zero or multiple nodes.
44922 The XPath expression must evaluate to a scalar type. XPath expression %s must evaluate to a scalar type.
45001 SecureFile archive implicit not allowed SECUREFILE LOB archive is not cached.
45419 DB_UNIQUE_NAME parameter must be specified DB_UNIQUE_NAME initialization parameter was not set for a member.
45600 Transparent Sensitive Data Protection (TSDP) internal error Transparent Sensitive Data Protection (TSDP) feature internal error.
45603 Schema %s does not contain table %s. Table %s.%s does not exist.
45605 invalid sensitive type %s An invalid sensitive type %s was provided.
45608 There are no sensitive columns for source %s. There are no sensitive columns associated with source %s.
45612 A Transparent Sensitive Data Protection (TSDP) policy with name %s already exists. A Transparent Sensitive Data Protection (TSDP) policy with the name %s already exists.
45613 invalid Oracle security feature Invalid Transparent Sensitive Data Protection (TSDP) security feature
45615 One or more sensitive column types already exist. One or more sensitive column types already exist in the database.
45618 policy enforcement failure on one or more columns Failed to enable a policy on one or more columns.
45622 warnings generated during policy enforcement Warnings have been generated during the policy enforcement.
45623 There is no policy associated with the sensitive column type. Disabling protection failed during import of sensitive columns.
45626 Dropping of one or more columns from the list failed. Dropping of one or more columns from the sensitive column list failed.
45627 There are no sensitive columns of sensitive column type %s. There is no associated sensitive column(s) of sensitive column type %s.
45628 no policy associated with sensitive column type %s No policy is associated with sensitive column type %s.
45629 policy %s is enabled on one or more columns Policy %s is enabled on one or more columns.
45632 default policy %s cannot be altered The default policy %s cannot be altered.
45633 default policy %s cannot be dropped The default policy %s cannot be dropped.
45635 invalid parameter found: %s An invalid parameter %s has been found.
45637 invalid condition given for policy condition An invalid condition was given for the policy condition.
45639 discovery result cannot be imported The discovery result cannot be imported.
45640 Columns from SYS schema cannot be marked as sensitive. Columns on SYS-owned table cannot be marked as sensitive.
45641 cannot specify SEC_RELEVANT_COLS parameter The SEC_RELEVANT_COLS parameter cannot be specified in TSDP policy.
45643 specified column cannot be marked as sensitive. cannot be marked as sensitive.
45909 restore, recover or block media recovery may be in progress Restore, recover or block media recovery may be in progress.
45913 cannot backup file %s because it belongs to dropped PDB cannot backup data file %s because it belongs to a dropped pluggable database
45918 data file %s is offline: incremental-start SCN is too recent data file %s is offline: incremental start SCN is too recent
45921 event to interrupt a backup job interrupt a backup job
45923 archived log thread %s sequence %s does not exists Archived log thread %s sequence %s does not exist.
45924 multisection archived log backup requires COMPATIBLE %s or greater Multi-section archived log backup requires COMPATIBLE %s or higher.
46001 argument %s is not valid for XS Data Security policies The object type for %s is not valid for RAS policies.
46004 XS Data Security policy is not applied on %s.%s A RAS policy is not enabled on %s.%s.
46005 multiple XS Data Security policies applied on %s.%s Cannot disable RAS policy since there are multiple policies enabled on %s.%s.
46006 cannot mix VPD column and XS column constraint policies cannot mix VPD column policy and Oracle RAS column constraint policy
46007 no XS Data Security policy associated with %s.%s No RAS security policy is associated with database object %s.%s.
46008 multiple XS Data Security policies associated with %s.%s There are multiple RAS policies associated with %s.%s.
46022 Invalid name specified for user-built Static ACL Materialized View An invalid name was specified for the static access control list (ACL) materialized view.
46023 Application Session affinity is not the same as when the cursor was parsed. The RAS security context changed since the cursor was parsed.
46026 creation of static ACL materialized view (MV) failed A static RAS ACL materialized view failed.
46050 Oracle Real Application Security internal error. Oracle Database Real Application Security internal error
46051 invalid application user specified The RAS application user name was invalid or missing.
46052 invalid session ID specified An invalid RAS session ID was specified.
46053 invalid cookie specified A valid RAS cookie was not specified.
46054 invalid namespace specified An invalid RAS namespace was specified.
46055 invalid role specified An invalid RAS application role name was specified.
46057 namespace already exists The RAS namespace already exists.
46058 attribute %s is invalid An invalid RAS namespace attribute %s was specified.
46060 user name not specified A valid RAS application user name was not specified.
46061 session ID not specified The RAS session ID was not specified in the procedure.
46062 Namespace not specified A valid RAS namespace was not specified in the procedure.
46063 not attached to XS Security session A RAS session was not attached to the database session.
46064 attribute name not specified RAS attribute name was not specified in the procedure.
46067 cookie not specified A valid RAS cookie was not specified.
46068 role not specified The RAS application role was not specified.
