I'm no shell-coder, but sometimes I'm curious and in such situations this script will come out.
In this particular case its output just gives the Switchname, Switchport, VLAN and Duplex settings, but everyone who wants can do a lot more (and better).
the script itselve:
#!/usr/bin/bash snoopfile="/tmp/snoopy$$.bin" snoopline="/tmp/snoopy$$.line" snoop -d $1 -c 1 -vv -o $snoopfile 'dst 01:00:0c:cc:cc:cc and length > 50' snoop -i $snoopfile -x 26 | nawk -F: ' { print $2 } ' | \ cut -b1-41| sed -e 's/ //g' | nawk 'BEGIN { ORS="" } { print $1 } ' | \ tr [a-z] [A-Z] > $snoopline instr=`cat $snoopline` while [ $instr ] do typ=`echo $instr | cut -b1-4` lhex=`echo $instr | cut -b5-8` length=$(echo "ibase=16; $lhex*2" | bc) next=$(echo "ibase=16; $lhex*2+1" | bc) if [ $length -gt 8 ] then texthex=`echo $instr | cut -b9-$length` else texthex="" fi # echo "$typ $lhex $texthex" if [ $typ == "0001" ] then printf "Switchname: " while [ $texthex ] do charhex=`echo $texthex | cut -b1-2` chardec=$(echo "ibase=16; $charhex" | bc) printf "%b" `printf '\x%x' $chardec 2>/dev/null` texthex=`echo $texthex | cut -b3-` done echo " " fi if [ $typ == "0003" ] then printf "Switchport: " while [ $texthex ] do charhex=`echo $texthex | cut -b1-2` chardec=$(echo "ibase=16; $charhex" | bc) printf "%b" `printf '\x%x' $chardec 2>/dev/null` texthex=`echo $texthex | cut -b3-` done echo " " fi if [ $typ == "000A" ] then echo "VLAN: 0x$texthex $(echo "ibase=16; $texthex" | bc)" fi if [ $typ == "000B" ] then echo "Duplex: $texthex" fi instr=`echo $instr | cut -b$next-` done rm $snoopfile $snooplineSorry for the line-breaks - you will have to reformat it a little bit (cut, paste & think).
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