
graphviz: different style definitions for node svg definitions

 graphviz is a very nice tool to create visual graphical representations of dependencies.
In my case  it's used for my kids book reviews, to make the characters dependencies visible easily. 

Do change the color of different shapes - or maybe specific self defined classes - css is used. But to understand which node style can be addressed by a specific style definition, I did not find any documentation about shapes and their implementation. 

So I did a simple test and tested the different shapes: 
Most shapes are implemented as polygon; ellipse, oval, circle, doublecircle and (partially) mcircle are defined as ellipse.
ncylinder is implemented as path

This leads to this css:

.graph>polygon {
	fill: white;

.node>polygon {
	fill: palegreen;

.node>ellipse {
	fill: deeppink;

.node>path {

.node>text {
which created the picture shown. 

Maybe I need to refer to such details quite often in my kids near future ;) 

The .dot file to create the proper svg can be found here

The original svg (quite big): 

sample n_box n_box n_polygon n_polygon n_box--n_polygon n_ellipse n_ellipse n_polygon--n_ellipse n_oval n_oval n_ellipse--n_oval n_circle n_circle n_oval--n_circle n_point n_circle--n_point n_egg n_egg n_point--n_egg n_triangle n_triangle n_plaintext n_plaintext n_triangle--n_plaintext n_plain n_plain n_plaintext--n_plain n_diamond n_diamond n_plain--n_diamond n_trapezium n_trapezium n_diamond--n_trapezium n_parallelogram n_parallelogram n_trapezium--n_parallelogram n_house n_house n_parallelogram--n_house n_pentagon n_pentagon n_hexagon n_hexagon n_pentagon--n_hexagon n_septagon n_septagon n_hexagon--n_septagon n_octagon n_octagon n_septagon--n_octagon n_doublecircle n_doublecircle n_octagon--n_doublecircle n_doubleoctagon n_doubleoctagon n_doublecircle--n_doubleoctagon n_tripleoctagon n_tripleoctagon n_doubleoctagon--n_tripleoctagon n_invtriangle n_invtriangle n_invtrapezium n_invtrapezium n_invtriangle--n_invtrapezium n_invhouse n_invhouse n_invtrapezium--n_invhouse n_mdiamond n_mdiamond n_invhouse--n_mdiamond n_msquare n_msquare n_mdiamond--n_msquare n_mcircle n_mcircle n_msquare--n_mcircle n_rect n_rect n_mcircle--n_rect n_rectangle n_rectangle n_square n_square n_rectangle--n_square n_star n_star n_square--n_star n_none n_none n_star--n_none n_underline n_underline n_none--n_underline n_cylinder n_cylinder n_underline--n_cylinder n_note n_note n_cylinder--n_note n_tab n_tab n_folder n_folder n_tab--n_folder n_box3d n_box3d n_folder--n_box3d n_component n_component n_box3d--n_component n_promoter n_promoter n_component--n_promoter n_cds n_cds n_promoter--n_cds n_terminator n_terminator n_cds--n_terminator n_utr n_utr n_prinmesite n_prinmesite n_utr--n_prinmesite n_restrictionsite n_restrictionsite n_prinmesite--n_restrictionsite n_fivepoverhang n_fivepoverhang n_restrictionsite--n_fivepoverhang n_threepoverhang n_threepoverhang n_fivepoverhang--n_threepoverhang n_noverhang n_noverhang n_threepoverhang--n_noverhang n_assembly n_assembly n_noverhang--n_assembly n_signature n_signature n_insulator n_insulator n_signature--n_insulator n_ribosite n_ribosite n_insulator--n_ribosite n_rnastab n_rnastab n_ribosite--n_rnastab n_proteasesite n_proteasesite n_rnastab--n_proteasesite n_proteinstab n_proteinstab n_proteasesite--n_proteinstab n_rpromoter n_rpromoter n_proteinstab--n_rpromoter n_rarrow n_rarrow n_larrow n_larrow n_rarrow--n_larrow n_lpromoter n_lpromoter n_larrow--n_lpromoter

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