46071 Error occurred in event handler %s An error was returned by the RAS event handler %s.
46072 Column width too small The variable %s size %s is smaller than the required variable size %s.
46076 The specified name length not within valid range. The specified name length is not within the valid range.
46077 Length of value too large argument value too long
46078 Invalid event type specified An invalid RAS event type was specified.
46079 invalid external principal specified unable to complete the operation with the specified external principal name
46080 User status is currently inactive User status is currently inactive.
46084 cannot update or delete system-seeded XS objects. You cannot update or delete Oracle reserved RAS or XS objects.
46086 Cannot detach from a direct-login XS session cannot detach from a direct-login XS session
46087 Switching users not allowed for a proxy session switching users not allowed for a proxy session
46089 Unsupported verifier type unsupported verifier type
46090 Requested event handler not registered for the event The requested RAS event handler is not registered for the event.
46091 Requested event handler already registered for the event requested event handler already registered for the event
46092 Requested event handler does not exist The requested RAS event handler does not exist.
46093 Cannot destroy a direct-login XS session cannot destroy a direct login XS session
46094 XS user not effective The RAS user is not within the effective start and end dates.
46095 Invalid error code supplied invalid error code supplied
46096 An attribute in a namespace cannot have both default value and first read event set. An attribute in a namespace cannot have both a default value and the first read event set.
46099 Feature unsupported or not implemented feature unsupported or not implemented
46102 Privilege %s aggregated in security class %s is not found privilege %s aggregated in security class %s not found
46104 Security class %s cannot inherit from base security classes Security class %s cannot inherit from base security classes.
46106 Missing parent security class for security class %s missing parent security class for security class %s
46107 Privilege %s not found in the associated security classes Privilege %s is not found in the associated security classes.
46108 Invalid security class targetNamespace or name. Either the RAS security class name or RAS target namespace was invalid.
46112 Duplicate security class name %s under targetnamespace %s A duplicate RAS security class name %s already exists in the target namespace %s.
46113 Invalid identity value for the XS operator parameter at position '%s' An invalid identity value used for the RAS operator parameter at position '%s'.
46114 ACL name %s not found. A valid RAS ACL name %s not found.
46115 error raised during evaluation of a data realm An error was raised during the evaluation of a RAS data realm.
46150 XS Security - XS Principals tracing event XS Security - XS Principal tracing event
46152 XS Security - invalid %s specified An invalid parameter %s value was specified for the RAS procedure.
46153 XS Security - Purge existing application sessions when database is restarted XS Security - Do not purge existing application sessions when database is restarted.
46200 Attribute cannot be deleted. The attribute is seeded from the template. The attribute defined the in namespace template cannot be deleted.
46201 Attribute %s already exists in namespace %s. The attribute %s already exists in RAS namespace %s.
46203 handler is not specified in the namespace template Handler is not specified in the namespace template.
46206 Negative inactivity timeout value not allowed. Negative inactivity timeout value is not allowed.
46207 During global callback execution, %s is not allowed. Session operation %s is not allowed during global callback execution.
46208 Circular callback call caused by %s circular callback call caused by %s
46211 XS entity name length not within valid range. The RAS entity name length is either too short or too long.
46212 XS entity with this name already exists. RAS entity with this name already exists.
46214 Deletion of the XS entity is not allowed while dependencies exist. Deletion of the RAS entity is not allowed while dependencies exist.
46215 XS entity by the name %s did not exist. The Real Application Security (RAS or XS) object by the name %s does not exist.
46216 XS entities are not related. Real Application Security entities are not related.
46218 Unauthorized proxy user unauthorized proxy user
46219 Role version numbers mismatch in server and mid-tier. Role version numbers mismatch in server and middle-tier.
46220 database is in readable standby mode; changes will not be saved Database is in readable standby mode. Changes are not saved.
46222 Real Application principal name %s conflicts with another user or role name. The RAS principal name %s conflicts with another user or role name.
46239 Key manager not initialized. The RAS key manager was not initialized.
46243 The dispatcher's session does not exist. The RAS dispatcher session has timed out and does not exist anymore.
46245 Invalid session or namespace request invalid session or namespace request
46247 detach completed; session changes are not saved XS application session is detached but session changes are not saved
46250 Invalid value for argument '%s' invalid value for argument '%s' during %s execution.
46251 Value for argument '%s' out of range value for argument '%s' out of range
46256 Internal error: Audit Table not partitioned Internal error: Audit table is not partitioned.
46260 Error during audit trail cleanup failed to determine the last modified timestamp of the audit spillover file
46261 Error during audit trail cleanup, internal error Internal error occurred during a DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.CLEAN_AUDIT_TRAIL procedure execution.
46270 event to turn off Audit Commit Delay enforcement event to turn off audit commit delay enforcement
46273 DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT operation failed in one of the PDB DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT operation failed in one of the pluggable databases (PDBs). Check trace file %s for more information.
46276 DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT operation on unified audit trail failed DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT operation on unified audit trail failed.
46278 Conflicting operation using DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT routines Conflicting concurrent operations using DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT procedures.
46342 NOAUDIT command cannot be executed with IN SESSION clause NOAUDIT command cannot be executed with the IN SESSION clause
46350 Audit policy %s already applied with the BY clause. The unified audit policy %s is already applied with the BY clause.
46351 Audit policy %s already applied with the EXCEPT clause. Unified Audit policy %s already applied with the EXCEPT clause.
