And the answer is simple: Yes, but NO!
Well, ok; that's not very helpful. But whenever is anything simple in modern IT?
So I'll show why Yes, it's possible:
first as SYS create a dummy user without special permissions and a function to drop the shared pool:
create user berx identified by xxx; grant connect to berx; grant select on v_$instance to berx; create or replace function sys.flush_shared_pool_bx return varchar2 as begin execute immediate 'alter system flush shared_pool'; return 'Flush_Shared_Pool executed on ' || sysdate || ' by ' || sys_context('USERENV', 'SESSION_USER'); end; / grant execute on sys.flush_shared_pool_bx to public; SELECT * FROM TABLE(gv$(CURSOR( SELECT INSTANCE_NUMBER, sys.flush_shared_pool_bx flush_result FROM v$instance)));
Unfortunately I can not use the gv$ function as user berx directly.
So a view does the trick:
create view v_flush_shared_pool_bx as SELECT * FROM TABLE(gv$(CURSOR( SELECT INSTANCE_NUMBER, sys.flush_shared_pool_bx flush_result FROM v$instance))); grant select on v_flush_shared_pool_bx to public;
create or replace function f_gv_flush return DBMS_DEBUG_VC2COLL PIPELINED IS res varchar2(120); cursor c1 is SELECT INSTANCE_NUMBER || ' - ' || FLUSH_RESULT as in_result FROM TABLE(gv$(CURSOR( SELECT INSTANCE_NUMBER, sys.flush_shared_pool_bx flush_result FROM v$instance))); begin FOR res_row in c1 LOOP pipe row (to_char(res_row.in_result)) ; END LOOP; return; end; /
and now it's so simple to flush on all instances:
connect berx/ select * from sys.v_flush_shared_pool_bx; INSTANCE_NUMBER FLUSH_RESULT --------------- -------------------------------------------------- 1 Flush_Shared_Pool executed on 10-APR-17 by BERX 3 Flush_Shared_Pool executed on 10-APR-17 by BERX 2 Flush_Shared_Pool executed on 10-APR-17 by BERX
select * from table(sys.f_gv_flush); COLUMN_VALUE ----------------------------------------------------- 1 - Flush_Shared_Pool executed on 10-APR-17 by BERX 2 - Flush_Shared_Pool executed on 10-APR-17 by BERX 3 - Flush_Shared_Pool executed on 10-APR-17 by BERXSo obviously the answer if I an flush shared pool in all RAC instances - even in Active DataGuard is: Yes.
But at the same time the answer is NO, as I'm using the gv$ function - and this is not documented, so it's not wise to use it.
If it was not about an Active DataGuard, I'd use a scheduler job to run the flush shared_pool on all instances, but as the ADG is read only, I can't use it.
If you have another idea, how to do this (only with oracle means, no cronjob or similar), please let me know!
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