Oracle ASM can list files which belong to a (current active) instance.
The command is lsof. Unfortunately it does not provide the process-ID which holds the file open. lsof gets the data from internal view X$KFFOF, which contains additional information.
Based on all I found (which is close to nothing) I can provide this SQL - might it help, to find the holder of an open AMS file form now on.
SELECT lsof.GROUP_KFFOF as GROUP_NUMBER , lsof.NUMBER_KFFOF as FILE_NUMBER , lsof.INSTANCENAME_KFFOF as INSTANCE_NAME , lsof.DBNAME_KFFOF as DB_NAME , lsof.CLUSTERNAME_KFFOF as CLUSTER_NAME , lsof.OSID_KFFOF as OS_PID , lsof.PATH_KFFOF as PATH , lsof.FLAGS_KFFOF as FLAGS , lsof.TIMESTAMP_KFFOF as TIMESTAMP FROM X$KFFOF lsof WHERE 1=1 AND bitand(flags_kffof, to_number('00004000', 'XXXXXXXX')) = 0 -- kffilf_invalid = 0x00004000 ;