46352 NOAUDIT command with the EXCEPT clause is not allowed. NOAUDIT statement with the EXCEPT clause is not allowed.
46353 missing or invalid audit policy name. The unified audit policy name is either missing or invalid.
46354 missing or invalid audit context or attribute name. The audit context or attribute name is either missing or invalid.
46355 missing or invalid privilege audit option. The system privilege audit option mentioned is invalid.
46356 missing or invalid action audit option. missing or invalid action audit option
46357 Audit policy %s not found. Unified Audit policy %s was not found.
46359 Invalid auditing option for %s. invalid auditing option for %s type.
46360 Same auditing option cannot be both added and dropped in audit policy. The same auditing option cannot be both added and dropped while altering the unified audit policy.
46361 Audit policy cannot be dropped as it is currently enabled. The unified audit policy cannot be dropped because it is currently enabled.
46362 Could not translate variable ORACLE_BASE. Environment variable ORACLE_BASE is not defined.
46366 File '%s' is not a recognized Oracle audit file. File '%s' is not a recognized Oracle unified audit file.
46368 Audit policy does not have a simple rule condition. The unified audit policy does not have a simple rule condition.
46369 An error occurred while evaluating audit policy condition. An error occurred while evaluating unified audit policy condition.
46373 Audit policy '%s' must have at least one audit option. Unified audit policy '%s' must have at least one audit option.
46374 error during AUDIT or NOAUDIT of audit policy in an Oracle RAC enabled database error during AUDIT or NOAUDIT of audit policy in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) enabled database
46376 FGA policy owner '%s' is not available Fine-grained auditing (FGA) policy owner '%s' is not available.
46377 Auditing cannot be configured on the specified system privilege. Unified audit policy cannot be configured on the specified system privilege.
46379 generation of audit session ID failed with error '%d' Generation of audit session ID failed with %d.
46381 audit configuration using global roles is not supported Audit configuration using global roles is not supported.
46382 must disable unified audit policy on this role first cannot alter the role to a global role
46383 incorrect order of unified audit options incorrect order of unified audit policy options
46386 error during TRANSFER_UNIFIED_AUDIT_RECORDS operation error during DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.TRANSFER_UNIFIED_AUDIT_RECORDS procedure execution
46389 cannot alter or drop Oracle predefined policies cannot alter, drop, enable, or disable Oracle predefined policies
46390 incorrect tablespace type used invalid tablespace type used
46392 Unified Audit tracing event unified audit tracing event
46500 User is not a common user. User is not a common user. Common unified audit policies can be enforced only on common users.
46501 Object is not a common object. A non-common object was specified in an AUDIT POLICY statement.
46503 not connected to a pluggable database Local traditional audit configuration cannot be created in CDB root and application root.
46504 AUDIT command cannot specify ON <object> and CONTAINER clauses together. AUDIT or NOAUDIT command cannot specify ON <object> and CONTAINER clauses together.
46505 Role is not a common role. The role is not a common role.
46506 FGA handler schema is not common user. FGA handler schema is not a common user.
46507 FGA object name is not a common object. Fine-grained audit (FGA) object name is not a common object.
46605 master key identifier is invalid or missing Master key identifier is invalid or missing.
46614 export file name is invalid or missing Export file name is invalid or missing.
46617 master key identifier is invalid or missing Master key identifier is invalid or missing.
46620 backup for the keystore cannot be taken Keystore backup cannot be completed.
46622 location of the backed up keystore is incorrect Backup keystore location is incorrect.
46628 cannot alter the software keystore password Cannot alter the software keystore password.
46629 keystore was not open after the alter keystore operation Keystore was not open after the ALTER KEYSTORE operation.
46630 keystore cannot be created at the specified location Keystore cannot be created at location %s.
46631 keystore needs to be backed up The keystore must be backed up.
46632 password-based keystore does not exist Password-based keystore does not exist.
46634 creation of a local auto login keystore failed Cannot create a local auto login keystore at location %s.
46635 creation of an auto login keystore failed Auto login keystore creation failed at location %s.
46638 merging of the two keystores failed Merging keystores failed.
46641 incorrect file name for importing keys incorrect file name for importing keys
46642 key export destination file already exists The key export destination file already exists.
46643 file from which keys are to be imported does not exist The file %s, containing the keys to import into the keystore, does not exist.
46644 creation or open of file to store the exported keys failed The creation or open of file to store the exported keys failed.
46647 specified protection differs from that specified in the file The specified protection differs from what is specified in the file.
46648 cannot commit the keys to the keystore Cannot commit the keys to the keystore.
46649 master key with the specified identifier does not exist The master encryption key with the specified identifier does not exist.
46650 cannot retrieve information for a master key identifier cannot retrieve information for a master encryption key identifier
46653 cannot retrieve master key information cannot retrieve master encryption key information
46657 the source keystores are the same The source keystores are the same.
46659 master keys for the given PDB not found master encryption keys for the given PDB not found
46663 master keys not created for all PDBs for REKEY master encryption keys not created for all PDBs for REKEY
46668 client already exists in the keystore This client already exists in the keystore.
46670 client secret keystore operation failed Client secret keystore operation failed.
