A very good example for doing so is regular extraction of data for processing in a data warehouse. That's also the case which led to this post.
The setting is just slightly more complex: both, primary and standby site are RACs - of course when you plan to switchover/failover, they should be somehow similar. (And in case of a disaster, it's planned to failover an disable all not-so-important activities; warehouse extract would be one of those).
Also the offloaded activities are slightly more complex than a simple query. In this case PL/SQL code is included. According to the documentation, that's not an issue at all - it's still read only. But in this DB (, it was an issue: Sometimes the result was not as expected.
Now I first need to define the expectation: in this special case, the ERROR is the expectation, and no error the wrong result. Whenever a package (with global variables) is changed in a session, all other sessions which initialized the package before the change, but called it afterwards, must get
04068, 00000, "existing state of packages%s%s%s has been discarded" // *Cause: One of errors 4060 - 4067 when attempt to execute a stored // procedure. // *Action: Try again after proper re-initialization of any application's // state.
Then the application can catch this error, re-initiate the package and continue.
that's how it should be.
But we sometimes had strange results in the test environment. After some investigation, we found it and I simplified it to this Testcase:
Testcase: (results are only shown when of any interest) INST1_ ... Instance1 INST2_ ... Instance2 PRI ... Primary DB ADG ... Active DataGuardit's important the sessions are not closed within the test!
prepare user:
-- create the user create user SR_TEST1 identified by "xxx" default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp; grant connect, create session, create procedure, create table to SR_TEST1; alter user SR_TEST1 quota unlimited on users;
-- connect & create objects connect SR_TEST1/"xxx" set serveroutput on create table tab1 (id number, ver varchar2(30)); insert into tab1 values (1, '_'); commit; create or replace PACKAGE PACK AS first_load date := to_date('3333-01-01 01:01:01', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'); PROCEDURE proc; END PACK; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY PACK AS PROCEDURE proc AS BEGIN if first_load > sysdate then first_load := sysdate; end if; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('1: loaded first on ' || to_char(first_load,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ); NULL; END proc; END PACK; / update tab1 set ver='1' where id=1; commit; create or replace procedure proc1 is begin SR_TEST1.pack.proc; end; / -- test & initiate set serveroutput on exec SR_TEST1.proc1 select * from tab1; > 1: loaded first on 2017-03-15 09:52:00 > > PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. > select * from tab1; > > ID VER >---------- ------------------------------ > 1 1
-- connect & create objects connect SR_TEST1/"xxx" set serveroutput on -- test & initiate set serveroutput on exec SR_TEST1.proc1 select * from tab1; > 1: loaded first on 2017-03-15 09:53:00 > > PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. > select * from tab1; > > ID VER >---------- ------------------------------ > 1 1
-- connect & create objects connect SR_TEST1/"xxx" set serveroutput on -- here the redo apply is running select sid from v$session where program like '%MRP0%'; > SID >---------- > 2 -- test & initiate set serveroutput on exec SR_TEST1.proc1 > 1: loaded first on 2017-03-15 09:53:21 > > PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. > > select * from tab1; > > ID VER > ---------- ------------------------------ > 1 1
-- connect & create objects connect SR_TEST1/"xxx" set serveroutput on -- NO redo apply is running hereselect inst_id, sid from gv$session where program like '%MRP0%'; > no rows selected -- test & initiate set serveroutput on exec SR_TEST1.proc1 > 1: loaded first on 2017-03-15 09:54:00 > > PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. > > select * from tab1; > > ID VER > ---------- ------------------------------ > 1 1
-- change package body CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY PACK AS PROCEDURE proc AS BEGIN if first_load > sysdate then first_load := sysdate; end if; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('2: loaded first on ' || to_char(first_load,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ); NULL; END proc; END PACK; / update tab1 set ver='2' where id=1; commit; -- test set serveroutput on exec SR_TEST1.proc1 select * from tab1; > 2: loaded first on 2017-03-15 09:55:51 > > PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. > > > ID VER > ---------- ------------------------------ > 1 2
-- test set serveroutput on exec SR_TEST1.proc1 SR_TEST1@EBSSID051 > BEGIN SR_TEST1.proc1; END; * ERROR at line 1: ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded ORA-04061: existing state of package body "SR_TEST1.PACK" has been invalidated ORA-04065: not executed, altered or dropped package body "SR_TEST1.PACK" ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "SR_TEST1.PACK" ORA-06512: at "SR_TEST1.PROC1", line 4 ORA-06512: at line 1 > select * from tab1; ID VER ---------- ------------------------------ 1 2 -- THIS Is the expected result
-- test & initiate set serveroutput on exec SR_TEST1.proc1 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded ORA-04061: existing state of package body "SR_TEST1.PACK" has been invalidated ORA-04065: not executed, altered or dropped package body "SR_TEST1.PACK" ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "SR_TEST1.PACK" ORA-06512: at "SR_TEST1.PROC1", line 4 ORA-06512: at line 1 select * from tab1; ID VER ---------- ------------------------------ 1 2
-- test & initiate set serveroutput on exec SR_TEST1.proc1 1: loaded first on 2017-03-15 09:54:00 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. select * from tab1; ID VER ---------- ------------------------------ 1 2-- HERE you see the update on the table is applied on ADG already, but the procedure output is still prefixed with 1: - not 2: as it should be.
-- to check: the package is there!
set pages 99
select text from all_source where name = 'PACK'
and type = 'PACKAGE BODY'
3 order by line;
if first_load > sysdate then
first_load := sysdate;
end if;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('2: loaded first on ' || to_char(first_load,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') );
END proc;
12 rows selected.
Even the testcase is clear and simple, it was not that easy to identify the root cause in a more complex life environment. Special thanks to Andy Sayer who helped me to sort and refine my ideas over twitter.
With this testcase I was able to open a SR at Oracle, and after some some Support-ping-pong I got a useful information:
I'm only aware of one Patch:25808607 (for PSU: - together with some other patches) which is available right now. But you can ask for your own, if you have an Active Dataguard and RAC, and Packages with global variables.