46673 write to the export file failed The write operation to the export file failed.
46674 read from the export file failed The read operation from the export file failed.
46675 write of keys for export failed The write operation of keys for the export failed.
46679 missing or invalid master key encryption algorithm Missing or invalid master key encryption algorithm - %s
46680 master keys of the container database must be exported Pluggable database (PDB) master keys must be exported.
46683 addition of master key string not supported with CONTAINER=ALL Addition of master key string not supported with CONTAINER=ALL.
46692 cannot close wallet Cannot close wallet while in use.
46703 switching over the PKCS#11 library is not supported Switching over the PKCS#11 library is not supported.
46704 wallet status is 'OPEN' for PDB, cannot create the password-based keystore Cannot create keystore for pluggable database (PDB) when the PDB's keystore status is OPEN.
46705 key is set for the PDB, cannot create the password-based keystore Key is set for the pluggable database (PDB). Cannot create the password-based keystore.
46709 autologin wallet already exists on disk The autologin wallet already exists on disk.
46713 password-based keystore not open in root container The password-based keystore was not open in root container.
46952 standby database format mismatch for password file '%s' format mismatch for password file '%s' in the standby database
46985 Service FireWall - ACL tracing event Service ACL trace event
47000 Factor Type %s already defined Factor type %s is already defined.
47001 Factor Type %s not found Factor type %s is not found.
47020 Factor %s already defined Factor %s is already defined.
47021 Factor %s not found Factor %s is not found.
47022 error creating Factor %s, %s Cannot create factor %s due to %s.
47023 error deleting Factor %s, %s cannot delete factor %s due to %s
47024 error updating Factor %s, %s cannot update factor %s due to %s
47025 Factor Link already exists for %s and %s Factor link already exists for %s and %s.
47027 Factor Link does not exist for %s and %s Factor link does not exist for %s and %s.
47034 cannot rename default factor %s Cannot rename default factor %s.
47040 Identity %s for Factor %s already defined Identity %s for factor %s is already defined.
47041 Identity %s for Factor %s not found Identity %s for factor %s is not found.
47060 Identity map for Identity %s.%s, Factor Link %s, %s already defined for operation %s on %s Identity map for identity %s.%s, factor link %s, %s is already defined for operation %s on %s.
47081 code %s not found in group %s Code %s is not found in group %s.
47100 Command rule %s already defined for %s.%s. Command rule %s is already defined for %s.%s.
47101 Command rule %s not found for %s.%s. Command rule %s is not found for %s.%s.
47102 error creating command rule %s for %s.%s, %s Failed to create command rule %s for %s.%s, %s.
47104 error updating command rule %s for %s.%s, %s Error updating command rule %s for %s.%s, %s.
47105 invalid object owner %s for command %s Object owner %s is invalid for command %s.
47110 cannot create command rules for %s.%s Cannot create command rule for %s.%s due to invalid scope.
47180 Integration Policy for OLS Policy %s is already defined Integration policy for Oracle Label Security (OLS) Policy %s is already defined.
47181 Integration Policy for OLS Policy %s not found Integration policy for Oracle Label Security (OLS) policy %s is missing.
47182 Label algorithm %s not found Label algorithm %s is not found.
47200 Integration Policy Factor already defined for Factor %s and Policy %s Integration policy factor is already defined for factor %s and policy %s.
47201 Integration Policy Factor not found for Factor %s and Policy %s Integration policy factor is not found for factor %s and policy %s.
47220 Label %s for Identity %s.%s under OLS Policy %s already defined Label %s for identity %s.%s under Oracle Label Security (OLS) policy %s is already defined.
47240 Realm %s already defined Realm %s is already defined.
47241 Realm %s not found Realm %s is not found.
47246 cannot change default realm %s to mandatory realm Cannot change default realm %s to mandatory realm.
47247 cannot rename default realm %s Cannot rename default realm %s.
47260 Realm authorization to %s for realm %s already defined. Realm authorization to %s for realm %s is already defined.
47261 Realm authorization to %s with %s scope for realm %s not found. Realm authorization to %s with %s scope for realm %s is not found.
47280 Realm Object %s,%s.%s already defined in Realm %s Realm object %s, %s.%s exists already in realm %s.
47282 error adding Realm Object %s,%s.%s to Realm %s, %s cannot add realm object %s, %s.%s to realm %s
47283 error deleting Realm Object %s,%s.%s from Realm %s, %s cannot delete realm object %s, %s.%s from realm %s as it is not a realm object
47284 error adding Realm Object %s.%s. %s is not a valid object type cannot add realm object %s.%s as %s is not a valid object type
47285 Object is not a common object. Object %s is not a common object.
47286 cannot add %s, %s.%s to a realm Cannot add %s %s.%s to the realm because of an invalid scope.
47300 Role already %s defined Secure application role %s exists.
47301 Role %s not found Secure application role %s is not found.
47320 Rule %s already defined Rule %s is defined.
47321 Rule %s not found Rule %s is not found.
47322 error creating Rule %s, %s cannot create rules %s, %s
47323 error deleting Rule %s, %s Cannot delete Oracle Database Vault rule %s due to %s.
47324 error updating Rule %s, %s Cannot update Oracle Database Vault rule %s, %s
47327 The scope of the Rule and the Rule Set are different. The scope of the rule and the rule set are different.
47328 cannot rename default rule %s Cannot rename default rule %s.
47340 Rule Set %s already defined Rule set %s is already defined.
47341 Rule Set %s not found Rule set %s does not exist.
47342 error creating Rule Set %s, %s Cannot create rule set %s due to %s.
47343 error deleting Rule Set %s, %s Cannot delete rule set %s due to %s.
47344 error updating Rule Set %s, %s Cannot update rule set %s due to %s.
47349 error occurred when executing the rule set handler An error occurred when running the rule set handler.
47350 cannot rename default rule set %s Cannot rename default rule set %s.
47360 rule %s already added to rule set %s Rule %s is already added to rule set %s.
47361 rule %s not associated to rule set %s Rule %s is not associated with rule set %s.
47362 error adding rule %s to rule set %s, %s cannot add rule %s to rule set %s
47363 error deleting rule %s from rule set %s, %s Cannot delete rule %s from rule set %s.
47381 Oracle Label Security (OLS) Policy %s not found OLS policy %s is not found.
47382 Oracle Label Security (OLS) Policy Label %s not found for policy %s OLS policy label %s is not found for policy %s.
47391 attempt to set Factor %s violates Rule Set %s An attempt to set factor %s violates rule set %s.
47392 Factor %s cannot be set factor %s cannot be set
47394 Factor assignment rule set not defined factor assignment rule set is not defined
47395 error returned by Factor %s evaluation expression %s error occurred from factor %s evaluation expression %s
47396 error returned by Factor %s validation expression %s Error occurred from factor %s validation expression %s.
47400 Command Rule violation for %s on %s command rule violation for %s on %s
47401 Realm violation for %s on %s.%s realm violation for %s on %s.%s
47403 NULL returned by Factor %s evaluation expression %s NULL value returned by factor %s evaluation expression %s
47404 NULL trust level for Factor %s NULL value for trust level of factor %s
47405 negative trust level for Factor %s negative trust level for factor %s
47406 ALWAYS AUDIT option set for Factor %s ALWAYS AUDIT option set for factor %s
47407 ALWAYS AUDIT option set for Rule Set %s ALWAYS AUDIT option set for rule set %s
47410 Realm violation for %s on %s Insufficient realm privileges to %s on %s.
47413 Cannot connect due to Oracle Database Vault policy. Cannot connect to database due to Oracle Database Vault configuration.
47420 Database Vault policy %s already defined Policy %s for Oracle Database Vault exists.
47421 Database Vault policy %s not found Oracle Database Vault policy %s was not found.
47422 The object already belongs to a Database Vault policy. The object already belongs to an Oracle Database Vault policy.
47424 The user %s already owns Database Vault policy %s. User %s owns Database Vault policy %s.
47425 The user %s does not own Database Vault policy %s. User %s does not own Oracle Database Vault policy %s.
47426 The object or its parent object belongs to a Database Vault policy. The object or its parent object belongs to an Oracle Database Vault policy.
47429 The common scope command rule cannot be created on local objects. A common scope command rule cannot be created with local scope objects.
47431 cannot rename default policy %s Cannot rename default policy %s.
47500 Database Vault cannot be configured. Oracle Database Vault cannot be configured due to missing objects.
47502 Database Vault is not yet configured. Oracle Database Vault is not configured.
47503 Database Vault is not enabled in CDB$ROOT or application root. Oracle Database Vault is not enabled in CDB$ROOT or application root.
47504 Common audit policies for component Oracle Database Vault not supported. Common audit policies for Oracle Database Vault component are not supported.
47505 Oracle Database Vault strict mode cannot be enabled in PDB. Strict mode of Oracle Database Vault cannot be enabled in a pluggable database.
47508 Oracle Label Security cannot be enabled inside an application action. Oracle Label Security cannot be enabled inside an application action of the application container.
47800 Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s to execute action %s already exists. Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s to perform action %s exists.
47801 Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s on schema %s to execute action %s already exists. Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s on schema %s to perform action %s exists.
47802 Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s to execute action %s is not found. Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s to perform action %s not found.
47803 Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s on schema %s to execute action %s is not found. Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s on schema %s to perform action %s not found.
47804 Oracle Database Vault application protection exception for %s already exists. Oracle Database Vault application protection exception for user %s exists.
47805 Oracle Database Vault application protection exception for %s does not exist. Oracle Database Vault application protection exception for user %s does not exist.
47806 Oracle Database Vault application protection exception for %s.%s already exists. Oracle Database Vault application protection exception for %s.%s exists.
47809 User %s is not an existing RAS user. User %s is not an existing Oracle Database Real Application Security (RAS) user.
47810 Oracle RAS attach session authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s on RAS user %s already exists. Oracle Database Real Application Security (RAS) attach session authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s on RAS user %s exists.
47811 Oracle RAS attach session authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s on RAS user %s is not found. Oracle Database Real Application Security (RAS) attach session authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s on RAS user %s was not found.
47812 Oracle RAS attach session authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s already exists. Oracle Database Real Application Security (RAS) attach session authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s exists.
47813 Oracle RAS attach session authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s is not found. Oracle Database Real Application Security (RAS) attach session authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s not found.
47910 failure to add language %s Failed to add language %s to Oracle Database Vault.
47940 cannot create a capture condition for a SYS user Cannot create a capture condition for SYS user.
47942 Privilege capture %s had been enabled with run name %s. A privilege capture %s with the run name %s already exists.
47950 no value defined for required parameter %s required value not defined for parameter %s
47951 invalid input value or length for parameter '%s' invalid input value or length for parameter %s
47952 Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s already exists Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s exists
47954 Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s on object %s.%s already exists Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s on object %s.%s exists.
47955 Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s is not found Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s was not found.
47956 Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s on schema %s is not found Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s on schema %s not found.
47957 Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s on object %s.%s is not found Oracle Data Pump authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s on object %s.%s was not found.
47958 Running EXP with direct path option is disallowed when Oracle Database Vault is enabled. Running EXP with direct path option is not allowed when Oracle Database Vault is enabled.
47961 Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s already exists Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s already exists.
47962 Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s on schema %s already exists Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s on schema %s already exists.
47963 Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s is not found Oracle Scheduler Job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s not found.
47964 Oracle Scheduler job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s on schema %s is not found Oracle Scheduler job authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s on schema %s was not found.
47965 DEBUG_CONNECT authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %0!s on schema %1!s already exists. DEBUG_CONNECT authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s on schema %s exists.
47966 DEBUG_CONNECT authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %0!s on schema %1!s is not found. DEBUG_CONNECT authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s on schema %s not found.
47967 DBCAPTURE authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s already exists. DBCAPTURE authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s exists.
47968 DBCAPTURE authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s is not found. DBCAPTURE authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s not found.
47970 DBREPLAY authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s is not found. DBREPLAY authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s was not found.
47971 Oracle proxy authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s on schema %s already exists Oracle proxy authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s on schema %s already exists.
47972 Oracle proxy authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s on schema %s is not found. Oracle proxy authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s on schema %s not found.
47973 Oracle DDL authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s on schema %s already exists. Oracle DDL authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s on schema %s exists.
47974 Oracle DDL authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s on schema %s is not found. Oracle DDL authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s on schema %s not found.
47975 PREPROCESSOR authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s already exists PREPROCESSOR authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s exists.
47976 PREPROCESSOR authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s is not found PREPROCESSOR authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s not found.
47977 Maintenance authorization%s for Oracle Database Vault to %s%s already exists. Maintenance authorization %s for Oracle Database Vault to %s%s exists.
47978 Maintenance authorization%s for Oracle Database Vault to %s%s on schema %s already exists. Maintenance authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s on schema %s exists.
47979 Maintenance authorization%s for Oracle Database Vault to %s on object %s.%s already exists. Maintenance authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s on object %s.%s exists.
47980 Maintenance authorization%s for Oracle Database Vault to %s%s is not found. Maintenance authorization %s for Oracle Database Vault to %s%s not found.
47981 Maintenance authorization%s for Oracle Database Vault to %s%s on schema %s is not found. Maintenance authorization%s for Oracle Database Vault to %s%s on schema %s not found.
47982 Maintenance authorization%s for Oracle Database Vault to %s on object %s.%s is not found. Maintenance authorization%s for Oracle Database Vault to user %s on object %s.%s was not found.
47983 Diagnostic authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s already exists. Diagnostic authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s exists.
47984 Diagnostic authorization for Oracle Database Vault to %s is not found. Diagnostic authorization for Oracle Database Vault to user %s not found.
47999 internal Database Vault error: %s\n Error: %s internal Oracle Database Vault error: %s\n Error: %s
48003 out of process memory when trying to allocate %s bytes (%s,%s) out of process memory
48004 ) out of shared memory in %s
49701 Parameter '%s' is NULL. Parameter %s is NULL.
53930 XSLT error %s. The error, %s, occurred while attempting to process XML metadata.
54015 Duplicate column expression was specified Duplicate column expression was specified.
54045 An invisible column cannot be granted a column-level object privilege. Column level object privilege cannot be granted on an invisible column.
54056 unsupported operation on sensitive column .
55361 duplicate specification for the namespace found duplicate specification for the namespace
55701 Turn OFF HP Exadata Storage Server Commit Cache Oracle Exadata storage server commit cache turned off
55905 Secure file log %s exists with same name Secure file log %s exists with the same name.
55906 Secure file log [id: %s name: %s] does not exist Secure file log [id: %s name: %s] does not exist.
55911 Log with id: %s is being destroyed log with ID: %s is being destroyed
55914 An invalid descriptor was passed to a log operation. Reason: %s an invalid descriptor was passed to a log operation because of: %s
56400 Transaction global cache debug event event for tracing transaction global cache
56608 DRCP: Server Group feature is not supported DRCP: Server Group feature is not supported.
56609 Usage not supported with DRCP usage not supported with DRCP
56752 Oracle Database Express Edition (XE) memory parameter invalid or not specified Oracle Database Free version (FREE) memory parameter invalid or not specified
56900 bind variable is not supported inside pivot|unpivot operation The bind variable is not supported inside a pivot or unpivot operation.
56901 non-constant expression is not allowed for pivot|unpivot values non-constant expression in pivot or unpivot values clause
56902 expect aggregate function inside pivot operation non-aggregate expressions inside the PIVOT clause
56905 pivot|unpivot operations are not supported on lateral views Pivot or unpivot operations are not supported on lateral views.
58017 File name '%s' contains non-permitted character '%s' in vault name File name '%s' contains unexpected character '%s' in vault name.
58019 file name '%s' contains vault name greater than 30 characters - '%s' file name '%s' contains vault name greater than 30 characters: '%s'
58020 file name '%s' contains nonpermitted character '%s' in template name file name '%s' contains unexpected character '%s' in template name
58022 File name '%s' starts a template name but does not finish one. File name '%s' starts a template name but does not finish the template name.
58023 File name '%s' does not follow a template name with a legal character. '%s' File name '%s' does not follow a template name with an expected character: '%s'
58024 File name '%s' contains an illegal character. '%s' File name '%s' contains an unexpected character - '%s'.
58025 File name '%s' contains a template name greater than 30 characters. '%s' File name '%s' contains a template name greater than 30 characters: '%s'.
59020 dropping mirror copy '%0!s' in disk group '%1!s' is already in progress Dropping mirror copy '%0!s' in disk group '%1!s' already in progress.
59021 drop of child file '%0!s' in disk group '%1!s' is not allowed Dropping child file '%0!s' in disk group '%1!s' is not allowed.
59024 dropping mirror copy '%0!s' in disk group '%1!s' failed as the file split is complete dropping mirror copy '%0!s' in disk group '%1!s' failed
59026 dropping file group '%0!s' in disk group '%1!s' failed as the file group has prepared mirror copies Dropping file group '%0!s' in disk group '%1!s' failed as the file group has prepared mirror copies.
59027 file group redundancy cannot be modified when there is a mirror copy A file group redundancy cannot be modified when mirror copy exists.
59034 Internal ASM event: retry due to ASMB connection changes Internal ASM event: retry due to ASMB connection changes.
59037 dropping mirror copy '%0!s' in disk group '%1!s' failed Dropping mirror copy '%0!s' in disk group '%1!s' failed.
59048 Redundancy could not be restored in group '%0!s'. Insufficient failure groups to restore redundancy in disk group '%0!s'.
59052 Slot allocation failed because maximum slots from Program Global Area (PGA) are used up. Memory allocation failed because maximum designated memory slots are used up.
59054 mismatch of logical block size for file '%0!s' - expected %1!s got %2!s Modifying the block size %s of a password file from an expected size of %s to size %s in ASM is not supported.
59303 The attribute %s (%s) of the diskgroup being mounted should be %s or higher. The attribute %s (%s) of the disk group being mounted should be %s or higher.
59311 The specified ASM instance '%s' does not exist. Cannot connect to the Oracle ASM instance '%s'.
59326 ASM rolling mode exit prevented by %s Rolling mode exit prevented by %s.
59327 Dropping more fail groups is not allowed with disk group redundancy. Dropping more failure groups is not allowed with the current disk group redundancy.
59328 Offlining more failure groups is not allowed with disk group redundancy. Taking more failure groups offline is not allowed with disk group redundancy.
59402 Internal ASM testing event for the Storage Service Internal Oracle ASM testing event for the Storage Service
59502 relocate client to %s is already in progress RELOCATE CLIENT to %s is already in progress.
59503 client '%s' not allowed to reconnect Client '%s' not allowed to reconnect.
59506 database process in a network read for too long database process interrupted due to SQL*Net read timeout
59513 rejecting a request to relocate the client to %s Rejected a request to relocate the client to Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance %s.
59518 Client instance %0!s is already connected to this ASM instance. Client instance %0!s is already connected to this Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) instance.
59521 Existing client instance %0!s is connected to this ASM instance. Existing client instance %0!s is connected to this Oracle ASM instance.
59523 Client instance name '%0!s' is too long. Instance name '%0!s' is too long.
59600 file %s has too many mirror copies; %s needed, %s allowed file %0!s has too many mirror copies; %1!s needed, %2!s allowed
59601 file group redundancy cannot be modified when associated with a volume A file group redundancy cannot be modified when it is associated with a volume.
59602 Moving ASM internal files to a file group is not allowed. moving Oracle ASM internal files to a file group is not allowed
59603 operation requires all disks in disk group %s to be online This operation requires all disks in disk group %s to be online.
59605 file '%s' not available; file group '%s' has too many disks offline File '%s' not available. File group '%s' has too many disks offline.
59606 cannot change redundancy of individual file types in file groups associated with a volume Cannot change redundancy of individual file types in file groups associated with a volume.
59607 COMPATIBLE.CLIENT is a read-only property by default COMPATIBLE.CLIENT property requires FORCE option for modifications
59610 database version %s is incompatible with file group '%s' The database version %0!s is incompatible with file group '%1!s'.
59611 parity requires RDBMS compatibility of %0!s or higher PARITY requires COMPATIBLE.RDBMS parameter of %0!s or higher for the ASM disk group
59612 File group '%0!s' is not a template file group. file group '%0!s' is not a template file group
59614 ASM file group of pluggable database '%0!s' was not dropped Oracle ASM file group of pluggable database '%0!s' was not dropped.
59801 ASM Filter Driver is not configured in the system. Oracle ASMFD is not configured in the system.
60518 cannot enable per PDB supplemental logging without local undo enabled cannot enable supplemental logging on PDB without local undo enabled
61019 Internal PMEM File Store error 61019 Persistent memory filestore resize operation failed
62007 Encountered a value of unsupported type or size for XPath (%s) encountered a value of unsupported type or size for XML nodes at path %s
62008 Cannot rewrite a newer version of XML redo diff (encountered: %s, supported: %s) Cannot rewrite a newer version of XML redo diff (encountered: %s, supported: %s).
62009 cannot encode an invalid XML character 0x%s in supplemental log cannot encode an invalid XML character 0x%s in a supplemental log
62014 internal error, arguments: [%0!s], [%1!s], [%2!s] internal error, arguments: [%0!s], [%1!s], [%2!s], [%3!s], [%4!s], [%5!s], [%6!s], [%7!s]
62185 materialized view log cannot be created on a MEMOPTIMIZE FOR WRITE table Materialized view log cannot be created on a MEMOPTIMIZE FOR WRITE table.
62232 Invalid expression used in ORDER BY clause within APPROX_RANK. invalid expression in ORDER BY clause within APPROX_RANK function
62233 Multiple expressions were used in the ORDER BY clause within the APPROX_RANK function. Multiple expressions are used in the ORDER BY clause within the APPROX_RANK function.
62245 Negative value has been passed to APPROX_SUM function. A negative value has been passed to APPROX_SUM function.
62346 Extent allocation failed Extent allocation failed.
62521 MATCH_RECOGNIZE is not supported on lateral views MATCH_RECOGNIZE is not supported on lateral views.
62575 more than one parameter of TABLE type is not allowed The parameter of type TABLE or COLUMN must not be NULL for a polymorphic table function.
65033 a common privilege may not be granted or revoked on a local object A common privilege cannot be granted or revoked on a local object.
65040 operation not allowed from within a pluggable database Operation is not allowed from within a pluggable database.
65047 Object %s.%s is invalid or compiled with errors in root. Object %s.%s is invalid or was compiled with errors in the root.
65054 Cannot open a pluggable database in the desired mode. Cannot open a pluggable database in the desired mode. PDB opening in %s, CDB opened in %s.
65067 DEFAULT ROLE clause referencing a local role can only apply to the current container DEFAULT ROLE clause is referencing a local role with CONTAINER=ALL.
65096 invalid common user or role name common user or role name must start with prefix %s
65138 Data file %s of pluggable database %s belongs to an orphan PDB incarnation. Data file %s of pluggable database %s with creation timestamp %s does not belong to PDB incarnation %s, or any of its ancestors.
65162 The password of the common user has expired The password of the common user has expired.
65175 cannot grant SYSDBA privilege locally in the root cannot grant local SYSDBA administrative privilege in CDB root
65207 invalid statement or feature or option specified invalid statement or feature or option or execution specified
65210 invalid value for UPGRADE PRIORITY invalid value for PRIORITY
65211 UPGRADE PRIORITY may only be specified for user PDBs PRIORITY may only be specified for user PDBs
65241 statement can only be executed when administering an application The VPD statement on an application root common object can only be executed during application maintenance.
65250 invalid path specified for file - %s invalid path specified for file %s
65299 cannot grant or revoke a privilege to or from multiple grantees cannot grant a privilege to multiple users or roles or revoke a privilege from multiple users or roles
65312 The password of the application common user has expired and cannot be changed. Expired application common user password change failed.
65345 cannot refresh pluggable database cannot refresh pluggable database, archive log not found for SCN %s
65394 LIBRARY does not use a DIRECTORY object The LIBRARY object does not use a DIRECTORY object.
65404 CLUSTERING clause specified more than once on a table a table or materialized view can only have one CLUSTERING clause, remove the redundant clause(s)
65466 family '%s' contains an illegal character or is too long Family '%s' contains an illegal character or is too long.
65470 unnecessary lost write command - lost write already in requested state Lost write already in requested state.
65474 lost write tablespace does not exist or has insufficient space or lost write is off Lost write tablespace does not exist or has insufficient space, or lost write protection is disabled.
65489 Lost write tablespace cannot be enabled or created Lost write tablespace cannot be enabled or created.
65491 A lost write bigfile tablespace must exist before attempting to enable lost write A lost write bigfile tablespace must exist before attempting to enable lost write.
65492 Cannot get data file space header cannot get data file space header
65499 Illegal SHADOW LOST WRITE operation on a read-only database incorrect SHADOW LOST WRITE operation on a read-only database
65508 cannot send or receive an invalid LOB locator over database link cannot send or receive an invalid LOB locator over a database link
65514 invalid LOB ENABLE STORAGE IN ROW value invalid ENABLE STORAGE IN ROW value
65535 Oracle Database client cannot handle error code exceeding 65535. Actual error code and message follow:\n Oracle Database client does not support error number exceeding 65535.